
Chapter 166: Among the four


The room was dark and dark. On the right hand side of the house is the toilet and bathroom. The deceased fell on the ground in the aisle directly opposite the door, with his head facing the opposite direction of the door.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng stepped forward.

The deceased was a woman. Xia Ruo had seen this person, and she was one of the group of people she saw when she and Su Luoheng were going through the procedures downstairs yesterday. He should be in his thirties but not in his forties, with his eyes wide open, his face purplish, and there are obvious strangulations on his neck. The deceased had stronger signs of struggle.

Su Luoheng gestured with his fingers on the mark on the neck of the deceased. The murder weapon was a round rope about half the width of his thumb. He looked around the room, and there was no such thing as a murder weapon similar to the dead.

Xia Ruo told the innkeeper that no one is allowed to enter or leave the hotel from now on, and everyone must stay here until the police arrive.

The guests in the hotel heard the movement and surrounded the room, including several people who came with the deceased.

"Sister Lin!" a young man yelled at the door, and was about to enter the house in a panic, but was stopped by the hotel staff whom Xia Ruo had ordered at the beginning.

Su Luoheng looked up at the visitor, and said to Xia Ruo, "Go down first."

Xia Ruo nodded.

Su Luoheng called several people who had come to the hotel with the deceased into a room.

There are four people in total.

The young man at the door was named Qin Hao. He was 23 years old and had just graduated from university. He was the brother-in-law of the deceased.

An older middle-aged man named He Qiang, 40 years old, was a downright painter. He used to work with the deceased in a company, but was later dismissed and concentrated on painting. Unfortunately, he still has nothing to do.

There are two other women. The younger 23-year-old is Qin Hao's girlfriend. The two have graduated from the same university. They have been in love since college, and their name is Li Ke.

Another woman named Su Yu, thirty-two years old, was also a college classmate of the deceased. She had been working in the mainland and returned to Hong Kong because of her classmates.

The deceased was Lin Xue, 33 years old, working in building materials in Hong Kong.

A group of five people came here to travel, but just like Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, they accidentally took the wrong path and could only stay in this remote hotel.

The reason why a few people came together to travel is because Lin Xue posted a circle of friends on WeChat, asking if anyone was going to travel together. He Qiang recently encountered a bottleneck in his paintings. He wanted to take a trip to relax and find inspiration during the trip, so he got in Lin Xue's car.

Because Qin Hao wanted to go out, he happened to see Lin Xue's invitation, so he readily decided to go out with her, while Li Ke came with Qin Hao.

As for Su Yu, she and Lin Xue have not been in contact for a long time. It was because she had attended a class reunion a few days ago that she contacted Lin Xue again, and then Lin Xue seemed to be unable to find a friend to travel with, so she invited her to come. Su Yu thought that everyone was old classmates and it was right to enhance friendship, so she agreed.

She still kept the WeChat chat record of Lin Xue's invitation to Su Yu and showed it to Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo.

The five of them temporarily formed a tour group. Today is the fourth day of traveling together. Unexpectedly, this happened.

From the analysis of the stiffness of the body, the deceased passed away in the early hours of last night. At that time, according to the tour group, everyone had gone back to their rooms to rest.

There is no surveillance video in the small hotel, and I don’t know who has been to the deceased’s room in the early hours of the morning.

The hotel staff have dormitories and can make alibi to each other.

Except for the hotel staff, it must be someone she knows who can enter and exit Lin Xue's room in the early hours of the morning. Therefore, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo locked the murderer on the four members of the tour group.

Qin Hao and Li Ke sat together with their hands clasped, and Su Yu and He Qiang sat on the other side alone.

The room was quiet, and a strange atmosphere was enveloped among several people because of the sudden death of the companion. No one spoke. Sometimes someone looked up at Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo. Everyone knew that they were suspects, and no one wanted to break the silence.

Su Luoheng looked at the people sitting in front of him one by one. He had just asked about the identities of several people and their relationship with the deceased. The next thing to ask was the content related to the case.

"What were you doing between ten o'clock last night and three o'clock in the morning?" Su Luoheng asked.

He Qiang glanced at the others and said first: "I have been in the room. I went to bed after I went back last night. I am getting older and sleepy early."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"We all live in single rooms, no one can prove it."

Su Luoheng looked at Su Yu next to He Qiang and motioned to her.

"I also stayed in the room last night, watched TV for a while, and fell asleep at about eleven." She paused and said, "No one can prove it."

Su Luoheng nodded, then looked at Qin Hao and Li Ke.

"After the two of us went back to the room yesterday, we put down the salute, and then went out and turned around. We were back to the room at about 10:30. Oh, when I passed by Sister Su's room, I heard the TV sound in her room. Then I slept around 12:30 in the evening," Qin Hao said.

Li Ke followed Qin Hao and said, "Well, after I went back to the room, I chatted with Qin Hao on WeChat for a while, then watched TV, and fell asleep before twelve o'clock."

Su Luoheng asked Qin Hao and Li Ke: "Did you hear anything in the evening?"

They shook their heads.

Xia Ruo checked the time, ten o'clock in the morning.

She looked at a few people, and then said to Su Luoheng: "Ask alone."

Su Luoheng nodded.

"Then start with Qin Hao. Go out and wait a while." Xia Ruo said to the four people.

The other three people walked out of the room at once, and He Qiang who left finally closed the door.

"Among you, who do you suspect?" Su Luoheng asked straightforwardly.

The young man was not overwhelmed by Su Luoheng's direct questioning, but rather naturally said: "I doubt Sister Su. Su Yu."


Qin Hao said: "We all heard Sister Su and my sister-in-law quarrel yesterday."


"I just knew that Sister Su used to like my brother, Qin Feihao, but was finally snatched by my sister-in-law." Qin Hao's tone was obviously toward Lin Xue.

"Did you have any conflicts in the first three days?" Xia Ruo asked.

"No." Qin Hao hesitated and said, "Actually, the relationship between us is very distant. Although we are traveling together, we all play by ourselves, just stay together and ride in the car."

This is very similar to what Xia Ruo saw last night.

She asked: "Why is this?"

Qin Hao turned the peaked cap on his head and said, "I

It can't be said, I always feel that the relationship between the three'adults' is very strange. Li Ke and I, the two young people of us, naturally couldn't talk with them. "

Xia Ruo nodded, Su Luoheng asked Qin Hao to go out first and called Li Ke in.

Li Ke wore a pink T-shirt and white slacks, full of youthful breath. It's just a murder case that happened in the morning, and now his face is gloomy.

"Do you know a few other people before joining this group?" Xia Ruo asked.

Li Ke shook his head: "I don't know, I just came out with Qin Hao."

"During the first three days, did Lin Xue clashed with anyone?"

Li Ke was silent, hesitating whether to say it or not, she always felt a feeling of making a small report.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to tell the truth." Xia Ruo said from the side.

"Last night, Sister Su and Sister Lin had a quarrel." Li Ke said awkwardly: "Moreover, I think Sister Lin seems to look down on Sister Su and Brother Qiang."

"Why do you say that?" Su Luoheng asked.

"I can't tell it, it's just a feeling." Li Ke frowned embarrassedly, and suddenly thought of something: "Oh, yes, sister Lin ridiculed Brother Qiang the day before yesterday, saying that Brother Qiang's paintings cannot be sold. , I can only paint some tatters in my life."

"Did you say that in front of you?"

"No. Only Sister Lin and Brother Qiang, I overheard them."

"A few days before that, what was your atmosphere like?"

"I think it may be the reason why everyone is not very familiar with it. It is always a little embarrassing. Brother Qiang often goes by herself. Sister Su sometimes comes to me with Sister Lin sometimes." She paused and said judgingly: "It feels like there are more times when you come to me. Then I spent the longest time with Qin Hao."

Xia Ruo nodded, indicating that she had understood what Li Ke said, and then said: "Tell Su Yu, please come in."


Su Yu's age in her thirties can still be seen at a glance. The fine lines on the corners of her eyes are more obvious, but she is very well-groomed. If she is beautiful, she may not be as good as it is, but she is also a good-looking face. She is wearing a national costume, and the fringed hem of her coat hangs straight down to her hips.

"What was the quarrel between you and Lin Xue yesterday?" Xia Ruo asked.

Su Yu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Xia Ruo to ask so straightforwardly. Little did she know that Xia Ruo also just learned with Su Luoheng.

"Because of some past events." She lowered her head and replied, unwilling to elaborate.

But Xia Ruo was not satisfied with this answer and said: "I hope you can tell this story." Although it was a graceful wording, his attitude cannot be rejected.

Su Luoheng glanced at Xia Ruo, she became more and more police-like.

"I'm Qin Feihao, the ex-girlfriend of Lin Xue's husband. Before Qin Feihao and Lin Xue got married, he had been with me. Therefore, Lin Xue always laughed at me as a loser." Su Yu twitched his mouth and hung out. He put a bleak smile on his face, seeming to laugh at himself.

"Do you hate her?" Xia Ruo asked.

Su Yu looked up at Xia Ruo, unable to say anything for five seconds.

"Hate." She suffocated a word from her throat.

Xia Ruo was startled.

Su Yu continued: "But what can I hate? Qin Feihao is already his husband."

"Will you kill Lin Xue because of this?" Xia Ruo asked seeing Su Yu's expression of hatred.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)