
Chapter 188: Its people are unpredictable


Xia Ruo gave Su Luoheng a sideways look: "Of course I know these. I mean Rose's room."

Su Luoheng dropped his gaze into the room where Rose was killed, unable to discern his expression: "What do you think is wrong?"

Xia Ruo frowned in distress, tilted her head slightly, and said, "I can't tell you..."

Rose’s bedroom is equally neat and clean, including the way Rose’s body is placed. It feels like the murderer is not simply trying to wipe out the traces of the crime, but more like a deliberate habit.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo who was struggling with a smile, and took her shoulders to take her away from the scene: "There must be other clues, maybe other clues can give you more inspiration."

"All right… "

Su Luoheng found Rose's friends first.

"Rose... was killed...!" Orange's face instantly turned pale, and he couldn't react for a long time: "You guys, aren't you playing a game with me?"

Her expression was stiff, she forced an awkward smile, her eyes looked at Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo almost eagerly, as if they were her only life-saving straw.

"We're sorry, Miss Orange." Xia Ruo struggled with this situation every time. She knows that the death of relatives and friends is a heavy blow to the person involved, so she often does not know how to deal with it.

Zhang Qi is more comfortable with this kind of things. In comparison, Xia Ruo is not good at it. And Su Luheng will take a more direct way and tell the other party the result directly.

As it is now.

Tangerine's eyes were covered with mist.

"How could this be... Murderer, who is the murderer?" She paused, and suddenly she woke up and grabbed Su Luoheng's arm, and asked loudly, "It's Yan Sheng, isn't it? It must be the woman Yan Sheng!"

"Yan Sheng?" Su Luoheng frowned, "Who is Yan Sheng?"

Xia Ruo held the agitated orange to the side: "Miss Orange, calm down."

The orange was stunned, and she returned to the sofa in a daze, her eyes straightened, and tears couldn't help running down. After a while, he calmed down and said to Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo: "I haven't caught the murderer yet?"

"Yes." Xia Ruo said: "We received a report from Rose’s neighbor at four o’clock in the afternoon and learned about the murder of the deceased. On that day, we came to you to find out about Rose and track down the murderer. ."

The tears that Tangerine had just paused for a moment began to roll down again, but she was trying to control her mood: "Sorry." She wiped the tears and said, "I and Rose, we two came to Hong Kong alone. Working hard, I have been a good friend for more than ten years, but I did not expect to draw such a thing..."

Xia Ruo put a box of tissues in front of the orange and said, "Miss Orange, who is Yan Sheng you just mentioned?"

Tang Zi took a deep breath, with a strong nasal voice in her voice: "It's our college classmate. Luo Mi's ex-girlfriend."

"Why do you say that the rose killed by Yansheng?"

"This matter will start when we were in college."

In college. Luo Mi and Yan Sheng are boy and girl friends. But Yan Sheng was too demon, Luo Mi couldn't stand Yan Sheng's temper and decided to break up with her. But it just so happened that Luo Mi met Rose at that time, and Yan Sheng thought that it was Rose Misan stepped in.

He snatched Romei from her hand. So I hate roses. Later, when Rose and Rome became in love for a long time, they did come to one place, which made Yan Sheng believe that Rose was acting as a minor three at the time.

"But, isn't this all the thing in college?" Xia Ruo said. Now that so many years have passed, Yan Sheng will never remember that he came to kill until now.

Orange shook his head: "This is just the root of the matter. Yan Sheng wanted to kill Rose because of another thing."

Xia Ruo sat quietly and waited for her to say.

"Last month, I went to the Rose Company to find her, and we were going to go shopping together. It happened that I met Yan Sheng. It turned out that Yan Sheng had transferred to Rose's subordinate to work, and it was also Yuanjialu Demolition." Orange said. Snorted softly.

"We all thought things had passed for so long. Everyone laughed and laughed, so we went to a restaurant to eat together. At the dinner table, this Yansheng kept asking about Rose's recent situation, and I felt something was wrong. Stop talking." Orange shook his head: "At that time, I advised Rose not to keep Yan Sheng under her hands. There will be problems. Rose kept insisting on giving Yan Sheng a chance. As a result, within a month, Yan Sheng Sure enough, something happened."

"There was a problem with the receipts that Yansheng made. Rose found the matter on her body and wanted to deduct her salary. But she insisted that Rose saw her not pleasing to her eyes. She wanted to frame her early and deliberately made her make a fool of herself. The university has been going back to the present. In the end, he even talked about killing Rose." Orange said, her eyes were very angry: "It must be her, she must have killed Rose."

Su Luoheng frowned deeply: "Where did Yansheng threaten Rose?"

"In her company, many people probably heard it."

"Then how did you know?" Su Luoheng asked puzzled.

"Naturally Rose told me." She said.

However, according to the rose in the orange's mouth, she did not seem to be someone who would confide such things.

Sure enough, after a while, she sighed: "Actually, I asked. Rose's face was very bad that day, but it was Yan Sheng who did it with her at the company."

Su Luoheng nodded understandingly, and then asked, "What kind of person is Rose?"

Orange opened his eyes wide and tried to push the tears back, sobbing non-stop.

"Rose, she's quite stubborn, she doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. Don't look at her sometimes resolute and resolute, and she is not soft when scolding people, but in fact she is very kind-hearted."

"From two o'clock in the afternoon to night the day before yesterday, where were you and what were you doing?" Su Luoheng asked.

The orange froze.

"Rose, was killed the day before yesterday?"

"Right." Su Luoheng said bluntly.

"Yesterday afternoon, I was in my work unit and didn't get off work until six o'clock in the evening, and then I went home."

"Is anyone living with you?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes, I rent a house with another girl." Orange said.

"Provide us with your roommate's contact information, we need to ask her for verification."

Knowing that the police were checking the alibi in an orderly manner, Orange left his roommate's cell phone number to Su Luoheng.

"There is one more thing." Xia Ruo said: "According to Rose's neighbors, a man had a conflict with her at Rose's house the day before yesterday. Can you guess this man

who is it? "

The orange froze.

"Man?" She thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's Romei, but Romei is a gentle boy. I don't know if they will fight. It's also possible that it's another person..."

The orange suddenly hesitated.

Xia Ruo motioned to her to speak.

Orange said: "I know that Rose and a middle-aged man have gotten very close recently, but she didn't tell me about specific things. It's just that I can detect that Rose seems to have a good impression of this man."

The middle-aged man mentioned by Orange is probably the forty-year-old man mentioned by the neighbor.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo thanked the oranges and left back to the police station.

There are now three suspects.

Yan Sheng, Luo Mi, and an unknown middle-aged man.

The autopsy report quickly came out. The deceased's respiratory organs were blocked the day before yesterday, causing the deceased to suffocate to death. And Xia Ruo's judgment is basically the same.

Even another woman can do it against a woman who has no power to bind a chicken. So now none of the three suspects are excluded.

The immediate task now is to find out who the mysterious middle-aged man is and who is the man who quarreled with Rose that afternoon. The man who quarreled with Rose was most likely the one who left her wounds, and this person was the most suspicious.

The next day, Xichang found out that the original owner of this house was a man named Chengshi. This person is the CEO of Cheng's Group, who is in real estate business. At the age of forty-two, he has a wife and no children. The house was given to roses at the beginning of this year. Rose moved in at the end of last year.

"It seems that this is the'uncle' that Rose's neighbor sister said." Su Luoheng smiled helplessly. I think I'm seven or eight years younger than the big tree in the little girl's mouth, and I'm afraid that he has already stepped into what the young girl called "uncle".

Thinking about this, Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

Xia Ruo said to Zhang Qi: "Call to make an appointment. We have something to ask him."

"Okay." Zhang Qi answered.

Then Su Luoheng asked another police officer: "Has the deceased's mobile phone communication records been found? Who are the most recent frequent contacts and the last contact?"

The police officer ran over with an address book list: "It's done. Finally, the contact found out that it was Luo Mi. These are the most frequently used contacts recently."

"Yeah." Su Luoheng nodded in satisfaction: "Okay."

Zhang Qi clutched the receiver of the landline and said, "Sheng Shi said he has time from 10:30 to 12 this morning."

Xia Ruo glanced at Su Luoheng, Su Luoheng nodded, and Xia Ruo said, "Okay, let's go to the company to find him."

Su Luoheng pointed to a string of mobile phone numbers and said to Xichang next to him: "Contact Romei and ask him to come to the police station."


An hour later, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo arrived at the office building of Chengshi Group.

The billboard of the real estate group is prominently marked on the side of the building. The reception staff took Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo into Li Chengshi's office.

This person is different from the real estate tycoons in the imagination, Mediterranean hair style, pot belly figure, but the whole body exudes a gentle and elegant temperament, the meticulous hair seems to be a specially made hairstyle, the tailoring of the suit is stylish and shallow. The smiley expression revealed his extraordinary demeanor.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)