
Chapter 10: clue


Su Luoheng opened his eyes and took a look. The expression that had been disapproving disappeared immediately, replaced by shock.

What Xia Ruo left on the table was a towel, an inconspicuous towel.

But it was this towel that made Su Luoheng no longer able to look away.

He quickly grabbed the towel in front of him and looked at it carefully. With observation, his expression on his face became richer and more emotional.

"This is… "

"The one found in Long Tou Jiu's house should have been left by the murderer." Xia Ruo interrupted Su Luoheng directly with a cold face.

Su Luoheng didn't care, and directly notified the people in the laboratory department to test the lipstick mark on the towel and extract the DNA from the top, so that the identity of the murderer could be determined.

Seeing Su Luoheng handing over the towel to the laboratory department, Xia Ruo frowned.

Su Luoheng saw Xia Ruo's frowning movement. He turned to look at Xia Ruo: "What's the matter?"

Xia Ruo didn't hesitate, and directly expressed her thoughts in her heart: "I don't think you are the best choice to do this.

The mark on the towel is lipstick, and women who can use lipstick must be women, so we can narrow the scope of the murderer.

Then we will investigate all the women who have been in and out of the leading nine houses in the past few days, and we will naturally determine who the murderer is. Why waste time and let the laboratory staff extract DNF? "

Xia Ruo frowned, said her thoughts in one breath, and then fell silent, waiting for Su Luoheng's following.

Su Luoheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "But DNA extraction does not conflict with our investigation. We can perform everything you just said while extracting DNA in the laboratory, and we can also have evidence. This is the most important thing. important."

"Perhaps while we are waiting for the DNA results, the murderer may have left the city."

Su Luoheng put on his coat, came to Xia Ruo's side, raised his hand and patted Xia Ruo's shoulder, and said, "No, I was prepared."

Xia Ruo was puzzled by Su Luoheng's words, and when he wanted to be clear, he had already left.

Xia Ruo frowned again, without any hesitation, and left the crime team with Su Luoheng.

The two drove to the door of a house, looked at the brightly lit house, and Xia Ruo understood.

It turned out that Su Luoheng had already suspected women who were connected to Longtoujiu. The reason why he was so sure that he had been prepared was because he had restricted the freedom of those women.

Of course, it cannot completely restrict the freedom of others. That is illegal, so Su Luoheng sent some plain clothes to stare in the dark. As long as those who have something to do with the leader want to leave, they will be the first time. Keep up.

Xia Ruo couldn't help but sighed in his heart. He was worthy of being a senior inspector of the serious crime team. He was thinking about the long-term, and he had already had a goal when there was no definite evidence.

Then Su Luoheng took Xia Ruo into the house. The owner of this house was a young woman, twenty years old, named Han Lulu, who was engaged in modeling. She also admitted that she was the lover of the top nine.

Looking at the young woman with heavy makeup in front of him, Xia Ruo couldn't help but frown, wondering how such a young girl would choose to be the lover of people like Long Tou Jiu, knowing that Long Tou Jiu is already an old man.

In fact, there is no need to think about it. The reason is very simple. It's just for money. Leader Jiu has money, and Han Lulu needs money, so she betrayed her body.

It was nothing, but Xia Ruo still couldn't help but hate this kind of person.

Young people should be full of vigor and vigor, they should work hard for their dreams, but for

Money betrayed her body, this kind of thing made Xia Ruo feel sick and contemptuous from the bottom of her heart.

However, Xia Ruo did not express this emotion. Everyone is an independent individual. Xia Ruo is not qualified to judge others, let alone interfere with others' lives and choices.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo sat opposite Han Lulu, staring at the girl opposite, silent for a while.

This is a method often used during interrogations. Silence will put pressure on the other party. As time goes by, the other party's psychological defenses will become weaker and weaker, so that you can easily obtain the information you want.

Han Lulu is just a twenty-year-old girl. She couldn't bear this kind of oppression no matter what. She soon became scared and said, "Uncle policeman, I didn't do anything bad. I didn't kill the dragon head nine. You... What are you doing here?"

Han Lulu was so frightened, her voice was trembling, she didn't dare to face Su Luoheng's gaze, as if she had done something bad with a guilty conscience.

Su Luoheng sneered, lit a cigarette, and threw the lighter on the coffee table in front of Han Lulu with a crisp sound.

Han Lulu shuddered immediately, almost frightened her tears.

Su Luoheng did not rush to speak, but smoked a cigarette leisurely.

Xia Ruo frowned when he saw Su Luoheng like this, and asked instead, "When was the last time you went to Longtoujiu's house?"

Han Lulu looked up at Xia Ruo, her eyes still dodging.

She seemed to be unable to remember, and after thinking about it, she replied: "It should be a few hours before his death. I don't remember clearly. I have been busy with work these days..."

Xia Ruo wanted to ask something, but Su Luoheng stood up and turned away without saying a word.

This behavior of Su Luoheng made Xia Ruo very curious, she was taken aback for a moment, and then followed.

She didn't understand why Su Luoheng came here but didn't say a word. Is it just to scare Han Lulu

Xia Ruo was puzzled, but didn't want to ask Su Luoheng. The two remained silent. Su Luoheng once again drove to the house of another lover of Longtoujiu.

Zhen Xiaoya, 26 years old, doctor of Kanghe Hospital.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo came to Zhen Xiaoya's house, just like they were at Han Lulu's house. Su Luoheng still didn't say a word, but stared at Zhen Xiaoya. Those eyes were very deterrent and capable of giving people. An invisible sense of oppression.

Although six years older than Han Lulu, Zhen Xiaoya was trembling all over, curled up on the sofa in fear, her eyes kept dodging, avoiding direct contact with Su Luoheng's eyes.

Xia Ruo felt that Zhen Xiaoya seemed more suspicious than Han Lulu.

On the one hand, Zhen Xiaoya is older than Han Lulu, and should be more mature mentally, no matter how scared she should be.

Han Lulu's fear can be explained by her young age, but Zhen Xiaoya is 26 years old, and she is also a doctor at Kanghe Hospital. She should have seen many dead people. How could she be so scared

On the other hand, the name of Kanghe Hospital moved Xia Ruo's heart. The last time the murderous madman Li Runian was a colleague.

Maybe it was because Xia Ruo was influenced by the thought of "the one who is close to Zhu is red and the one who is black is black", she always feels that staying with Li Runian such abnormal psychology is abnormal.

Xia Ruo thought this way in her heart, and on the one hand reminded herself: solving the case should be fair and open, and you should not conclude that someone is the murderer based on your own thoughts. This will make you make a wrong judgment.

"When was the last time you contacted Longtoujiu?" Xia Ruo asked.

Zhen Xiaoya’s reaction was almost exactly the same as Han Lulu’s.

I thought about it for a while, and then replied with a trembling voice: "It was almost a few hours before the death of Dragon Head Nine, I don't remember it clearly."

After hearing Zhen Xiaoya's answer, both Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng couldn't help frowning, because Zhen Xiaoya's answer was exactly the same as Han Lulu's.

Could it be that the two of them discussed it

Xia Ruo couldn't think of what to ask next, so she fell silent.

Su Luoheng then got up and left without saying a word.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo returned to the police station again and demanded to replay the surveillance video near Longtou Jiuzhaizi.

After carefully checking the surveillance video several times, Su Luoheng frowned.

Because in the surveillance video, the door of Longtoujiu was opened, and three people came out from inside, one man and two women.

The man didn't know him, but the women were Han Lulu and Zhen Xiaoya. The three of them drove away together without making any stops.

Su Luoheng didn't find any clues from the video, and could not help but frown. He kept smoking, and the room was quickly filled with smoke.

Xia Ruo had always stayed by Su Luoheng's side, and she was also thinking about this issue.

Han Lulu and Zhen Xiaoya left together, so that means that they are not murderers

No, you can't think so. Although they left together, it doesn't rule out the suspicion that they are the murderers.

Who is that man? Su Luoheng suddenly thought of this question, he frowned, and kept searching for the answer in his mind.

He remembered that the man's name was Cao Shan, who belonged to Yanxing Society, and he had a certain status.

Why did this person come out of Longtoujiu's house

All kinds of problems suddenly came out, Su Luoheng unscrewed the cigarette butt in his hand, stood up again, and left without saying a word.

Xia Ruo understood that Su Luoheng was going to talk to Cao Shan, and she followed without a word.

"Don't follow me!" Su Luoheng angered Xia Ruo rarely. His roar seemed so abrupt in the whole crime team. Everyone's eyes were attracted, and they focused on Su Luoheng and Su Luoheng. Xia Ruo's body.

Xia Ruo froze for a moment, then raised her hand to help her eyes, and calmly said: "I'm just looking for clues. If you don't want me to follow, I can go by myself."

With that said, Xia Ruo took out the car key from his pocket, and was about to leave after crossing Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng gritted his teeth, and finally grabbed Xia Ruo's wrist and said, "Do you know who he is?"

Xia Ruo looked at Su Luoheng calmly and said, "Cao Shan, an important member of Yanxing Society, is related to the leader nine, but his status is not high. The rumor is sinister and cunning, and he does nothing wrong."

"Since you know, why do you have to go? It's dangerous!"

Xia Ruo shook off Su Luoheng's hand, raised her eyes again, and said, "This case requires clues. I will definitely search for it. There is nothing dangerous or not. It is safe to stay here, but is it useful? "

"You..." Su Luoheng was speechless by Xia Ruo's words.

Indeed, Cao Shan is not a good person, and Xia Ruo is likely to be in danger if he goes alone.

In Hong Kong, Yan Hing Society is the largest gang. They almost have the strength that rivals the police. This is the reason why the big figures above know that Yan Hing Society is doing all things but have been slow to take action.

There are even some big people who have ties to the Yanxing Society. This world is like this. Good people will never make their heads, but those who do evil and do everything are rampant.

Xia Ruo turned his head and was about to leave, Su Luoheng hurried to catch up, grabbed the car key in Xia Ruo's hand, and walked forward with a cold face.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)