Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 84: Escape from the purple area


This time Bai Wu refreshed in the business class. He was already familiar with the terrain, and without any hesitation, Bai Wu got up and went directly to Economy Class 1.

As expected, reincarnation brought these monsters back to the plane, but Wujiu did not come back.

Because all the power from evil cannot penetrate into that tower.

The scene at this time was quite chaotic, because it was not just the white fog, the mentality of those evil people who returned to the plane again began to explode.

Over the past seven hundred years, they have long been accustomed to despair and thought that nothing more painful would ever happen.

But just now, they did experience something more painful—

What is more terrifying than despair is seeing hope in a still hopeless environment.

The hope that had been extinguished for seven hundred years was rekindled, but was suddenly extinguished, which undoubtedly further increased their resentment.


This legendary distortion entry is like a curse of doom that can never be escaped.

Of course, they didn't dare to vent their anger on the mummy Yin.

Especially the bandages wrapped around Mummy Yin, which kept pouring out of the cargo hold like living things. The evil ones realized that Mummy Yin was angry.

Of course, the only one who could make Mummy Yin so angry was the evil one who defeated him.

The area guardians know the power of the Doomsday Fragments.

This is the kingdom it has carefully built, and only with the fragments of doomsday can this kingdom become more solid.

Even if the horrible monsters under the sea of clouds suddenly flew into the sky, as long as it had the fragments of doomsday, it could firmly hold its own territory.

But now that the fragments have been taken away, Muniu Yin's kingdom is in danger of collapse.

It was furious, and the bandages were like countless arms, frantically searching for the white mist.

And those evil people who wanted to please Mu Nai Yin also began to look for the whereabouts of Bai Wu.

The life-threatening situation made Bai Wu take out his watch again.

But not to mention that he hasn't put it on yet. Even if he does, it will take a lot of time to transform into the complete form of Evil.

The evil creatures in the business class have already pounced towards the white fog.

At such a critical moment, Bai Wu still had a calm expression, but his tone was truly tragic and desperate:

"Yanjiu is still waiting for me! I can't die here!"

He is gambling.

Bai Wu is now certain that there must be some connection between Yan Jiu and the woman who had her caesarean section performed.

On the one hand, it's some kind of telepathy. On the other hand, it's blood relationship.

For seven hundred years, the woman who performed the cesarean section hated Professor Yan, but she did not necessarily hate the descendants of the Yan family.

Because after all... that's all her blood.

Evildo tore at Baiwu's flesh and blood, and he didn't care about his image and bit back.

The purpose is just to make his pitifully low health bar last a little longer.

It was as if we were back in the second act. As soon as he was resurrected, he was killed by some evil being.

The level five mutant with green light all over its body also appeared. Bai Wu cursed inwardly. Although the worst that could happen was that he would have to start over again, he really wanted to die in a less environmentally friendly color.

Just when Bai Wu began to plan, if there was no Shorty, could he break through the situation through the transformation brought by the watch—

The situation on the field changed again!

He heard the woman's command, and then he heard a dog barking!

The dog finally got the order from the goddess!

This dog-headed evil creature, which has been quietly accompanying the woman who had undergone cesarean section for seven hundred years, seems to have ushered in the highlight moment of its fallen life!

It rushed into the group of evil creatures violently and began to bite them crazily! The behavior of this mad dog also angered the other evil creatures.

The sixth-level mutated mad dog was unable to fully resist the attack of a group of fifth-level evil creatures.

But it didn't defend itself at all, allowing those evil people to continue to hurt it.

Sharp claws pierced its arms, fangs penetrated its ribs, and the terrifying green light sucked its life force.

But this mad and evil dog just didn't fall down.

Then a strange scene appeared. All the evil people who attacked the dog-licker had wounds exactly the same as its own!

Perfect distortion entry, shared injury.

By watching the battle and reading the literal meaning, Bai Wu roughly guessed the nature of the shared injury—

Within the range of influence of the entry, the damage suffered by the Evil Fallen will be shared with other units on a one-to-one basis.

He couldn't help but exclaim: What a good dog!

The strong intervention of the toady directly attracted the firepower of a group of level five evildoers, but there are still many evildoers pouring into the business class.

After being tossed around, Bai Wu's upper body was already full of bite holes and a bloody mess, and he had no strength at all to destroy the scene.

But it wasn’t just the bootlickers who aided him in his evil ways.

The eyes of the evil woman who had undergone cesarean section became unfocused, as if she had entered some kind of conscious illusion.

The next second, all the evil stopped for a few seconds. The visual effect of this scene was as if time had stopped!

Mental strength*4.

Although it is not a rare or perfect item, any item with quadruple attributes is absolutely difficult to resist.

Bai Wu can now imagine how terrifying Hong Yin, a ninth-level mutant with mental power*12, is.

All the evil ones were controlled by the mental power of the Caesarian Woman, except for the seventh-level mutant Mummy Yin.

After sensing the battle in the business class, Muniyin used the bandages to attack the white mist.


The cesarean woman smashed the window of the plane with her body. Without any hesitation, she jumped out of the plane in a white mist!

The broken gap is like a monster's mouth, and the bandages are like the monster's tongue!

They kept pouring out from the gap, trying to intercept the white mist!

But just when the bandage was about to touch the white mist, the evil dog also jumped off the plane with his goddess!

While falling, it did not forget to protect its goddess, tearing the bandages with its sharp claws and fangs.

What awaits it must be endless torture from Mu Nai Yin, but it doesn't care at all.

Bai Wu was amazed at the dog's heroic act, and also at the ruthlessness of the woman who performed the cesarean section, who didn't even look at it from beginning to end.

Muniu Yin's bandages could no longer stretch any further, and the white mist and the cesarean section woman fell into the blood-red clouds together.

The return wheel was flashing, and he knew that he was finally leaving this place.

"Take this... it will lead you to Yanjiu's whereabouts."

While falling from a high altitude, the woman who had undergone cesarean section held onto the white mist with one hand, and with the other hand... she took out the half heart from her torn stomach.

Bai Wu wanted to say that the organs of the things on the evil body could not be brought into the tower, but the notes described that these were not internal organs:

At the moment she turned into an evil being, all her organs had been separated from her body and had no connection with her anymore. So this heart was actually just a decoration, so the question is, as a decoration, how could it allow her to establish a connection with the heirs in the tower? You have already guessed that this heart, as a decoration, had a spirit parasitism reaction. But curious eyes have another question: How could an evil being allow an object to be parasitized by spirits