
Chapter 167: Knife hidden in the house


Su Yu said: "No."

Without comment, Xia Ruo asked her the next question: "Among the other three, who do you suspect?"

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "I think Qin Hao and He Qiang have reasons to kill her."

The voice is always quiet, with a little ridicule.

"How to say?"

"In order to show off her'intelligence' to me, Xue Lin once told me secretly that she had been secretly transferring Qin Feihao's property. I think, with Qin Feihao's ability, he might already know it, and Qin Hao, it is also possible I know." Su Yuda felt shameful in his heart for the behavior of the Shu capital and Lin Xue. What's more, she was harming the man she once loved the most. Just thinking about this is unbearable.

"As for He Qiang, Lin Xue doesn't like him either. From time to time, he will be ironic and suppressed." As an unknown painter, He Qiang's life is already in dire straits, and any blow may become an overwhelming camel. The last straw to destroy reason.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Thank you for the information provided by the fan. Please call He Qiang in."

"Okay." At the end, Su Yu's voice was hoarse. I don't know if it was because of suppressed inner excitement or because of what.

He Qiang revealed the temperament of a down-and-out middle-aged man.

"Are you a painter?" Xia Ruo asked.

"Yes." He Qiang's answer revealed a little pride.

"How is the relationship between Xue Lin and you?"

He Qiang was speechless, opened his mouth, and replied after a few seconds: "We used to be colleagues. This trip was only because we had no company, and we had a temporary partnership. The relationship was just so-so."

"How is Lin Xue's attitude towards you?" Xia Ruo asked.

He Qiang naturally guessed that someone in front of him might have mentioned what Lin Xue's said to him, so he said without hiding: "I often laugh at my dreams."

"Are you so he?" Xia Ruo kept watching the man in front of him intently.

He clenched his hands into fists, and it took him a long time to answer: "It's not hateful, but it's disgusting."

He hated the dream of someone despising him most, let alone the woman Lin Xue.

Xia Ruo looked at him for a few seconds. Knowing that He Qiang felt something was wrong and raised his head, Xia Ruo then asked, "The other three people, who do you suspect?"

"Um... Su Yu. Only she quarreled with Lin Xue last night."

Exactly the same as others said.

Xia Ruo nodded and said, "Okay, thank you."

Turning to ask Su Luoheng: "I have finished all the questions I want to ask, do you have anything else to ask?"

Su Luoheng shook his head.

Then the two got up, He Qiang also got up. Su Luoheng opened the door of the room to let He Qiang go out, and then followed him out of the room. When passing by Qin Hao, Su Luoheng patted Qin Hao on the shoulder: "Let's go, go to your room."

Qin Hao was not half surprised, glanced at Su Luoheng's hand on his shoulder, raised his eyebrows, and led the way without saying a word.

Although this questioning failed to locate the murderer, it confirmed the motives of at least two people. The reason for asking separately is because they are not very familiar with each other. Only when they are asked individually, will some things be revealed.

Everyone’s room layout is the same, except that some people are facing the sun, and some rooms are backed by the sun. It just so happens that Qin Hao's

There was sunlight in the front of the room, and less than half past ten, a large amount of sunlight fell in the room, which looked refreshing.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo checked Qin Hao's room while asking him, "Do you know what happened between your brother and your sister-in-law?"

Qin Hao didn't expect Su Luoheng to ask her this question and said, "I don't know."

"How is the relationship between the two of them?"

Qin Hao often gave an "um" and said, "It's not bad, I think my brother and my sister-in-law are quite harmonious."

Su Luoheng kept looking at Qin Hao, he felt that Qin Hao was not lying.

Xia Ruo thought, this child still doesn't know about the property of her sister-in-law, Qin Feihao, then, from a certain angle, he and Immediately, there is no motive for murder.

Later, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo went to check Li Ke's room, but found no clues.

After Xia Ruo seemed to check it out in the room immediately after her death, she was holding a mobile phone to reverse the photo. When Xia Ruo passed by her, she saw photos of several of them.

A group photo of five people.

Xia Ruo said, "Can you lend me a look at your photos?"

Li Ke said generously: "Okay."

Xia Ruo flipped through the photos, and as a few of them said, although they were traveling in a group, their private relationship was really average. In the photos of science, there are only a few photos of a few people, and they are basically at meals. Photos of scenic spots are basically scattered.

Immediately and Qin Hao in the photo are the happiest. Su Yu smiles slightly, Lin Xue's expression is deeper, and He Qiang has a strong smile.

Xia Ruo returned the phone to Li Ke: "Thank you."

Next, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng searched Su Yu's room.

Su Yu's suitcase is open, and there are the clothes she wore yesterday in the photo. When Su Luoheng checked, Su Yu had been standing quietly at the door. Perhaps it was more appropriate to say that lifelessness was more appropriate.

Unfortunately, they could not find anything.

The last one to check was He Qiang's room.

He Qiang put his dry fingers on the back of the chair, leaning against the wall to stare at the movements of Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo.

Su Luoheng felt a little strange, He Qiang's reaction seemed very nervous, especially when he looked back at He Qiang, his evasive eyes couldn't hide his guilty conscience. Su Luoheng concluded that there must be something hidden in He Qiang's room.

He touched He Qiang's bed with his hand, there was nothing under the bedding. He stepped back again and keenly noticed a slight curve protrusion on the edge of the mattress.

Su Luoheng buckled the bottom of the mattress with his fingers and lifted it up.

He saw that He Qiang's expression was full of panic, and he thought to himself that he was right here.

Sure enough, there was a kitchen knife hidden under the mattress.

"Xiao Ruo, take the knife out." Su Luoheng was supporting the mattress with both hands, and there was no time to reach out.

Xia Ruo wrapped a kitchen knife with a cloth and took it out. At this time, He Qiang's face was already covered with sweat.

He was anxious to explain: "It wasn't me... It really wasn't me who killed her..."

"How do you explain this kitchen knife?" Xia Ruo guessed while holding it through the cloth, and asked him.

He Qiang was so weak that he could hardly stand. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I... I did intend to kill her, but before I could do it, the news of her murder came this morning..."

"When are you going to do it?" Su Luoheng put down the mattress, moved his hands, and asked.

"I... I'm just waiting for the opportunity." He Qiang's voice trembled.

"Why are you killing him?"

There was a trace of hatred on He Qiang's face: "The reason why I lost my job is Lin Xue. She hates me for stealing her order, spreading rumors that I am going to work, and telling the leader that I rely on business relationships to recommend my own to clients. The painting... But it was obviously the client asked me..."

His voice grew louder and louder, and it seemed that the hatred that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out overnight: "It's all because of her! I was unemployed! And then she often devalued me and insulted my work. This kind of... This kind of woman doesn't know what to respect, she should go to hell!" He Qiang became more excited as he said, smashing his hands on the table.

"I don't know who killed this woman for Tianxingdao..." He Qiang murmured.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo looked at He Qiang with cold eyes, and Xia Ruo stepped forward and handcuffed his double talk behind his back.

"It is still unclear whether you are the murderer or not, but even if you are not the murderer, you have attempted the murder deliberately. We will hold you legally responsible. Before the police arrive, you should stay in your house."

Then Su Luoheng called two nine o'clock staff to help take care of He Qiang.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng sat in Su Luoheng's room with the door open, using Quan as an office space to analyze the case.

"Basically, the suspicion of Qin Hao and Li Ke can be ruled out." Xia Ruo said: "These two people are completely outside the world of those three people."

Su Luoheng nodded: "The two of them really have no motives."

It is He Qiang's Su Yu who is motivated now.

Especially He Qiang, he has made preparations to kill, and he is talking about becoming an adult himself.

Although the deceased was strangled to death, it does not rule out the possibility that He Qiang temporarily decided to kill in Lin Xue's room, but did not bring his own kitchen knife in his hand, and strangled Lin Xue to death with a rope.

After that, they thoroughly checked the rooms of He Qiang and Lin Xue, but they did not find any suspicious ropes.

Su Luoheng tapped his fingers on the table and made a soft noise.

Because the deceased was strangled to death, there is no blood.

What would a half-finger rope be

Xia Ruo and Suro Crocodile were so sad that they sorted out the existing evidence one by one in the room. They heard a little girl passing by the door and people around them saying: "Hey, I'm getting fat again, and my belt is going to be buckled back again. A hole..."

The peculiar soft voice of the little southern girl, she was complaining, but it made people feel soft.

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and suddenly grabbed Su Luoheng's wrist. Su Luoheng raised his head to look at her, Xia Ruo's eyes shone sharply, and she couldn't hide her excitement and joy.

"I have an idea!" The idea came quickly and simply, Xia Ruo squeezed Su Luoheng's wrist, and the warmth of his palm passed to Su Luoheng.

He was taken aback for a moment, and almost forgot that a murder case was taking place here, and the nerves of his whole body were concentrated on the temperature of his wrist.

Xia Ruo walked to Su Yu and said, "Ms. Su, do you still wear your belt."

Since she didn't find it in his luggage compartment, she must still be carrying it with him. Although Su Yu's shirt was too long, it covered his belt.

"Yes." She swallowed and said.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)