
Chapter 177: The disappearing girlfriend


The test results were not what Su Luoheng expected.

The deceased was a female, styled girlfriend, Jiang You. He was killed by Zhao Bu half a year ago and buried his body in the backyard of his home, until it was discovered by Zhang Qi and Xichang yesterday.

The deceased died from a heavy blow to the back of the head, which was fatal in one blow, but the murderer struck three times, presumably because of strong hatred.

Zhao Bu's family lives by himself all the year round, and Zhao Bu is the murderer in all likelihood. The motivation is also obvious. Jiang You abandoned Zhao Bu and stayed with his style. Looking for a grudge, Jiang You finally lured Jiang You to his home and killed him.

But this raises another suspicion.

Style and Fengfeng really do not know what Jiang You has been killed. If they know, then the Feng family brothers and sisters have a complete motive for killing.

But when Su Luoheng told Fengfeng the news that Jiang You's body was found, the surprise she expressed could not be performed.

After a brief surprise, Fengfeng immediately calmed down, and at this moment the businessman's courage and calmness were revealed.

"I will tell my cousin about this matter. If nothing else, he will set a few articles to return to China within two days, and he will return to Hong Kong this week at the latest." Feng Feng squinted his eyes and rubbed his temples. : "How could something like this happen..."

"It's a pity, Miss Feng." Su Luoheng said.

Although Fengfeng regrets Jiang You's murder, she is not very sad about her style and Jiang You's affairs, so she can't be said to be too sad. If this matter is troublesome, it's about style.

If the style knows about this, I still don't know what kind of eggs will come out.

The more Fengfeng thought about it, the more headache he felt. The style was hard to heal the scar left by the girl, but now it is a deeper wound.

Fengfeng put these thoughts behind his head, and said to Su Luoheng with a straight look: "Police Officer Su, you are coming to me today, I'm afraid it's not just to inform me of this news."

Su Luoheng was thinking about whether he should directly ask the question in his mind, and Fengfeng said: "You are suspicious. Form and I have known about Jiang You's murder a long time ago. This is our motive for killing Zhao Bu."

Seeing the other party's outspoken provocation, Su Luoheng had no intention of concealing: "We do have doubts in this regard."

Feng Feng showed his signature smile, and slightly raised the corner of his lips, confident and demeaned: "If you must doubt me, I have nothing to say. I believe that police officer Su will not be indiscriminately planted. Yes. I also believe that Officer Su can use evidence to find the murderer."

Su Luoheng could only smile bitterly in his heart.

This time, I completely touched a soft nail.

With the faint passage of summer, the night breeze turned cold.

When Peng Yuhang saw Si Peilan downstairs, she was wrapping her arms and stomping her feet to keep warm.

Peng Yuhang hurriedly got out of the car, took off her coat and put her clothes on her body, and couldn't help but blame: "Why don't you wear more!"

Si Peilan tightened her coat tightly and said, "I didn't expect it to be so cold."

Peng Yuhang said: "Hurry upstairs."

in the room.

Si Peilan curled up in the corner of the sofa wrapped in a blanket, her dark circles still cannot be covered by her heavy makeup. Peng Yuhang said distressedly: "Why are you so haggard?"

Si Peilan rubbed his temples tiredly, and said, "I can't help it, I have encountered a tricky thing recently."

Peng Yuhang sighed


"What do you want me to do?" Si Peilan asked.

"Yanxing Society is going to undergo an eight-figure medical supplies business, and it needs you to follow."

In recent deals, Si Peilan has not been able to deal with it because Si Peilan has been running out of time, but this time the business is relatively large and it is impossible to do without Si Peilan's help.

Si Peilan frowned: "When is the transaction?"

"Transaction in half a month."

"Well, I try to find excuses to leave."

After speaking, Si Peilan closed her eyes and sank deeply on the sofa, as if she was very tired.

After a while, she asked: "How is Yanxing Society recently? What kind of moths have been made out of those old stubborns?"

When Peng Yuhang heard that Si Peilan took the initiative to care about the affairs of the club, he was too happy to tell her about the current situation of Yanxing Society: "In short, the Yanxing Society has been very stable recently, so don't worry."

Si Peilan nodded.

Zhang Qi put the brewed coffee in front of Xia Ruo: "How about it, Sister Xia Ruo, is there any progress in this case?"

Xia Ruo looked up bitterly: "Don't say progress, I don't even have a clue."

It happened that Su Luoheng patted the door of his office and said to them: "We will have a meeting in a while and we will study this case together."


ten minutes later.

Su Luoheng, Xia Ruo, Zhang Qi and Xichang sat in the conference room.

By convention, Su Luoheng first stated all the clues.

"Let's sort out this case." Su Luoheng drew the clues into a picture.

"At 7:50, Xiao Xiao poured the wine, and Lele put the glass in front of the curved surface. At 8:9, Lianqu was killed. At 8:20, Yang Ji missed his hand and turned off the headlight switch, and the hall fell into darkness. At 8:21, the headlights were turned on again and Zhao Bu was killed.” Su Luoheng pointed to the timetable and said, “This is the entire time flow of this case.”

The others did not speak, tacitly.

Su Luoheng went on to say: "No one at the scene has the motive to kill Lianqu. Fengfeng is the only one who has the motive to kill Zhao Bu, but Xia Ruo and I have seen myself, and both feel that she is not like a murderer."

Su Luoheng glanced at Xia Ruo, Xia Ruo nodded in agreement, and added: "There is also Xiao Xiao, according to the situation at the time, she is the only one who has the opportunity to start. Moreover, she now needs money for his brother. We think this is the key to her being used by others."

Su Luoheng said: "Yes, that's right. So I have sent police officers to follow Xiao Xiao, but there is no news yet."

"But how can she be sure that the poisoned wine can be sent to Lianqu to protect other people? Is there still no solution?" Zhang Qi asked.

Su Luoheng nodded and said regretfully, "Yes. We are looking for Qiu Ju, the person in charge of Yanyun Hotel, and checked the habits of Xiaoxiao and Geyu since they opened. There is no evidence that Xiao Xiao has a way. Make sure Geyu can deliver specific wine glasses to specific guests."

Xichang said optimistically: "It doesn't matter. Xiao Xiao must have been instigated to commit the crime. As long as we catch the people behind her, these situations will be solved."

Helplessly can't think of the reason, Su Luoheng can only rely on the murderer to explain the facts.

"We also sent someone to pay attention to the hospital. As long as Xiao Xiao's brother gets the medical expenses, we will chase after him.

Check this money down. "Xia Ruo said.

Zhang Qi raised a bit of distress: "But the murderer must also know that we will put our eyes on Xiao Xiao, I am afraid that we will be more careful, and will we contact Xiao Xiao for a while."

"Well, we also considered that this may be a protracted battle." Xia Ruo said with the same entanglement.

Su Luoheng's pen pointed to the other end and landed on the double-sized "Zhao Bu", saying: "Next, Zhao Bu's death is also full of doubts. What we can be sure is that Zhao Bu was at the banquet that day. There are still very serious concerns. As for what the concerns are, we don't know."

"Why?" Xichang asked.

Su Luo glanced at Xichang without a trace. Xichang immediately felt cold all over, as if he had asked the wrong question.

Zhang Qi kindly explained: "Because the waiter said that Zhao Bu touched his stomach several times during the meal, and because of his uncontrolled drinking, we ruled out the possibility of Zhao Bu's stomach disease. He should be in this position of the clothes. Hid something. We later rechecked his clothes and there was indeed a long pocket in this position."

Xichang made an awkward "Oh".

Xia Ruo reminded: "Furthermore, Zhao Bu was absent-minded throughout the whole process. We felt that his thoughts must be related to this banquet. However, after checking, on the same day, or even two days before and after, Zhao Bu should not have encountered anything that would bother him. It's not even a date."

When Zhao Bu was mentioned, Su Luoheng's sad cloud was obviously thicker than just before: "Zhao Bu was killed in the darkness. It stands to reason that the first person we suspect is Yang Ji, because of the restaurant headlights. He turned it off. But the position of the switch is far away from the deceased, and Yang Ji can't kill people within a minute and return to the original place."

"Of course, this is not the thing that bothers us the most." Su Luoheng frowned deeply, his knuckles buckled on the table, and the curved knuckles revealed his inner upset.

"Zhao Bu did only one thing in this minute of darkness. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the right wrist of a guest next to him, and made a gesture of pulling toward him. We don't know the meaning of this action. But after I After asking Duan Jie, he said that these actions occurred just after the headlights were turned off. Perhaps the deceased had noticed that someone wanted to harm his subconscious self-defense or something."

Xia Ruo interrupted at this time and said: "One more thing is that in this minute of darkness, people around the deceased did not hear any strange movement. This is also very suspicious. If you want to kill, you must move and struggle. ."

Zhang Qi said: "The deceased may be struggling, but he grabbed Duan Jie's hand."

Su Luoheng can only say: "There is a possibility, otherwise it would be very difficult to kill the dead without resisting them."

"Okay, let's think so for the time being." Su Luoheng continued: "When the headlights are turned on again, they will be killed if they can't find them. They died before waiting for the ambulance. But except for Zhao Bu himself, no one else has Stained with any blood. How did the murderer do this?"

Su Luoheng frowned, and this was something he didn't even think of.

Xia Ruo said: "At the same time, on the dagger inserted in Zhao Bu's body, only Zhao Bu's fingerprints. Zhao Bu may have held the dagger after being stabbed. But how did the murderer not leave his fingerprints? No one was there at that time. Wear gloves, no one has gloves."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)