Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish

Chapter 23: 023 (Gu Fan's performance...)


There are too many monsters, and the battlefield time is precious. For those who are seriously injured, the accompanying senior wood medics will only heal them to the extent that they will not be fatal in a short time, and then immediately send them to the rear. The wood medics will Save powers and try to save more lives before mental exhaustion.

The specific treatment and post-care work are mainly concentrated on the rear medical team.

Gu Fan's medical team is located in the northwest of the base and is responsible for receiving wounded soldiers on the northwest battlefield.

Thirty-six people in the "0186" team are responsible for a total of 120 beds.

As the battle continued, the beds on their side were quickly filled.

In this wave, Gu Fan was assigned to four patients.

One B-level power user, three C-level power users.

The B-level power user was attacked by a fire monster, and half of his body was burned black. The front-line medics healed his neck and eyes, and the rest was left alone. It's not cruel, but there are too many injured people on the front line. If the medics delay the time to focus on diagnosis and treatment of one person, it will lead to the death of others due to inefficiency.

Of the three C-level power users, one had his calf bitten by a monster, one was stabbed in the eye by a soil thorn, and one was directly bitten by a wolf monster to his right arm.

The four of them were lying on the same bed, looking in pain, or clutching the bed board or twitching in pain, but none of them wailed.

It's not just them, all the wounded who were brought in tried their best to endure the pain, not making a sound if they could.

Gu Fan was the first to walk to the B-level power user who was burnt by the fire. This is a man in his forties, with a medium height but a strong body. Seeing Gu Fan, his intact right eye even conveyed to her. smile.

This is an enthusiastic, strong and optimistic man with a guard base.

Gu Fan was timid herself, but she admired such a good person.

The wood spirit power was running, and Gu Fan performed a "healing technique" on him.

The burn area is large, but it is all skin damage. Modern medicine may be troublesome to treat. However, for Gu Fan, this kind of burn is much easier to deal with than the six blood holes Lu Ya had. It was just a healing technique, and all the burnt skin of the man was scarred, a dry and hard layer, like a monster's lina.

The man looked at Gu Fan in shock.

He doesn't hurt anymore!

With such a severe burn, he didn't even feel pain!

In fact, if Gu Fan continues to use it, he can still make his scab fall off and grow new skin, but there are three wounded waiting for her next to her, and more are still on the way. The relief of pain for each wounded is the treatment requirement that Gu Fan has set for himself.

"You rest first. If there is still energy left at night, I will try to further treat you."

After simply comforting him, Gu Fan walked to the second wounded.

This C-level power user was in his thirties, his eyes were stabbed by a soil thorn, and his face was covered in blood. The front-line medics kept his eyeballs.

The location of the wound is dangerous, but the scope is not large. Gu Fan performed a little healing technique, and the other party's injury was completely healed.

The man jumped in shock!

Gu Fan didn't want to be too high-profile, like an ordinary medical staff, while checking the injury of the third person, he reminded the young man who was cured: "The injury is all healed, let's go back to the battlefield."


Obviously, the young man was not frightened by the thrill just now. He saluted Gu Fan and ran out.

The third wounded was a woman in her forties. The two rows of teeth marks left by the monster on her right leg were deeply visible to bone.

On Gu Fan's side, it is also a minor injury, which can be cured at one time.


The female power user has a calm personality and is not as excited as the one just now. After thanking her, she set off to return to the battlefield by herself.

The fourth wounded looked the youngest, maybe only twenty years old. He was missing a right arm. He didn't cry, but his face was full of tears, immersed in his own pain. He didn't even pay attention to the three wounded next to him. During the diagnosis and treatment process, until Gu Fan came over, he wiped his eyes with his left hand.

"Does it hurt?" Gu Fan asked.

The young man shook his head, smiled at Gu Fan with tears in his eyes, and laughed at himself: "I just think I'm useless."

He is a gold-type ability user. He thought that he could traverse the battlefield like a young marshal, but he did not expect that he would become disabled on the first expedition.

The three people in front were very strong. Only this young man gave Gu Fan the opportunity to ask a question: "Will you regret it?"

Obviously he can stay at the base and enjoy stability, but he has to run out to kill monsters for the 20 million unrelated ordinary people at the base, and pay the price of an arm. Will he regret it when he is still so young

The young man didn't seem to expect that a medical staff would ask this. After a few seconds of silence, he replied while weeping: "I don't regret it, I killed twenty-seven monsters, it's not for nothing."

Gu Fan understood and healed him.

She couldn't heal the broken arm, but she healed his wound.

The disappearance of the pain stopped the young man's tears, and he sat up in disbelief, looking down to examine the wound.

For the power user, the broken arm just can no longer use some hot weapons, and the power attack is not affected, so he can still stay in the army, and even return to the battlefield like the first two recovered wounded soldiers.

"You, are you a B-level medic?" The young man asked Gu Fan in surprise, because he knew that C-level medics didn't have such an efficient treatment speed.

Gu Fan smiled and said, "C-level, practice makes perfect."

The young man's eyes lit up, and practice makes perfect, so if he continues to improve himself, is it possible to surpass the C-level attack level


The first wave of Gu Fan took over the wounded and returned the three wounded to the battlefield. This efficiency attracted the attention of the medical staff of other teams.

It's just that the wounded soldiers are constantly sent over, and we don't have time to communicate for the time being.

The treatment continued until seven o'clock in the evening, when darkness announced the end of today's battle.

The last wave of wounded was sent, and the five-element spiritual energy in Gu Fan's body was almost exhausted. Small wounds were healed, but there were too many wounded.

In order to complete the final task tonight, Gu Fan even quietly absorbed a piece of wood spirit stone.

Finally finished work, Gu Fan wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked up to observe his teammates, and saw that someone had already sat on the ground.

There were more than 100 hospital beds in the camp, and the rest were densely packed single-person bunks. The wounded who had received treatment and could not return to the battlefield were lying on those bunks at this time. There were no one thousand or eight hundred.

The soldiers in charge of catering brought spar to deliver meals to the "0186" team, one serving per person.

"Gu Fan, your cure rate is too high, is it really only C-level?"

"That's right, if I healed all the minor wounds like you, then I would have to exhaust up to ten mental powers at most, not to mention the time-consuming, your speed is simply unbelievable, the fastest, it seems that there are three five minutes?"

"Yes, yes, Gu Fan's efficiency is very high, and the high-efficiency painkillers are not as fast as your painkillers!"

Thirty-six medical staff gathered to eat together, and almost all the topics were focused on Gu Fan.

Gu Fan can only continue to point out the reasons for "practice makes perfect" and "quantitative change leads to qualitative change": "I will use my mental power every day until it is exhausted. The level is innate, but I can try to increase the capacity of my mental power. Therefore, my mental power The reserves may be higher than yours."

The medical team was lost in thought.

They pondered. Gu Fan was the first to finish his meal and put the food box in the place where he was collected. Gu Fan greeted his teammates: "I went to sleep first, and now my energy is empty, I have to hurry up and rest."

Everyone was in a similar state and nodded.

In order to ensure the sleep quality of the medical team, each of them has their own sleeping tent, which is set up outside the medical team.

Gu Fan walked out, and when she reached the door, she stretched out her hand to pull the door, her hand almost touched the doorknob, and suddenly someone opened the door from outside.

Gu Fan looked up and saw an acquaintance unexpectedly.

Lu Ya was dressed in black armor, and she didn't seem to expect her to be here, so she moved.

Gu Fan smiled, stepped aside, and let him come in first.

Lu Ya glanced inside, but instead gave her a "come out" look.

Gu Fan went out.

As night fell outside, there were light-shielding layers on the outside of the tent, blocking the light inside, and it was pitch black all around.

"How do you feel?" Lu Ya took her a few steps away and asked in a low voice.

Gu Fan said the truth: "I'm very tired, I just want to sleep now."

Lu Ya was silent for a second and said, "Go and rest."

Gu Fan turned around and was about to leave when he thought of something, stopped and asked him, "How is your front line?"

Lu Ya: "It went well."

Gu Fan was relieved and walked to his tent wearily.

Lu Ya watched her disappear, and then entered the tent to check the situation of the wounded here.

To let the wounded rest well, he questioned the captain of the "0186" medical team alone.

"Don't worry, the injuries of the wounded sent over are basically contained, and the team members are very responsible, especially Gu Fan, her healing effect and efficiency are excellent among B-level ability users, and all the wounded she handles. , more than half of them have returned to the battlefield, young marshal, look at this kind of talent, do you want to arrange her to go to the front line?"

The way the army reuses talents is to send talents to the front line to play the biggest role.

The medical captain believed that if Gu Fan was on the front line, half of the wounded she had cured would not have to waste time traveling to and from the battlefield.

But Lu Ya said, "No, she plays better in the back."

Gu Fan was too timid and asked her to go to the front line. She patronized to avoid monsters, so how could she have the energy to treat others.

There were other medical teams to inspect, and Lu Ya walked out of the tent.

Before leaving, he looked at Gu Fan's tent.

The gold elements were rushing towards her again.

After spending a few days alone with her, Lu Ya had already denied the speculation that she was playing with gold elements. She couldn't be so idle in such a place.

However, everyone has their own secrets. Lu Ya values her medicinal pills and healing power. As for whether she has gold-type abilities, or has mastered any special cultivation methods, Lu Ya will not explore any further.

Looking back, Lu Ya walked to another dark place.

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