
Chapter 147: Capture the thief


In the meager twilight night, a young man about 28 years old rushed in front of the crowd, ran ahead frantically, pushing all the people in front of him away, and fell to the ground, some of them were knocked open and shouted. Suddenly there was chaos in the street, which caused quite a bit of violence.

Xichang and Zhang Qi glanced at each other, and he rushed forward. Because the distance was close in a straight line, he quickly caught up with the thief. He fell to the ground with his cross-legs, and fought with the man.

Zhang Qi hurriedly stepped forward to help subdue the thief, Xichang buckled the thief's hand behind him, and Zhang Qi handcuffed the thief's handcuffs.

Xichang took out his police officer ID: "Police!"

The thief glanced at Xichang unwillingly, grinned, and finally did not say anything, but his face was unwilling and unwilling.

Zhang Qi pressed the thief with one hand and quickly took out his mobile phone to call the police.

Xichang dragged the thief up, and Zhang Qi asked the thief, "Who are you and what's the matter?"

A few workers dressed up came panting behind and saw that the thief was subdued by Zhang Qi and the others, panting tiredly on their knees, and said, "It's him, the thief..."

Zhang Qi looked up and down the few people who were dressed in the same clothes, and he could see that they were employees who ran out from one place, and asked, "He stole something from your store?"

"Yes..." said one of the men who seemed to be the leader: "This is the man. He stole the jewelry from our shop and was discovered by the security guard."

"Jewelry?" Zhang Qi was taken aback: "Are you an employee of a jewelry store?"

"Yes." The man continued: "There is another woman who was caught by us."

Xichang was also taken aback. Could this talent be the chief culprit in the jewelry thefts reported in the news these days? It was said in the news that the suspect was a man or a woman.

Zhang Qi asked the thief: "Did you do the case the other day?"

The thief did not speak at first, and turned his head to one side to ignore Zhang Qi. Xi used a bit of strength, tugged the thief's arm, and said sharply, "Honestly!"

The thief was unsure and reluctantly said, "Yes."

"Hey?" Zhang Qi was slightly startled, what about Qi Huan? Is Qi Huan actually a thief

As he was talking, Zhang Qi tilted his head to see Qi Huan coming out from the hotel entrance, with a man beside him.

This man in a suit and leather shoes, with a formulaic smile, reveals the atmosphere of a successful person in his gestures. From the tailoring of the suit, it can be seen that it is a valuable hand-made.

The most important thing is that this man is different from the two men that Xichang secretly photographed before.

Qi Huan noticed the messy situation here, and when he looked over, he saw Zhang Qi. Zhang Qi nodded with her, she was stunned, said something to the man next to her, then waved goodbye to leave, and walked towards Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi bends her eyebrows in doubt. According to the neighbor's temper, she should have left after saying hello to her. Why did she walk towards her instead.

"Hi." Qi Huan was a little shy, and said to Zhang Qi: "What a coincidence."

Zhang Qi laughed and said, "Ah, yeah, what a coincidence. Are you eating here?"

"Yeah." Qi Huan replied, then looked at the thief controlled by Shangxichang and asked, "What's the matter with this person?"

Zhang Qi was surprised. Why does Qi Huan seem to be interested in this person

"The thief we just caught." She said.

"You admit

Get him? "Seeing Weihua's expression of surprise, Zhang Qi asked again after a while.

Qi Huan frowned slightly and said, "Well, I seem to see this person often in recent days."

Zhang Qi is helpless, indeed. The place where the thief committed the crime several times was near the hotel where Qi Huan went. Therefore, Zhang Qi suspected that she was a thief.

"Hey? That's a coincidence." Zhang Qi can only say that.

With the sound of a police car honking, Xichang handed over the thief to the local police.

Zhang Qi and Qi Huan talked a few words and asked her why she often hangs out in some hotels recently to meet different people.

Qi Huan's face was flushed, as if it could bleed.

"You, how did you know?"

Zhang Qi was stunned, rather embarrassed, and laughed twice and said, "Well, because I tracked down this jewellery thief, I happened to see you twice."

Zhang Qi casually fabricated a reliable excuse.

Qi Huan said "Oh", without any doubt about Zhang Qi's statement. She hesitated for a moment, looked around, and said, "I... um, I'll talk to you in a while."

Because the thief was caught, all around were people watching the excitement.

Zhang Qi nodded and said, "Okay."

After Xichang and the coming police handed over people, they introduced him to Qi Huan. Qi Huan said: "The police officer of the West is so skilled."

Xichang was suddenly praised, and was a little embarrassed, saying: "Nothing is nothing, it's just so-so."

Zhang Qi hit his arm with his shoulder, and joked in a malicious tone: "How about being praised by a beautiful woman, I'm already happy."

Xichang is not good at being ridiculed, and his face is flushed like Qi Huan: "What nonsense."

Qi Huan was right next to them. Naturally, he could hear everything, his cheeks turned redder, his fingers clasped his backpack straps, and he didn't know what to say.

Zhang Qi smiled at the two thin-skinned people.

Zhang Qi thought for a while and asked, "Are you full?"

"Hey?" Qi Huan was taken aback, then understood. About the two dedicated police officers in front of them had not eaten dinner, they smiled and said, "It's okay, they can still eat."

Zhang Qixiaoxiao said, "That's great, I will invite you to dinner."

"No need." Qi Huan waved his hand embarrassedly.

Zhang Qi was actually guilty of wronging Qi Huan, so he wanted to buy her a meal to wipe out her feelings of guilt. Of course, Qi Huan didn't know this.

Xichang knew what happened, and naturally understood Zhang Qi’s thoughts, and said, “Sister Qi Huan, you’re welcome. Anyway, you just came back from a meal and won’t eat much if you want to. It’s not as good as our two hungry wolves. We won’t be bothered if you pay."

Qi Huan lowered his head and smiled shyly, and said, "Then... Okay."

Zhang Qi glanced at Xichang.

This kid is quite talkative when facing beautiful women.

But who is the hungry wolf!

Although it proved that Qi Huan was not a thief, Zhang Qi still doubted Qi Huan's recent menstruation. As she had previously guessed, she suspected that this neighbor was cheating on the marriage.

Three people entered a restaurant and ordered a few dishes at random. Zhang Qi deliberately asked his question: "Well, I have met you several times, and every time I see you with different... people, are they all your friends?"

Qi Huan's face reddened again.

Zhang Qi stared at her, wanting to see how this neighbor explained this matter.

Unexpectedly, Qi Huan squeezed for a while and said: "Actually... Actually... I lost my blind date, they are all my blind date..."

"Hey?" Zhang Qi and Xichang were both stunned.

But Qi Huan doesn't seem to be rich, it's just that these days he suddenly started to wear expensive clothes and enter and leave high-end hotels. This is also too sudden.

Zhang Qi asked calmly: "The hotel where I saw you came out today seems to be quite expensive. Didn't you expect you to be a rich little woman?"

Zhang Qi's remarks seemed to be ridicule, so that people would not feel abrupt if they didn't really mean it. Can also express what you mean, this scale can be said to be just right.

Hearing this, Qi Huan lowered his head slightly, and whispered: "Actually...My family is quite rich."

She was afraid that her statement would make Zhang Qi and Xichang misunderstand that she was showing off, so she hurriedly explained: "I mean, my family is quite affluent, but I don't want to rely on my family, so I went out to work and live by myself. But at the age of looking for someone, the family urged to introduce him, so..."

Xichang glanced at Zhang Qi silently.

Zhang Qi suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

It turns out that Qi Huan didn't come to cheat the marriage, it was because of others... He was originally a rich man...

Similar to Zhang Qi's situation, it's all about living by himself.

Zhang Qi laughed dryly, and could only say, "It turns out to be like this."

This can explain why Qi Huan suddenly began to dress up and wear expensive clothes. After all, it was to meet the elite introduced by the family, so she shouldn't be shabby in her clothes. Maybe she didn't care about it. It wouldn't be good to be ashamed of the family.

At least, Zhang Qi thought so when he encountered such a thing.

It turned out that she had wronged the neighbor from the beginning. But the thief at the time of the neighbor's haunting was indeed a coincidence, and this coincidence was also quite oolong.

Qi Huan continued: "I didn't want to be known by others, but since you smell it, I can't hide it. In fact, I think blind dates are a very strange thing."

Qi Huan didn't understand what Zhang Qi's sudden embarrassment was, and he was a little confused.

"What's weird about this." Zhang Qi said with a smile: "Blind date, I also dated."

Qi Huan and Xichang were a little surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

Xichang was even more surprised: "We have been working together for so long, and I haven't heard you mention it."

Zhang Qi said: "It's nothing more than one or two people who have passed each other. It is also forced by the family, but the work behind is too busy, so I put this matter down."

"That's it." Qi Huan said.

Xichang said: "Girl Qi Huan is so ambitious. It's not easy for a girl to come out without relying on her family."

Qi Huan waved his hand and said embarrassedly: "No no."

Zhang Qi silently thought, isn't she the same, why not see Xichang praise her like this

I feel a little unbalanced inside.

Of course, this little thought is completely trivial. When the food came up, the three people enjoyed a dinner as if nothing had happened before, talking and laughing.

Finally, after questioning by the police, several cases of theft of the jewelry store in Hong Kong's 4th district were indeed done by this thief. This case finally came to an end after an oolong.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)