Double Kill

Chapter 18: First Love 2


If the feelings of girls are poetry, the feelings of boys are different, more restless and rebellious.

Feng Can couldn't fall asleep, and lay in bed thinking about it for half the night—what's going on with his current mood? Do you like Cheng Su Nian? real or fake? how so

"I won't be bewitched by him, right?" Feng Can thinks rationally, he doesn't think he likes Cheng Sunian, this man makes him angry every day, it's too late to hate him.

But having said that, what does he dislike about Cheng Sunian

... It seems that Cheng Su Nian's attitude towards him is always bad, that's why he is unhappy and hates it.

What if Cheng Su Nian was gentler

Will he like this person


Feng Can thought about it for a long time, and belatedly realized a core question: "Ah, am I gay?"

This question was too straight to the soul, Feng Can was stunned for asking.

Now he is like the little horse in a fairy tale, standing hesitantly by the river, wanting to cross the river but dare not go into the water, he wants to ask the experienced old cow and little squirrel: Is the river deep? Can I wade through

However, the ending of the story is: Knowing that this matter must be done.

But Feng Can didn't want to "go down". What he's confused about now isn't whether he can cross the river, but that he doesn't know whether he wants to cross the river, or in other words, he doesn't even know whether he is "that pony".

Hey, the love life of a simple boy addicted to the Internet is really full of ups and downs.

Going back to the original question, Feng Can asked himself again: "Am I really gay?"

... Not necessarily, maybe he was brainwashed by the remarks in the "Feng Nian" super talk, and was too affected, and also, Cheng Su Nian always touches him! Hug hug! How decent!

—Cheng Su Nian is the real gay in gay! ! !

Sure enough, he shouldn't have come to SP!

If he doesn't come to SP, who knows where he is now! It's all Cheng Sunian's fault that he fell into this pitiful state!

Feng Can's heart crackled once, and he smoothed out a decent logic for himself, temporarily suppressing his thumping heart, and calmed down to take a breath.

It was already 1:30 in the middle of the night, and the lights in the room had long been turned off. Cheng Suinian was fast asleep, lying sideways in front of Feng Can, half of the quilt on his body was lifted, restlessly covering the position from his waist to the thighs. , the shoulders above, and the calves and ankles below are all exposed to the air.

Cheng Sunian's sleeping posture is not as quiet as before.

Feng Can remembered that when they first lived together, Cheng Su Nian lay on the bed motionless every night, tense all the time, but now he started to move around. Is it because they got to know each other well and he finally let go of his guard

Then he must be too defensive, what is there to guard against.

Feng Can pursed his lips lightly, and carefully looked at Cheng Sunian's face with the faint light coming in from the window.

Generally speaking, good looks are an important criterion for choosing a mate, regardless of sexual orientation. Feng Can didn't think so much, he just couldn't sleep, his eyes were always open, and there was always a place for his eyes to fall.

So it fell on Cheng Sunian's face.

After watching it like this for a while, for about ten minutes, or half an hour, Feng Can couldn't fall asleep anymore.

He automatically simulated pulling flower petals in his heart: Do I like him? don't i like him Am I being brainwashed? do i really like him do i really dislike him? ... I don't know how many flowers were picked, until the virtual garden in his brain was bald, Feng Can finally fell asleep.

This sleep almost overslept, the next day as usual training, preparations.

Feng Can's spirit was not good, he was listless all day long, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

In the afternoon, after a training match was over, when everyone went downstairs to eat together, he received Cheng Sunian's kind condolences.

"What's wrong with you?" Cheng Su Nian's concern is basically equivalent to "control". His desire to control SP is manifested in all aspects, and he pays attention to everyone's subtle changes, and Feng Can is the one who pays more attention.

"Did you not sleep last night?" Cheng Sunian said, "You have been acting weird these two days, do you have something on your mind?"

Feng Can shook his head and said "no".

But his expression doesn't look like it doesn't exist? "I have something on my mind but I don't want to tell you" is clearly written on my face.

Cheng Sunian was almost annoyed by him: "Feng Can, when are you willing to have an open and honest chat with me? Communication is the bridge of human progress and the key to winning the championship, you know?"

"... Oh, what do you want to talk about?" Feng Can lowered his head, and was about to shut himself into the bowl.

There were five people sitting at their table, Li Xiuming and Zhao Zhou were opposite, Gao Xinsi sat on their left, and the three of them looked up at Feng Can together with Cheng Sunian.

I saw Feng Can's dejected face, and if I looked carefully, I could find that he seemed a little out of his mind, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

What can I think? Recently, the results of SP are very good. Except for the nonsense Gongdou scripts on the Internet, there is no big rhythm. If it is not work, it can only be a personal problem... What personal problem

Li Xiuming slapped the table violently: "My Chan, are you in a relationship? Tell me, which little girl took away the soul of our emperor?"

Before Feng Can could speak, Gao Xin thought: "Our base is a temple for monks. Besides Sister Rong and Auntie Logistics, how can there be women?"

Zhao Zhou was also shocked. Although this brother's brain circuit is simple but very open, and he thought of something to say: "Isn't it a female fan? You are not a fan of Canshen, are you? Pay attention to the influence, in case you are caught Pick it up, be careful not to lose your reputation."

Feng Can: "..."

He couldn't help but look up at Cheng Sunian.

Cheng Sunian listened to the nonsense of these three pig teammates, and seemed to believe it, and looked back at him with sizing eyes, as if he was observing his expression, and judged whether he was being told.

Feng Can thought: "Who is a fan! Don't slander me, I am not a female fan."

"Well, so the female fans are fake, but the relationship is real?" Cheng Sunian turned slightly sideways and looked at him seriously, "When did you start talking?"


Cheng Sunian's eyes were very focused, Feng Can looked at him with this expression, even if he was being interrogated, he couldn't feel angry at all, but his arrogance lowered, and he replied obediently: "We haven't started talking yet... "

The tone is weak, a little guilty.

There was a burst of laughter at the table.

Li Xiuming looked at his expression as if he had discovered a new human being: "Oh, why are you still blushing, and your heart is so springy before we start talking, our Canshen really, really—"

He was "really" for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence: "What a brother!"

Gao Xinsi also smiled wickedly.

Zhao Zhou said: "You know what a fart, this is an innocent boy who has not been polluted by the big social dye vat. All the girls like this one. Do you think it looks like you? Old pork, no one wants it."


Feng Can was about to explode on the spot, he really shouldn't have come to SP! If you don't come to SP, you won't meet these stupid teammates! You won't be so angry that you have a myocardial infarction! !

"I'm full." Feng Can put down his chopsticks, left the restaurant, and walked to the elevator.

He looked unhappy, Cheng Sunian glared at Li Xiuming and the others, got up and followed.

Feng Can didn't go back to the training room, and went directly to the sixth floor.

Cheng Sunian got out of the elevator with him and entered the room together, but Feng Can was so awkward that he didn't say a word. Cheng Sunian suspected that he was shy. It's normal for teenagers to be embarrassed when they are in a relationship, not to mention being laughed at by old fritters. Who can bear this

Cheng Sunian closed the door.

Feng Can took out his game console, sat on a chair and played with it with his head down. Cheng Sunian stood in front of him, pondered for a while and said, "Feng Can, it's okay to have someone you like, but you can't let her influence you too much, you are a professional player, you don't—"

"What if he influences me a lot?" Feng Can was unhappy when he heard Cheng Su Nian's calm tone, and deliberately sang a different tune, "Do you even care about this? You control my eating, sleeping and training, and I'm not allowed to fall in love? "


Cheng Sunian had just put on the skin of a "benevolent father", and before he started to educate with sincerity, he was slapped in the face.

He stuck the disc for a long time, took out his cigarette and lighter in a bad mood, lit one for himself, and relieved his emotions a little. Just about to speak again, Feng Can suddenly changed the subject and asked him first: "Have you ever been in a relationship?"

Cheng Sunian was taken aback: "Why do you ask me?"

"You can ask me, but I can't ask you?" Feng Can said confidently, "Have you talked about it before?"

Cheng Sunian paused, but did not answer directly: "What do you want to do, ask me to learn from you?"

"Well, that's right." Feng Can's eyes dodged a little, he hesitated, "Have you ever chased someone, or... have you ever been chased? If someone chases you, how do you want him to chase you? Which way do you like? of?"

Cheng Sunian thought for a while: "As long as you stay away from me and don't bother me, you can do whatever you want."

Feng Can: "..."

Are you speaking human language

Feng Can's expression became even more depressed, he stared at Cheng Sunian, at Cheng Sunian's cigarette.

The little scarlet fire flickered, making him a little distracted. Cheng Sunian misunderstood: "Do you want it? Do you know how to smoke?"

Feng Can barely paid attention to what he said, subconsciously nodded.

Cheng Sunian was very happy, took out a cigarette from the case, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"This brand has a relatively mild taste, and I want to quit recently." He said, raised his hand to press the lighter, and helped Feng Can light a cigarette with his own hands.

But I don't know what happened to this broken lighter. It worked just now, but now it doesn't respond after pressing it for a long time.

Cheng Sunian frowned, threw it into the trash can, then leaned down slightly, and lit Feng Can's fire with his own cigarette.

This pose is too close.

Feng Can on the chair tensed his back for an instant, staring at the entangled flames when the two cigarettes were stuck together, his heart almost stopped beating.

But the cigarette couldn't be lit for a long time, Cheng Su Nian said: "Why are you standing there? Can't breathe?"

Feng Can realized that he was going to smoke, and immediately took a deep breath, and then he was choked by the strong smell of tobacco, and coughed uncontrollably.

"..." Cheng Sunian couldn't laugh or cry, "I won't force you and me to do anything."

Feng Can was speechless at the moment, Cheng Sunian comforted him, and returned to the topic just now: "Stop thinking about it, let me tell you seriously, there is no rush to fall in love, you are still young, but your career is only a few years old , one day can’t be wasted, understand?”

"So you won't fall in love before you retire?" Feng Can asked back.

Cheng Sunian thought he was dissatisfied, and deliberately choked to himself: "Yes, don't talk about it, the captain will set an example for you, okay?"

Feng Can: "..." (end of this chapter)