Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 52: Doomsday debris carrier


Since it has become the "toilet" of the oil depot, there is naturally no stench.

The entire zoo seemed to have undergone a huge change, not only the organisms but also the environment.

Bai Wu also believed that the rules of the world outside the tower were definitely not as simple as he thought.

This doomsday catastrophe is like a change in the rules of the world.

There is usually nothing left in the toilet, but on the inside of the toilet door... Bai Wu did find some information:

"That dog... I told them there was something wrong with that dog, but why didn't they listen to me? We should have gotten rid of that dog earlier! It's back, it's back to take revenge on us!"


No matter how good Bai Wu was at guessing, he couldn't deduce any information.

However, the clues came much faster than Bai Wu had imagined.

The lions outside the stronghold began to make uneasy sounds, and there was actually fear in the sounds.

Bai Wu didn't think much about it and walked out of the base. At this moment... he found that the ground was shaking slightly.

It looked like some giant creature was trampling the area.

Throughout the zoo, various mechanical animals made roars, as if warning that something extremely dangerous was approaching.

In the sight of the white fog, an extremely huge creature appeared.

Level 7 mutation, rare distortion entries: mechanization, unlimited energy, stitching. Perfect distortion entries: gigantic, overload operation, thermal armament.

As you can see, this is a dog, and you can even recognize it as a husky from its dull eyes, but in this area, it is the undisputed overlord and the carrier of the doomsday puzzle fragment. To take the fragment, you need to get its approval.

This is a super giant creature that is comparable to a warship in size.

From the head, one can vaguely identify its species as a dog, but due to excessive deformation, there is no trace of dog-like features on the body.

The skeleton is connected to the machine, and the internal organs are all engraved with precise patterns, but it does not have the beauty of a machine.

The head still retained flesh and blood, but the body was only a skeleton, and those bones were covered with densely packed gun barrels.

These gun barrels look like the hunting rifles from Bai Wu's previous life.

This giant beast that suddenly appeared completely suppressed the little lion in the white mist in terms of momentum.

The lion was like a kitten, curled up inside the oil depot and shivering.

Gigantic, as a perfect distortion term, it symbolizes absolute power. Dandeler also has Gigantic, and when he enters the second stage, the stomach form, his power is almost a world apart from the previous form.

The strength of this evil creature is even stronger than the two disciples, and is only second to Hong Yin.

"Having three perfect entries... That's more than I can handle."

Bai Wu didn't know what overload operation and hot arming were, but looking at the densely packed shotgun barrels all over his body, he could conclude that this was definitely the reason why this big dog dominated this area.

"It looks like it's patrolling its territory?"

Bai Wu was not panicked. Instead, he took the initiative and gently comforted the lion beside him.

Compared with this huge white-bone husky, the white fog and the lion seem too small.

The terrifying body like a mountain moved slowly. As the distance got closer, Bai Wu could feel the ground shaking more and more strongly.

He had a calm expression on his face, thinking seriously about the previous dungeon areas.

"So, the fragments of Doomsday actually have corresponding guardians?"

"The guardian of the Ninth Ward should be Hong Yin, but the fragments have been moved... This may be related to Cain."

To find Cain, you have to use the traction wheel. In the short term, Bai Wu doesn't want to use the traction wheel.

He stared at the huge husky roaming around the area, constantly deducing the truth:

"The Husky is not a stray dog. This dog must have an owner. This owner must be closely related to the zoo."

"Previous information shows that the zoo staff once thought about getting rid of this dog. This dog came back for revenge... Why would a dog want to take revenge on humans? It seems that this zoo has a story."

So far, Bai Wu has not seen a single human being do evil, and all he has encountered are animals doing evil.

He had a vague feeling that something was wrong. Cain had left behind the stories of his disciples in the area associated with the traction wheel.

But perhaps each zone itself... the keepers of the fragments have their own story.

"The information mentioned in the note is that obtaining the fragments of the Doomsday puzzle is to make the guardian recognize me, not to eliminate the guardian..."

Bai Wu narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, the scene he broadcast live, the extremely huge evil, also greatly satisfied the sensory needs of the audience in the tower.

Just as some people suffer from thalassophobia, others just like to see these strange and huge creatures.

The spectators at the bargain port were becoming more and more excited. Even the organizers knew that this level of depravity was not common even in the blue zone.

"What kind of monster is this... I bet a day's worth of nutritious meals on it. If this thing appeared in our mining area, it would definitely scare everyone to death..."

"This live broadcast is much more interesting than the last one!"

"Constantine is so awesome! A real man should ride a lion and fight monsters!"

"My Ah Yao Ah Kai still had a smile on his face, but suddenly it's not as good anymore."

From the perspective of Bai Wu at this moment, it seemed as if the mountains in the distance suddenly moved, and the huge monster like a mountain was slowly moving, dragging its body covered with bones and firearms.

The birds in the sky that were flying like fighter planes fled quickly, but soon... they were all shot down by this terrifying vicious dog.

However, the vicious dog had no interest in the mechanical cores of these birds. It seemed to be searching for something, or wandering aimlessly.

This perspective is like humans walking on the streets of Tokyo, watching monsters suddenly appear and fight Ultraman.

Over the past seven hundred years, these animals have also figured out some rules.

Therefore, most animals hid in the base to sleep. Because of the world outside the tower, some scenes cannot be destroyed.

After seven full minutes, the lion next to him finally stopped trembling.

It raised its head proudly again and looked at its little wife Bai Wu, as if the one who had huddled up in fear just now was not it.

For the animals here, there is no shame in being afraid of that huge hound.

Bai Wu rode on the lion's back again, and when he pointed in the direction of the giant dog, the mecha lion was obviously resisting.

"Well, the feelings brought by the ring are still not strong enough. You are not willing to take risks for me."

Bai Wu could only watch Xiao Wangcai leave.

Seven hundred years of fear had taught the lion one thing: the dog must not be provoked. It was the master of the entire zoo area.

Bai Wu did not force him. His eyes were soon attracted by another thing.

Where the lion had stepped, there was a field of mechanical debris, and the bodies of antelopes and elks were trampled to pieces.

The mechanical cores were scattered around. It seemed that they were too far away from the body to repair themselves, but they did not transform into flesh and blood like the snake.

"This is a chance to observe evil up close."

The evil of mechanization and the evil of genetic mutation, these two completely different levels, will they foreshadow...

When the doomsday came, there were actually two different forces