Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 49: Heading east


Bai Wu looked around and began to use the Eye of Prell to lock the direction.

If you stare into the darkness, these eyes will not give you any answers, which also means... if you go blind, or are temporarily blinded, your abilities will be unusable.

But as long as your eyesight is still there, even if you are staring into space or at an obstacle, the notes will sometimes provide some information.

But how to analyze the truly useful parts from this information depends on the level of the owner of the eyes.

Bai Wu looked towards the north.

The north is the grassland where herbivorous animals live.

When I was going through security, the detector kept beeping. The security lady asked me to take out all my belongings and checked them, but it was still beeping. Then she asked me what I did. I said I was a herbivore from Baichuan Zoo. She said, "Oh my god, no wonder it detected metal substances. Good morning, iron waste!" If you go this way, the evil spirits you encounter will not actively attack you. Although they crave oil, they don't crave blood.

Bai Wu hesitated for a moment.

"If you go straight north and cross the iron fence, you will enter the area where herbivores live. But the notes don't mention whether there is any useful information in this area... And this road is relatively safe. I don't feel fear, and they won't attack me..."

He made no decision and looked towards the west again.

Going back along this road, you will reach the outskirts of the zoo, which is a park. The park is divided into two parts, the amusement park and the horror house. It is an area that is more distorted than the zoo. With your current strength, it is too early to challenge there. Or you can try it. Maybe if you die, you can travel through it again

The zoo is a separate area. If we go back and bypass the three ostriches, we will probably enter the real purple area

"This direction is too dangerous and appears to be the wrong answer."

Bai Wu looked towards the east:

A hole appeared in the iron net in the south, causing the iron fools inside to run out. They occupied half of the rest areas along the road.

In contrast, Bai Wu looked towards the south:

If you are behind the iron waste, then here is the iron fool, although they are stupid, they are very powerful. Mechanization and mechanization cannot be generalized. Their energy reactors can absorb oil and flesh.

"None of the four directions mentioned which road was a waste of effort. It seems I have to make my own judgment. In other words, there are some clues worth exploring in all four directions."

The latter is more likely, but Bai Wu must choose the most efficient route.

He finally chose to go east, to the other end of the road.

"The notes mentioned that there are many human resting bases in this place. The text information should not be hidden in the grassland, but in these bases."

Just 700 meters above the white fog, there is an observation deck, which is 22 meters high. There is a lounge in the middle for tourists to rest, and there is a telescope on the top.

Bai Wu trotted towards the observation deck and received feedback from his sight:

I have good news and bad news to tell you again. The good news is that the telescope here is a soul-enabling item that can only be used outside the tower. The bad news is... you can't take it with you. By the way, as a gift of conscience, I'll give you another piece of bad news. There is a little fool sleeping in the observation deck.

Bai Wu quickened his pace. This was the first stronghold. The information he received was that there was an evil creature hiding in this bunker-like observation deck.

The other party is sleeping, which is an advantageous situation.

"There are still seven minutes before the next negative attribute arrives. I should at least see the effect of that telescope."

Within seven minutes, in order to prevent more negative attributes from falling on himself, Bai Wu must exit the non-combat state.

He soon arrived at the bottom of the observation deck and walked up the spiral staircase to the entrance of the lounge.

The white fog at this time is like Liu Bei throwing his child - handle it with care.

He heard the rhythmic sound of gears turning, and he guessed that this was the snoring of the idiots in their sleep

Bai Wu gently pushed the door open, only slightly. He recognized the evil figure that appeared in his eyes.

A young rhino, level 3 evil, distortion entry: thick skin and flesh. Rare distortion entry: mechanization. It was dreaming, in the dream it was running happily on the prairie, in front of it there was a plump Italian cow flirting with it. Just like humans like beast girls, we rhinos also like other species.

A well-mannered person will not interrupt other people's erotic dreams.

Especially in Bai Wu's previous life, he found that for many young people, even after many years of adulthood, the most real experiences still came from dreams... It's too miserable.

With five minutes left, he bypassed the rhino and quickly searched the room.

The mechanical rhino isn't huge because it's still relatively young, but its entire body is covered in steel.

On the table behind the rhino, there are some advertising leaflets for other projects in the zoo.

Generally, tourists will interact with other projects when they travel. For example, if you go to see Donald Duck, the staff will tell you that Mickey Mouse is also very cute today. When you go to see Mickey Mouse, the people over there will say that Big Bad Wolf is very energetic today.

Bai Wu took a look and found that it was a circus brochure.

"This circus should also belong to another area."

There are various animals drawn on the brochure, as well as several people dressed as clowns. Due to its age, the color blocks on the brochure have fallen off, making the clowns look particularly hideous.

It’s just a preview of the next episode. Although the world is big, as long as you keep going outside the tower, you will eventually encounter this circus troupe.

There was no valuable information in the cabinet under the desk. There were only some daily necessities, band-aids, pens and the like.

But on the other wall, Bai Wu saw some words posted.

“Please do not feed -35# diesel and ethanol gasoline.”

This sentence comes from 2022.

This sentence made some sense, but considering the current situation of the zoo, Bai Wu suddenly understood.

"The year 2024 should be the most chaotic time in human history before the arrival of the Tower Age, but various changes have already begun in the years before."

"In 2022, zoo animals will become mechanized, and they will no longer be fed with food, but with various oils and liquids."

What's absurd is that according to the report from the Ninth Hospital, a lot of evil has begun to appear on the outskirts of the city, but some people in the city still have the leisure to visit the zoo

But think about it, the Big Bad Wolf here looks like Metal Garuru, and the gorilla here looks like the gorilla general in Beast Wars. No boy can resist such temptation.

The rhino's snoring was still even and loud.

There were still four minutes before the next negative attribute came, and Bai Wu walked to the top floor.

The telescope in the viewing area is a spirit-involving item, and he is curious about what clues it can bring.

Weakness Perspective Mirror, compared to me, it is not as knowledgeable as me, but it is more focused and affectionate, and will only give you one hint - the opponent's weakness.
