
Chapter 125: Meet the deceased again


It's mid-August, the weather has faded from the sweltering heat of June, and walking on the road at night is often more refreshing. Because of this, Xia Ruo has developed the habit of going for a walk after the sun sets.

Sometimes Su Luoheng would accompany her, but when Su Luoheng was busy at night, Xia Ruo would go out for a walk by herself. In fact, Xia Ruo was so happy. Occasionally taking a walk alone, you can see more different scenery, and maybe you can also encounter wonderful encounters.

And tonight, Xia Ruo met an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Xia Ruo was shocked when she saw the familiar figure on the bench. After standing in place and observing repeatedly for a long time, he cautiously yelled, "Xiao Ou?"

Hearing the familiar voice, the dazed Qianying on the bench hesitated, as if confirming that she had not heard it wrong, then slowly turned her head and saw Xia Ruo standing five steps away.

"Xiao Ruo?" The girl widened her eyes in disbelief, and called out her name in surprise.

The girl who bumped her head still had the familiar eyebrows. Xia Ruo couldn't help but stood up on her heels, jumped up on the spot, and ran to her former friend: "Xiaoou!!! It's really you!"

The two girls hugged tightly, not hiding their excitement.

The girl with Xia Ruo Baozi is named Yan Ou. She is a classmate and roommate of Ode University. The relationship between the two is very good. As an old saying goes, Xia Ruo and Yan Ou are close friends.

This matter has to be talked about in college.

Yan Ou's appearance is a standard glamorous beauty, like a queen when she smiles, and like a queen of ice and snow when she doesn't smile, always giving people the feeling of not getting close to strangers and not disturbing acquaintances. Therefore, some classmates even gave her the nickname "Queen of Leng Ou" in private. It can be seen that Yan Ou gives people a sense of distance.

At first, Xia Ruo also adhered to this idea and kept a friendly but polite distance from Yan Ou. Just like everyone else.

But once, Xia Ruo went out to work late and heard someone calling in the corner of the road, the kind of suppressed calling sound. Xia Ruo felt very problematic at the time, so she secretly looked inside and found that three men were embarrassing a girl with long hair, so she didn't think much about it, and immediately called the police.

But after reporting to the police, Xia Ruo noticed that those people were going to take this girl to other places. If you leave here, Xia Ruo doesn't know if the anti-vomiting police can find these people. After weighing for three seconds, he will do nothing. Holding the watermelon just bought from the roadside, Xia Ruo rushes over. Zi smashed the watermelon on the head of a man who was facing her back, but the bright red watermelon flesh was falling apart, centered on the top of the person's head, falling in all directions.

The person who was smashed was dumbfounded, and the other two men were also stunned by the sudden situation. Taking advantage of this moment, Xia Ruo grabbed the dazed girl and ran away, and the man behind reacted. He shouted "chasing!" and followed Xia Ruo and the girl. The dancer who was smashed by Xia Ruo shook his head vigorously, gave a vicious look at the back of the two girls, and stumbled after him with his legs.

At this time, Xia Ruo still remembered that she called the police and wanted to run away where the police might pass by, so she chose the spacious mainland that was closest to the police station in his memory. While running, I looked back, insisting on making peace

People keep a certain distance.

On the silent streets, a chasing battle of great disparity was staged.

But the two girls couldn't run the big man after all. Seeing each other’s stick was about to hit Xia Ruo’s head, the girl who was rescued by Xia Ruo stretched out her arm to block Xia Ruo’s head, and stood firm for her. With this stick, he muffled.

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and he took out the key from his pocket, ignoring anything else. There was a retractable ballpoint pen hung on Xia Ruo's key. Originally, Xia Ruo only found it convenient and beautiful, so he hung it on the key and carried it with him. Unexpectedly, it became a tool for his self-defense at this moment.

Xia Ruo stretched the ballpoint pen and exploded it at the bad guy without saying a word. At that moment, Xia Ruo was in a daze. In fact, she didn't remember this afterwards. Maybe it was because she was too scared at the time and left this memory blank. Yan Ou told her later.

At that time, Xia Ruo had a cold and fierce expression, holding a ballpoint pen and sticking it towards the neck of one of the bad guys. Because Xia Ruo is a medical student, he naturally knows where is the fatal place, and where this tie is to aim at, Yan Ou also took a breath of surprise at that time. But the gangster dodged quickly, avoiding the fatal place. Xia Ruo pierced the junction of his neck and shoulders with great force. The gangster who was in pain at that time screamed.

The gangster behind saw that his companion was injured, and was even more fierce, holding a stick and smashing at Xia Ruo. Fortunately, Yan Ou was also a shrewd girl. The moment he saw Xia Ruo stick down, he took off his high heels and waved the sharp heels of the high heels to hit the gangster who wanted to bully Xia Ruo.

It is inevitable that the two girls without weapons are at a disadvantage. Fortunately, the police arrived in time. The horns of the police car frightened the culprits. They turned and ran away. Xia Ruo and Yan Ou also chose to watch the culprits run away, not chasing them or not. Cursing, as if all the strength of the whole body was exhausted, and fell to the ground.

They had been running and fighting just now, so until this time, the two could see each other clearly.

"Huh... Are you... Xia Ruo?!" Yan Ou was the first to recognize Xia Ruo.

And Yan Ou turned against the light, Xia Ruo guessed something with her voice: "Are you... Yan Ou?"


"Yes! It's me." Although his body was in pain, Yan Ou's voice was full of joy: "Unexpectedly, it turned out to be you."

Xia Ruo was also very surprised and said, "I didn't expect it to be you. Are those people...?"

"Ah, those who were supposed to grab my money just now, but after seeing me clearly, they became lustful again. Fortunately, I met you." Yan Ou smiled and said, "Thank you."

Obviously it was a very thrilling thing, but it was told from Yan Ou's mouth, but it was completely like telling a story that was as plain as clear water, there were no ups and downs, and even inexplicably happy with meaning.

"Um... No thanks." Yan Ou's tone was a little confusing, Xia Ruo was taken aback and said, "Well, thank you just now."

"What?" Yan Ou puzzled.

Xia Ruo pointed at the right arm that Yan Ou had been dragging with his hand.

"Ah, this." Yan Ou said indifferently: "It's just a matter of effort. I can't let my savior be injured for me."

Sure enough, it was a "lift of hands", Xia Ruo laughed.

When the police arrived, they saw two girls, one wearing a floral dress and canvas shoes, but already

Stained with dust, the tall ponytail was also crooked to one side. The other was wearing a chiffon shirt and hot pants, and the high heels on his feet were still on both sides of the road, in the same embarrassment.

The two girls were sitting in the middle of the road, obviously dirty and embarrassed, but unexpectedly quiet and peaceful.

Xia Ruo didn't see Yan Ou clearly until the police helped them up. Although he wrinkled his face tightly because of the pain in his arm, there was no doubt that there was a joyful look in his eyes.

Xia Ruo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

It turned out that the legendary Ice Queen really only looked a little colder, and in her bones, she was still an optimistic and laughing little girl.

It was from this night that Yan Ou and Xia Ruo became good friends. Until after graduation, Yan Ou and Xia Ruo both went abroad, went to different countries, and moved around, and gradually lost contact with each other.

Unexpectedly, tonight, they would meet in their fellow villagers, and the two of them were extremely excited.

"Xiao Ou, why are you here? You are back!" Xia Ruo asked.

"Ah, because something happened, I only came back last month." Xiao Ou asked her: "When did you go back to Land A?"

"I actually came back not long ago." Xia Ruo said.

Yan Ou held Xia Ruo's face and said: "I haven't seen you for so many years, Xiao Ruo, you are more gentle and moving. There are peach blossoms on your face, I am afraid that good things are coming soon."

"Fuck you." Xia Ruo knocked out Yan Ou's hand, looked up and down Yan Ou, jokingly said: "I haven't seen you for so many years, my Snow Queen has become more noble and glamorous. I must surrender to the skirt under your knees. The ministers should be countless."

Xia Ruo laughed at Yan Ou's previous nickname.

Yan Ou scolded Xia Ruo with a smile: "What the'Ice Queen'! No boy in my college dared to confess to me."

This is, although his personality is not like this, Yan Ou has a look that is a thousand miles away, annoying that he dare not stand with him.

The two hadn't seen each other for many years, and they sat on the bench and chatted happily.

"Seriously, Xia Ruo, are you married yet?" Yan Ou asked her.

"Um... not yet."

"Look at your little expression, see if good things are approaching." Yan Ou quipped.

"Oh, no." Xia Ruo asked Yan Ou back: "What about you, do you have a partner?"

"I'm still alone." Yan Ou sighed deeply with a lonely and pompous expression.

Two people were squatting, talking about what funny or bad things had happened in each of their lives without the other's participation in the past few years.

Yan Ou's return this time, the domestic treatment of orthopedic diseases requires the introduction of new technologies, and Yan Ou was invited back to participate in the research of new technologies. She is now working at P Hospital in Hong Kong A.

"Hey, if you are a police officer now, Xiaoruo is still a crime squad!" Yan Ou opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Yes..." Xia Ruo replied with a smile.

Yan Ou couldn't imagine how a usually gentle girl would become a policeman.

However, thinking of Xia Ruo's fierce strength that night with a ballpoint pen piercing the deadly part of the culprit's neck, Yan Ou felt that it was not very surprising.

"Actually, I am coming back this time not only for medical research, but also for another thing..."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)