
Chapter 173: Divide and conquer


All the clues were displayed on the table, and Su Luoheng, Xia Ruo, Zhang Qi and Xichang sat around the table, staring at these clues.

Zhang Qi said: "So, the only motive for killing was that Fengfeng? But he only had grievances with Zhao Bu, and had nothing to do with Lianqu. Why did he kill Lianqu?"

Holding Fengfeng’s personal information in his hand, Xichang said, “It’s also possible that Fengfeng was about to kill Zhao Bu at first, but the glass of poisoned wine reached Lianqu’s hands and accidentally killed Lien. song."

Su Luoheng smiled and glanced at Xichang. This kid's thinking has become more and more open recently, and he can often put forward some new ideas. The progress is very obvious.

"Um..." Zhang Qi said: "If this is the case, Fengfeng can only buy these waiters. Because in the surveillance video, she has never been close to Lianqu from the beginning."

"Or maybe someone helped her commit the crime." Xichang pointed to the two people around Lianqu in the screenshot of the surveillance video.

Xia Ruoyao looked away and said, "No, we've seen it several times, and these two people didn't make any small movements."

"Then Fengfeng just bought the two waiters!" Xichang concluded.

It was Su Luoheng who rejected his statement this time.

He said: "From the surveillance video, when Zhao Bu was killed, Fengfeng stood obliquely in front of him. If she rushed to kill Zhao Bu while taking advantage of the black light, blood would be splashed on her body, but she didn't. This shows that the person who killed Zhao Bu was not Fengfeng."

Xichang opened his mouth, very discouraged. But after another thought, I was very puzzled: "But if it's like Su SIR you said, none of these people have blood stains on their bodies."

Su Luoheng was helpless: "This is also something I don't understand."

Xia Ruo said: "Even if the murderer may not be Fengfeng, I think Xichang's thinking is very good. Zhao Bu has nothing to do with Lianqu itself, and there are even fewer people who hate two people at the same time. Therefore, the murderer of Lianqu is probably a manslaughter. ."

Su Luoheng nodded: "Let's let go of the motivation first. First of all, we have to make sure that we have the opportunity to work with Lianqu and Zhao Bu."

"First of all, Lianqu." Xia Ruo pointed to the surveillance video and said: "The only two waiters who have the opportunity to poison red wine."

The food and drinks of everyone present are the same, and even the seats are randomly seated.

Su Luoheng said: "The girl who pours the wine has her back to the surveillance video. We can't tell whether she has prescribed the medicine or not, and the waiter in charge of serving the wine did not prescribe the medicine from the video. The suspicion of pouring the wine is even greater."

"However, the waiter who pours the wine is only responsible for pouring the wine in everyone's glass, and I don't know which of these glasses will be served to Lianqu by the waiter who serves the wine." Zhang Qi said.

Xichang said: "Perhaps she was able to make sure that she was supposed to be served to Zhao Bu, but accidentally poisoned the red wine into Lianqu's hands."

"No." Xia Ruo lowered his head and rejected Xichang's idea.

Not to mention the distance between Lianqu and Zhao Bu, this accident is too big. Moreover, it is difficult for the waiter who pours the wine to have a way to confirm. Because the girl who poured the wine did not pay attention to whose hand the wine glass would be served after arriving at the wine. If she had a goal to join her, she would definitely pay attention.

Has the wine glass he poisoned been delivered to the target person

Xia Ruo bit the tip of her thumb and fell into confusion.

Zhang Qi then said: "Is it possible that the murderer bought the two waiters, one poisoned and the other delivered wine, but they greeted each other incorrectly, resulting in an error?"

Before others had spoken, Zhang Qi himself vetoed himself first: "No. The murderer can just buy one person, and just find an excuse to deliver the wine to the victim. Anyway, the work of the waiter is the same, there is no need to risk it. Such a big risk."

The inference fell into a predicament for a while.

The suspect can basically be locked onto the two waiters, especially the waiter who pours alcohol, who can be poisoned with his back to the surveillance camera, but what method does she use to determine that the poisoned alcohol can be sent to Lianqu? Or Zhao Bu's hand

"There is one more thing I care about." Xia Ruo adjusted the surveillance video, fixed Zhao Bu's angle, and said: "Look, Zhao Bu seems to be absent-minded all the time while everyone is eating. Drinking. Many cups, but the food didn't move much."

Xia Ruo took out another photo taken at the scene: "Look, this is the tablecloth in front of Zhao Bu. Zhao Bu has been holding the tablecloth with his hands, so it is full of wrinkles, which shows that he is in a panic."

After watching these pictures for a while, Zhang Qi said, "Could it be that Zhao Bu knew he would be killed?"

Xia Ruo freezes another scene, when everyone discovered that Lianqu was killed, Zhao Bu's expression was full of consternation.

This seems to further confirm Xichang's guess that Lianqu was the cannon fodder accidentally killed.

"But since Zhao Bu knew he was in danger of being killed, why did he come to the banquet?" Xichang asked.

"Two possibilities. First, Zhao Bu didn't know that he would be killed, but he was flustered for other reasons, such as dealing with the murderer. Second, he was coerced." Su Luoheng paused and said: "However, I am more inclined to the first speculation, because after seeing the murder of Lianqu, Zhao Bu showed surprise rather than panic. Normal people know that they are about to be killed, so they should be afraid to be normal."

Su Luoheng's speculation also makes sense.

"If Zhao Bu was there for other reasons, then the other party must be among the group of people who appeared last night." Xia Ruo said.

But this has turned back to the dead end before. Apart from Fengfeng, no one else had personal grievances with Zhao Bu. How easy is it to find that person.

Su Luoheng was also aware of this, and took a few notes in his notebook, and then led the question to another question.

"Zhao Bu's murder is also very strange. Except for himself, no blood remains on anyone else's body. What method did the murderer kill Zhao Bu?"

"In addition, Zhao Bu's murder has a very key support." Xia Ruo said: "It is the extinguishing of the headlights."

In the surveillance video, Yang Ji turned off the headlight when it was switched on. Although he turned it off accidentally in the video, do you really want it? It's also too coincidental.

Xia Ruo continued: "But it's hard to doubt Yang Ji. The location where Zhao Bu was killed and the place where Yang Ji was at the time are exactly two opposite corners of the restaurant.

He ran to Zhao Bu in the dark and killed him and then ran back. "

"Could someone cooperate with Yang Ji to kill?" Xichang said.

Xia Ruo shook his head: "I always think that's not the case."

It seems a bit unreasonable for the murderer and Yang Jibu to kill Zhao Bu in such a big game. Moreover, if Yang Ji really participated in the killing of Zhao Bu, he should invite more people who had grudges with Zhao Bu to get rid of his suspicion. However, now, apart from Fengfeng, no one has a private vengeance with Zhao Bu.

"Yeah." Su Luoheng was very concerned about this. If Yang Ji hadn't shut the wait, Zhao Bu would not have been killed. In other words, turning off the lights was one of the indispensable conditions for killing Zhao Bu at that time.

However, the murderer could not have been Yang Ji.

Su Luoheng considered that the murderer might have another plan, but Yang Ji's dark sudden arrival advanced the murderer's plan. It is also possible that it was a murder, because the dark murderer temporarily had the intent to kill. If it is the second case, then the murderer must have intentionally killed Lianqu.

However, these two possibilities are very low.

Because Duan Jie said that in the darkness of a minute, Zhao Bu once took his hand and tried to drag him to his side, but suddenly gave up. Zhao Bu did not fear the dark symptoms, indicating that he could at least be able to What is expected.

It is unlikely that Duan Jie lied, because he didn't talk about this matter, and there was almost no possibility that Su Luoheng and the others could find him. Telling him about this incident aroused the police's suspicion.

But why did Zhao Bu grab Duan Jie's sleeve? Could it be that the murderer had already started at that time and he wanted to ask for help? But why didn't he ask for help

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a mess.

These clues become more chaotic as you think about them, like a mess of wool, without a clue.

Xia Ruo felt distressed when he saw Su Luoheng's distress and a little irritable appearance. She stretched out her hand to cover the back of Su Luoheng's hand and said, "In this way, let's go to the Yanyun Hotel in the afternoon and ask about the service on the fifth floor yesterday. Students, see if you can get any other useful clues."

Su Luoheng shook Xia Ruo's hand with his backhand and said, "Okay."

Xichang and Zhang Qi looked at the scene before them, turning their heads, revealing an expression of injury. Zhang Qi said: "Oh, even if the case is broken, the body will be abused every minute. The single dog is really too hard."

Nishichang agreed, frowning exaggeratedly and said, "Hey, I abused my titanium alloy dog eyes."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo came to Yanyun Hotel again.

Because of the murder case, the restaurant on the fifth floor and that restaurant are open, and the other floors that are still open, business today is particularly bleak. Depending on the situation, this situation will continue for a long time.

The owner of the hotel, Qiu Ju, didn't seem to be anxious at all, but looked indifferent.

Su Luoheng praised: "Mr. Qiu doesn't seem to worry about the state of the hotel at all."

Qiu Ju smiled lightly and said, "After all, this kind of thing is beyond my control. Instead of wasting energy and worrying, it is better to find a way to restore the reputation later."

Qiu Ju was very open. Su Luoheng was convinced by his mentality.

It was not easy for Qiu Ju to look at the current predicament indifferently at a young age.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)