Double Kill

Chapter 16: Sugar-coated cannonball 2


"Who is blushing!" After Cheng Sunian asked, Feng Can almost jumped up from his seat.

The two of them made too much noise, everyone in the car looked over, Feng Can was so ashamed and angry, he had to sit down obediently, and then went silent to the competition venue under Cheng Sunian's searching gaze.

The so-called do not perish in silence, but erupt in silence. Playing against Team XYZ today, at the beginning of the first game, Feng Can seemed to have been beaten to death. From the beginning to the end, he performed a vivid performance for the audience before the live broadcast of the game. ADC".

As a rhythmic jungler, Zhao Zhou feels that he has been robbed of his job.

Cheng Sunian originally planned to rely on pawn line operations and wild area control to pinch the opponent to death, but Feng Can abruptly disrupted the rhythm. His little boy AD was as fierce as a tiger out of the cage, and ten bulls couldn't pull it back.

Fighting like this is actually very dangerous. Fortunately, the opposite XYZ is also a very fierce fighting team. When they met Feng Can, it was like meeting a confidant. The competitive level of the evening game was pulled to the lowest level, and the entertainment was pulled to the highest level. Even the commentators were taken like drugs, shouting crazily.

The first round ended with SP narrowly winning. Before the second round started, Cheng Sunian grabbed Feng Can's neck and carried him into the waiting room.

"What's the matter with you?" Cheng Sunian tried his best to suppress his anger, "The things I said to you in the car just now were all in vain, and I didn't remember a single word, did I?"

"Remember." Feng Can said, "You said you would never scold me again."

Cheng Sunian: "..."

"I said I wouldn't scold you if you followed orders, but you—"

Before Cheng Su Nian finished speaking, Feng Can suddenly interrupted him: "Understood."

The voice of this sentence was very low, Feng Can lowered his head, as if he was a little annoyed: "I didn't mean it, it was too... too much just now, I couldn't hold back."


Cheng Su Nian has never seen such an emotional player, very few people will bring their own personal emotions to the court, this is not professional at all. He suddenly felt that the essence of Feng Can's ability to do this was because he had no scruples. To put it bluntly, he was not afraid of losing.

But if we want to delve into this issue, it will involve too far.

For example, Cheng Sunian himself, his obsession with the championship is extremely deep. This obsession is not only his own, but also his responsibility in SP.

But Feng Can didn't seem to have any responsibility to talk about. He probably never thought of being responsible to himself, let alone other people.

His mentality in playing the game is similar to that of ordinary players playing in the altar. He wants to reach a high ranking, but that's all. For him, the professional game is probably like a bigger and more challenging qualifying game.

If so...

Cheng Sunian took a deep breath, looking at Feng Can with complicated eyes.

Feng Can's heart was flustered by him, and he couldn't help but said: "... what are you thinking?"

"How do I want to deal with you!" Cheng Sunian's sugar-coated magical skills were not well practiced, and his true colors were exposed accidentally.

Feng Can curled his lips, complaining in his heart that he really was uncertain and kind, but he said: "I'll just listen to you."

Feng Can did what he said, and he really behaved in the second round.

During the ban&pick period, XYZ still chose regular heroes. Cheng Sunian and the coach chatted for a long time, and decided to take advantage of the low performance pressure now to bring up the niche routines studied during the SP training period and try XYZ.

This routine is not particularly new, and if there are newer ones, it should be kept as a trump card, and it is impossible to sacrifice it at the beginning of the season.

This is a low-profile version, a water test that needs to be improved.

The idea is very simple, that is, to quickly push the tower flow and split push by pulling and pulling. The disadvantage is that the hero who goes into battle is not a strong hero commonly used in the arena, and even relatively unpopular in passers-by. In the hands of one's own side, it is easy to overturn.

So, when Cheng Sunian chose the magic baby, the whole scene was blown up.

The SP players are of course used to it. During training, Cheng Su Nian always played with this hero. At first they thought he was teasing Feng Can, but later they found out that this was the coach’s show routine—relying on the acceleration of the magic baby to passively lead the ADC around the map. The main purpose is to contain and push towers, run away when you see people, and won't be caught.

The top laner, mid laner, and jungler all choose heroes with multi-movement or acceleration, fast line push, and good at self-protection.

This lineup can't play a team at all in the later stage, and can only rely on the early rhythm to play an advantage, and it requires extremely high team coordination ability, higher requirements for command level, and a particularly low fault tolerance rate.

But SP itself is a team that is good at operations. Except for Feng Can, everyone else has a tacit understanding with Cheng Sunian. They are obedient and quick to respond, and their ability to execute tactics is first-class.

Cheng Sunian gave Feng Can an uneasy hero, a functional AD. Feng Can obediently did not resist, and obeyed the arrangement obediently from the beginning to the end, running behind the magic baby's ass, like a little lolita's bodyguard.

During the live broadcast, the commentator said with a smile: "Today's game is really worth the price of admission. Has any of you seen AGE playing Magic Baby? Haven't you? Today I also opened my eyes."

Another said: "The last round was so explosive, but this round actually worked hard to serve the team. It seems that I was scolded by the coach during the halftime break."

"Coach? I'm afraid Nian God personally educated him."

"Hey, speaking of this, there are rumors that SP's bottom line is not good. The evidence is that in the last round of Canshen's debut carry, Nian Shen made a bad face on the spot. The Gongdou script is about to be written to the part of forcing the palace. What do you think?"

"Hey, there's no quarrel, it's all just for the fun of the netizens. Look, it's okay, isn't it?"

On the live broadcast screen, the magic baby biu threw a bubble at Feng Can, and returned one to himself. Wrapped in a huge bubble, the two quickly ran from the bottom lane to the middle lane under passive acceleration.

Since Feng Can's AD is a dwarf race, about the same height as the little Lolita, the two dwarfs run forward one after the other, walking backwards in small steps, and the scene is tense and funny.

The audience burst into laughter, and the commentator sighed: "I can't look directly at Nian God."

Another said: "It's not just you, I guess XYZ is also very confused now, we agreed to fight together, why did you leave me alone and play tricks? SP just turned his face like a book!"

This round was always fast-paced, until finally SP won and Cheng Sunian personally planted the flag symbolizing that SP occupied the XYZ highland, everyone was relieved.

It's not that they are nervous, but the players' attention is highly concentrated during the game. For two rounds, the mental energy is exhausted.

Today's MVP was given to Cheng Sunian. After the end, they shook hands with XYZ players one by one. The post-match interview was posted by Li Xiuming—Cheng Sunian didn't like to speak out, Feng Can liked to talk, but he was afraid that Feng Can would talk nonsense under the camera language, simply took the person away.

When stepping off the stage, Feng Can accidentally glanced at the auditorium. Fans of the SP team gathered together, occupying a large area.

He looked to the right and saw a group of little girls holding their names. Feng Can smiled at them, turned his eyes away, and suddenly saw a pink light sign with "Harvest Year" written on it.

Feng Can was stunned for a moment, what kind of code is "good year"? Is it his fan? He doesn't seem to have seen this kind of sign before...

But there was no time to think too much, Cheng Sunian called him from the front, Feng Can immediately followed, and left the competition venue with everyone from SP.

On the way back to the base, he was sitting with Cheng Sunian as usual.

Cheng Sunian only said a word to him, and asked him how he felt in the second game, Feng Can didn't know what Cheng Sunian wanted to ask, so he answered vaguely. Cheng Sunian changed his words and helped him highlight the key points: "Isn't this teamwork style of play enjoyable without one person carrying it? You don't like it, do you?"


Indeed, in Feng Can's opinion, playing games like this is rather boring. He feels that he is still the same as the elementary school students, who like to kill and take heads, but the majority of elementary school players are not as good as him. He is a fighter among elementary school students.

Feng Can didn't say a word.

Of course, even if he didn't answer, Cheng Su Nian knew what he was thinking, so he stopped talking and leaned back on the seat with his eyes closed.

Feng Can is restless, Cheng Su Nian doesn't chat with him, he just digs out his phone and surfs the Internet.

Going online is actually not very interesting, it's always the same thing that goes over and over again, and it's nothing new to be praised or scolded.

Feng Can suddenly remembered the light sign he saw just now, what is "Harvest Year"

He searched for Dafa, and searched the real-time Weibo with "fengnian" + "cancan" as keywords, wondering what the hell his fans were up to.

Unexpectedly, he found a super phone.

The name of Chaohua is "Fengnian". After clicking on it, Feng Can opened it to the top very well.

I saw that on the top Weibo, the first sentence read: Feng Can & Cheng Su Nian only, do not dismantle or rebel, heretical cult KY is strictly prohibited.

Feng Can: "..."

So the year of "good year" means Cheng Su's year...

Feng Can understands what this is, this is their CP Chaohua, the person in this Chaohua, I hope he and Cheng Sunian will be a couple.

"I and Cheng Sunian are a couple?"

As if a secret fantasy in his heart that he didn't even realize was discovered, Feng Can's ears felt hot, his hands trembled, and he almost threw the phone out. (end of this chapter)