
Chapter 148: Enter the lost village together


In the days when Zhang Qi and Xichang were fighting the thieves, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo had not been idle either. This matter has to be talked about from a few days ago.

A girl with the appearance of a college student lingered in front of the police station. There was a look of nervousness and a bit of uncertainty on the young face. There is still a bit of panic. His eyes glanced around, as if afraid of being stared at by everyone.

More and more people noticed this girl. This girl is called Liu Qian, a student of Linhe Normal University. Just two days ago, her best friend disappeared. This made Liu Qian anxious.

Liu Qian knows that although her best friend Coco Li loves to play, she is very measured. Never stay away overnight. But it was the night of the first two days. My best friend Coco Lee hasn't come back after bedtime. This makes Liu Qian very worried.

Liu Qian called Coco Li. The phone is either turned off or not in the service area. This made Liu Qian anxious. At that time, there was no way to report the case, because the case could only be filed after being missing for more than 24 hours. And the classmates thought that Coco Lee was out to play. After all, every girl nowadays doesn't have much time awareness. If you miss the time, you won't come back.

Anxious Liu Qian had to look for Li Co by herself, but she couldn't find it after two days. Liu Qian felt a little uneasy in her heart. Just this morning, Liu Qian received an unfamiliar text message, which read: I am Coco Li, I am in Lixiang Village, Hefeng County, Chengyang City. I was abducted here to rescue me. Xiaoqian.

Liu Qian who received the text message felt that this was the only hope, but she couldn't investigate it alone. I can only ask the police to investigate. So this is why Liu Qian is here now.

Looking at the five-star sign on the police station, Liu Qian seemed to have courage, clenching her fists, her eyes firm.

Liu Qian made up her mind and strode in.

"Hello, what do you do?" asked a staff member in a police uniform.

"Hello, I want to report the crime. There is a criminal gang of abduction and trafficking in Lixiang Village, Hefeng County, Chengyang City. My friend was arrested there. You see, this is the message she sent." Then, Liu Qian Take out the phone, open the information interface, and hand it to the police.

The person who asked Liu Qian about it was an experienced veteran policeman. Seeing the text messages on Liu Qian's phone, I knew it was not easy. A strange color flashed in his eyes. How is this incident related to the previous missing cases? If it is relevant, then this is a very large number of criminal trafficking incidents. If this matter is true, then this case might be a sensation in the city.

"Girl, don't worry, I'll notify my colleagues in the crime team. Don't worry, your classmates will be rescued." The old policeman patted Liu Qian on the shoulder and calmed Liu Qian.

Immediately called the crime team. Colleagues from the serious crime team came to learn about the news immediately.

"Boss, it seems that Lixiang Village, Hefeng County, Chengyang City, is indeed the place carried by the trafficking gang. The information we checked before is also here." A tall and thin policeman said to Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng nodded and said, "In this way, this time Xia Ruo and I will go over. You are always around you ready to respond."

"Yes." All the players said in unison.

"Su Luoheng, shall I follow you?" Xia Ruo stopped Su Luoheng in the corridor and asked.

Su Luoheng turned his head to look at Xia Ruo who was hesitant, and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you.

Protect you. "

Xia Ruo shook his head and said, "I didn't mean that. But, have you found out that you always look for me every time you work? Why?"

He didn't know why he had to ask, Xu was to hear an answer from Su Luoheng's mouth.

"It goes without saying that of course it is the most suitable for you." Su Luoheng said without hesitation.

"But, obviously you can choose someone else's..." Xia Ruo whispered authentically.

"Hehe. Fool, I want to pretend to be a couple and enter the village, do you think it is appropriate to find someone else?" Su Luoheng said helplessly looking at Xia Ruo's tangled appearance.

"Oh, that's it. Then I know." Xia Ruo nodded and said. "Then I'll go first. I'll go and pack my things." After speaking, he ran away.

Su Luoheng shook his head helplessly, turned and left.

This village is so broken. Xia Ruo looked at the desolate scenery around and shook her head helplessly. I thought to myself, no wonder no one came to such a village. If it weren't for the distress message sent by the victim, who would come here

Su Luoheng looked at the surrounding pattern. No one is farming in this village. The ground is not crops but overgrown with weeds. There are several run-down yards in the distance. Looking from a distance, this village seems to be a ghost town.

Su Luoheng looked around calmly as he walked. I don't know since when, Su Luoheng had a feeling of being watched by others. That line of sight is very evil. It makes people very hot. But Su Luoheng thought of Xia Ruo next to him, so he had to endure it.

After all, there is no evidence to be found in the deadlock now, not to mention it, and Xia Ruo and herself are still affected. If he fights, he will not be able to protect Xia Ruo anymore. Can't be impulsive.

Su Luoheng calmed down and closed his eyes, searching for the source of that sight. It was discovered that it was a master who could disguise in particular. If this skill is used in the right place, it will definitely stand out. But in this place, that is the same flow.

If it weren't for being sensitive to sight, I wouldn't find this guy's hiding place. Su Luoheng thought secretly in his heart: Unexpectedly, there would be such talents in such remote places. If not standing on the opposite side, I must bring him over. Such a talent is a pity.

After entering the village and standing on the main road, Su Luoheng was in trouble. This small village used to be quite prosperous. I don't know what happened, which led to the current situation.

The sky is getting darker now. This person hasn't seen it yet. no way. Su Luoheng had to carefully observe the surrounding food. On the surface, it is natural to pretend that you don't know something, just to make trouble and to be entangled alone.

Even Xia Ruo was deceived. Xia Ruo really thought that Su Luoheng was lost. So, thinking about how to distinguish the direction there. Xia Ruo thought to herself, it's really not possible, camping is also fine. That way...

Su Luoheng naturally didn't know what Xia Ruo was thinking. Just looking for clues meticulously there. Emperor Tian has lived up to his painstaking efforts. After Su Luoheng's efforts, Su Luoheng finally found a little trace. Prove that these people are in the northeast. Those who follow people rarely come out once. However, as long as it comes out, there will always be traces left.

Su Luoheng took Xia Ruo's hand and walked towards the northeast.

Xia Ruo was suddenly stopped by Su Luoheng, and his heart jumped a few minutes. Xia Ruo blushed and was dragged away by Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng naturally didn't know

Dao Xia Ruo's rich psychological activities. He just pays attention to the surrounding environment. Find those people.

Xia Ruo's grandma also lives in the village. Because of the environment in the village, Xia Ruo felt a little puzzled looking at some familiar houses around him. Turned his head to look at Su Luoheng. He frowned and asked hesitantly: "Luo Heng, are we lost? I seem to have seen that house four times."

Su Luoheng frowned when he heard the words, and said with some frustration: "It is true." Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed lost. it's getting dark. The surroundings are quiet. It is even more indistinguishable from east to west.

This village seems to have deliberately built this exact pattern. There are paths of equal width and narrowness between each courtyard. Each courtyard is surprisingly similar. It made Su Luoheng's heart irritable. This damn trafficker. It's really cunning. When I find them, I will fix them fiercely.

Xia Ruo looked at Su Luoheng who was a little anxious, sighed lightly, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, it's a big deal. Let's sleep out. Don't be too anxious. After all, no one can think of this kind of lightness in the village. There is no way. "Say so. However, Xia Ruo still looked around the courtyard. Looked carefully. A little special point made Xia Ruo suspicious.

It is much better than the environment in the city. So Xia Ruo also understands life in the village.

Looking at the courtyard with the gate closed, Xia Ruo blinked, and a bold idea gradually came to mind. These courtyards are not all empty houses, right? If it's an empty house, you can borrow it yourself. If someone is there, it's easier to handle. As long as you know something from there, why is there no one

When Xia Ruo hit the houses hidden in the dark, Su Luoheng also looked at those houses. Those houses did not look like ordinary people's houses after the night came. It's as if there are no lights.

There is no appearance of fireworks. It's as if there is no one. Su Luoheng grasped Xia Ruo's hand tightly, and led Xia Ruo to the nearest house.

Su Luoheng looked around, and when he found that there was nothing moving, he knocked on the door. After finding that there was no response, he opened the door and walked in. All of a sudden dusty. Su Luoheng was relieved now. At first glance, the house looked like it had been unoccupied for a long time. I don't know where all these homeowners have gone.

Su Luoheng brought Xia Ruo to the hall. I found that the decoration in the hall is quite comfortable. He took Xia Ruo's hand and said, "I'm going to see other places now. We will live in this hall tonight. After all, at this time, we haven't found anyone else."

Xia Ruo nodded, and said, "Yeah. I'll go and clean up now. Go ahead."

Xia Ruo knew that Su Luoheng was worried because the traffickers didn't know where they were hiding now. However, it is dark now. The enemy is dark and we are clear, we have to rest for one night now.

Thinking about it, Xia Ruo's face flushed. When I thought that I would sleep with Su Luoheng later, my face couldn't stop burning. Xia Ruo patted her cheek, and said bitterly to herself: Humph, what are you thinking about at this time? Cleaning is still important.

There is a thick layer in this house. Xia Ruo quickly found a rag and dried it. The smile on the corner of his mouth has not fallen.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)