
Chapter 187: The darkness is reckless


In the secret room, only she and "she", not even two people. Since five hours ago, the body of the **** is no longer a person. It can't breathe, can't think, and it doesn't have all the characteristics that a "person" should have.

Such things can no longer threaten her.

That Humei face has since become a dead thing, unable to seduce her man anymore.

In the darkness, except for the faint light outside the window, only a faint white light of her eyes condensed on her body that was gradually stiff. The inner pleasure made her excited, she wanted to scream. The corners of her curved lips are hidden in the darkness, expressing inner joy.

Finally... Finally.

Zhang Qi knocked on the door of Su Luoheng's office.

Su Luoheng raised his head from the pile of files, showing the expression of listening to Zhang Qi's words.

"Su SIR, there was a murder in the apartment in District 3. The owner in the room died, and it was her neighbor who reported the crime."

Su Luoheng quickly put down the pen in his hand, got up and said, "Prepare the car, we will set off right away."


Xia Ruo was working outside the police station when she received the notice, and when she received a call from Zhang Qi, she drove from the office to the place where the incident occurred. Su Luoheng had already arrived first.

Three bedrooms and two halls, about 150 square meters of apartment. The deceased died in the bedroom, and the police came in and out. Xia Ruo saw Su Luoheng at the door of the bedroom at a glance, and walked over in two steps: "What's the situation?"

Su Luoheng saw Xia Ruo on his side, and stepped aside to let her enter the room, walked with her to the side of the deceased, and said: "The deceased is a resident here, named Rose, we found it in her room. With her ID card and other documents, her identity can be verified. Twenty-seven years old, an employee of Lianxi Company, doing personnel work."

The deceased lay flat on her face, with his eyes wide open, his mouth open, and his face was bluish, obviously suffocating to death. There were scars on the face of the deceased, red and swollen, indicating that he was beaten, and there were also traces of being caught on his wrist. It should have been a dispute with someone. According to the condition of the corpse, Xia Ruo said: "The time of death of the deceased was twenty-four hours ago." As she said, she looked at her watch: "That is around four or five o'clock yesterday afternoon."

The home of the deceased was neat and clean, and even the bed on which the deceased was lying was not wrinkled. Her holy hands were stacked on her lower abdomen, if it weren't for her expression to be too hideous, she looked like she was asleep peacefully.

Xia Ruo pointed to the bed where the deceased was lying and asked, "Is this the first scene?"

Su Luoheng said: "The deceased was wearing pajamas. The murder should have occurred in her house."

Xia Ruo nodded and said: "The murderer cleaned up the scene." She looked puzzled at the posture that was completely contrary to the corpse's hideous expression, and said: "But why did the murderer put the dead person in this posture? "

Standing behind Xia Ruo, Zhang Qi was also observing the dead, and said, "Could this be a strange ritual of some sect?"

Xia Ruo turned his head: "The ceremony?"

Zhang Qi nodded and said, "Yes, for example, it is the custom that people must put something in front of four people when they are dead, and what kind of posture people must pose when they die."

Su Luoheng thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible. Ask someone to check and see if there is any

Clues to the surface. "

Xia Ruo put forward her thoughts: "I think it is also possible that the murderer has a close relationship with the deceased, or even a relative of the deceased. The murderer did so out of guilt, or it may be because he wants to obtain forgiveness from the deceased. Or Could not bear."

Su Luoheng said: "Well, I have sent someone to investigate and notify the family of the deceased."

Xia Ruo looked around, and then asked, "So, what is the murder weapon?"

Su Luoheng said: "The murder weapon is either a pillow or a cushion in the living room."

Xia Ruo motioned to Su Luoheng to help her lift the deceased's body, and saw a small trace of being torn apart on the bed sheet under the deceased's body.

"Well... It can be confirmed now that this is the first scene, the murder weapon is a pillow, and the deceased died of suffocation."

The deceased was wearing pajamas, and Xia Ruo continued: "The murderer was a woman, or someone who was familiar with the deceased."

"Yeah." Su Luoheng replied, which he had inferred early in the morning: "It was the neighbor and her colleague of the deceased who called the police."

Su Luoheng asked the police officer to call the two people over. He had been waiting for Xia Ruo to arrive at the scene and inquired together.

"These two are the first people to spot the scene." Su Luoheng said.

The neighbor of the deceased was a young man. The little girl looked like a twenty-four-five-year-old girl. She had just graduated from work and she was still a little frightened. Wearing thicker home clothes and tying up her hair with elastic bands at will, she also has a rash and lazy beauty.

The colleague of the deceased was a middle-aged man, the boss of the deceased Rose, over forty years old, dressed in formal clothes, seemed a little anxious, looked at his watch from time to time, and looked very busy. Sweating on the forehead, I kept wiping with a tissue, and never stopped fiddling with the phone. It is about a person who has a small official position, but needs to deal with many trivial matters.

Seeing Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng walking by, the middle-aged man immediately straightened his clothes and said to them: "Two police officers, there are still many things waiting for me in our company to deal with, so please hurry up."

Su Luoheng expressed his understanding: "Okay. We only have a few questions."

Xia Ruo asked: "How did you discover that the deceased was killed?"

The middle-aged man said: "Yesterday afternoon, Rose asked for a leave and said that she was unwell and went back first. As a result, she didn’t have a personal presence all day today. I called her and she didn’t answer, and sent someone to contact a few Roses to stay. I don’t know what’s the matter with the phone number of the emergency contact. I have to come over and take a look after I’m done with the urgent matter. No one responds to any knock on the door, but her car is still downstairs. Calling I can hear the phone ring. I think something is wrong. I just happened to meet this little girl who came home."

The middle-aged man looks at the little girl next to Rose standing next to him. She said: "Yes. I just bought a few tomatoes and eggs below. I also found it strange to hear this uncle talk about roses. And..." She made an incomprehensible expression and said, "Yesterday afternoon. I heard Rose arguing with a man in her house, her voice was very loud. I wondered if something happened."

"Ah, yes." The middle-aged man immediately took it, half-bending over to explain to Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, speaking faster: "Then we figured out a way to open her door, and found out The rose is already dead inside."

"Um..." girl

The child was a little scared when he thought of it, and he didn't dare to look at the room where Rose was: "At the time we thought she was asleep, who knew... Sister Rose was out of breath..."

Xia Ruo asked the middle-aged man: "What excuse did the deceased ask for leave yesterday? At what time?"

"Well... Yesterday at two o'clock in the afternoon, when she first went to work in the afternoon, she said she had a stomachache." The middle-aged man replied.

"Okay, we have understood the basic situation. Please leave your contact information, and we will contact you if you have any questions later." Su Luoheng said to the middle-aged man who was overwhelmed by affairs.

This person quickly thanked Su Luoheng and left Rose's house.

"Did you see the man who quarreled with Rose yesterday?" Xia Ruo continued to ask the young girl standing aside.

"No." The girl shook her head.

"When did you notice that they were fighting?"

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Is this common? I mean this kind of quarrel happened at Rose's house?"

"Uncommon." The girl's voice was soft when facing the stranger's inquiry.

"Does Rose live alone? How long has she lived here?" Xia Ruo tried to make her voice softer.

The girl dialed the two messy hairs in front of her forehead and said, "There is a man who often goes to and out of Sister Rose's house, but this man and the man who quarreled with Sister Rose yesterday should not be the same person, and his voice is different..."

"Is there someone who comes to her house often? Do you know who that person is?"

The girl blinked and recalled: "I think that uncle is a rich man."


"Well, yeah. It's almost forty years old. My dad is so old, maybe a little younger than my dad."

The deceased was only 27 years old, and Xia Ruo guessed: "Could it be Rose's father?"

The girl shook her head violently: "No. Although I haven't seen what the uncle and Sister Rose look like when they are together, I instinctively feel that when this uncle comes to Sister Rose, it's not like a father looking for a daughter. "

Finally, Xia Ruo asked: "Does your community have cameras?"

The girl said, "It seems that there is one at the doorman, and I don't know the others."

"Okay, we understand the basic situation. Thank you for your cooperation." Xia Ruo closed her notebook and said.

The girl smiled slightly and said, "It should be." Then she turned around and ran back to her home.

Such a big house with three bedrooms and two halls can't be bought with Rose's work income. Isn't this house not hers

Su Luoheng asked Xichang to investigate the owner of the house and deal with the information, and then asked the police officer to call out Rose's mobile phone address book.

Xia Ruo went to the guard and asked him the location of the surveillance video, and then asked Zhang Qi to retrieve the surveillance video and send it to the police station.

After finishing all these things, Xia Ruo stood at the door and looked at the empty room where a person had just died.

"Luoheng, do you think it's weird here?" She stab Su Luoheng in the waist with her elbow.

Su Luoheng stood on the other side of the door frame with his hands wrapped around his chest, and he also looked at the neat and clean room.

"The room should have been cleaned by the murderer, in order to avoid leaving fingerprints." Su Luoheng said.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)