
Chapter 100: Strong buy and sell


Zhang Qi is a very popular person in their group, and it is estimated that there is nothing missing. Xia Ruo thought so and had to give something different, otherwise it would be vain for them to have friendship for so many years.

The two of them just chatted about the sky one after another, chatting and laughing while chatting about the sky.

But after going around for more than an hour, there was no result.

Xia Ruo sighed and sat on the bench, shaking her legs, looking helpless: "I don't know what to buy for Zhang Qi, I'm not a very good-sighted person."

"Not a good-sighted person?" Su Luoheng sat next to Xia Ruo, curled his lips to look straight at her, and made a sound from his throat to raise his voice. "Huh?"

"Ah?" Xia Ruo stared at Su Luoheng with a pair of eyes, then quickly turned to stare at the ground, "What..."

Maybe it was because it wasn't the weekend, and there were not many people in the boutique street, but people who passed by would have a look at them if they didn't have anything. This was what made Xia Ruo the most uncomfortable.

"You mean, I'm not good too?"

Xia Ruo suddenly raised her head and waved her hand: "No, no, how could it be? I'm just not good at picking gifts for others. What are you thinking about."

Su Luoheng supported it with a pair of slender hands, his eyes never left Xia Ruo's petite face.

The sunlight made Xia Ruo's face pale, but it still highlighted her lively temperament.


"Okay, let's go." Xia Ruo stood up suddenly and turned to look at Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng's mind seemed to flash something suddenly, and he took Xia Ruo's hand and suddenly said, "I know there is a very good tea shop here. Doesn't Zhang Qi really like tea?"

Xia Ruo paused for two or three seconds and blinked her eyes and suddenly realized: "Yes, how did I forget, she asked me to give her the package of imported tea at home before."

So the two went directly to the tea shop in Su Luoheng's mouth.

The decoration of the shop looks very good, very charming, after entering, there is a very weak but unignorable aroma of tea, which is scattered throughout the shop.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

The boss looked very kind, a man, and smiled at both of them after seeing them come in.

A row of shelves are filled with various tea packaging styles, which looks really exciting.

"Hello, do you need something?" the clerk who thought the draped hair came up to them and asked politely.

"Yeah... "The syllable hasn't completely fallen down yet, I heard some inexplicable sounds coming out of a single room.

It seems to be a man's call, but I can't hear it clearly. Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, who are in the serious crime team, must have a certain degree of sensitivity and alertness.

The two looked at each other, as if some coincident thought suddenly popped out of their minds.

"What's the matter?" Su Luoheng walked up to the shopkeeper in the first reaction and asked quickly, his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and he didn't give the shopkeeper room to escape from you suddenly.

The store owner's expression suddenly changed. He veiled his eyes and cast a confused look. He hesitated, "No... It's okay, maybe the clerk is a little bit conflicted..." Then he quickly wanted to run in, "I'll go in and see...

...I disturb you..."

Su Luoheng looked at the shopkeeper and quickly entered the small single room, knowing that this matter must not be that simple, so he immediately gave Xia Ruo a color.

Xia Ruoxin understood and quickly pushed down the shelf where the tea was placed.

In an instant, all the tea leaves on the shelf fell off, and a loud noise came out of the tea shop, and people passing by couldn't help but look inside.

So this sound also achieved remarkable results and successfully attracted the attention of the shopkeeper. He paused and watched the tea leaves on the flower stand suddenly fall down and scattered to the ground.

This is the time, Xia Ruo Liao and Su Luoheng quickly broke into the single room, regardless of the shopkeeper's shouting from behind.

As soon as I entered, I saw a slightly bloody scene, but Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng were already familiar with it.

Several big men surrounded a man who was beating this. The man obviously looked painful, with more than one scar on his face.

My mouth was so murmur that I wanted to make a sound, but my mouth was tightly covered by a piece of white cloth, and my hands were firmly tied together, so if there were any sounds they heard, it was probably this. The man wants to call for help, but he can't call out loudly.

Su Luoheng reacted first, reacted quickly, pulled away the big guys, and sternly said, "What are you doing?"

Xia Ruo also went up to support the man, untied him, and asked, "Hello, sir. Have you been seriously injured? What happened?"

The man seemed to have not recovered yet. He rubbed the sore spots on his body, and then said after he was relieved, "I came here to travel. I wanted to come in and have a look. At first, I saw that the owner and the waiter were very enthusiastic. , So I came in to see it, but the price is too expensive, and I don’t like drinking tea myself, so I plan to leave."

After speaking, the man glanced at the shopkeeper, and then said: "But he was stopped by the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper asked me why I didn't buy tea. I really didn't expect it to be like this at the time, so I just said that I don't like tea. But he didn't listen to me at all. I insisted on not buying tea if I insisted on buying tea. As a result... As a result, he directly asked someone to drag me into this small single room and was beaten by a few big guys."

A painful expression appeared unconsciously on the face of the assaulted tourist.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo, then looked at the shopkeeper, walked up to him, and asked: "This is a black shop? You won't let you go if you don't buy anything? What's the reason? You are also illegal according to the law."

The shopkeeper looked ugly at this time, lowered his head gloomily, and suddenly raised his head after hearing Su Luoheng's words, staring at both Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo.

But in only four or five seconds, his appearance changed back to what they had when they first entered the store, and he was so affable that he said, "This gentleman may have misunderstood."

"I misunderstood?" The assaulted man pointed to the wound on his body, "Look at it yourself, I misunderstood? Okay, you explain, I listen to you."

The shopkeeper turned to smile: "Don't you deliberately want to steal the things from our shop? I can see clearly. You just said that the tea in our shop is very expensive, didn't you?"

The man became angry all at once, his face flushed suddenly, and he retorted:

"What are you talking nonsense? Even if the things in your store are expensive, I will never do such a thing. I am not as dirty as you, and I am not as dirty as you."

"Humph." The shopkeeper snorted from his nose, "There is no need to pretend to me, you should know what you have done yourself."

This big reversal of the situation made the onlookers a little confused, but Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo had long been surprised by this situation.

"Then you are right to find someone to beat him? The law also clearly stipulates that you can't buy or sell." Xia Ruo suddenly stood up and said firmly.

The shopkeeper looked at Xia Ruo contemptuously. This girl is really getting in the way, so he directly said sharply: "Aren't you two his accomplices? Talking to him like this, I don't care what will I lose?"

This shop is pretty clever, and it doesn't seem to be a good solution owner.

Su Luo raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and then dragged Xia Ruo behind him and asked, "You have evidence?"

"Haha, you ask me for evidence when you team up to do this kind of thing? It's ridiculous."

Xia Ruo laughed. The shop owner seemed to feel that something was wrong, so he heard Xia Ruo smile and say: "It's okay, the police will be here soon." She shook her phone after she finished speaking. .

The shop owner's face really changed, and he laughed lowly.

Just when everyone was wondering what she was still laughing at this time, he turned his head and winked at the stout guys. The guys blew a whistle with comprehension, and went from another single room. , And several big men like them came out.

Su Luoheng immediately understood what the shopkeeper wanted to do. This was obviously a black shop, and he could do this kind of thing in broad daylight. He could not figure out how many dirty things were in his back. It seemed that he had to investigate the shop later.

While Su Luoheng was meditating, the big guys had already rushed forward, and Xia Ruo responded quickly and intercepted the fist of one of the big guys flying over.

"Su Luoheng!" Xia Ruo shouted loudly, so Su Luoheng reacted quickly.

Immediately stepped forward, he directly picked up the collar of the shopkeeper, raised his head and looked at him condescendingly: "Do you think these tall men of yours can knock us down?"

"Hmph, it's not up to you whether to fight or not."

"Try it, I forgot to say that we are from the Crime Squad of the Hong Kong Regional Police." Xia Ruo couldn't help but said proudly: "The one next to me is Su Luoheng, Senior Inspector of the Crime Squad."

Sure enough, after hearing these words, the shopkeeper showed a look of horror on his face.

So, they are all from the police gang? Why was he so careless at the time that he got into the police? These people haven't been hanging around here recently, so suddenly.

The shopkeeper thought, but didn't know that the police car had already sounded outside. The big men panicked, and began to shrink from each other, wanting to run into another single room to hide.

Helplessly it was too late. They saw Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo greet the police with their own eyes and explained what happened. The shopkeeper seemed to feel that the sky had collapsed and sat on the ground all of a sudden, staring straight at the ceiling.

The police quickly cleared the scene and then took away everyone in the shop, even though there were some unknowing shop assistants.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)