
Chapter 143: have dinner together


Xia Ruo closed the computer, rubbed her temples and chuckled a little helplessly, and muttered alone: "Why these guys are gone."

Before she finished her words, Xia Ruo's stomach also gurgled mischievously. She picked up the phone and dialed Su Luoheng's number. Today Su Luoheng went out to run the case and was no longer in the group.

She couldn't help but feel a little anxious after she didn't answer the busy tone.

In the past, Su Luoheng's phone calls were answered very quickly. Why today... At this moment, behind Xia Ruo suddenly sounded a magnetic and low male voice: "No need to call, I'm already here."

After the familiar male voice appeared, the corners of Xia Ruo's mouth rose unconsciously, and she turned around to see the beloved face, Su Luoheng.

"Why did you come by yourself? I'm still going to call you to eat together."

Xia Ruo's smile was like the warm and refreshing wind in the mountains, blowing on people's faces, which formed a sharp contrast with the anxious scorching sun outside the window.

Su Luoheng raised his hand and gently stroked the broken hair in Xia Ruo's ear, and explained with a little more smile on his face: "I just ran into a colleague downstairs and said that you were still working without eating, so I will come up. Look, it really is."

"I'm so busy, I don't know when they ran to eat with my back." Xia Ruo said helplessly with lowered eyebrows. She vaguely remembered that Su Luoheng once told her to eat under any circumstances. It is always important, and these words can be regarded as an explanation for Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng knows how much Xia Ruo knows. Seeing her look and subtle expression, Su Luoheng has a clear view of the careful thoughts in her heart, but he can't get angry at all, so he shook his head. Did you blame others for forgetting to eat? Go, I'll take you there."

Su Luoheng did not give Xia Ruo a chance to explain, but directly picked up Xia Ruo’s bag and pulled her straight downstairs. Apart from anything else, he came to the restaurant and ordered Xia Ruochang’s food, and sat on the opposite side silently. Drinking tea.

Su Luoheng was led by Su Luoheng forcefully all the way, Xia Ruo didn't say a word, holding the tea cup in his hand and looked up at Su Luoheng a little strangely. He seemed to be distracted and absent-minded all the time.

I don't know if Su Luoheng is angry with her. Xia Ruo thought to himself with some entanglement in her heart.

"Two, this is the meal you ordered. If you have any service, you can call me again." The waiter brought the food and walked down respectfully. Then Su Luoheng put down the teacup and spoke after a pause.

"Why don't you eat? Sitting there without saying a word." Su Luoheng asked suspiciously.

Xia Ruo raised her head and asked, "I'm wondering if you have encountered any problems in your work today, and haven't spoken for a long time."

Su Luoheng showed a relaxed smile, a little amused, "Am I that useless? Although it is a small matter, there is nothing wrong with it."

In fact, Su Luoheng was troubled by the Korean product. He didn't tell anyone about it.

"It turned out to be like this." Xia Ruo felt relieved when he heard Su Luoheng's words. The atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly relaxed, and Xia Ruo's hungry stomach rang.

, Picked up the chopsticks and went to hungry wolves and gobbled up the delicious food in front of him, and couldn't even spare the time to talk to Su Luoheng.

Finally, Xia Ruo was sent back by Su Luoheng after finishing the meal, and Su Luoheng also went to work on his own work, and the busy afternoon began again.

But just when Xia Ruo had a document to copy and wanted to call Xiao Zhang in the copy department, she accidentally discovered that she couldn't find her mobile phone no matter how she found it.

The colleagues in the same office all got up to help Xia Ruo find the phone, but they were about to overturn the house, but they couldn't find the phone.

In a hurry, Xia Ruo had to go to Su Luoheng for help. After all, she still had a lot of important files in her phone, but it didn't matter if she lost it like a normal person.

After Su Luoheng learned the news, the first thing he thought of was the restaurant where they went to eat together at noon. If Xia Ruo hasn’t used his mobile phone since he came back, he just found out that he didn’t use the mobile phone. Maybe the phone is ashamed of this restaurant.

After all, Su Luoheng had some occupational diseases. Without a word, he pulled Xia Ruo into the car and drove directly to the restaurant where he ate at noon. From the outside, it looked exactly the same as when they came at noon.

It's just that since it's already afternoon, there is almost no customer in the restaurant, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo walked into the restaurant, of course they found the owner directly.

"Hello, we ate here at noon, but we couldn't find our mobile phone when we went back. We speculated that it was probably in your restaurant. Have you ever seen it?"

Su Luoheng's tone was just like the usual criminal interrogation, which really made Xia Ruo a little bit dumbfounded, and she stood aside and tried her best to round a few sentences.

The boss heard that something was missing here. With his ability to read countless people, he could tell at a glance that Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo must not be unreasonable people. They hurriedly summoned all the restaurant staff to the lobby to explain. The situation.

After the restaurant staff heard what the boss said, they began to remember and think carefully, but in the end they all shook their heads and said that they hadn't seen them before, and finally the waiter who served them both stood up and said.

"The things we picked up from the guests here will definitely be returned. I'm afraid that a new guest will come and sit at your place and find what you have lost. If you take it away with you, we can't help this crowded crowd. Found it for you."

What the waiter said was reasonable, and Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo weren't unreasonable roles, so they had to go back dejected. Xia Ruo was in a bad mood along the way, so why couldn't Su Luoheng be able to see it on the sidelines.

"Forget it, don't be upset, I'll buy you a new cell phone after get off work."

Xia Ruo shook her head sadly and said dejectedly: "It doesn't matter if the phone is unimportant, just buy another one, but there are still some previous documents and photos in the phone. It's a shame to lose it."

Su Luoheng sighed and rubbed Xia Ruo's head to comfort him: "Look at you, did you say it? It doesn't matter if the mobile phone is lost. If you lose it before, it doesn't matter. Don't think about going together after get off work. Buy a new one

. "

"... Hmm" Su Luoheng said so, and Xia Ruo couldn't say anything. Although it was a pity that he had lost it, he couldn't find it now, so he had no choice but to do so.

Xia Ruo panned left and right and finally looked forward to the end of get off work. She couldn't wait to carry her bag. Sure enough, Su Luoheng was already driving the car and waiting for him at the door.

"Let's go." Looking at Xia Ruo's excitement as a child was going to buy gifts, Su Luoheng couldn't help but smiled and drove to the mobile phone shop.

Naturally, buying a mobile phone does not need Xia Ruolai to worry about. She only needs to follow Su Luoheng to choose what she wants, and Su Luoheng will take care of the rest.

After finally buying a mobile phone, Xia Ruo finally showed a smile. She stored all the information roaming on the computer in the phone for the first time. Seeing Xia Ruo satisfied, Su Luoheng's mood improved and smiled. : "This is good."

Xia Ruo nodded excitedly, and suddenly he thought of something and said: "By the way, there is a department store next to the mobile phone store, and the refrigerator at home is almost empty. Let's just drop in and buy something."

Su Luoheng smiled and nodded happily. As long as Xia Ruo's proposal was not something that particularly violated his principles, he would not refuse it. Most things were based on Xia Ruo.

The two walked into the department store, and Su Luoheng pushed the car behind Xia Ruo like a father. Xia Ruoxu was a little busy with work recently and didn't have time to go out shopping. The woman’s nature was released, she immediately walked in front of her excitedly with her eyes bright, and she took a look from the left to the right. After a while, the shopping cart was already filled with most of the shopping cart’s stuff, but Su Luoheng saw that Xia Ruo hadn’t asked for it. "Close your hands" means.

"Do we lack so many things at home? How come I remember that there are so many things at home."

Pushing the heavier and heavier shopping cart, Su Luoheng couldn't help but ask with a black line. Of course, he was not distressed about money, but a little helpless.

Xia Ruo reacted as soon as this remark came out, looking back at the food piled up into hills, it was indeed a little bit selfless. I don’t know when there were so many, so I scratched my head apologetically: "Then I will put back the useless things."

Speaking of Xia Ruo, he came forward and rummaged in this "hill", picked up a lot of things and put them back. Soon there were half of the things in the shopping cart, and the whole car was much lighter, Su Luoheng Then he was surprised that all the things Nan Da Pao took just now were useless

Xia Ruo took his arm and walked to the checkout counter to check out. The department store was still as usual, and the line of people who checked out was almost out of the company's door.

Looking at the unobstructed team, Xia Ruo really had a headache and raised her forehead: "What a long team, this has to be queued for the year of the monkey."

"It's okay, no hurry." Su Luoheng checked the time on his watch. It's time for get off work anyway, and it's not a great pleasure to line up with Xia Ruo and go shopping in the supermarket.

Su Luoheng gently took Xia Ruo's hand and said nothing but gave Xia Ruo great comfort and support. Xia Ruo's mood also calmed down, waiting patiently for the team little by little. Move.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)