
Chapter 174: Restaurant inquiries


Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo followed Qiu Ju to an office on the third floor.

The office is about ten square meters, and surveillance cameras are installed in four corners of the office. Qiu Ju invited Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo to sit on one side of the desk, and sat on the other side by himself.

"Police officer, if you have anything you want to ask me, you can ask. This office will not be disturbed."

Su Luoheng smiled thankfully: "Last night, when did Mr. Qiu arrive at the restaurant on the fifth floor?"

"After Ms. Lian had an accident, Lele, oh, it's the foreman of the restaurant. The one who had been by my side yesterday, she immediately called the internal phone of my office to tell me about it, and then went upstairs. It's about eight ten ten, right?" Qiu Ju said.

The footage of Qiu Ju appearing in the restaurant on the fifth floor was also captured by surveillance video, which was similar to what Qiu Ju said.

"Mr. Qiu, seems to have known Mr. Yang Jiyang a long time ago?" Su Luoheng asked.

Qiu Ju's always indifferent face showed an unnoticeable look of disgust, but it was just a little bit, which would not destroy his watery temperament in the slightest.

He said: "Two years ago, our family was considered a relatively well-known group in Hong Kong's financial circle. Therefore, people in Hong Kong's business circle more or less knew each other."

"It feels like the relationship between Mr. Qiu and Mr. Yang is more than just understanding." Su Luoheng said.

Qiu Ju pondered for a moment, but didn't answer Su Luoheng's words face-to-face: "Let's tell you, Yang Ji and I do have some old-fashioned holidays. But these should have nothing to do with this case." Qiu Ju is gentle but not tolerant. He said: "If the case is irrelevant, I am not willing to go into the details. Of course, if these two homicide cases are involved at this time, I will definitely tell them all."

Su Luoheng did not force him either.

"Except for Yang Ji, how much does Mr. Qiu know about the others who were present last night? I want to know, who might have resentment towards Miss Lian Qu and Mr. Zhao Bu?"

Qiu Ju shook his head: "I have just returned from leaving Hong Kong for two years. Although I know most of the people who attended last night, I am still unfamiliar. I don't know what happened in the past two years. Unfortunately, for Miss Lian Qu and Zhao Mr.’s enemy, I can’t offer any opinion."

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Su Luoheng said, "Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions."

Hearing Su Luoheng say this, Qiu Ju saw that Su Luoheng had finished asking him, so he got up and tidied the corners of his clothes, and said to Su Luoheng, "Officer Su, do you need me to call someone for you?"

Su Luoheng said: "If it's not troublesome, can you help me call the waiters who were there last night?"


Qiu Ju walked out of the office and closed the door.

Xia Ruo glanced at the camera in this office and said, "I think Mr. Qiu is a hidden expert."

Su Luoheng smiled and rubbed Xia Ruo’s soft hair, and said, “Have you seen Qiu Ju’s resume? Those who have experienced family decline and come back within two years will definitely not be the ones who wait for nothing. ."

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

"Please come in." Xia Ruo said.

Four waiters came in, including the foreman Lele, who Qiu Ju said.

"We hope to come one by one, Lele, we want to ask you something first, and other people ask you to wait outside first." Xia Ruo said to several people.


The foreman Lele sat opposite Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo.

"When the accident happened last night, you were always there, didn't you?" Xia Ruo asked.

"Yes." Lele said.

Lele is a quiet woman, with a kind of peace similar to Qiuju

Sense, mature and trustworthy at the same time.

"Did you find anything unusual last night? Any small details can be said."

Lele seemed to fall into the memory of last night's scene.

After a while, she said, "Well... I don't know if this is a special place. During the meal last night, Mr. Zhao, who was the victim, seemed to have a bad appetite."

"Huh? How did you see it?" Xia Ruo leaned forward slightly.

Lele covered her stomach with her hands and said: "Yesterday I saw Mr. Zhao touching her stomach with his hands several times." She paused, and said more suspiciously: "But the strange thing is, Mr. Zhao drank very quickly, and we added wine to him many times."

It stands to reason that when the stomach is upset, the more you drink, the more uncomfortable it is.

Xia Ruo thought of the speculation with Su Luoheng this morning that Zhao Bu might have appeared panicked for other reasons, and now he thinks that it might also be a deal. For example, which position Zhao Bu has been touching may not be because of uncomfortable feelings, but because of something crucial in that position of his clothes, let him habitually touch it.

Obviously, Su Luoheng also thought of this.

Su Luoheng tapped his fingers on the table and asked Lele, "Have you already cleaned the restaurant on the fifth floor?"

Lele glanced at Su Luoheng, did not react to his sudden change of topic, but quickly replied, "Yes, I cleaned it last night."

"Have you found anything suspicious? Including paper slips and the like." Su Luoheng said.

Lele said: "I am not very clear about this. I am not responsible for hygiene, but I can ask for help later."

"That would be better," Su Luoheng said.

Xia Ruo made a few notes in her notebook and said, "Can you help us adjust the personal information of the other three waiters?"

Lele froze for a while, seemingly suspicious, but she didn't ask anything, and only replied, "Okay."

"If there is any new discovery, please tell us, okay?"


"Thank you." Xia Ruo said: "Tell the next one to come in lightly. Anyone will do."


What came in was the waiter serving wine in the surveillance video.

The girl is very young, with a high ponytail and two light stud earrings. Although he was wearing a hotel uniform, he still couldn't hide his youthful breath. Looking like a student who just came out of school, the girl is not as calm as Lele, and she can see that she is a little nervous.

"Hello." Xia Ruo said with a smile.

"Hello." The girl said softly with a sweet smile.

"Don't be nervous." Xia Ruo tried to calm her emotions: "What's your name?"

"My name is Ge Yu." The girl suddenly smiled mischievously, looked around next time, and said: "It feels like the director of education is asking questions."

Xia Ruo was amused by the girl's mischief.

"We have a few questions for you."


"Last night, you were there and didn't leave, did you?"

"Yes. We are responsible for serving food and wine." Ge Yu said with clear and clear eyes, looking at Xia Ruo.

"Then last night, did you find anything unusual?" Xia Ruo asked.

Ge Yu was stunned, trying to recall the scene at that time, and finally shook his head and said, "No."

Obviously these girls have been active around every guest, but it seems that her observation ability is much inferior to that of Lele.

"Last night it was the wine you gave to Lian Qu Duan, um... Lian Qu is the woman who was killed yesterday." Xia

If you say.

Ge Yu showed a look of fear when he heard the victim.

Xia Ruo asked: "Do you have any rules for serving wine to the guests? Where should the wine glasses be placed in the hands of which guests, or what is the relationship between the order of the wine glasses and the order of serving?"

Ge Yu shook his head and said, "No. Xiao Xiao is responsible for pouring the wine, and I am responsible for serving the wine glasses to the guests. There is no order, just serving the guests one by one."

Xiao Xiao? It seems to be the girl pouring wine in the surveillance video.

"No." Ge Yu shook his head.

"For example, the wine glasses are prescribed from left to right, or from right to left?" Xia Ruo asked again.

"No." Ge Yu shook his head again.

The position of the Lianqu is slightly forward, and if there is no pattern, it is possible for Ge Yuduan to give any glasses to the Lianqu.

"Do you know any guest from last night?"

"No." Ge Yu stuck out his tongue and said, "I am such a small person, where can I get to know those rich people?"

"Last night, except for the guests, did your colleagues have any unusual reactions?" Xia Ruo asked.

"It's not the same as usual?" Ge Yu tilted his head and thought for a while and said: "Well, Xiao Xiao seemed to be in a bad state yesterday, and there was always something absent. But I asked her, and she said something was wrong with her family. Ah, she is very courageous, especially when she finds that someone has been murdered, her face turns pale, and I feel like she is going to faint."

Su Luoheng said funnyly: "It sounds like you are quite brave."

"No no." Ge Yu waved his hand awkwardly.

After a while, Ge Yu asked tentatively: "Sister Police Officer, do you suspect Xiao Xiao? No, Xiao Xiao wouldn't do this kind of thing."

Su Luoheng became interested and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Ge Yu said: "Xiao Xiao is the kind of girl with a very kind heart, I think she is the kind of person who can't even kill a chicken..."

Xia Ruo asked helplessly: "It looks like you are a girl who dares to kill chickens?"

"Hey?" Ge Yu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately shook his head, and said, "I don't dare..." Then he muttered a little dissatisfied: "How come you police officers speak a routine..."

Xia Ruo smiled.

Xia Ruo thought for a while, determined that there were no questions to ask, and said, "Okay, please call the next one in."


After Ge Yu walked out, Xia Ruo said to Su Luoheng: "I don't think this girl seems to be involved in the murder case."

Su Luoheng seemed to agree with Xia Ruo's view. Although he did not expressly agree, he also said: "This girl's scheming is simple." After all, he looked at Xia Ruo, pointed at himself, and said jokingly: "Little If, do you think, who of us is more like a dean?"

"Of course it's you!" Xia Ruo said without thinking.

Su Luoheng smiled: "If that's the case, you will be the teacher's wife."

"Fuck you!" Xia Ruo didn't expect Su Luoheng to answer the conversation like this, a little embarrassed, stretched out his hand and hit him neither lightly nor severely, and the two laughed.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Obviously, the girl at the door was a little surprised to see Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng's "flirting and swearing", and froze in place, holding the doorknob for a long time without responding.

The three people stared with big eyes. Su Luoheng reacted first, coughing lightly, and said, "Come in first."

"Ah... OK." The girl replied softly.

Xia Ruo lowered her head and curled her lips awkwardly.

What came in was another girl serving wine. From the surveillance video alone, this girl has no direct contact with this case.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)