Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 91: The decision of Wujiu


On the bottom floor of the tower, there is a hospital.

Bai Wu suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

With the joint treatment of several owners of the healing sequence in the Zhenyu Army, Bai Wu's body, although still in tatters, has regained consciousness.

He suddenly opened his eyes, which surprised the several soldiers who were treating him, because this man was seriously injured, but woke up earlier than expected.

As soon as Ding Taisheng saw Bai Wu awake, he immediately went to the bedside, but before he could explain the situation, Bai Wu already knew what had happened.

It seems that the Zhenyu Army has intercepted me. It is a completely useless move.

"If Captain Ding wants to know the whereabouts of Miss Yan Jiu, then don't bother. I have already told the captain all the whereabouts, and Captain Ming should have arranged people to follow the captain. As for your action of intercepting me, it is actually a waste of time. However, thank you for the treatment. Besides, I don't want to talk now. Captain Ding, you can leave now."

Ding Taisheng: …

"Okay, I'll tell you, the target is at the site of the Sixth Noble Academy on the third floor. Come on, report to Team Ming as soon as possible."

Ding Taisheng: …

He suddenly felt that he had no idea what to say once this kid opened his mouth.

The other party provided the intelligence too quickly, and he did not have time to use the threats he had thought of. The speed of this confession was comparable to a French surrender.

Bai Wu really didn't care. At this time, I'm afraid that Shorty has already found Yan Jiu. After seeing Shorty's true strength on the plane, he really didn't believe that those people in Mingche could keep up with Shorty's speed.

Thinking about the terrifying knife lights and phantoms he saw on the plane, Bai Wu really wanted to say to Ming Che: Stop it, Ming, there are only dwarfs outside.

The injuries on his body made it difficult for him to move, so Bai Wu simply reviewed the adventure.

"The companion power has not increased, and it is still in the purple area. Even after jumping out of the plane, half of it fell into the red area... It seems that the constraints of reincarnation on living things have exceeded the rules of the main world. Fortunately, I didn't waste too much time in it."

"The explosion of the plane can be traced back to before the explosion... At that time, I fell down with Yan Jiu and her ancestors, and we were considered to have escaped from that area. The same was true for those evil spirits, but they were still taken back by the reincarnation."

"But Shorty and I haven't... Is it because of the tower? It seems that the tower is absolutely effective in dispelling evil. It's a pity that I haven't even been to the fourth floor, let alone the sixth floor."

Looking at the ceiling of the hospital ward, Bai Wu thought of the mummy Yin, and also remembered the note - the area exploration degree was 22%.

This means that you almost only get the quest items, but skip the entire plot.

"So we still don't know what the secret of that plane is. I previously thought that the cesarean section woman was the source of infection, but Mu Nai Yin is also parasitic with evil thoughts."

"There are so many things to explore in the cargo hold. Maybe that's where the real secret of the plane lies. It looks more like an experiment."

No longer troubled by the six-minute time limit, Bai Wu had time to think carefully. He now realized that there were actually many places on the plane that were extremely terrifying if he had the emotion of "fear".

For example, why was there a mummy on the plane

The bandages on Mummy Yin are spirit objects, so does that mean that before Mummy Yin entered the plane... he was still a human being? And a living person at that

Why would a living person be entangled like that? What was the real intention of the mastermind who gathered more than 300 miserable people on the plane

Why did the plane go to the tower

"It's a pity that we skipped too many plots due to limited time. But this challenge does prove one thing, that I am not yet capable of facing the purple area. If it weren't for the shorty and the spirit of the watch... I would have been trapped in there forever."

Bai Wu thought of the watch. If he wore the watch in the tower and became evil, would he disappear on the spot

These strange thoughts emerged one after another, but an accident soon interrupted his thoughts -

"Quick! Quick! Follow me to the third floor!"

Ding Taisheng just called Mingche and learned some information.

Seeing Ding Taisheng's anxious look, Bai Wu asked:

"what happened?"

Ding Taisheng hesitated for a second, but still told Bai Wu:

"We found Miss Yan Jiu, but the robber got away. Our Zhenyu Army was almost wiped out... The robber, the robber is said to be a super-giant monster!"

This answer surprised Bai Wu.

The entire army was annihilated, which meant that they did fight with the robbers, but even after the fight, could Shorty still let his opponents get away

And what about the super giant monster

"Where's my captain?"

"Of course he's fine!"

Bai Wu felt a little relieved, and at the same time he was guessing in his heart, if a person could escape from the captain... then that person is most likely Cain, right

The third floor of the tower is the former site of the Sixth Noble College.

Ten minutes ago, Liu Mu knocked out all the possessed Zhenyu soldiers, thus putting an end to the chaos created by Cain.

But the battle between Wujiu and Cain was not over yet.

Wujiu relied on his terrifying speed to overwhelmingly suppress Cain, and Cain also displayed his extremely powerful means.

Cain himself possesses a certain ability to relieve force, and most of Wujiu's attacks have had their force reduced when they land on him.

At the same time, the suit, top hat and mask he wore were all items that had been possessed by spirits and had powerful defensive abilities.

And these items not only have excellent defensive power...

In the last minute of the battle, Cain said:

"Show me all your abilities. Is this the only strength you have? If so, you can't kill me!"

Cain's body became huge, truly huge, and the entire stadium was soon stretched out by his growing body.

Those props for possessing spirits actually grew larger as well and were not stretched out.

Liu Mu looked at this scene in shock. It was the first time he saw this kind of ability.

"What sequence is this? Why... have I never seen it before?"

Now Cain was like a giant who had come to Lilliput. Wujiu and Liu Mu were like dust in his eyes.

If Bai Wu was here, he would be able to see that Cain used at least three abilities.

Rare distortion entries, super strength, block.

Perfect distortion entry, super gigantic.

These are abilities that only the evil ones possess, and they are the abilities of disciples.

Super gigantism can give Dendeler overwhelming power, and now Cain can naturally also possess this terrifying power.

"Come on, shorty! Oh, no, now in my eyes, there is no such thing as tall or short. You are all ants. It's just that one is fatter and the other is thinner~"

Before this, Cain and Wujiu had fought for a long time, and Liu Mu was already shocked by the other party's strength, but now, Liu Mu suddenly felt that maybe this person... was stronger than Wujiu!

Liu Mu even suspected that if this monster jumped, it would shake the entire third floor... or the entire tower.

Wujiu frowned, looking at the huge Cain, he also felt the difference in power.

And the next second, he did something that shocked Liu Mu.

Wujiu's figure flashed, and he actually came behind the fifth-level Zhenyu Army master, and then knocked him out cleanly and neatly.

"What are you doing?" Liu Mu was confused.

"Old Liu, can I trust you?" Wujiu asked a strange question.

"Nonsense, we have a life-long friendship."

"Okay, the target is in the storage room, protect her."

"And you?"

"I'm going to kill this monster with my other sequence."