
Chapter 2: case


Since the shocking side at the promotion ceremony last time, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo have never seen each other separately, and they rarely meet at work. Su Luoheng is always busy.

Xia Ruo was just repeating the work she was doing day after day. She didn't go to see Su Luoheng, and I believed he wouldn't be able to come to her on his own initiative.

It’s just that the quiet days will come to an end. After all, this is the crime squad. Basically, they will appear on all major cases.

"The following is a current news report. Recently, a sewer worker, Li Mou, found a baby's corpse at 8 am on July 4, 2016 while cleaning up the sewer. It is forbidden to confirm that the baby's head was missing. …"

With the sound of the police sirens, the crime team's special vehicle has arrived at the scene of the crime, and the body of the headless baby has been picked up and it is inaudible.

"Team Su!" A detective who was in charge of maintaining the scene quickly stood in front of Su Luoheng and saluted.

Su Luoheng nodded slightly, and then introduced Xia Ruo to everyone: "This is Xia Ruo, a new member of the Crime Squad. Where is the body?"

Before Xia Ruo approached, he had already smelled a stinking odor. It seemed that the corpse had been soaked in the sewer for a long time. According to the data, it was the corpse of a headless baby. I had to lament the murderer's brutality.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo came to the corpse together with several criminal police officers. Due to the sudden incident, the forensic doctor who was responsible for the autopsy was still on leave. No one was able to perform the preliminary examination work, and Xia Ruo happened to have studied forensic medicine. The work was also instructed by the superiors to fall on Xia Ruo's head.

She naturally put on rubber gloves and a protective mask, squatted down and carefully examined the baby's body, which appeared to have been dead for many days.

This is a filthy-looking baby corpse. The whole body has been swollen with sewage bleach. The two thin arms now look like two transparent radishes.

Before Xia Ruo had time to sigh for the poor child, he had already turned his body gently and started the preliminary examination.

While testing, Xia Ruo told everyone about her findings: "... The deceased male, aged between 0-1, had no obvious trauma due to his head was removed. The preliminary judgment was that the head was severed with a knife and caused a lot of blood loss. When he died, the body recovered from a rigid state, and the corpse spots were mostly concentrated on the front of the body, indicating that the sewer may not be the first scene of the crime. When I was young, the corpse state has been restored to its original state, and I believe it has been dead for at least four days..."

"... And." Xia Ruo suddenly discovered something, "A small piece of skin on the back of the deceased was cut off."

"Excised?!" There were some people present

His eyes widened in disbelief.

Who on earth was so frantic, cutting the child's head and hiding it, and cutting off all the skin of the back of the person

Su Luoheng frowned tightly, as if he was also embarrassed by the murderer's wickedness. After a while, he asked, "Are there any other discoveries?"

His voice reached Xia Ruo's ears, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she soon noticed one point: "Here... the swaddling of the deceased seems to have blood stains, and the blood stains lightly rubbed against the color, which should have flowed out after death. "

There is nothing wrong with this. The head has been cut off. What is the blood on the baby

"Only a small piece." Xia Ruo added.

"show me."

Su Luoheng walked over, and Xia Ruo pointed out the blood stain to him. He looked at it intently. After a while, he suddenly became a little frightened: "Heart-shaped?"

Everyone walked over and took a look, it turned out to be a small blood stain, and the shape really looked like a heart.

A detective sighed: "Does the murderer love this child very much?"

A person next to him immediately hammered him: "You are stupid, you love a child and would be willing to have his head cut off? How extreme is this?"

The detective mumbled hard to say anything, but at this moment, Xia Ruo's voice suddenly sounded: "Any possibility is there. It is indeed possible for a certain very possessive person to do this, maybe... "

Xia Ruo didn't say the rest, for fear that it would cause everyone to panic.

Maybe... The baby's head is still kept in the murderer's house.

The preliminary examination was over soon. After all, Xia Ruo’s job is not a forensic doctor. Even if she has studied in forensic medicine, it is impossible to go to the forensic department for an autopsy, so the forensic doctor who is on leave has been led by a call from the South Pacific. came back.

The information the corpse can now provide is also very limited, so Su Luoheng quickly arranged a disgusting task—

Xia Ruo and several other police detectives must wear protective clothing and hats, and wear masks to go down the sewer to collect evidence.

The sewer is a good place. The selected detectives showed their faces. Only Xia Ruo's face remained unchanged, and she naturally put on protective clothing and prepared to go down.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo with some hesitation, and then asked uneasy: "Are you okay?"

When he was talking about it, Xia Ruo was already naturally preparing to slide down the nylon rope. She turned around and smiled at Su Luoheng with a rare smile: "Of course it's okay."

The police officers on the side of this little episode drew a secret laugh, but in such a serious scene, I believe no one can laugh.

The sewer is a place where people hide dirt and dirt in a city. Almost all domestic garbage and waste products, including all kinds of sewage, are

Gathering here, all kinds of different smells are mixed together, and naturally it becomes a bad smell.

Xia Ruo actually didn't adapt to this environment. The strong smell made people's minds swell, but even so, the search work would continue.

There were black sewage everywhere. Fortunately, wearing rubber shoes, Xia Ruo dripped in the sewage, and behind him was Su Luoheng, who took the lead, which made her feel at ease inexplicably.

After searching for a while, almost nothing was found. The murderer did not seem to have thrown the tools of the crime into the sewer. Maybe he was thrown into an abandoned garbage dump in the city, or he might still be in his house.

After a while, something seemed to be faintly floating in the water, like a piece of paper, Xia Ruo didn't want to pay attention to it, but when it floated to Xia Ruo's feet, her eyes widened suddenly.

This is a photo, to be precise, this is a full-length photo of a baby.

In the photo, the baby's jet black eyes are extremely bright and lovely, and the swaddling is the swaddling of the headless baby corpse!

Xia Ruo promptly picked up the photo from the water and put it in a material evidence bag for preservation. Only then did Xia Ruo climb up the nylon rope next to the sewer.

After going up, Su Luoheng and the others had already stood on it, and all of them seemed to have found nothing.

At this time, Xia Ruo raised the evidence bag in his hand to them: "I found a photo, which is most likely a photo of the deceased."

They were suddenly shocked: "Really?" Then they hurriedly took it to see.

The baby in the photo is very similar to this corpse, no matter its shape, swaddling or physical characteristics, so it can be determined that this photo is basically a photo of this baby.

Su Luoheng took the photo, studied it carefully, and said: "I will show it to the forensic department for appraisal, and if it proves that there is no artificial synthetic factor in this photo, I will immediately start investigating the whereabouts of the head."

At this moment, Xia Ruo suddenly said: "I think... after finding out the identity of the baby, you can focus on her parents and relatives."

Su Luoheng frowned: "Do you think it was an acquaintance who committed the crime?"

Reminiscent of the blood-stained heart shape of the baby, and this photo that cannot be obtained by non-close people, Xia Ruo nodded: "I think it's very possible."

Even if these facts are justified and well-founded, Su Luoheng still disagrees: "I don't think so. People's hearts are grown in flesh. I don't think any parents or relatives would be willing to be so cruel to their children."

Xia Ruo was a little displeased: "Then how do you explain the heart-shaped blood stain and the photo?"

Su Luoheng seemed to be deliberately singing against Xia Ruo, and quickly replied: "Photos can be stolen. As for the heart-shaped bloodstain, I think it's just a coincidence. Maybe it's not a heart-shaped handwriting? "

Su Luoheng couldn't comment: "Of course it can."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)