
Chapter 105: Weird things in Qingdao


Lan Xiang said: "More than a year ago, in May and June, I went to Qingdao with Hongmu. This is a small hotel by the sea in Qingdao."

Lan Xiang rarely goes out to play, so every time he goes out, the memory will be deep. After going to Qingdao with Hongmu last time, she never went out to travel.

The place where this small hotel impressed him was the bedside table beside the bed. Lan Xiang clearly remembered that the bedside table was half-square and generally curved, which looked very nice.

The bedside table in the photo looked exactly like this, so she recognized this deja vu at a glance.

"Are you sure?" Su Luoheng asked.

"I'm sure." Lan Xiang looked at Su Luoheng, nodded heavily, and said.

With that said, Lan Xiang suddenly thought of something and suddenly realized: "Ah, yes, from the time we went to Qingdao to travel, there was something wrong with Hongmu, can it be said..."

Lan Xiang realized that Hongmu might have met and framed Fancheng at that time. However, when something like this happened, why didn't Mahogany say anything

"Can you tell me more about what happened at that time?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yeah." Lan Xiang looked at the photo and said to Su Luoheng: "Actually, I should have discovered something wrong." Lan Xiang reproached herself and said, "We played on the first day in Qingdao. Very happy, but the next day, Hongmu said that she had something to do and was about to leave, and was depressed along the way, and hardly said anything. I asked her if something happened, and she said it was okay, so I didn’t ask any more. I’m really Yumu’s head. Mahogany’s emotions were so bad at the time. Obviously something serious happened."

I obviously should ask a few more questions, maybe everything will not evolve into what it is today.

"So, the accident happened on the first night after you arrived in Qingdao, right?" Su Luoheng asked.

"It seems to be." Lan Xiang said.

"What happened that night? Have you seen Fancheng before?" Su Luoheng was filled with doubts.

"I have never seen Fancheng before." Lan Xiang said, "We were very happy that night. Hongmu also brought red wine to my room and said to celebrate, but she quickly got drunk... "

Lan Xiang paused abruptly, with a look of surprise on his face. Su Luoheng noticed Lan Xiang's reaction and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Lan Xiang said naively: "I remember, that night Mahogany slept in the room that was originally my room, because she quickly got drunk, I couldn't hold her, so I let her sleep in my room. , And I took the key from her body and went to her room to rest. So, if there was no such thing, the person who was victimized that night should be..."

It should be her.

Lan Xiang looked at Su Luoheng blankly.

Could it be said that Hongmu saved himself under the wrong circumstances

Su Luoheng was still very puzzled, and then asked: "Redwood should have a very good amount of alcohol. How can you get drunk easily?"

In contrast, it was obvious that Lanxiang's drinker was worse, and the first drunk turned out to be mahogany. This made Su Luoheng incredible, and he always felt that there might be something else hidden in it.

Su Luoheng said this, Lan Xiang also felt strange: "At that time, I actually thought

It was strange, but when I asked Redwood the next day, she said that it might be because she was too tired, so she quickly went to sleep with the help of wine. "

But it is still far-fetched.

First of all, if it's just wine, it is impossible for Hongmu to sleep so badly, even if someone went into the house and raped her.

Secondly, where did Fancheng's key come from, or how did he enter Lanxiang's room

Finally, what puzzles Su Luoheng the most is that Fancheng is also a native of Hong Kong A. How could he accidentally go to Qingdao and rape a woman who happens to be a native of Hong Kong A

Su Luoheng integrated his own question and came up with an idea.

He asked Lan Xiang, "Does the red wine brought Mahogany himself or bought it separately?"

After thinking about the brand of red wine at the time, Lan Xiang said, "It should be Redwood brought by ourselves. Because that brand of red wine is something we often drink, we have to purchase it from abroad every time. It is very popular in domestic small shops. It's hard to buy. Thinking about it this way, the bottle of red wine that I drank at Fancheng's house is also of this brand..."

As Redwood said at the showdown with her, that day, she even prepared the red wine herself.

"Have you all drunk this bottle of red wine?"

Lan Xiang wondered why Su Luoheng asked such a question. Since it was a celebration together, of course both of them drank it.

"Yes, Hongmu and I drank it, and Hongmu specially prepared wine glasses." Thinking about it this way, Hongmu is really thoughtful.

Lan Xiang couldn't help but regret it. In his heart, even if something happened later, Hongmu was still the thoughtful and kind girl.

"The wine glass I prepared?" Su Luoheng frowned slightly, and said, "Miss Lan, do you still remember what was unusual about those two? Or, what happened when you were drinking?"

"What's unusual about the wine glass?" Su Luoheng's question became more and more confusing for Lan Xiang. She carefully recalled the situation at the time, what she thought of, and said: "Officer Su, when you mention it like this, it seems to be true. It’s a bit strange to me."

"What is it?" Su Luoheng asked after him, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

"Mahogany was originally a very clean person, but there was a stain on one of the wine glasses that day." Lan Xiang recalled the situation of the wine glass in his hand, and said hesitantly: "Actually, I'm not sure that it was. It's not a stain, it seems to be a small stroke accidentally rubbed by a pen, and then when Mahogany was preparing for a side dish, I secretly wiped the trace clean. I'm afraid she will feel embarrassed if she notices it."

Su Luoheng asked, "Then, the glass that Hongmu drank was the one that was stained, didn't it?"

"Yes..." Lan Xiang said, she always felt that Su Luoheng's questioning had been guiding her in a certain direction, which made her feel a little uneasy. There is a cloud of suspicion in the mind, as if it is going to be spread, but it can't find a direction.

Su Luoheng continued to ask: "The matter of traveling to Qingdao was also proposed by Hongmu."

"Yes, Officer Su, how did you know?" Lan Xiang was puzzled.

Su Luoheng did not immediately answer Lan Xiang's question.

After listening to all the statements made by Lan Xiang, Su Luoheng almost concluded his guess. All this was a scam from the beginning,

Mahogany has long been calculating Lanxiang.

"Miss Lan, I must have been talking until now, you have also noticed something wrong." Su Luoheng changed the eager question just now, and his tone calmed down. In fact, he did this to take care of Lan Xiang's emotions.

"Hmm..." Lan Xiang nodded hesitantly.

She did notice that apart from something wrong, it made her feel awkward, but she couldn't point it out specifically.

Su Luoheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Next, I want to explain to you the specifics of the whole thing that happened in Qingdao."

Lan Xiang was taken aback, nodded mechanically, and let Su Luoheng continue.

The Qingdao Tour was a trap from the beginning.

Hongmu and Fancheng may have known each other a long time ago, or through some channels, Hongmu has contacted Fancheng. Looking at Fancheng from the photo, he has light-yellow hair dyed in a popular hair style. He also has tattoos on his body. He is dressed like the “former” friend of Fancheng that Su Luoheng had seen around Fancheng’s home complex before. , Little difference. Thinking of this time, he has not changed. And when Hongmu contacted Fancheng, it was very likely that he had taken a fancy to his gangster status.

Next, Hongmu persuaded Lan Xiang to go to Qingdao with her and booked a room for her and herself. And copied the key of Lanxiang room to Fancheng.

Hearing this, Lan Xiang was completely stunned and asked Su Luoheng: "Why... Fancheng wants to go to my room...?"

In fact, Su Luoheng's words were for this purpose. Lan Xiang mentally had points guesses about what happened after the contact, but Su Luoheng didn't say it, she didn't dare or said she didn't want to confirm it.

"Miss Lan, I believe you guessed it too. You are both from A, and the appearance of Fancheng is not accidental." Su Luoheng continued.

Mahogany prepared red wine and wine glasses with ulterior motives. Lanxiang said that the stains were deliberately left by the mahogany. In order to distinguish between your own wine glass and the wine glass that you want to give Lanxiang, if the guess is good, the one with Lanxiang The wine in the glass should have been drugged by mahogany. But accidentally Lan Xiang wiped off the stains, causing the mahogany to be taken by mistake and drank the medicated wine by herself. This is why Mahogany quickly fell drunk.

After Mahogany fell drunk, Lan Xiang left Mahogany in her room, but she went to Mahogany's room. At the appointed time, Fan Cheng used the key that Hongmu gave him to enter Lanxiang's room, only to find that it was not Lanxiang who was lying on the ground, but Hongmu was indeed unconscious.

If the guess is correct, Hongmu came here to find Fan Cheng to fascinate Lan Xiang, and then let Fan Cheng enter Lan Xiang's room and rape her. After Fancheng is done, Hongmu must have a way to benefit Fancheng, and not to involve himself in this matter. Afterwards, just pretend to tell Lan Xiang that it is not good for her to invite Lan Xiang to Qingdao and it has nothing to do with her. NS.

But I didn't expect that I was indeed left in Lan Xiang's guest room by accident. It's just that Su Luoheng couldn't guess the purpose of Hongmu's doing this.

After Fan Cheng entered the room, he saw the unconscious Mahogany, but did not stop there. Instead, he raped Mahogany and left a photo. Later, he threatened Mahogany from this. Lan Xiang knew about the rest.

After listening to Su Luoheng finishing the whole thing, Lan Xiang couldn't react for a long time, his eyes were blank.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)