
Chapter 199: A murder at home


The weather at the end of August is no longer dry and hot, and the warm stream of heat is not unbearable. Hong Kong has entered the most comfortable period of time.

Xia Ruo lowered his head to sort out the most recent case, and the documents were posted page by page, evoking a slight breeze, gently raising and gently bringing down the hair that fell on one side of his cheek.

She took it very seriously.

The serious case team continued to come and go, and everyone performed their duties, busy and orderly.

Suddenly, Xia Ruo's chair was hit, and a low voice followed. Xia Ruo turned to look at the culprit-Zhang Qi.

She frowned slightly and said, "Zhang Qi, what's going on with you lately? Why are you always out of state?"

Only then, Zhang Qi wanted to get two documents from the desk on Xia Ruo's left, but he lost consciousness while walking, and ran into Xia Ruo's chair in a daze. Xia Ruo was fine, but Zhang Qi bumped himself into his knee.

Zhang Qi curled his lips and said, "Sister Xia Ruo, I was wrong."

Xia Ruo glanced at Zhang Qi up and down, and said helplessly: "If there is anything, just tell me."

"Okay." Zhang Qi nodded, the person's appearance appeared in his mind.

"Dingling..." The phone of the crime team rang.

Zhang Qi smoothly rubbed his knees and answered the phone: "Hello, the Crime Squad of the Hong Kong Regional Police Station."

Zhang Qi hung up the phone and said, "Someone was killed in Building 3, Tianlan Street, District 2."

Building 3, Lantian Street, District 2.

Room 302.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng and his party rushed to the scene of the incident.

According to the neighbors of the building, the deceased was the head of the house and his name was Zhang Hong.

The deceased fell in front of the house, injured his abdomen, and blood stains spread to the ground. Holding the injured position of the abdominal cavity, his face was full of pain.

Xia Ruo squatted next to the corpse and looked at other parts of the deceased's body and found no other wounds. She raised her head and said to Su Luoheng who was also standing next to the deceased: "The injury to the abdomen should be fatal. Look at the condition of the corpse and the time of death. In about four hours."

With that, Xia Ruo glanced at the watch hanging in the living room of the deceased and said, "It is three o'clock in the afternoon, and the deceased should have been killed between nine and eleven in the morning."

Su Luoheng nodded, dragging his chin with his right index finger and thumb. He looked at the door and then at the location of the deceased’s death, simulating the scene of the deceased’s death in his brain, saying: “The murderer stabbed when the deceased opened the door. The abdomen of the deceased." Su Luoheng stepped back and stuck to the table on the right side of the deceased’s head. There was a phone on it. He said: "There is blood on the foot of the table. The murderer pushed to the ground."

There was a blood stain across the palm of the table, which suddenly broke off on the edge of the table. He turned back to the left side of the corpse and said, "Then the murderer watched the dead die."

Xia Ruo had already stood up and looked around. There were no signs of theft or robbery in the deceased's home. She turned around and asked the police officer next to her: "Is there anything missing in the deceased's home?"

"I can't tell for the time being, the family of the deceased is in a very bad state of mind, and now I can't ask anything," the police officer said.

After hearing the police officer's words, Xia Ruo turned her gaze to the side of a woman who had been crying. She hid her face and sat in the bedroom, accompanied by a female police officer.

Su Luoheng raised his finger to the woman and asked, "Did she find the body?"

The police officer nodded and said, "Yes. She is the wife of the deceased and the police officer she called."

Su Luoheng replied, winked at Zhang Qi, motioned her to comfort the woman who was leaning on her, and ease her emotions.

"Has the murder weapon been found?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Is there any." The police officer said: "The scene was searched all over, and no suspected murder weapon was found."

Xia Ruo bent down and walked around, but couldn't find any other clues.

Xia Ruo asked: "Did the neighbors see any suspicious people?"

"No." The police officer said with a small notebook in his hand.

"Good." Xia Ruo called to Xichang and said, "Investigate the social and interpersonal conditions of the deceased.

. "

"Yes, Sister Xia Ruo." Xichang said.

Su Luoheng smiled and looked at Xia Ruo, who was frowning slightly. She stared at the scene intently, trying to find any clues, her serious appearance was very moving.

Xia Ruo looked up and saw Su Luoheng looking at her with a small smile.

She was slightly angry: "This is the scene of the murder. Why don't you check the scene and see what I do?"

Su Luoheng said: "I think you have taken away the job you have to grasp, and I don't know what to do for a while."

Xia Ruo reacted, he was referring to her directing the affairs of the Western Standing Committee just now.

With a reddening face, Xia Ruo said, "I'm going to go..."

Su Luoheng raised his hand and rubbed the top of Xia Ruo's head, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you are my boss, I will listen to you, what you say is mine."

Xia Ruo smacked his lips after hearing Su Luoheng's words, and said nothing.

After a while, a police officer ran to Su Luoheng's side and said: "Su SIR, the basic information of the deceased is here."

He handed a document to Su Luoheng.

The deceased was named Zhang Hong, thirty-six years old, a marketing man, a native of Hong Kong. Have a wife and a son. His wife's name was Xiao Tian, and she was a waiter. She was the one sitting in the bedroom. Now she seemed to recover, and under the guidance of Zhang Qi, she began to say something in an orderly manner. She is thirty-two years old this year.

The two had a son who was just six years old, called Zhang Tiantian. Children should be in kindergarten at this time.

After a while, Zhang Qi knocked on the bedroom door, crawled his head and said to Su Luoheng: "Su SIR, this way is all right."

Su Luoheng glanced at Xia Ruo and motioned for her to follow.

Oda sits in the bedroom, her fingers twisted, as if nervous, and as if finally relieved, with a silly look of you. She was wearing dark clothes and walking shoes on her feet. It was obvious that she had just returned from the outside. The makeup on the face is also somewhat flowery. It seems to be drenched in sweat.

"Ms. Tian, hello." Xia Ruo said.

"Yeah." Xiaotian raised his head and glanced at Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, and responded with hastily.

Xia Ruo found that even though Otian was nervous and panicked, his face was faintly strangled, but he was not very sad. She frowned slightly. Normally a husband is killed by someone, shouldn't it be a particular concern

"The deceased is your husband, right?" Xia Ruo asked.

"Yes." Oda recognized the identity of the deceased.

Xia Ruo nodded and said, "How did you discover that the deceased was murdered?"

Oda paused for a few seconds, and said, "I just forgot to take things, and temporarily returned home from the unit. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Zhang Hong lying on the ground covered in blood." She recalled the scene at the time, the room Only her and her husband’s corpses were quiet and pretty inside: "Then I went over and pushed him, but he didn't respond. I realized that he was dead, and then... I called the police."

"What do you get when you go home?" Su Luoheng asked.

"We also subtotaled a wallet that I put in my place. She fell in the changing room and was picked up by me. It was supposed to be returned to him today, but I forgot to bring it in the morning, so I came back to pick it up in the morning." Oda said .

"Can you show it to me?" Su Luoheng asked again.

At this time, Oda was supposed to be in working hours, but he returned home. The matter itself was suspicious. Su Luoheng was checking the authenticity of her words.

"Okay." Oda said, getting up and taking a wallet from the cupboard on the side of the living room.

Su Luoheng reached out and took it. There was a picture of a girl in it.

"Is the subtotal this girl?" Su Luoheng asked, holding up the photo in the wallet.

"Yes." Oda said.

Su Luo nodded very much.

"When you came back, did you see any suspicious people?" Xia Ruo asked.

"No." Oda shook his head: "I didn't see anything."

Xia Ruo thought for a while, and then asked, "When you came back, was the room door closed?"

"Yes." Oda's voice was very low, and there was a slight surprise in his expression: "It's the same as usual."

"Why didn't the dead today

At work? It should be working time now. "Su Luoheng asked.

Oda said: "He makes charts at home every Wednesday morning, and then goes to the unit in the afternoon."

Wednesday, that is today.

Su Luoheng nodded.

The person who killed the deceased must know that the deceased will stay at home this morning. And also know that Oda is not at home today. Explain that the person who killed the dead was someone who was familiar with them.

"Do you think, who might be the murderer of your husband?" Xia Ruo asked.

Oda was shocked. His eyes were strangely hollow, and he said, "I don't know..."

Su Luoheng frowned: "Who is at odds with Zhang Hong?"

"I don't know..." Oda seemed to have trouble thinking.

But her ignorance is not like not understanding Zhang Hong, but—she thinks Zhang Hong has a lot of worries around him, but she doesn't know which one it is.

This thought made Su Luoheng frowned.

"Who has Zhang Hong offended?" he asked.

Oda was taken aback.

"I don't know..." The same reply was made, but this time it was even more dumb.

"Ms. Tian, I hope you can cooperate with our work and tell the truth." Xia Ruo said, trying to be gentle and inviting: "Ms. Tian, if you can think of anyone, please tell us."

"Hmm..." Oda lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Some police officers were left to investigate and collect evidence at the scene, and Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo got up and left the scene. Before leaving, Su Luoheng asked Zhang Qi to try to dig out Xiaotian.

on the car.

Xia Ruo said, "This Oda has a problem."

"Yeah." Su Luoheng said in response: "She was the first person to be spotted on the scene, and she was suspicious."

"It doesn't mean this." Xia Ruo turned to look at him and said, "I think this Xiao Tian has something deliberately hiding something from us, like-scared?"

She pondered the word.

Su Luoheng thought for a while and said, "Well, Oda did not say something. But it doesn't matter, you can pry it out."

Xia Ruo looked at her helplessly, opened her mouth, and said nothing.

Near the evening, Su Luoheng received the appraisal report.

The deceased died from a wound in his abdomen. The murder weapon was a flat sharp weapon, which should be a knife. But no murder weapon has been found around.

Xichang said that the neighbors of the deceased Zhang Hong did not see any suspicious people around Zhang Hong's house until about eleven o'clock in the morning.

"Zhang Hong's reputation doesn't seem to be very good." Xichang lowered his head, flipping through the transcripts he had made, and said.

"How do you say?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Well..." Xichang read the words of those neighbors: "It feels that Zhang Hong's neighbors generally have a taciturn impression of Zhang Hong, and they don't have much contact with others, and even his wife and children rarely see them together. ."

"Yeah..." Su Luoheng listened and asked, "That is to say, the neighbors generally don't know Zhang Hong very well."

"Yes, it's almost like this, but..." Xichang said, "Someone said that last weekend, it seemed that Zhang Hong and his wife had a quarrel."

Xia Ruo was slightly concentrating, thinking of some expressions on Oda when she was talking to them, she always thought it was weird.

"Any other information?" Xia Ruo asked Xichang.

Xichang shook his head: "Sister Xia Ruo is gone."

"Okay." Xia Ruo turned to look at Su Luoheng: "Shall we visit our neighbors and Oda?"

Su Luoheng nodded and said, "Okay."

In the morning of the next day, the two people found Zhang Hong's neighbor based on the contact information provided by Xichang. It was the neighbor uncle on the fifth floor of Zhang Hong's house, whose surname was Li, who was about forty or fifty years old and had an easygoing personality. Seeing Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo come to see him, it was not too troublesome and they gave him a warm reception.

"I didn't expect a murder case in this building." The neighbor named Li sighed.

"Well, we came to ask some questions about Zhang Hong and Xiaotian." Su Luoheng said.

"If you want to know what to write, just ask."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)