
Chapter 110: Blood on the sofa


Zhao Yanjie's diary ends on August 2nd, and there is no record of August 3rd.

Su Luoheng sent someone to check the surveillance video of Zhao Yanjie's company. Zhao Yanjie didn't go to the company at all that night, so where would she go

The next day's disappearance must have something to do with Zhao Yanjie's whereabouts after the fashion dinner.

But the first question to end is Chen Meng.

Chen Meng was obviously lying to Su Luoheng and the others. Not only did he not break contact with Zhao Yanjie, he even said that he had been in contact. He knew that August 2 was two days before Zhao Yanjie disappeared.

Why did Chen Meng lie

Does Zhao Yanjie’s disappearance have anything to do with Chen Meng

These problems may be cleared up by going to Chen Meng's house again.

Last time at Chen Meng’s house, Chen Meng said that he went to D on the night of August 3rd. Su Luoheng has confirmed by contacting his friends. That night until the next morning, he was indeed in the bar. . But during the day of August 4th, no one could prove whether Chen Meng was really in D, and he returned to C.

Although Chen Meng himself said he went to watch the drama "End of the World", there was no ticket stub to prove it. The news of the drama broadcast is easy to get, and it cannot prove that Chen Meng actually watched it.

Therefore, Chen Meng's suspicion is getting more and more serious.

Because I visited Chen Meng's house last time, Su Luoheng was spared from the road test this time, so he drove to Chen Meng's house if he was familiar with the road.

Xia Ruo rang the doorbell of Chen Meng's house.


Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng stood in front of the camera and said, "Hello, Mr. Chen, we are the police of the Hong Kong General Police District. We met before."

This time, Chen Meng quickly opened the door and saw Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, his brows frowned without a trace, and said, "Two police officers, why are you here again so soon?"

"We found some new questions and want to ask Mr. Chen." Su Luoheng smiled and motioned to Chen Meng with his eyes.

Chen Meng was nothing, and said "Oh", he turned his body sideways, invited Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo to enter the door, and sat on the sofa they had made before.

"What do you two want to ask today?" Chen Meng asked Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo as soon as they sat down.

Su Luoheng crossed his hands and fingers in front of him, leaned his upper body slightly forward, and said, "Mr. Chen, as far as we know, you and Ms. Zhao Yanjie have not been out of touch as you said in the past half month. On the contrary, you have been in contact with Ms. Zhao Yanjie at least three times."

Chen Meng saw that Su Luoheng had seen through his lie, his calm expression collapsed slightly.

His relationship with Zhao Yanjie has always been secret. How did Su Luoheng find out? And it was only one day apart. Chen Meng was surprised.

Could it be that Su Luoheng and the others are playing their own words

Chen Meng said, "Why do you guys say that?"

Xia Ruo said to Chen Meng: "We found Ms. Zhao Yanjie's diary, which clearly records the relationship between you and Ms. Zhao Yanjie in the past half month. She will not want to lie in her diary."

Chen Meng never expected that Zhao Yanjie, a woman who would still keep a diary, was a miscalculation.

Unable to help him not admit it, Chen Meng had to say: "Yes, Zhao Yanjie and I did not disconnect from each other. Because she didn't want to end the relationship between us, or even withdraw.

The capital comes to threaten. But I couldn't stand the life with her anymore, so I insisted on ending this relationship. "Chen Meng looked at Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng and said, "Even though I have always been in contact with Zhao Yanjie, each time they ended up in a quarrel and broke up unhappy." "

"August 3rd, have you met Zhao Yanjie?" Su Luoheng asked.

"No." At that time, Chen Meng couldn't wait to see Zhao Yanjie again.

"Do you have any other clues about Zhao Yanjie's disappearance? In the only few meetings with her, have you noticed that Zhao Yanjie is different from usual?"

Chen Meng was a little impatient. It didn't seem like he was going to mention the name Zhao Yanjie again, saying, "No. Every time I meet, I wish it was the last time. I didn't even bother to pay attention to her."

It's so good to get along with each other for so many years, but Chen Meng's attitude at this time does not seem to have any nostalgia for Zhao Yanjie.

Isn't it the same for all difficult things, once you no longer like a certain woman, you don't even want to see it again

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo couldn't help but turned to look at Su Luoheng. Su Luoheng felt Xia Ruo's gaze, and turned his head to meet her gaze. Seeing the doubt and vague anger in her eyes, Su Luoheng couldn't figure it out for a while.

Didn’t you say anything wrong just now...

Xia Ruo looked away and saw an empty quilt on one side of the table. She felt a little thirsty, so she asked, "Um... Mr. Chen, can you pour a glass of water? I'm a little thirsty..."

Chen Meng realized his rudeness and immediately stood up and said, "Oh, sorry, it was my negligence. I forgot to prepare tea for the two of you. Wait a minute, I will prepare tea immediately."

Xia Ruo hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No need, just boiled water."

Chen Meng turned on the water boiler and quickly boiled a small pot of water, took two disposable paper cups, reached half a cup of hot water each, and put them in front of two people.

"Thank you." Xia Ruo said, reaching out to take the paper cup in front of her, because it was the water that had just been boiled, the cup was very hot, and she took her hand back as soon as she touched the cup.

Chen Meng noticed Xia Ruo's movements and said, "Officer Xia, is it too hot? I'll pour you a glass of cold water, right?"

"Okay, then trouble." Xia Ruo said, she was indeed thirsty.

Chen Meng took half a cup of cold water, and half a cup of hot water from the kettle, and handed it to Xia Ruo again. Xia Ruo smiled in gratitude, took the water glass, it turned out to be warm water, just right, so he took a big sip.

Xia Ruo wanted to fold from the first cup of hot water to this half cup of warm water, so that it was cooler and faster. I didn’t expect that the temperature of the first cup of hot water was even hotter than expected, and it hurt when I just lifted it up. With a low cry, he threw the paper cup out of his hand and sprinkled a lot of water on the sofa.

Xia Ruo stood up abruptly and quickly apologized to Chen Meng, saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Although Chen Meng was surprised, he didn't mean to blame Xia Ruo, saying: "It's okay, it's okay, just wipe it."

Su Luoheng also stood up quickly and helped Xia Ruo clean up the wet sofa.

However, Su Luoheng's hand suddenly stopped.

Chen Meng's sofa is the kind of sofa that has a set of back cushions and cushions but is movable. When Su Luoheng wiped the water, he found that

There is a red mark on the inside of the sofa cushion, which is covered by the cushion.

This mark looks unusual, like... blood.

Su Luoheng's expression changed, he moved the sofa cushion aside, pointed to the red mark, and asked Chen Meng coldly: "Mr. Chen, I want to ask, what is this?"

Chen Meng followed the direction of Su Luoheng's fingers and saw the red mark on the sofa.

Xia Ruo also saw the red trace at the same time, as keen as her, and realized how unusual this trace was, and turned to look at Chen Meng, who was already completely stupid.

Su Luoheng said to Chen Meng coldly: "Mr. Chen, it seems that you need to explain."

The surrounding air seemed to have suddenly stopped and flowed, and the muscles on Chen Meng's face were also instantly stiff, and one side condensed. He looked at the red trace and his face changed a lot.

Chen Meng suddenly smiled, and finally said, "This trace..."

Su Luoheng saw that Chen Meng wanted to make an excuse at a glance, so he interrupted him and said, "Mr. Chen, you must know that with the current level of technology, it is not difficult to find out what this trace is. I think you'd better be honest."

Su Luoheng's warning made Chen Meng stunned on the spot, the corners of his mouth ***, and after a moment, he said nervously: "I am not a murderer! When I came back, Zhao Yanjie was already dead!"

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng were taken aback.

"This trace is indeed blood..." Xia Ruo murmured.

Su Luoheng asked Chen Meng: "You mean, Zhao Yanjie is dead?"

Chen Meng sweated on his forehead and nose, and told the truth: "Yes, but I really didn't kill people."

Su Luoheng frowned and said to Chen Meng, "You tell us in detail what is going on."

"Okay..." Chen Meng took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his face, and told about what happened that day: "I went out for dinner on August 3rd and only came back in the afternoon of August 4th. I didn't lie to you about this. I went home. Later, I found Zhao Yanjie lying on the sofa." Chen Meng pointed to the sofa where Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng were sitting, and said, "This is where you are sitting now."

When Xia Ruo heard this, she couldn't help but lift her body slightly.

"At that time, she was already dead. I don't know who killed her, but she died in my house. I'm afraid the police will suspect me after finding out, and the affairs between me and Zhao Yanjie will be exposed. , I will find it difficult to get mixed up in the future... Therefore, I will'dispose' Zhao Yanjie's body."

"Is the'processing' dropped?" Su Luoheng frowned.

"Oh, just buried her in the backyard." Chen Meng motioned to a large garden in their backyard.

Su Luoheng got up and said, "Take us to see."

"Okay." Chen Meng's voice trembled.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng followed Chen Meng to their backyard. On the right side of the backyard, there was a flowerbed with some red flowers. Chen Meng pointed to one of the places and said, "I just buried Zhao Yanjie's body here."

Xia Ruo walked in and saw that there was indeed a trace of refurbishment on a piece of land.

Is it used to make fertilizer

Xia Ruo felt sick.

Buried Zhao Yanjie's body in her backyard, this Chen Meng didn't feel scared either.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)