
Chapter 184: Personality differences


Su Luoheng carried Xia Ruo to the school where the two children were. Su Luoheng suddenly decided to see the child, and he didn't notify the teacher.

In fact, Su Luoheng's purpose is to see how these two children are now. After all, he has supported them for so long.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo came to one of the classes called Zhang Mengmeng female classmate.

When Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo came to Zhang Mengmeng's class, the children were in class, so Xia Ruo took Su Luoheng to stay outside for a while, carefully watching the children's class.

But because this class was a music class for the children, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo didn't leave after class, and they still stayed at the door of their class.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Xia Ruo saw a girl rushing out. When she rushed out, there were a few little boys behind. Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Luoheng, you see these children are very lively now. "

Su Luoheng smiled, and did not answer Xia Ruo's words.

When Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng were talking, the little girl’s voice reached Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng’s ears: “I’m going to the canteen later. As long as you call me sister, I will share a little bit later. Snacks for you."

Immediately afterwards, a group of little boys surrounded the little girl and called to her sister. Xia Ruo just treated it as a joke among children, and didn't think too much. But Su Luoheng on the side frowned when he heard the little girl's words.

In fact, the little girl was Zhang Mengmeng, the child Su Luoheng had been supporting. Although there were some big changes, Su Luoheng recognized it at a glance.

The time between classes flies very quickly, and soon the preparatory bell for class rang. But the children still haven't come back.

Xia Ruo frowned as she watched the children leave her forehead and said, "These children will be late if they don't come back."

As soon as the voice fell, the class bell rang, and the teacher followed the class bell and walked into the teacher. This lesson is a cultural lesson for the children.

Although Zhang Mengmeng's performance had disappointed Su Luoheng a bit, Su Luoheng thought about it and decided to give the kid named Zhang Mengmeng another chance. After all, he was still young and naive.

About five minutes later, Zhang Mengmeng led the little boys to the classroom slowly.

First, Zhang Mengmeng immediately shouted "Report."

When the teacher who was teaching wholeheartedly saw Zhang Meng and the children behind her again. Immediately frowned, and then said sharply: "I hope you guys will pay attention to the time next time and don't be late often."

Zhang Mengmeng and the children nodded pretending to be very serious, but when the teacher just turned around, they made faces. Then he walked quickly to his place.

In fact, Su Luoheng just saw the teacher's helplessness to these children, and Su Luoheng also heard from the teacher just now that Zhang Mengmeng and these children often do this.

Su Luoheng's eyes were a bit complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Xia Ruo pointed to the classroom window and said: "Lack of balance, look at that little girl."

Su Luoheng followed Xia Ruo's direction and saw Zhang Mengmeng.

At this time, Zhang Mengmeng had no idea that someone was looking at him outside, playing with the toys he had just bought, and took out a few packets of snacks from his schoolbag.


She didn't just buy some small snacks, but she brought them in from outside in the morning. On the visit to the canteen just now, Zhang Mengmeng actually wanted to buy another toy for herself.

But during the last class, she joked with the boys behind, saying that whoever called her sister would buy them delicious food. As a result, all of them called her sister.

Because Zhang Mengmeng usually cares more about face, and with these boys, he often bet that Zhang Mengmeng bit his head and took them to the canteen to buy food.

Looking at the toy in her hand, Zhang Mengmeng frowned, because she originally wanted to buy another one, but in the end she didn't have enough pocket money, so she could only buy this toy next.

The teacher who was teaching saw Zhang Mengmeng taking out the snacks and holding a toy in his hand. He shook his head very helplessly, and then turned to the other side to continue the lecture.

At this time, Zhang Mengmeng felt that the class was not interesting, and ended up lying on the table. Playing boringly with toys in hand. The children’s desks are relatively small, and as a result, Zhang Mengmeng took up half of the otherwise small desks.

Zhang Mengmeng was also a girl at the same table. After seeing Zhang Mengmeng like this, she showed a very disgusting expression, and then moved aside. Ignoring Zhang Mengmeng, I continued to listen to the teacher.

The time passed by, Su Luoheng once again showed a very disappointed expression, and then said to Xia Ruo: "Xia Ruo, I have been sponsoring this child, but I did not expect this child to learn like this. "After speaking, he shook his head disappointedly.

Xia Ruo patted Su Luoheng on the shoulder and comforted: "Why don't we continue to observe this child, maybe this child is in a bad state today?"

"Her teacher also said just now,'I often do this.'"

Looking at Su Luoheng's appearance, Xia Ruo didn't know what to say. After all, he saw those things just now, but Xia Ruo felt that he should give this child another chance. After all, the children's playability is also relatively good big.

Xia Ruo thought for a while, what should he say in order to persuade Su Luoheng and let Su Luoheng give the child another chance.

"Lostly, the child's playability is relatively normal. We are not in a hurry to leave anyway. Let's observe one more day, and then ask the teacher about the child's performance, and give this child a chance."

Seeing Xia Ruo's serious look, Su Luoheng sighed and nodded.

The time for a class also passes very quickly, and the get out of class ends soon.

Moreover, the primary school class schedule is relatively easy, and the children can go home after school after this class.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng watched a group of children running past them, looking at the children’s energetic faces, Xia Ruo felt that they were in a much better mood, and they could also feel the children’s share. Joy and innocence.

After the children walked, Xia Ruo glanced at the classroom and found that the teacher was still there, so she pulled Su Luoheng into the classroom.

"Hello, we want to ask about Zhang Mengmeng's learning situation." Xia Ruo asked politely.

When Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng came in, the teacher put down the book in his hand and read

For them, when Xia Ruo asked Zhang Mengmeng, although the teacher was very dissatisfied with Zhang Mengmeng, he still had to protect the children's privacy. So he asked Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo: "Who are you Zhang Mengmeng?"

At this time, Su Luoheng took the honest words; "We saw some news about sponsoring children, and we saw information about this child Zhang Mengmeng, and we want to ask."

The teacher was a little embarrassed. Although Zhang Mengmeng did not study seriously and did not like her, as a teacher, she could not speak ill of her children.

Seeing the teacher look a little tangled, Su Luoheng continued to speak: "I have seen pictures of Zhang Mengmeng, and I stayed outside for the last class. I saw her being late, and now I want to ask about her study status. Teacher, don't feel embarrassed either."

After hearing Su Luoheng say this, the teacher nodded, and then said: "Zhang Mengmeng is a good child, but he has not been very serious. The learning situation has been declining at this stage. I have a report card. Do you need to take a look?"

Su Luoheng nodded, then took the report card from the teacher and looked through it. The result is still the same disappointment, it can be said that it is even more disappointed.

Because the teacher did not give the transcripts of an exam, but bound them together several times. From the perspective of each transcript, Zhang Mengmeng's grades have always been poor.

After Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo thanked Teacher Xie, they left.

This point was almost at the meal point. In order to save trouble, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo bought some simple meals at a restaurant near the school.

During the meal, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng saw Zhang Mengmeng again. This time Zhang Mengmeng was wandering in a shop selling toys, touching the toys for a while, and then touching his pockets.

Then he reluctantly left the shop.

Su Luoheng walked to the store and talked to the owner: "I want to ask, what toys should I buy for a child as old as the girl just now?"

The shop owner was very happy to recommend several toys to Su Luoheng, and said: "That girl is a frequent visitor to our house and often comes to buy toys. She has always liked these. If your child’s style is That kid is almost the same, you can consider these few."

After talking with the owner for a while, Su Luoheng came out empty-handed.

After his own observation and the description of the shop owner, Su Luoheng knew that Zhang Mengmeng often came to buy toys. To be honest, Su Luoheng was not disgusted with children buying toys, but he couldn't buy toys often. In addition, the child had always been poor because of her. The child who just helped, now let him know about these things, Su Luoheng is very disappointed with Zhang Mengmeng, and Su Luoheng also expressed some of his thoughts to Xia Ruo.

Su Luoheng decided to give up his funding for Zhang Mengmeng. Xia Ruo looked at Su Luoheng, then nodded, and said, "This kid can be regarded as not cherishing the opportunity. I hope she will not blame us."

It’s not that Su Luoheng didn’t give Zhang Mengmeng a chance. He also made some plans before coming. Even if the children’s studies are not very good, as long as they have good living habits or study hard, he can continue to support him, but this Zhang Mengmeng, He didn't study well, didn't take it seriously, and often bought snacks and toys, which disappointed him very much.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)