Double Kill

Chapter 65: birthday1


Feng Can had spoken nonsense to Cheng Sunian before, and kissed him forcefully, but they were all covered in a layer of coquettish flattery, pitiful, and more likable.

Never been so direct as tonight.

So he thought, as soon as he said those words just now, his personality in Cheng Sunian's heart probably collapsed.

It's not because he wants to be on top, Cheng Sunian has known his intentions for a long time, but he has never taken it seriously, he probably thinks his threat is similar to that of a kitten scratching someone.

In other words, Cheng Sunian likes him to be his "little girlfriend" obediently. But that's not what he really is, he never thought of himself as that character.

Feng Can was a little nervous, it was said that if an idol collapsed, fans would lose their fans, so what would Cheng Sunian think as a boyfriend if the object collapsed? You don't want to break up, do you

Feng Can pondered for half the night and fell asleep very late.

During the stalemate just now, Cheng Suinian didn't say anything, it was scary not to say anything, others couldn't see what he was feeling in his heart.

In the past, Feng Can would definitely not be able to resist acting coquettishly and begging for peace, but now he doesn't want to continue to be Cheng Suinian's "girlfriend". He wants to correct Cheng Suinian's misconceptions and let his captain like him from the perspective of appreciating a mature man. he.

Regarding this point, Feng Can is actually a little confused. He is tall, with long legs and a good figure, and his face is also cool. There is no part of his body that has the word "girlfriend". What kind of vision is Cheng Suinian? ? Maybe it's because the bend is not thorough, and it's a bit of a sequelae of straight men.

Feng Can fell asleep while thinking wildly, but Cheng Su Nian fell asleep later than him.

Strictly speaking, Feng Can can't be considered a straight turn. He is young and has no love experience. He never thought about whether he likes men or women before, and he likes women by default. It was not until he met Cheng Su Nian that he began to awaken his sexuality.

Cheng Sunian is a real straight man. Although he has never been in a relationship, he is in his mid-twenties. He used to have feelings for men or women, so he can't even be confused about this.

However, he and Feng Can have developed to this point, and he is too embarrassed to say that he is a straight man. But let him lie down and be fucked by Feng Can, firstly, he is not used to it physically, and secondly, he cannot accept it psychologically——

In the subconscious of most men, there is an indescribable relationship between sex and status. He may not be aware of this, but psychological barriers do exist.

Especially for a man like Cheng Sunian who has an authoritarian personality and is used to being in control, his temper can pamper you and pamper you in every possible way, but the word "pamper" itself has a somewhat condescending meaning, all of this must be Being pinched by him, if you want to control him and overwhelm him, that's impossible.

It is even more difficult to let him be oppressed willingly.

But Cheng Sunian couldn't fall asleep for so long, it wasn't because he was struggling with this.

He was thinking about his relationship with Feng Can.

What is it like to like someone? Cheng Sunian gradually understands, but emotion is the most invisible and ungraspable thing, and needs to be visualized with "name".

There is no status between him and Feng Can for the time being, because there seems to be liking but not enough love.

— Cheng Sunian doesn't know if it's enough or not.

If he and Feng Can were heterosexual couples, they would naturally develop from passionate love to talk about marriage. After everything was settled, they would join hands and enter the palace of marriage, establish their own family, have children, and grow old together.

This is the most fulfilling life in the eyes of secular people.

But there will not be such a complicated process between him and Feng Can. If they can't do those things, they will naturally lose the standard of judgment that can be used for reference. At what stage they have reached, they can only feel it with their own hearts.

Cheng Sunian didn't care about this at first, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to promise Feng Can "you can stay with me forever" a long time ago. Anyone who can say "forever" without hesitation doesn't care, even if this "forever" He didn't care if he died halfway.

But after having a relationship, "a lifetime" becomes important. If you speak again, you have to carefully weigh the risks that may arise in the future.

Cheng Sunian weighed it for half the night, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

His thoughts were deep, and if he didn't speak, Feng Can couldn't see anything. The next day he lived and trained as usual.

But Feng Can is the complete opposite of Cheng Su Nian, he can't hold back the things in his heart, the conflicts that have been aroused, if he doesn't resolve it quickly, he won't be able to sleep at night.

But this contradiction can't be resolved at all, Cheng Sunian just doesn't want to be raped by him, can he force Cheng Sunian to change his mind

What's more, there is a saying "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you", Feng Can hardly dared to think about it, otherwise the more he thought about it, the more selfish he would feel. What position does he have to ask Cheng Sunian to accommodate him? Instead of him going to accommodate Cheng Su Nian

He never expected that they had finally made it to this point, and they would actually pay for their disharmony


Feng Can was as bitter as a cabbage.

To make matters worse, Cheng Su Nian seemed to be really angry. In the next few days, the atmosphere between them got along badly. Feng Can couldn't describe what was wrong. If he had to say something, it might be because Cheng Su Nian became cold again. I don't like to pinch him as much as I did a few days ago—Feng Can was annoyed when he was pinched, but anxious when he wasn't pinched. Falling in love is too torturous.

Feng Can suspected that he would be driven crazy by this man sooner or later.

But he is also very busy these two days, one is busy with daily training, and the other is busy with preparing birthday presents for Cheng Suinian—this is a big project, he squeezed his time and even cut off his sleeping time, and at the same time To prevent Cheng Sunian from finding out what he was up to, he kept it quiet, worked hard and secretly.

As a result, although he was anxious, he didn't have the extra energy to find Cheng Sunian and make trouble.

On the day before Cheng Sunian's birthday, that is, on the 23rd, in the group stage of the Champions Cup, SP played against DE.

Before rushing to the competition venue, Cheng Su Nian looked through the EPL standings. This is what they are most concerned about every day at this stage. This list is updated in real time with the progress of the game. Half a season has passed, and the top few have not changed much.

Currently topping the list is SP with a total of 43 points.

The second place is WSND with a total of 41 points.

The last few are CQ with 34 points, KI with 33 points, and Scorpion with 33 points.

Originally, Scorpion was fourth, but this round they played against KI, lost and dropped to fifth.

Feng Can was delighted to hear this, and specially sent a congratulatory message to Uncle Chen Le on WeChat.

Feng Shui turns, and now it's SP's turn to watch other people's dramas. Scorpion is obviously in dire straits, but the season has just passed halfway, and it's not yet the time when the competition is the most intense. Every year at the end of the season, there are frequent tragedies. Needless to say, the strong teams fight for points. In order not to be relegated, the teams at the bottom of the list often perform explosively and "rob the rich and help the poor". Last year, SP was on the weak teams. Fell off and lost three points abruptly.

At that time, the Champions League also started to play the knockout rounds. One after another, it was easy to cause the Champions Cup and EPL to affect each other, and the state became a vicious circle.

Feng Can chatted with Chen Le for a few words, without mentioning his distress at all, and showed a few words of affection in a subtle way.

Ever since he became a friend, Chen Le has gotten used to Cheng Su Nian's style of painting, and he has inquired about their real relationship. No, I can't see through what tricks this father and son are playing.

When the time came, the whole SP team boarded the car together, and Feng Can sat with Cheng Sunian as usual. But today Cheng Su Nian would not fight alongside him, but would sit in the audience and be his audience.

"I'm a little nervous if you don't accompany me." Feng Can regained his broken avatar and whispered, "Come on, captain."

"Come on." Cheng Sunian reached out and gave him a hug. (end of this chapter)