
Chapter 195: The truth about the four


The story ends with Huang Sheng's arrest, but the truth behind the case is still a mystery.

It should be said that the timing when Rose met the time was the most critical factor that caused the four of them to fall into error.

At that time, Rose and Romy had a dispute over some things. During the Cold War, Rose even suspected that he and Romy would come to an end in this way. At this time, Cheng Shi appeared. Like a bright light in a cold rainy night.

At first, the conversation with Cheng Shi only made Rose feel that this person was attracting him. Whether it is magnanimity, talent or impeccable appearance. He has the unique charm of a mature man that Rome doesn't possess. He is more knowledgeable than Romei, although she knows it herself, this is only because he has more experience than Rome for ten years.

But for some reason, she just tried to make herself ignore this.

Every time she communicated with Cheng Shi, it was harder for her to resist this person. Every element in his body attracted her.

But before long, Rose and Romei reconciled. She knew that her thoughts were wrong, and she couldn't have other thoughts about Cheng Shi, because she still had Rome by her side.

What's more, she knew that Chengshi had a family.

However, people can control their behavior, but it is difficult to control their thoughts.

She tried her best to avoid Chengshi, but Chengshi began to attack Rose. If we say that meticulous care and unexpected gifts can be regarded as offensive methods.

Rose always refused him, but he changed the trick to deliver the gift she had already rejected to her again, waiting at the door of the unit, waiting at the intersection where she would pass, and asking her to meet him, he seemed to have nowhere. In the absence of air, I will swear that I will not give up if the gift is delivered to her.

Rose helplessly, in order to prevent him from leaning in front of her, in order to prevent others from discovering her dirty smile, she can only give her gifts again and again. But she didn't expect that these gifts would be seen every day, making her think of him every day. The original intention of wanting to make a clean break is even more unpretentious.

He is like a poison, and Rose has no cure.

Even though, he has a family background.

Even though, she has a boyfriend.

She knew that such feelings were immoral, but she could not resist.

Years later, Cheng Shi gave her a house. The original cause of this incident was that Rose’s original landlord was unwilling to rent the house and temporarily terminated the contract, leaving Rose nowhere to go for a while, but at that time, Romei was on a business trip again, and she did not tell him. Knowing this matter was done, she let her live in her own set of real estate, right when she bought it, and gave him a sum of money every month.

Roses who have nowhere to stay can only accept the goodwill of the time.

She admired this man.

Even though I repeatedly refused.

Although the two people have always maintained a rumorous relationship, Rose and Chengshi have never crossed that boundary. Cheng was unwilling to hurt Rose, and Rose did not allow herself to fall to this point.

However, this matter was finally known by Cheng Shi's wife, Huang Sheng.

And what followed was that the relationship between Rose and Cheng Shi was noticed by Romei.

Misfortune never comes singly.

Huang Sheng secretly saw Rose.

Rose is beautiful, she is jealous. Rose is young and she is jealous. Rose has knowledge that she can't match, and she is very jealous. Most importantly, Rose got the love of her time, but she didn't.

She hates this woman.

She wants her to disappear.

This idea was like a spark, bursting into a prairie fire in an instant, and could no longer stop it. The evil thoughts that grew like crazy grass made her restless, and she desperately wanted to see that woman die.

Finally, she decided to put it into action.

That day, she came to the intersection that she had already known in her heart. This was the only way to go to Rose's house.

He fabricated an excuse, and a man driving a Chery car took her into the car and brought her into the residential area of Rose. She was at the door and heard the quarrel between Rose and Chengshi.

Huang Sheng sneered in hiding.

The house where Rose is now is the message of Chengshi, which she used to pass on to Romei. Rose obviously has a boyfriend, but she still struggles with her husband.

It really is a vixen.

When Luo Mi was about to come out, Huang Sheng hid upstairs. It was not until Luo Mi left that she went downstairs and knocked on Rose's door.

Maybe Rose thought the door was Romey who had gone back and forth, and opened the door of the room without hesitation.

But he didn't expect to be a strange woman. And the strange woman's face was cold, and she even looked at her with obvious contempt.

Before Rose spoke, the woman spoke first: "I am Cheng Shi's wife."

In a word, let the rose's hand on the door freeze.

"Miss Mei, can you invite me in and sit down?" Although it was asking for questions, there was no half-questioning attitude.

"Please come in."

The two women sat face to face, saying things that should or shouldn't be said.

When Huang Sheng acted, Rose showed a slight astonishment, but at that moment, she suddenly didn't want to resist. Rose's brain under the pillow was blank, and she suddenly felt desperate.

Falling in love with someone you shouldn't love, hurting someone who loves her.

Life is also a bit boring.

The physical reaction of the body made her resist, but the woman riding on her pressed the pillow fiercely and restrained her struggle. Finally, everything gradually subsided. Rose's body softened, and the resistance suddenly disappeared.

Huang Sheng lifted the pillow and saw such a breathless face.

However, this horrible face did not arouse the slightest fear in her. She feels very happy.

From then on, it was time for no one to compete with her.

How good is it

very nice.

She really wanted to quietly appreciate the victory battlefield at this moment.

Ah, I have to tidy up here.

This is where she swept away the enemy, and where she raised the banner of victory. She cleaned the place clean and dust-free. She even put Rose's body in place, in order to match the whole environment, in order to allow her to better appreciate her defeat.

In this way, Huang Sheng stayed here all night.

She finally had a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Huang Sheng woke up, and at first sight saw the lifeless corpse lying in ****. She smiled suddenly, it was a good morning gift.

She called Cheng Shi and told him that she was at Rose's house.

Success came very quickly, unexpectedly fast.

She looked at Cheng Shi's body with horror and sorrow with cold eyes. She doesn't even care about the abuse and accusation given to her when Cheng Cheng, as long as Rose is dead, and what if he scolds her, she can only be hers alone.

The most important thing is that she knows that it is impossible to leave her alone. Because of Chengshi Group.

he can not

Out of such a mess.

Chengshi finally took her out of Rose's community in accordance with Huang Sheng's request. In the end, he kept silent and pretended that nothing happened.

When everything was finally exposed, Huang Sheng didn't feel any waves in his heart.

This Shengye marriage was originally her obsession.

If you get to this point, it can be considered as God's eye.

In the end, Huang Sheng was prosecuted for intentional homicide, and he was prosecuted for shelter.

Zhang Qi told Luo Mi the truth about everything by phone.

No one knows what happened to Luo Mi, only that he locked himself at home for two full days.

Two days have passed since the case of Rose, and her parents have also come to Hong Kong to collect the body of her daughter and go home to hold a funeral.

When he saw Cheng Shi again, he was a little more embarrassed, but what Xia Ruo noticed more was his lifeless eyes.

This person really loved Rose before.

However, everything has become a thing of the past.

"Zhang Qi, what are you thinking about!"

Xichang saw Zhang Qi holding a pen and staring at the title text on the document blankly. He had been staring for more than ten minutes, and there was no movement, so he poked her.

"Huh?" Zhang Qi recovered.

Xichang was funny and said, "What's wrong with you these past few days, why are you always distracted? What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Qi lowered her head dullly and waved weakly, indicating that she was not in the mood to chat with Xichang at all now: "I didn't think about anything..."

Xichang automatically ignored Zhang Qi's ignorance, moved the chair closer to Zhang Qi, and said with an awkward expression: "Are you thinking about Romei?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qi turned his head and glanced at Xichang, then silently turned his head back.

Xichang laughed: "I heard that after Romei learned the truth, he was in a bad mood?"

"... Hmm..." After a long time, Zhang Qi replied.

This is also the reason for her depression.

"Since you are interested in him, why don't you go see him? This is a good time to come in." Xichang made suggestions from the side.

"Hey..." Zhang Qi sighed: "But it is said that Luo Mi shut himself in the room. Anyone who goes to him will not open the door or even answer the phone."

Even if she wanted to take advantage of the vacancy, she didn't have this chance...

Zhang Qi was depressed.

Xichang shook his head, reached out his hand to point Zhang Qi's head, and was slapped off by her.

"Usually you seem to be quite clever, so why are you stupid today?" Xichang was funny.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qi wrote and stared at him: "What other good ideas do you have?"

Xichang put his hands around his chest: "Of course!"

Zhang Qi straightened up immediately: "Don't sell it, just say it!"

Xichang said: "You are a policeman. As a people's police who cares about the people, shouldn't you pay a visit to the person concerned after the case is resolved? Or maybe there is still something that hasn't been dealt with in this case?"

West often reminds this.

Zhang Qi looked awake, and suddenly smiled happily: "Xichang, I didn't expect your kid to be useful sometimes!"

Xichang glanced at her disgustingly.

Zhang Qi got up immediately.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Xichang asked, looking at Zhang Qi's figure running out.

"I'm going to work!" Zhang Qi left him a back, and left without looking back.

Xichang shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)