Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish

Chapter 25: 025 (She is the qualification for her life...)


The day darkened, and the fifth day's battle was over.

The frontline fighters returned to their positions in an orderly manner, stationed on the perimeter of the medical team.

The B-level medic who still insisted on going to the front line with a broken leg also returned. His mental energy was exhausted and he had already fallen asleep. Although the two A-level soldiers who were responsible for protecting him suffered some injuries, fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional, but the medical captain sent the two wounded A-level soldiers to Gu Fan's side.

The two did not know that Gu Fan once refused to go to the front line. Their eyes were clear and smiling when they looked at Gu Fan, and they were full of gratitude.

In fact, it's not just them, everyone in the military treats medical staff with such enthusiasm and trust, as if they are partners who can entrust their lives to each other.

Gu Fan smiled and treated them.

The spiritual power that was constantly replenished by the spiritual stones was exhausted again.

Gu Fan ate a lunch box perfunctorily and returned to her tent.

Before cultivating, Gu Fan made a calculation, because the injuries of the wounded today are relatively serious, she actually spent six wood spirit stones intermittently.

Low-grade spirit stones are the easiest currency to circulate in the Cultivation Continent, but on Earth, they are treasures with a small amount.

According to the information she got, the aura on the earth was thin before the big radiation, so there were no spiritual stones or other high-level treasures on the earth, until after the big radiation, the earth has undergone tremendous changes, the aura recovered, humans and orcs Powerhouses have appeared, but the time is still short. Spirit stones and high-level heaven and earth treasures will take longer to breed.

Gu Fan admitted that she did not have the righteousness and courage to sacrifice herself to protect others.

But she admires these soldiers, and what she has done for them has far exceeded the conditions she had discussed with Lu Ya.

However, just because she didn't go to the front line, some people looked at her differently.

Gu Fan thought that she could not care, that she didn't need to care about those strangers, but those pairs of eyes and those whispered remarks were still circling in her mind and lingering.

"If you have a way, you'd better wake her up first."

"Gu Fan, the front line is urgent, will you go up first?"

"We'll keep you safe, you don't have to do anything except heal."

"I go!"

"Mercenaries are mercenaries, how can you count on them at a critical moment."

"I really liked her, but I didn't expect her to be this kind of person, hey."

"… "

Those voices got louder and faster like a whirlpool in her ears, and finally Lu Ya's icy rebuke sounded like thunder: "The current stability of the base is bought by countless people with their lives, what right do you have to enjoy others? sacrifice?"

What qualifications do you have, what qualifications do you have.

Gu Fan couldn't help but reflect on himself, what qualifications did she have.

The past 100 years reappeared bit by bit, and Gu Fan tried to find a qualification for himself in it.

At first, she was just a little girl who was treated as a servant girl by her parents. It was the low-level five spiritual roots in her body that helped her get rid of the earthly way and helped her enter the fairy gate. It was herself who gave her the qualification to enter the fairy gate. .

There are thousands of disciples in the outer sect. She practiced diligently and devoted herself to learning alchemy. It was her own efforts that gave her the qualifications to stand in the outer sect.

Being chased by high-level monsters, traversing the earth, and encountering mercenaries with ulterior motives, it was herself who gave her the qualification to walk to the base alive.

The base is open to human beings. She earned enough merit points by selling medicines and did not take advantage of anyone. She herself gave her the qualification to live in the base.

She didn't ask anyone to sacrifice for her and take risks for her, so no one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do.

From the beginning to the end, she was just a person trying to live, never hurt others and benefited herself, and did not do any great good deeds, but she did not do any evil either.

Whatever qualifications she wants, she is the qualification for her life.

The vortex in his mind disappeared, and his frowning brows were also stretched out. Gu Fan could no longer see anyone or hear any noise. He only felt that the surging spiritual energy was gathering towards her from all directions, and she forgot to absorb it. practicing.

Not far from her tent, Lu Ya and the medical captain walked out.

There were deaths in the four battlefields today. Among them, the Northwest battlefield encountered the most difficult poisonous spider swarm, and the number of deaths was as high as 123. Most of them were B-level and C-level ability users who were sneak attacked by the spider swarm. It was too soon to inject the antidote and died.

"Young Marshal, that Gu Fan, who has the ability to heal quickly, but refuses to go to the front line is really disappointing. If she is willing to go, even if she is only in charge of the C-level squad, it can reduce some casualties."

Looking at Gu Fan's tent, the medical captain was still dissatisfied.

Lu Ya paused, looked at the medical captain and asked, "You mean, Gu Fan should be responsible for some of the casualties in the Northwest battlefield?"

The medical captain's expression changed slightly.

Lu Ya: "Gu Fan is a talent I like, with poor attack and strong healing. I arranged for her to accompany the army. Her performance has exceeded my expectations for her. If she hadn't come, today's casualties would still be unavoidable. Gu Fan should be blamed."

The medical captain lowered his head: "You are right, I want to be left, and I will publicly apologize to her tomorrow."

Lu Ya: "Well, go and rest."

The medical captain saluted, turned and walked away.

Lu Ya hid in the shadow of a tree, leaning against the trunk of the tree, his slender body fell on Gu Fan's tent, following the golden elements that flowed cheerfully in the air.

The golden element she mobilized tonight was stronger than anything he had ever felt before.

The golden element galloped all night, and in the early morning of the next day, there was still no sign of stopping.

Lu Ya is leaving. He has his mission. There may be S-level monsters in other urban areas adjacent to Anshi, and there is a risk of them coming over to join in the fun. Lu Ya's responsibilities are to protect the temporary protective equipment and prevent S-class monsters. Level monsters break in to avoid causing a lot of casualties.

Lu Ya called an A-level soil soldier named Zhou Cheng from the defense army of the Northwest Medical Team, and ordered him: "Gu Fan is resting, you stay here, unless Gu Fan comes out by himself, you are not allowed to Anyone disturbing her in any way."

"Don't worry, young marshal, I promise to complete the task."


Gu Fan woke up when the spiritual energy in his dantian was so full that it could no longer contain a trace of outside.

She looked at Dantian in surprise.

Before entering meditation, she was still at the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage, but at this time she has reached the ninth level. She only needs to cultivate the ninth level to a perfect state, and then she can hit the foundation.

Don’t look at it as a two-level breakthrough, you must know that from Qi training to foundation building to Jindan and even Nascent Soul, each cultivation stage will be divided into nine sub-stages, and these nine sub-stages will also go to the back. The longer the training time is required. Taking Gu Fan as an example, under normal circumstances, the time it takes for her to break through from the seventh floor to the ninth floor of the Qi refining period should be longer than the sum of her cultivation from the first floor to the seventh floor.

Now, she has only used it for a month.

Gu Fan knew that she had encountered the legendary epiphany.

A cultivator needs to cultivate spiritual energy as well as the mind. The spiritual energy is accumulated over time, or nourished by the treasures of heaven and earth. However, there is no shortcut to cultivate the mind. Without an epiphany, the increase in cultivation can only be done by virtue of aptitude and talent. If you are lucky enough to get the epiphany of cultivating your mind, your cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

This epiphany of Gu Fan, placed on the cultivation continent, should only belong to a small epiphany, so only two levels of cultivation in the Qi-refining period were added.

But for Gu Fan, the gain of this epiphany is equivalent to eating a big tonic pill, which has helped her save decades or even hundreds of years.

When the joy slowly settled, Gu Fan performed a dust removal technique on himself, and then stood up.

Looking at the sky, it was only slightly bright outside, just not delaying her treatment of the wounded.

However, as soon as Gu Fan came out, he saw a burly male soldier standing outside the tent.

Gu Fan wondered, "Who are you?"

Seeing her ruddy complexion, Zhou Cheng seemed to have had a good night's sleep, pursed her lips, and explained in a low voice, "The young marshal said that Miss Gu needs to rest, so let me guard here, and don't allow anyone to disturb Miss Gu."

Lu Ya

However, Gu Fan didn't think about Lu Ya, because she found that the nearby medical soldiers and the camp for the wounded had disappeared!

In the place where the tent should be placed, there are four soldiers sitting, looking at the epaulettes, all of them are A-level powerhouses, and their faces are not very good-looking.

Seeing Gu Fan's doubts, Zhou Cheng continued: "You slept for a day or two. Today is the last day of the battle. All medical teams have gathered outside the core battle circle. Miss Gu, if you've had enough rest, Now let's go to the medical team to assemble, okay?"

Gu Fan immediately understood why the five people's eyes were filled with anger when they looked at her.

At this critical moment when everyone is racing against time to clear the monster, she, a medical staff member, actually "slept" for a day and two nights!

Gu Fan can even imagine how wonderful the medical captain's face will be when she arrives at the medical team. That guy has always had a grudge because she refused to go to the front line.

Gu Fan did not expect that he would encounter an epiphany, and he paused for so long.

Fortunately, Lu Ya arranged for someone to guard her, otherwise, she had an epiphany and was interrupted in the middle, and Gu Fan would probably die of depression.

"Are there no monsters around?" Gu Fan asked Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng: "No, they are all trapped in the inner circle."

Gu Fan glanced at the Grade A battle armor on them and said quickly, "Wait a minute."

After she finished speaking, she returned to the tent, changed into the A-level armor that Lu Ya had given her as quickly as possible, and tied her long hair.

Putting away the tent, Gu Fan controlled his flying boots to be three meters above the ground, and said to the shocked five people: "Sorry for keeping you all waiting, let's go over."

In Zhou Chengwu's hearts, there was only one thought left: the young marshal, who has never been selfish, even equipped a C-rank mercenary with an A-rank armor!

Gu Fan just wanted to make up for the time she lost to them as much as possible. After judging the direction, she took the lead in flying towards the core of the battle.

Zhou Cheng and the five quickly caught up, shocked and shocked, with military orders in their hands, and the five still guarded Gu Fan at the center.

Gu Fan found out and smiled.

It's really hard for her to hate these soldiers who are willing to work hard and strictly abide by military orders.

After ten minutes, the core circle arrived.

The flames of war and the roar of beasts shook the sky, and the medical team was still camping outside.

Zhou Chengwu sent Gu Fan to the "0186" medical team and immediately returned to his post.

The medical captain is directing the team members to be very busy. When Gu Fan is there, they are busy but orderly. Without Gu Fan, their main force, their efficiency and treatment effect will be lower. After all, it is necessary to save mental energy to treat more people.

The time was urgent, so Gu Fan didn't waste any more time changing his clothes, strode into the tent, and directly sent a "healing technique" to the wounded in the row on the right to be treated.

The cultivation base has increased by two layers, and the aura reserve accumulated in Gu Fan's body has increased not only by two layers, but also her healing effect is better.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen of the fifty wounded jumped up, excitedly thanked Gu Fan, and immediately ran out to return to the battlefield. The remaining thirty or so were all painless. He looked at Gu Fan in surprise.

The wounded were constantly being updated. At this time, there were not many wounded who knew Gu Fan in the camp.

Therefore, the most shocking is the medical captain and the team members.

"Gu Fan, what are you doing?" The medical captain stammered.

Gu Fan explained with a smile: "The night before yesterday, I was mentally exhausted and passed out. I woke up this morning and found that my mental power reserve is higher, and I can treat a group of people at the same time. Unfortunately, the healing effect has not improved too much. More, it's still mainly flesh wounds."

The medical captain doesn't know what to say anymore. Talent, Gu Fan is indeed a talent, and deserves special treatment from the young marshal!

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