
Chapter 131: No idea


It still seems to be useless clues.

Of course, this is only a large and reduced map. Specifically, you need to understand the path that the deceased would generally take from the family of the deceased to refine this clue, and perhaps there will be new gains.

Su Luoheng then picked up his pen and marked the location of the river embankment on the map at the same time: "And here. The murderer chose the location of the burial here for the four murders. There must be some special reason. "

Does the river embankment have any special significance for the murderer

The embankment is somewhere in District 6.

1, 2, 6, the murderer was in contact with these three districts at the same time.

Another point is that the murderer started committing the crime five weeks ago, and something must have happened five weeks ago that made the murderer decide to commit the crime.

Su Luoheng knocked on the table board and said to Zhang Qi: "Zhang Qi, go and check if there were any missing persons in District 1 this week."

According to this rule, the murderer’s target this time should be Area 1, and the fifth victim of this time should have been captured and hidden somewhere.

"Yes." Zhang Qi received Su Luoheng's order and immediately got up to investigate.

Everyone knows the urgency of this case. If a point is wasted, four or five victims will be in danger of death.

Tian Sheng's parents came to the police station first.

After learning that their daughter’s body was found, the couple immediately rushed to the place where their daughter’s body was placed. It was just too long and the body could not be distinguished. It could only be vaguely judged from the clothes and materials that this was Tian Sheng’s disappearance. Clothes worn before.

In fact, it has been more than a month, and Tian Sheng has not been found, and the husband and wife have already had some preparations in their hearts. It's just that when reality is really in front of the old road, they still feel broken, and the last gleam of hope is ruthlessly taken away by fate.

When they sat in front of Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, Tian Sheng's mother's eyes were red, but her mood had stabilized. Relatively speaking, Tian Sheng's father seemed more calm, but his eyes were red.

"Mr. Tian, Mrs. Tian, we are very sorry about your daughter." Su Luoheng's opening remarks are always very polite. In this regard, Xia Ruo has always felt that Su Luoheng should be more emotional and take the parties seriously, but Su Luoheng Heng said that if their relatives pass away, their hearts are grief, even if you are authoritative, they will only cause greater grief. Too much mood swings are not conducive to their inquiries, it is better to be polite, perhaps it can play a role in stabilizing emotions.

Tian Sheng's parents did not speak, but silently nodded. Su Luoheng went on to say: "In order to catch the murderer of Tian Sheng as soon as possible, so that he will not continue to harm others, I want to ask two of you something, and I hope you can cooperate."

After squatting for two seconds, he was about to stabilize his emotions. The natural father said: "Okay. If you have any questions, please ask the police officer."

Because most of the things were recorded in the transcripts made by the police before, this time, Su Luoheng only asked some questions that he felt were related to the case.

"The last time I saw Tian Sheng was from Tian Sheng's classmates. He saw her go to the canteen, probably around 9:30 in the evening, right." Su Luoheng said while flipping through the previous transcripts.

"Yes." Tian Sheng's father nodded.

Tian Sheng and the others have to go to self-study in the evening, and it will not end until nine o'clock in the evening. Originally, Tian Sheng would go home with his companions, but he went home with him that day

Both classmates happened to have problems, so Tian Sheng was placed on the order, except for this thing.

"Where is the specific address of that commissary?"

"On the PO street in District 1, there is a Toyota Hotel not far away. It is on the street opposite the Toyota Hotel." Tian Sheng's father described the location of the canteen as much as possible.

"From the store to your house, which way does Tian Sheng usually go?"

Tian Sheng's father said a way, Su Luoheng wrote them down one by one, and then asked: "How long will it take to walk from the store to your house?"

"Probably, twelve or three minutes."

Tian Sheng's father became more sad as he talked about it, only twelve. In three minutes, Tian Sheng was able to get home, but he didn't expect that he would never be able to wait for the end in twelve or three minutes.

After that, Su Luoheng asked a few more small questions.

Later, the families of Zhang Li, Cheng Mi, and Ruru came to the police station one after another. Su Luoheng asked them similar questions and confirmed the route that the deceased might have taken.

Su Luoheng drew two long lines on the map based on the possible routes several people had traveled that night recorded in the notebook.

There is a little overlap between Chengmi and Tiansheng routes, and they can be serialized together. Zhang Li's and Ruru's routes were not connected, but they were not far apart. According to speculation, they could guess at odds and ends.

Su Luoheng recruited members of the crime team, divided the four people into two groups, and recorded along the street along the route drawn by Su Luoheng, and organized the shops and residential areas on the two roads.

Su Luoheng's original idea was to look for the same or these similar shops on the two routes, and then locate the suspects based on the people that the shops often contact. But Su Luoheng found that his thinking was too simple. All afternoon, until 7:30 in the evening, according to the information brought back by the police, there are many similar or similar shops, but they can be used as evidence, so to speak. No.

It's really time-consuming and useless.

Seeing that a whole day has been spent, but the slightest progress has been made, Su Luoheng felt a little irritable.

He shut himself in the office, did not eat dinner, did not go back after get off work, and sat there alone with his forehead, desperately contacting these clues.

The deceased had no contact before, and the murderer would go to District 1 and District 2 once every other week, and the embankment was in District 3.

The murderer was an adult man, not strong, and his whereabouts were between about 9:30 and 10:30 in the evening.

Why choose this period of time

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a headache, but he didn't have any clues, he was even more irritable.

Xia Ruo pushed the door in softly, Su Luoheng heard it, but did not make a sound or move. Xia Ruo knew that he was in a bad mood because he was worried about the appearance of a new victim, and wanted to comfort him and share his worries, but at present, there is no other way to help Su Luoheng except to solve the case.

However, the case seems to have reached a bottleneck soon.

Xia Ruo felt that the current situation was like being stuffed into a bottle of closed darkness. The road ahead was difficult and he could not move forward, but he could not retreat. The dense fog was so heavy that it suffocated people.

Xia Ruo looked at Su Luoheng who was holding his forehead distressed, put the coffee in his hand on the table, walked behind him, and hugged him.

"Don't worry..."

Su Luoheng pursed his lips.

He knew that Xia Ruo wanted to comfort him, but the current situation told him how could he not be anxious

Woolen cloth

It suddenly rained again outside the window.

Xia Ruo turned his head and slashed out of the window. Like last night, the downpour came quickly and violently, as if trying to wash the city clean. Wash out the sin.

Seeing that it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, Su Luoheng sighed deeply.

I'm afraid there will be no results tonight.

Even if he locks himself here for one night, if he has no clue, he will not be able to save the fifth person who is about to be killed.

Thinking of this, he took Xia Ruo's hand sideways and said, "Let's go, let's go back."

Xia Ruo had been listening to the sound of the rain rushing outside the window, without his mind, and did not notice that Su Luoheng was talking to her.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little flustered in her heart. This flustered feeling was very inexplicable.

"Xia Ruo?" Su Luoheng asked again when Xia Ruo didn't respond.

"Huh?" Xia Ruo was taken aback, and came back to her senses, with a faint trance in her eyes.

Su Luoheng asked her: "What are you thinking about, why are you so innocent?"

"Hmm..." Xia Ruo looked away, but didn't focus on touching a place. It was more like a vacant focus. She said, "I don't know..." Xia Ruo shook her head and smiled at Su Luoheng. Laughed and said: "It's nothing, maybe I think too much."

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo hesitantly, but soon smiled. Since Xia Ruo didn't say what it was, it probably didn't matter, so he said, "I said, let's go back."

"Hey?" Xia Ruo didn't expect Su Luoheng to figure it out so quickly, surprised for a moment, and then said happily, "Okay."

But seeing the steaming coffee on his table, Xia Ruo wrinkled a smile and said, "Oh, but I just made you a cup of coffee, isn't it a waste?"

Su Luoheng smiled.

It's eight ten in the evening.

Zone 6.

Holding a blue umbrella presented by the mobile company, Wu Shang hid the briefcase in his arms, and the cat ran forward with his waist. The umbrella was so low that it seemed to cover half of his body when viewed from behind.

The rain is too heavy, and there are trickles lying on the streets, crackling and messy, making people irritating. Wu Shang felt that the soles of his feet were damp, and when he looked down, his shoes had already been soaked in rain. He cursed inwardly, and stepped faster.

Working overtime again tonight!

This is the case every time. Once there is a project, the team leader will keep their low-level employees busy and work overtime until late, but instead he will go back early in the morning. Until now, he hasn't even eaten supper.

Thinking of this, the alert screamed with an empty stomach, which was indeed the occasion. He couldn't help but shiver.

Although it has not officially passed the hot weather, this heavy rain has just given Hong Kong a feeling of late autumn, and the temperature has dropped suddenly.

There is no one on the road.

He tightened his arm and pressed the briefcase closer.

There are important things in it, so you can't get wet...

Hey, this is really annoying.

Speaking of it, it seems that a piece of news was broadcast this morning, saying that four bodies were found on the bank of XX in District 6.

Huh... Four of them. I heard that the appearance of the corpse is very scary, the carrion can be wrapped in bones, and it seems to separate when it moves... It's like those people have seen it with their own eyes.

However, who was so cruel that killed four people in a row.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)