Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish

Chapter 18: 018 (buying a house at the base)


Gu Fan's return was warmly welcomed by Meng Lianying and Fenghuo.

After Gu Fan came down from the upstairs after taking a bath, Fenghuo had already placed a large bowl of spicy crayfish, iced drinks, and sliced fruit that he had just brought out on the coffee table, and then sat down with Meng Lianying on the couch. On, leaving the middle seat to her, Tarzan was squeezed into the corner of the sofa.

There are also two single sofas, Xinghe is reading a newspaper with gold glasses, Qingteng is holding a tablet and playing a shooting game.

"Come on Fanfan, I'll peel it for you!" Fenghuo waved to her frequently.

With such enthusiasm, Gu Fan had to wonder if Meng Lianying had used the muscle-building and blood-boosting pill she sent in front of his teammates.

She asked with her eyes.

Meng Lianying usually likes to bicker with Fenghuo, but he is not stupid, he still has some eyesight, and shook his head slightly. This time their mining mission went very smoothly. After a little injury, Qingteng's ability was able to be used. He didn't waste any good things. The bottle of red pills that Gu Fan gave him was untouched.

Gu Fan sat on the sofa.

There was a plate in front of her, and Fenghuo and Meng Lianying bent their waists and lowered their heads as they peeled shrimp for her.

Gu Fan greeted the others: "Everyone, come and eat."

Xinghe smiled warmly: "You eat, we came back yesterday morning and have already rested."

Qingteng and Taishan also said no.

Gu Fan had to eat by himself.

Fenghuo: "Fanfan, talk to us, what have you and Lu Shao been through these past few days, Fengxiong should be dead, right?"

Gu Fan understood, everyone wanted to hear the story.

Gu Fan could have said something, starting from Lu Ya's cruelty to use her as a bait to attack the wind bear, talking about Lu Ya's injury, talking about picking herbs on the top of the mountain, talking about the fat fish robot and the water monster at the bottom of the lake, and finally using Lu Ya to waste it. A luxury car also asked her to join the army's rear medical team.

While eating and telling, the wonderful stories are finished, and the crayfish are also eaten.

The three of them went to the kitchen to wash their hands together, and then sat back.

Fenghuo looked at Meng Lianying: "Lu Shaoke is really not kind enough to treat Fanfan like this, how can he let Fanfan be the bait."

Meng Lianying was ashamed to have such a cousin.

Gu Fan had just vented his dissatisfaction, and now he said a good word for Lu Ya: "It's alright, he gave me the corpses of twelve A-level beasts as a reward, and he also helped me collect medicines, half of which are bad and half of them are bad. Okay, it's even."

Fenghuo: "This is flat? What about the car accident?"

Gu Fan: "That's why I raced first, giving him a chance to gain wisdom. When I go with them twice, I will never make this kind of mistake again."

She thought so generously, Meng Lianying finally whispered: "Fanfan, my cousin must be at fault, but he is not for himself, he just doesn't want to see too many sacrifices in the army, you are a wood-type superpower. , and also alchemy, my cousin just treats you as a talent, and wants to make full use of your healing power."

Qingteng: "From Shao Lu's point of view, what he did is understandable, but Gu Fan has the freedom to choose what to do, and he cannot force Gu Fan."

Xinghe lifted the frame of the mirror, and said to the point: "Qingteng's healing ability is stronger, but Lu Shao has never tried to win over Qingteng."

Taishan: "Well, Lu Shao's attitude towards Gu Fan is a bit abnormal."

Fenghuo frowned: "Could it be that Lu Shao covets the many beauty?"

Gu Fan: "... Qingteng is also very beautiful." To tell the truth, Qingteng's figure has not yet grown, and she is as young as a half-old child.

Qingteng glanced at Fenghuo coldly.

Meng Lianying coughed: "Don't talk nonsense, my cousin is not that kind of person. How many forces in the base want to marry the Lu family, and they are scrambling to introduce beautiful women to my cousin. My cousin has never been dismissive."

Xinghe speculated: "Lu Shao probably attaches great importance to Fanfan's ability to concoct pills. Let's not mention the growth pills for the time being. If you use the beast avoidance pills well, it may be more useful than an army."

Gu Fan: "But I can only refine low-level medicine pills, and my grandfather made the beast avoidance pill."

Fenghuo: "I see, Lu Shao wants to have a good relationship with you first, and then use you to win over your grandfather!"

Xinghe smiled, leaned back on the sofa, and continued to read the newspaper.

Gu Fan always felt that Xing He's smile just now was very intriguing, as if he had seen through something.


The hiring team had no plans to accept the mission for the time being. The next day, Fenghuo and Meng Lianying accompanied Gu Fan to the city hall to exchange for merit points.

The skins of the twelve A-rank monsters and the credit for killing them made Gu Fan's book a lot of money. In addition to the more than 10,000 points he earned from selling medicine before, and the 10,000 hard work that Lu Ya paid as promised, the total has reached 10,000 points. 230,000.

"Fanfan is now a little rich woman." After walking out of the city hall, Fenghuo congratulated Gu Fan.

Gu Fan: "This is not enough. I want to buy a villa with a big garden."

Meng Lianying: "Da Huayuan, do you want to turn it into a medicine field?"

Gu Fan nodded.

Meng Lianying looked at the beacon fire, touched his chin and said, "If you want to get a medicine field, you don't have to live in a villa."

This also starts with the regional distribution of the Jiangnan base.

If you stand at a high altitude, you will find that the Jiangnan base is divided into five obvious annular areas. The central area is the center of the base's economic, political, cultural and other aspects, and the people living here are either rich or expensive. The second ring is densely populated with high-rise buildings, and the base has a population of nearly 20 million, including most ordinary people and some people with abilities.

Sanhuan is a planting area. The grain, fruits and vegetables of the entire base are provided by Sanhuan, which is operated and managed by government agencies, and private individuals are not allowed to participate in the food production chain.

The fourth ring is stationed with an army of millions of supernatural beings led by the four major marshals, and the fifth ring is a vast protection area to prevent the beasts from attacking.

"The third ring, the fourth ring, and the fifth ring are definitely not considered. There should be a place for you to grow medicine in the second ring."

Gu Fan: "Is it dangerous to live in the Second Ring Road?"

She still felt that the central area, where wealthy people lived, was the safest.

Meng Lianying smiled and said: "The entire base is safe now, there are really monsters coming, and there are millions of troops guarding the Fourth Ring Road, how can it be enough for you to deal with, besides, we will definitely not let you move there by yourself, You really decided to go to the Second Ring Road to buy a house, and we'll go with you."

Fenghuo: "Yes, yes, we will live wherever you live. If your grandfather comes to look for you one day, seeing that we have taken care of you so well, maybe he will give us a high-end medicinal pill as a snack. "

How can there be unprovoked enthusiasm? Fenghuo is so attentive to Gu Fan, not simply because he admires Gu Fan's beauty.

He said it openly, but Gu Fan felt at ease.

Jiangnan base, she just arrived, being with this fairly honest and sincere mercenary team is also a kind of support for her.

"Let's go, let's go back and have a good discussion."

As soon as the topic opened, Qingteng had no problem with living in Jihuan, and it was enough for everyone to stay together.

Taishan also has the same meaning, no matter what is discussed, he and Qingteng have the least words.

Xinghe analyzed for Gu Fan: "I'm in favor of moving to Erhuan. The potential users of your medicines are still ordinary people. Living in Erhuan is convenient for selling. If someone needs it, they will go to Erhuan to find you. The second ring is much more convenient than ordinary people flocking to the first ring.”

Gu Fan: "That's the truth, but I think the Second Ring Road seems to be all high-rise buildings. I prefer to live in a place with beautiful scenery. First, I like quietness, and secondly, the environment is more suitable for herbs to grow."

Fenghuo said: "Leave this to me, the second ring is so big, you should get your driver's license first, and I will go to the second ring with Lianying to find it."

Next, Fenghuo and Meng Lianying went to look for a house in the second ring. Qingteng accompanies Gu Fan to the driving school and learns to drive. Of course, she plays the role of a guide, driver and bodyguard, lest any uneasy and kind-hearted person with supernatural powers bully Gu Fan.

Gu Fan lived a very fulfilling day. He practiced driving, read books, and watched dramas to understand everything about Earthlings. At night, he stayed in his room and focused on cultivating.

Five days later, Gu Fan got his driver's license with outstanding performance.

Fenghuo and Meng Lianying also found a good place.

The Jiangnan Base has a very developed water system and lush vegetation. In the past, the riverside and lakesides were rich areas, but after being chased and bitten by monsters, most ordinary people in the base had a kind of fear of mountains, forests and deep waters. Psychological, so the closer to the mountains and rivers the fewer people live, which is convenient for them.

On the riverside, lakeside, and several mountains with an altitude of two or three hundred meters, you can choose casually.

Gu Fan's courage is not much greater than that of ordinary people, looking at the green peaks and asking, "Is there really no monsters here?"

Meng Lianying: "There used to be, as early as the establishment of the base, it was cleaned up, including all the waters in the base, there are only some small animals that have not mutated, otherwise how can the base be so stable? Even if one is missed, I will Cousin, they don't have the face to serve as officers anymore."

Gu Fan thought of the fat fish robot, the detection technology of the earth people is indeed convincing.

Picking and picking at more than a dozen locations, Gu Fan finally picked a Phoenix Mountain that was closest to the center of the base.

The next day, the six went to Phoenix Mountain to choose a place to live.

Phoenix Mountain is about 300 meters high, and there are many abandoned buildings. In order to relieve the population pressure on the Second Ring Road, the base has renovated the original village houses in the mountain, which has attracted some people to move here, partly because they cannot afford to live there. More expensive houses, some are bold, and some are power users.

The staff of the sales department warmly welcomed them and introduced the properties for sale one by one in front of the house distribution map in Phoenix Mountain.

The five people in Xinghe let Gu Fan make a decision.

Gu Fanxiang caught two independent villas on the mountainside. The two villas were next to each other, and the surrounding terrain was relatively flat, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Buying two villas together, plus the surrounding mountains, the total is only 100,000 merit points.

After the location was selected, everyone went to the halfway up the mountain to see the house. The two villas have been renovated for five years and are in good condition. Once the home is purchased, you can move in immediately.

When buying the bedding for the bedroom, the six of them invariably turned their attention to the same type of mattress for the luxurious queen bed that Lu Ya had taken out.

How do you know it's the same

I would also like to thank Fenghuo. When he was watching Lu Ya's bed that day, he flipped through the product label of the mattress.

After three busy days, the two villas have been renovated.

Gu Fan lives alone. Except for one bedroom, kitchen, and living room, all other rooms are empty. It may be useful to grow herbs later.

On June 29, Gu Fanzheng brought Fenghuo, Meng Lianying, and Qingteng to reclaim medicine fields, and Xinghe and Taishan came back from the central area.

Fenghuo: "How about it, did you find any good tasks?"

Xinghe: "Well, the Lu family's army will set off for Anshi on July 15, and released a coordinated mission this morning. All mercenaries can participate in this cleanup. The merit points for killing monsters are doubled compared to free killings."

Meng Lianying smiled: "This kind of good thing, of course we go."

They just don't want to be bound by military regulations, but the army's disposal of monsters is for the benefit of all mankind, and they never fail to participate in such military activities.

Gu Fan thought that, Lu Jiajun made such a decision, does it mean that Lu Ya has killed the S-rank black snake

After all, he promised to take her to visit Hyundai Pharmaceutical on the 30th.

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