
Chapter 127: Invisible enemies


Yan Ou shook his head, feeling in his heart that this kid was carrying a lot of luck.

"Then, has the hotel employee stealing the watch been confirmed?"

"Of course. We asked the hotel about this, and the hotel manager said that there was indeed such a thing at the time."

Xia Ruo wondered: "Then Yan Xiao has no reason to remember this person if something like this happened."

"Yan Xiao said, he did remember this incident, but he was in a hurry to go to the set, so he handed it over to his agent and left first, so he didn't have any impression of the person who stole his watch. "Yan Ou said with a shrug.

"Um..." Xia Ruo thought for a while and asked Yan Ou: "So, who is the person who made this video?"

Yan Ou had put away the phone long after Xia Ruo watched the video, and when Xia Ruo asked the person who was shooting the video, she slammed the table. The movement is fast and the use of force is fierce, but the landing is very light. There is only a sound of slapping the table, but it can also express Yan Ou's anger.

"I'm angry when I talk about this person." Yan Ou stretched out his right hand and tapped the edge of the table, and said angrily: "This video was shot by two passers-by... Hey, passers-by, do you know Xiaoruo!"

Xia Ruo nodded dumbfounded and said, "Um... I know..."

I don’t understand the meaning of Yan Ou’s emphasis on "passersby"...

"They are people who pass by occasionally. When they saw the beating, they recorded it and posted it on the Internet very cheaply..." Tern grew more and more angry, and the speed and strength of the finger beating on the edge of the table were all the same. Increasing.

"Is it someone who has nothing to do with Yan Xiao and the person being beaten?"

"Yeah, I said it all, they are just passers-by!"

"Hey?" Xia Ruo had a question: "However, according to your previous statement, we will at least speculate that someone deliberately harmed Yan Xiao, so the person who took the video will naturally have more or less contact with both sides. For the whole thing, the upload and circulation of the video is the key. If there is no such a person to shoot the video and upload it to the Internet, wouldn't the beating scene directed by the key person Yan Xiao be in vain?"

"You are right to say so..." The milk tea in Yan Ou's cup has long been drunk, and a straw swayed in the empty cup, constantly bumping the walls of the quilt, as if struggling to escape. Little beast. Yan Ou put forward an idea: "It may also be that the man behind the scenes was beside him at the time. He planned to shoot the video and post it online, but he happened to see someone else filming this video, so he just let that person shoot it. I stopped taking pictures, and just got rid of my suspicion."

Xia Ruo shook her head in disapproval. She said, "No, this person couldn't make this video by himself."

"Hey?" Yan Ou was stunned, her cold-eyed eyes were round and round, revealing a dull doubt, but with a sense of contrast. She asked Xia Ruo: "Why?"

"It's obvious." Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Look, the former hotel employee who was beaten in the video was a hatred that Yan Xiao took in private, and most outsiders would not know it. So he should be at least Yan. People Xiao Knows

, It was too late for him to evade, it was impossible to personally intervene in this matter. What's more, investigating the source of information circulating on the Internet is now a very easy task. How can you expose yourself so easily? "

The milk tea in Xia Ruo's cup has also been drunk, and all the pearl beans are connected. But she still maintained the posture of holding the milk tea cup with both hands, looking like a well-behaved student.

Although Yan Ou was still holding a straw in his hand, because he was lost in thinking and couldn't take care of the movements of his hands, he no longer swayed, but stood quietly in the milk tea cup.

Yan Ou thought for a while, and raised objections to Xia Ruo's statement: "However, it is also possible that it was Yan Xiao's assistant who knew about this, or someone else told someone else, and that person happened to hate Yan Xiao. people."

Xia Ruo was taken aback.

It seems that this is also very possible. I'm still not meticulous enough. Xia Ruo thought.

"Yeah... Yes, this kind of situation you said may happen." Xia Ruo nodded slowly, and asked another question: "There is another point, how can the man behind the scenes be sure that the person who took the video will definitely upload it. What? How can someone see the video after uploading it?"

"Ah." Yan Ou raised his hand and slapped his forehead, sticking out his tongue, and said embarrassingly: "I forgot to say that this'passerby' who filmed the video is actually not a pure passerby, he is a meager big V blog. Lord, it’s quite famous, and the number of views of uploaded videos is over 100,000 per minute."

"Ah..." Xia Ruo suddenly realized: "That is to say, as long as this person shoots a video with a hot spot, he will definitely upload it."

Tern nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

"Ah..." Xia Ruo thoughtfully said, "If this is the case, would the appearance of this big V blogger not be a coincidence at all? The people behind the scenes have long known that he will pass there, and then deliberately performed that section? "

Xia Ruo paused, and at the same time asked: "Also, did this big V blogger be instructed by others to do this deliberately?"

Yan Ou shook his head decisively and said, "No, it's impossible. This blogger is a very strange person. He never cooperates with advertising companies and celebrities. He is very maverick, so he won't be constrained by others. To do this kind of thing."

If this is the case, then this matter may have been designed from the beginning. Biro said that this blogger will meet someone somewhere, and will definitely pass there when he goes to a certain place. Or maybe he is like Xia Ruo, who has the habit of going out for a walk, passing by a certain place every day, and the location of the video is exactly this place or something.

However, before Xia Ruo had time to tell her guess to Tern, she was interrupted by the little girl from the milk tea shop who walked to their table: "I'm sorry you two, our milk tea shop is about to close."

With a sweet smile, the clerk said sorry to Xia Ruo and Yan Ou.

Xia Ruo looked up and realized that she and Yan Ou were the only people stranded in the milk tea shop.

Yan Ou turned on his phone and checked the time: it was already ten thirty in the evening.


Unexpectedly, I forgot the time of the chat, and it was so late. Xia Ruo took out her mobile phone, only to find that her mobile phone was set to silent mode at some time, and there were several missed calls from Su Luoheng.

"Oh, sorry!" Xia Ruo and Yan Ou hurriedly got up, said to the clerk, and then both walked out of the milk tea shop.

As soon as Xia Ruo went out, she hurriedly dialed Su Luoheng's number. As soon as the phone rang, she was picked up: "Xiao Ruo!"

Su Luoheng's voice on the other end of the phone was quick and worried.

Xia Ruo quickly apologized, saying that he had met a friend and the phone was muted without paying attention.

When Xia Ruo called Yan Ou from the side, Yan Ou kept looking at her with a clear smile, and at the same time sent a text message to a friend.

It turned out that Su Luoheng made many phone calls to Xia Ruo, but she never answered. Su Luo Crocodile was so sad and worried that something happened to Xia Ruo, and had already come out to look for her, so Xia Ruo told Su Luoheng where she was now.

"Unexpectedly, after talking for so long, I didn't pay attention to the time." After Xia Ruo hung up, Yan Ou sighed, and then asked Xia Ruo: "It's not safe for you to go back alone at this late. Was it your boyfriend just now? , Is he coming to pick you up?"

Xia Ruo smiled shyly and nodded, her smile filled with gentleness: "Well, if you want to take you home first, it is not safe for you to go alone."

At the same time, the two people remembered the embarrassing things that happened when they were in college, and smiled tacitly.

Yan Ou waved his hand and said, "No, I just sent a text message to Yan Xiao and asked him to pick me up." After all, he said with some regret: "Hey, it's a pity that I didn't see your boyfriend today. I will be free next time. Go to my house and take a seat, take your boyfriend and let me see you~"

Xia Ruo happily agreed and said: "Okay."

Later, Xia Ruo said: "I will help you solve Yan Xiao's matter."

"Good." Yan Ou said with a smile.

Because Su Luoheng had an appointment with her at a more convenient parking place nearby, Xia Ruo said goodbye to Tern: "Then, I'll go first."

"Okay, goodbye." Yan Ou waved, and between the gestures, there was a much more mature queen fan than before.

Xia Ruo got into Su Luoheng's car, stuck out her tongue, and said hurriedly, "Sorry, sorry..."

Su Luoheng fastened her seat belt while criticizing: "Next time you go out, you must remember to turn on the sound of your mobile phone, at least to set it to vibration!"

Although it was a criticism, the tone was not harsh at all.

In other words, after confirming that Xia Ruo was okay, he even had a somewhat relaxed tone.

Xia Ruo smiled sweetly and wanted Su Luoheng to promise: "Yeah, I must follow the orders of the senior inspector!"

Su Luoheng couldn't help laughing when he saw Xia Ruo's flattering appearance.

"Have you met an old friend?" Su Luoheng asked while starting the car.

"Yeah." Xia Ruo replied, "Yan Ou, my college classmate, we used to be in a dormitory."

"I talked about something fun, and after talking for so long, I forgot even the time." Su Luoheng asked.

"Um... Yan Xiao's matter." Xia Ruo said.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)