
Chapter 130: Unspecific


When he said these words, Bai Zhenzhen's voice was particularly loud, as if he was afraid that Su Luoheng in the office would not hear the same.

"Um..." At that moment, Xia Ruo felt that her embarrassment was about to be committed. This Bai Zhenzhen was absolutely deliberate, deliberate!

Xia Ruo had no choice but to get up and take it, and then said: "Okay, I got the autopsy report, you can go..."

Bai Zhenzhen widened his eyes exaggeratedly, covering his chest with his hands, as if he was severely injured by Wanjian's heart, and said intermittently: "Xia Ruo... you... unexpectedly... drove me away... you... use me... just... Drive me away..."

Bai Zhenzhen stretched out a hand towards Xia Ruo, and covered his chest with one hand, his eyes filled with exaggerated and artificial grief.

However, Xia Ruo, another protagonist in this strange little theater, was completely unmoved.

She blankly knocked off the hand that Bai Zhenzhen stretched towards her, and her voice was silent: "Bai Zhenzhen, it is your job to send the autopsy report. Now your work is complete, you You can go now."

Seeing that Xia Ruo didn't cooperate at all, Bai Zhenzhen put away his exaggerated expressions and actions with a sense of dignity, and restored his usual dangling appearance, saying, "Well, the autopsy report is handed over to you, if there are any problems. If you want to, ask me at any time."

"Good." Bai Zhenzhen's ability to work, Xia Ruo never doubted.

After Bai Zhenzhen left, Xia Ruo threw the autopsy report in front of Su Luoheng: "Here it is."

The autopsy report showed that the death time of the four people was indeed one week apart. The cause of death was the same, all of which were excessive blood loss. There are 15 wounds on each body, scattered in various parts of the body. Although there are seemingly hideous scars on the abdominal cavity and neck, they were all injured when the deceased died.

Moreover, these wounds were not caused within one day, but at different times, the longest being at least four days apart. This is why the murderer kills a person every other week, because he slowly bleeds the victim in a week.

"Excessive blood loss?" Xia Ruo said, "Could it be that the murderer was really trying to torture the dead?"

Bai Zhenzhen said at the scene where the body was found that the murderer was torturing the victim.

Su Luoheng stared at the text on the incident report.

The mind ship is not eager to kill the victim, but takes the method of leaving school to let the blood in the victim's body run out a little bit. Is it to have hatred with the deceased

Soon after the autopsy report came out, around three o'clock in the afternoon, the identities of the four deceased were all known.

The information was sent to the hands of Su Luoheng, a senior inspector of the Crime Squad.

What surprised Su Luoheng was that based on the information, these four people were completely irrelevant.

The four deceased, in order of time, are:

Tian Sheng, female, 16 years old, a junior high school student in LD Middle School, with excellent grades, is the only daughter who lives in Hong Kong A. In mid-to-late July, the family found that Tian Sheng was missing and called the police, but there has been no news of Tian Sheng. It is said that the last time I saw Tian Sheng was her classmate in LD junior high school. The classmates said that after seeing Tian Sheng shopping at a small store, no one saw her again.

The police visited this small shop and there was no problem.

In the records made by the police, teachers and parents

And Tian Sheng's classmates all said that they didn't know anyone who hated Tian Sheng. And Tian Sheng's parents have no enemies outside.

After investigating for a month, no clue was found, and the matter was put on hold.

The second victim was named Zhang Li, female, 45 years old. She sells vegetables for a living. She goes to Dongxiangkou to sell vegetables every day. She has a husband and a daughter in her family. According to the people selling vegetables at the same vegetable market as her, the day Zhang Li disappeared was no different from usual. It was just because the vegetables on that day were especially good for sale, so she went back later, around 9:30 in the evening. Only left around. But she never returned home and disappeared.

Like Tian Sheng, neither Zhang Li nor her husband and daughter have any enemies outside.

The third victim was Cheng Mi, a 42-year-old male, an ordinary employee of a company. He was sent to work in Hong Kong 15 years ago and settled down in Hong Kong A, where he married his wife and married. He and his wife have a son.

Similar to Zhang Li's situation, Cheng Mi left the company around ten o'clock after the company finished overtime, but did not return home. And the same has no enemies.

The fourth victim was a young woman, 23 years old, named Ruru, a girl who entered a small company as a clerical job shortly after graduation. The day she disappeared was after work, and she went out to sing K with her friends until late, about half past ten. Then Ruru disappeared.

Just like the three victims before, Ruru has no enemies, and according to colleagues, she is still a gentle-tempered girl and has never seen any conflict with her.

After reading the information of these four people, Xia Ruo was stunned.

"These are four people who are completely unrelated... The youngest is only 16 Sui, the oldest is 42 Sui, and they are distributed in all walks of life. It seems that they are a few people who can't beat it." Xia Ruo guessed and said: "Is it not specific killing?"

Su Luoheng frowned.

At least on the surface, as Xia Ruo said, this person has no contact at all.

Is there a hidden connection between the victims, or is it really, as Xia Ruo guessed, this is an unspecified homicide

If it is the former, they will need more information to testify easily before they can guess who the next victim might be. If it is the latter, then it is necessary to find the common characteristics of the victim for prevention.

Su Luoheng prefers the latter. Because in addition to Tian Sheng's specific missing time is unknown, the other three people disappeared at night, but these three people went out late at night completely by accident. The murderer wants to kill one person every week. It is impossible to stop several people at the same time and control whoever returns late. If the murderer has accomplices, it is of course another matter, but even so, the murderer cannot be sure that among the people he is staying with, he will return home late at night this week.

There may be a rule to follow for a dense late return, such as once a week. But Zhang Li and Ruru were completely accidental. Therefore, Su Luoheng felt that this should be an unspecified murder.

On the basis of this inference, from the text and pictures on the data, there are only two similar connections between these people.

First, be alone in the middle of the night; second, all four of them should be compared

Easy to control type. Not to mention the 16-year-old junior high school student and the 23-year-old graduate college student. The other two middle-aged people, as you can see from the photos, are relatively thin.

Except for being dense, they are all female, and the only male is also thin. Su Luoheng inferred from this that the murderer was an adult man with average physique and not a strong type.

"Xichang, take a detailed map of A." Su Luoheng Xichang.

Xichang immediately laid out a detailed map of Hong Kong A on the table dedicated to discussing the case.

Su Luoheng circled the home addresses of the four victims on the map.

Tian Sheng's home is in District A, and the school is in District 3. Zhang Li’s vegetable market is in District A, and her home is in District 4. Cheng Mi's home and work unit are in Area A, Area 1. Ruru’s work unit is in District 5, and her home and K-singing place are in District A, District 2.

Taking the overlapping locations, we can get:

Tiansheng and Chengmi are in Area 1 of Area A, and Zhang Lihe Ru is in Area 2 of Area A.

"Ah..." Xia Ruo looked at the map and said, "So, the locations where the murderers frequented are Area 1 and Area 2, which means that Area 1 and Area 2 are where the murderer is located."

However, Su Luoheng shook his head, pointed and painted on the map with his pen, and said, "Look, there are two areas, 3 and 4, between 1 and 2. The distance is far, indicating that 1 and 2. It may not be the permanent residence of the murderer. It can only be said that the murderer will often haunt these two areas for some reason."

Xia Ruo thought for a moment and said, "So, isn't it still unsure of the location of the murderer? There is no clue."

According to Su Luoheng's statement just now, the conclusion reached is that the murderer is not necessarily in District 1 and 2, but may be in other districts...

Xia Ruo black line.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo's distressed look and smiled and said, "How come there are no clues?"

"Huh?" Xia Ruo was stunned, and then looked down at the map again. Those circles on the map were red and blue. The colors of the map were also colorful, but her mind was blank. .

Su Luoheng directed her to say: "Think about the order in which these people were killed."

Xia Ruo led people into the map and suddenly realized: "Ah! I understand!"

Su Luoheng smiled approvingly.

Xia Ruo pointed at the map and said: "The first victim, Tian Sheng, appeared in Area 1, the second victim, Zhang Li, appeared in Area 2, and the third victim returned to Area 1 after being densely packed, and the fourth victim was like this. Back to District 2."

After speaking, she looked up at Su Luoheng, and Su Luoheng nodded, indicating that Xia Ruo's thinking was correct.

Xia Ruo received the encouragement and continued his efforts: "So the murderer will go to District 1 and District 2 every other week. There must be some reason for the murderer to go to District 1 and 2 and kill people by the way."

Su Luoheng added: "The premise of this inference is that Area 1 and Area 2 are where the murderer captured the victim."

The possibility of a murderer choosing the victim aimlessly is relatively small, because the murderer himself is a very regular person, even in the case of unspecified murder, he will choose the victim regularly.

Xia Ruo went on to say: "Then, what we have to consider is why the murderer has to go to District 1 and District 2 every other week, and what connection does this place have with the murderer."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)