Double Kill

Chapter 6: Fried hair


It seems that a night watchman noticed the fire, and the rapid and piercing sound of the gong accompanied by a sharp voice tore through the eerie silence in the dark night: "It's on fire! Get up soon! It's on fire, put out the fire!" In an instant, the door opened. The sound of asking at the window, the sound of scooping up shoes and running, the sound of shouting and splashing water, accompanied by the sound of burning fire, intricate and noisy one after another. At this time, someone found that it was my house that was burning and shouted: "This is Miss Qingcheng's house, it's broken! I don't know if Miss Qingcheng has come out." After that, I heard everyone shouting my name. I still didn't move, I just leaned against the courtyard wall and scratched my ears with my little finger—it was so noisy.

In the haze, a figure ran from a distance from the west courtyard, buttoning his clothes while running. When he passed by me, I called out in a low voice, "Mr. Jing Xian." He didn't hear it and still ran with his head down. I had no choice but to raise my voice: "Mr. Jingxian!" He was taken aback, turned his head, pointed at me tongue-tiedly, pointed at the fire scene and then turned back to me, and said after a long time: "You, you, why are you here?" Here? That, there..." "Oh?" I asked him funny: "Otherwise, where do you think I should be? Waiting for someone to save me in the fire or just waiting for death?" After hearing my words, he immediately resumed his old self Calmly: "Could it be that the girl knew that there would be a fire and avoided it early? Or did the girl know why the fire started!?" I couldn't help admiring his quick thinking and calmness in his mind, but he said prevaricationly: " I just came out for a walk just to see the clouds and moonlight. I didn’t want to get away with it. As for the cause of the fire, wasn’t the weather dry and dry?” He waved his hands and said with a smile: “Young lady underestimate Jing.” I laughed Laugh: "little girl

If you don’t dare, please go over and thoroughly investigate the cause of the fire. After hearing this, Jing Xian laughed loudly: "Okay!" That being the case, lead the way ahead. "After speaking, they looked at each other and smiled, and walked through the corridor to the fire scene together.

Fortunately, the house I lived in was an independent building. No matter how big the fire was, it would only burn out the house, and there was nothing left to burn. In addition, everyone tried their best to put out the fire and gradually extinguished it. The air was filled with layers of smog, and it was dawn at this time, and the faint light sprinkled into the smog was misty like a veil that had just been washed, hindering people's sight. Sima Yue and Li Jin stood in the crowd and directed the servants to take care of the mess. I turned back to Jing Xian and said in a frivolous tone: "Tsk tsk, you are indeed the well-known Lord of the East China Sea among the eight kings of the Western Jin Dynasty! You really don't panic, and you can stay calm in the face of such a fire. Dressed in a hurry..." I looked at Sima Yue. Jiwan, who came over, changed his words: "Oh, um... the clothes and boots are neat and tidy, and they are in order. I really love it. Admiration, admiration." Booted feet.

"Oh?" He followed my gaze and looked around, then imitated my tone and received: "Why do I think you are the most leisurely girl among all the people? Not only are your clothes and boots neat, but also your hair is black. The hairpin is intact, the expression is calm and still talking and laughing, and the demeanor of everyone can still be maintained in such a fire, this... I am afraid it is not just admirable." "Of course it is not admiration, but doubts?" Picked Raising my eyebrows, I chuckled unknowingly: "Young master's strategy is unrivaled in the world, why don't you come and guess who is the arsonist, but... I bet you can't guess." "Then what's the bet?" His eyes flashed A strange light. I was startled by the light and hurriedly stopped and replied in a hurry: "We'll talk about it when you guess it."

Li Jin saw Jing Xian and me first, and exclaimed: "Ah! Qingcheng, Jing Xian, you...!?" Then everyone looked at us both. "You..." Sima Yue pointed his fingers at us in shock: "Why are you together? This fire...? Jing Xian! What's going on!" Seeing everyone's shocked, confused and ambiguous eyes, I don't think it's funny, it's fake He helped the hair that was actually very neat with his hands, cleared his voice, and was about to repeat the words he used to prevaricate Jing Xian just now, but was interrupted by a figure rushing over.

"Girl, you're fine. You're really, really good, I..." The visitor threw himself into my arms and cried bitterly before he finished speaking incoherently.

I know it's Taoer. Pushing her away a little, I looked at her face in surprise. Her face was blackened by the smoke, and covered with tears, and there was a long bloodstain on her forehead that went straight to her temples. She was still holding a Yaoqin tightly in her wet arms, and there was an obvious piece of quilt on her front. Traces of fire. "Tao'er! How did you do this?" I hurriedly took out my silk handkerchief and gently wiped the stains and scars on her cheek.

"I thought, I thought you girl... I tried my best to find you, but I couldn't find you... I was so scared, I just came in time to snatch your favorite piano, I..." she cried Sobbing, talking intermittently, but sincerely wishing for my safety.

My heart softened, I shook my head and gently pulled her into my arms: "Silly Taoer, why are you so kind? How can I deserve you to treat me like this?"

After hearing this, she cried even more fiercely, and knelt down on her knees with a plop, "Girl, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..." As she spoke, she kowtowed continuously. Seeing Tao'er's actions, Sima Yue and Li Jin looked at each other in doubt, Jing Xian frowned and meditated, and everyone else showed puzzled expressions.

I squatted down, looked at her pretty face like pear blossoms with rain, hesitated for a moment, and then said loudly: "Silly girl, how can you say that? You can't control the ruthlessness of water and fire, even if you really can't save her." It's not your fault that you came to me, not to mention I'm fine, don't cry." Then he whispered in her ear by wiping her tears: "Tao'er, you didn't forgive me. In this troubled world, you never There is no one who is sorry to anyone. Just like in a war, everyone will attack each other desperately to survive, and no one needs to say sorry." After speaking, ignoring her astonished expression, he took her hand and stood up. This innocent, kind and simple little girl has always lived such a simple and kind life. He has never plotted against anyone, let alone harmed anyone. I am afraid that he is so pure and kind that he can't bear to see death for an ant. Even if she has to deal with a person who endangers her life and happiness, she still hesitates like that. Even if she knows that she will be harmed by others, she can't let go of the evil thoughts she once had.

Pulling her to stand up, I said loudly: "Go back and wash your face and change clothes. Come on, give me the qin, you go down." While taking the qin from her arms, I stuffed a piece into her hand. Something, said softly: "Go down and look, you will be useful." Holding the piano in my arms, looking at the sunshine in the early morning, I brushed my little finger across the strings and smiled slightly, seemingly unintentionally. . Everyone was lost in my deliberate smile and forgot the scene with Taoer just now. But I made a face to myself in the bottom of my heart, I have been an oiran for five years and I already know which smile, which movement is the most beautiful and alluring, hum, stunning beauty, this empty skin is really useful sometimes. Of course, this trick may not be effective for people who also have the appearance of a city. Sima looked at me from afar with questioning eyes. Turning my eyes away from him, I gently raised my hand to wipe my forehead and said lazily, "I'm really tired this night."

Li Jin was the first to react. She clapped her hands and said, "Okay, okay, everyone should go down and rest all night after being tired. Ah Fu, you take a few people to clean up here and see if there are any unfinished things. The embers are extinguished. Aunt Chun, you take the kitchen staff back home and make breakfast first, keep lunch and dinner simple. The managers of other stalls leave the necessary people on duty and the rest have a day off. Those who are on duty today will go to the accounting office tomorrow to get a consistent For the money, all the monthly payments will be increased by half." After she finished explaining in an orderly manner, the servants cheered and thanked them, and gradually dispersed.

In the hall, everyone looked different. Sima Yue frowned and lowered his head in thought, while Li Jin stayed by his side speechlessly. Ruyu and Ji Yao also came and sat aside and whispered. I was drinking tea leisurely. The person who made the tea really ruined this superb Bailongjing before the rain. . After taking a sip, I shook my head regretfully, why don't I make it myself some other day. There is another person who is as leisurely as me and that is Jing Xian, who is playing with the folding fan in boredom. "My lord, everyone is tired today, why don't we talk about it later after breakfast." Li Jin finally broke the silence and suggested to Sima Yue. Sima Yue raised his head, but instead of responding to Li Jin's words, he fixed his probing gaze firmly on me, "Qingcheng... I want to hear your explanation." "What is the explanation? Why am I not in the house?" Or why am I with Jing Xian?" I answered absent-mindedly, still regretting that cup of tea. "Qingcheng," Sima Yue walked in front of me, blocking the light and shadows that shrouded me, this darkness made me feel oppressed and I wanted to move away slightly, but Sima Yue hugged me even faster "Qingcheng, don't you really know why the fire started?" I looked at him with a slightly dazed look in my eyes. It seemed that I had seen these passionate eyes somewhere before, but they seemed to be more beautiful than the ones in front of me. Something is in there. "You know? I was very worried at that time, thinking that I would never see you again." He interrupted my meditation, and showed me his short-lived smile again. I shook my head hesitantly: "No, I don't know." But it suddenly became clear in my heart that Sima Yue was like an actor, and his seductive smile from time to time was just like me Buy the same hue. Peripheral vision

Looking at the rest of the people in the hall, Li Jin had a meaningless face, while Jing Xian... He was still playing with his fan with his head down, but something seemed different under his indifferent and overly calm appearance. When I swept across the jealous faces of Ruyu and Ji Yao, I secretly smiled: "My lord, do you think someone will beg me to die?" Deliberately or unintentionally, he passed Ruyu and Ji Yao.

This unintentional glance was enough to attract the eyes of Sima Yue and Li Jin, Ruyu hurriedly shook her head: "Qingcheng, you, what do you mean?" I smiled coquettishly in Sima Yue's arms: " I haven't said anything before, why is sister so anxious?" At this moment Jing Xian finally raised his head and asked, "Why didn't you see Kuituo?" I was stunned, he could really guess something, or was it just an accident ask? After seeing his clear eyes, I knew he must have thought of something. "Really, it seems that I haven't seen Tuo all this time." Li Jin also looked at Sima Yue suspiciously. Sima Yue let go of my hand and summoned Yuning to find Kuituo. I hurriedly said, "I met Kuituo, and he followed Taoer when I sent Taoer back just now." "Really?" Li Jin shook his head, "Why didn't I pay attention?" "Ah, maybe it was too chaotic at that time, You are negligent." I tried my best to prevaricate.

Of course they won't see Kuituo, he's probably still in a coma, waiting for me to give Tao'er a spell to save his life. Even if the spell had driven away the evil spirits in the fire for him, he would still be in a coma for at least an hour. As for why the fire started, of course I know, strictly speaking, I was the one who started the fire, so it is not entirely true. I just captured the evil spirits in the fire to protect me, and the person who wanted to harm me crossed the barrier I set up with the red thread, and attracted the upper body of the evil spirits in the talisman. It's just that I didn't expect that the evil ghost this time was too stern, not only got on Kuituo's body, but also caused a big fire. That's why I'm so sure that Jing Xian can't guess who set the fire. (end of this chapter)