
Chapter 19: indulgence


After asking some basic information as usual, Su Luoheng took Xia Ruo to leave again.

The locations of the two cases differed by tens of thousands of miles, but they had a lot in common.

For example, the victims are all elderly, and they all have children who are not responsible for their duties.

Is the murderer really their child? This made Xia Ruo somewhat unacceptable.

As if seeing what Xia Ruo was thinking in her heart, Su Luoheng glanced at her faintly, and said: "Don't care about this kind of thing, Skynet is so elusive and not leaking, we will eventually bring the murderer to justice."

Xia Ruo turned to look out of the window, and answered with a hum.

Seeing that Xia Ruo had no interest in talking, Su Luoheng didn't care, and said to himself: "I ran into a person recently, and she was like you. I recognized her as you several times. As a result, It was only when I saw the face that I realized that they were two people at all."

While speaking, Su Luoheng had been observing Xia Ruo's expression intentionally or unintentionally.

Xia Ruo naturally felt Su Luoheng's sight, frowned, and snorted impatiently, and said, "What do you want to say?"

Su Luoheng was silent for a moment, then returned to his smiling face, and changed the subject and said: "I found a coffee shop, the coffee is delicious, I will take you to taste it."

Regardless of Xia Ruotong's disagreement, Su Luoheng directly turned the front of the car and drove towards the destination in his heart.

The car quickly arrived at the destination. This is the cafe where Su Luoheng and Si Peilan met before.

Su Luoheng looked up at the location near the window, but did not find the person.

He frowned, and then led Xia Ruo into the cafe.

"Boss, two cups of lattes, thank you."

Su Luoheng took Xia Ruo to the position Si Peilan liked to sit before, and put the coffee in front of Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo frowned, raised her head and looked at Su Luoheng, with a light of dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Su Luoheng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Don't like coffee?"

Xia Ruo ignored Su Luoheng and got up and went to the counter. When she came back, she had a bag of candy in her hand.

Su Luoheng raised his hand and patted his forehead with a self-blaming expression, and said, "Sorry, I have been dizzy by so many cases recently, and I often forget things."

Xia Ruo didn't answer, and put a bag of sugar into the coffee machine, and then stirred evenly.

"Do you like to drink sweet coffee?" Su Luoheng seemed a little surprised, but there was a different kind of light in his eyes.

"It's too bitter to taste." Xia Ruo turned to look at the window next to her, frowning again.

"Can we change positions?"

Su Luoheng stunned for a moment, then smiled, got up and went to another position.

"Sorry, I don't like being exposed to too many people."

Xia Ruo was explaining about the change of position, Su Luoheng smiled and didn't care.

"The woman I mentioned before, whose back is very similar to you, likes to sit in that position. Every time I see her, she is sitting in the position where you were just now."

Su Luoheng seemed to mention this incident accidentally. He smiled, looked up at Xia Ruo's face, and continued: "And she likes to drink bitter coffee, it's really weird."

Xia Ruo didn't say a word, always with a cold expression on her face.

She stared at Su Luoheng on the opposite side: "What do you want to say? I don't believe that you brought me here just to buy me coffee."

Xia Ruo became a little impatient. She felt that Su Luoheng was simply wasting her time. It would be better to investigate the case if she had time to drink coffee. Maybe she would find some new breakthroughs.

"Xiao Ruo..." Su Luoheng's god

Lulu suddenly languished, looking so tired and so painful.

He grabbed Xia Ruo's hand, his eyes full of pleading.

"Xiao Ruo, how can you forgive me? Everything I do is for you..."

Su Luoheng's tone was almost pleading, he was begging Xia Ruo to forgive him.

However, Xia Ruo remained indifferent, withdrawing his hand alive, and got up to leave.

"Xiao Ruo!" Su Luoheng stood up and grabbed Xia Ruo's arm, not wanting her to leave again.

"I said, we will never go back to the past, please let go!" Xia Ruo turned around, his face full of impatientness.

This sentence was like a knife, piercing Su Luoheng's last little hope abruptly.

Xia Ruo shook Su Luoheng's hand, turned and left.

The coffee on the table was still steaming, but in Su Luoheng's opinion, it was already cold.

Back at the police station, Xia Ruo devoted himself to work again.

She started investigating the surveillance video surrounding the crime scene, but found nothing.

Not reconciled, she expanded the scope of the investigation and watched all the surveillance videos in the last half month.

This time she found some clues: a day ago, a person appeared around the scene of the first case.

It was nothing at all, but Xia Ruo frowned. She helped her glasses and stared at the figure on the computer screen tightly.

She had seen this person, and it was Li Ye, the second son of the second victim.

Li Ye said that he was several kilometers away from the first victim. Why did he come here to wander around

Xia Ruo was puzzled, edited the video and went to a technician to optimize the picture-she always felt that this matter was strange.

After the picture optimization, Xia Ruo could see Li Ye in the video wandering downstairs for a few laps, seeming to be observing something, and then nothing happened, she turned and left.

Xia Ruo paused the video and started thinking about a question: Why did Li Ye come here

She then reversed the video again, only to find that Li Ye, who had already left, had actually returned after dark. He looked around and then went upstairs.

Because the camera upstairs was not turned on, it was impossible for Xia Ruo to see what Li Ye did.

In the surveillance video, Li Ye didn't come down after he went upstairs. He didn't reappear in the camera until it was close to 1 noon the next day.

However, there was another person behind him, and he had some impressions of this person Xia Ruo, who was the victim's neighbor.

Came to find friends? Xia Ruo was a little helpless, she thought she had caught the clues of the suspect, but in the end she found herself rushed.

She raised her hand and squeezed her eyebrows, and then checked the time. It was already eight o'clock in the evening. Although there were still a few police officers working in the police station, they were already off work.

Xia Ruo has been working hard in recent days, and it is common to work overtime until late at night.

I really didn't think there was any place to look for clues, Xia Ruo sighed helplessly, got up and left the police station.

Su Luoheng never returned to the police station. He kept returning to Xia Ruo's words: "It is impossible for us to go back to the past, please let go!"

Letting go is just two simple words, but it is so difficult and painful to do.

"Let go?" Su Luoheng muttered to himself facing two cups of coffee that had already cooled down, with obvious tears on his face.

"a cup of coffee."

A female voice sounded, but Su Luoheng felt so familiar.

"Xiao Ruo?" Su Luoheng raised his head fiercely, but the expression of surprise stiffened on his face in the next second.

"It's you."

"Why? Lost

In love? Si Peilan raised her eyebrows, her eyes showed interest, but she still chose to sit near the window and took a sip of bitter coffee.

Su Luoheng smiled bitterly, ordered another cup of coffee, and came to the opposite side of Si Peilan.

"Yes, I'm broken in love." Su Luoheng followed Si Peilan, sipping bitter coffee.

Coffee is bitter and astringent, but Su Luoheng has another mood and experience.

"You still love each other deeply, but the other party refuses to forgive you, sad guy." Si Peilan shook his head and turned to look out the window.

The streets are feasting and feasting, and many people are obsessed with this psychedelic world and can't help themselves. They have developed the habit of living at night. Now is the time for these night owls to act.

Si Peilan looked at the well-dressed men and women on the street, her lips sneered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Can I have a drink?" Si Peilan put down the bitter coffee in his hand, turned to look at Su Luoheng, smiled for the first time.

I have to say that Si Peilan is still beautiful. At this moment, Su Luoheng's heart was moved, and he seemed to see Xia Ruo smiling like a flower again.


The deafening music is constantly repeated in the ears, just like an ecstasy that can make people forget all their troubles, it brings all people on.

The smell of perfume mixed with the smell of sweat made people nauseous, but those people were obsessed with their own world and couldn't help themselves, swaying their bodies crazily in the center of the dance floor.

Su Luoheng never came to such a place, because Xia Ruo did not allow it before, and later because he didn't like it.

Now Su Luoheng has put all the restraints behind him, like those young men and women, shaking his body on the dance floor madly, just to vent his inner emotions.

Si Peilan was right in front of him, shaking her body as well, and her soft flesh collided with Su Luoheng from time to time, giving him a different feeling.

It was as if someone was whispering in his ear, and it seemed to be touching his face.

Su Luoheng refused and resisted this feeling at first, but these thoughts were quickly forgotten by him.

All he wants now is madness, indulgence!

Reaching out to hold Si Peilan in her arms, Si Peilan has closed her bold and coquettish backless outfit, and Su Luoheng felt the tremor from the soul.

Si Peilan did not resist Su Luoheng's actions, but instead looked at him full of flattery, her black eyeliner showing her lust.

Everything around is so crazy, so indulgent, no one will notice here at all.

Su Luoheng's inner impulse could no longer be restrained, he madly kissed Si Peilan's red lips, and desperately asked for it.

His embrace was so urgent and so warm, as if she wanted to completely melt Si Peilan into her body.

Su Luoheng closed his eyes, his hands were constantly groping and tearing, and there was a voice in his heart who kept roaring: "More! More!"

Si Peilan responded desperately to Su Luoheng's kiss, even if she couldn't breathe.

She embraced Su Luoheng's neck with her arms, and her body was close to his chest, so hot and indulgent.

Time seems to stop at this moment, the two people have different thoughts in their hearts, but they can achieve their own goals-that is, forget everything.

Su Luoheng hugged Si Peilan by her waist, turned and walked in the direction of the deck, still lingering with Si Peilan.

The deafening music, the disgusting taste, the daytime troubles, all these are no longer important, the only thing they think about is only two words-that is indulgence.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)