
Chapter 203: Jiang Lang is exhausted


When the car drove into the parking lot, Xichang youyou on the side said: "This house is probably not cheap. The poor can't afford to hurt it!"

The people on the side did not let him envy and hate.

"We are the police! Is it convenient to talk about the situation of the deceased?" Su Luoheng showed the document to the visitor and asked at the same time.

The visitor was taken aback for a moment and didn't seem to expect that the serious crime team would be so young: "Of course, please come with me."

"The deceased is my teacher An Yu, under the pseudonym June..." the young man explained as he led the way.

Zhang Qi hurriedly asked: "You mean June, the father of ghosts!"

The young man didn't get angry when he was interrupted, and said mildly: "Do you know the master too?"

Zhang Qi nodded quickly, full of regret: "I am his old fan! I have liked him for many years! How could it be him? I'm still waiting for his new fan!"

"Master would be very happy to know that someone likes him for so long!" The young man smiled sincerely and seemed to be really happy for the deceased again.

Along the way, through the explanations of young people, Su Luoheng and others learned that the deceased was a famous writer in June. He gradually stepped down from the altar because there were no new works in the past few years. However, this is not the way to be liked by the public. This year he will release the news. A new book will be released to thank everyone for your support.

In the past two days, the deceased wrote articles at home alone, and it was not until today that the student of the deceased, Bai Yang, came to pick him up to participate in the propaganda activities and found out that he was dead.

The place of death of the deceased was in the study room. He was lying on the desk with a writing pen in one hand. If he hadn't known that he was dead, everyone would think he was too tired to write and fell asleep!

"Strange, this pen... is different!" Zhang Qi whispered.

Xichang hurriedly squeezed over: "What pen?"

Zhang Qi pointed to the deceased and succeeded: "The pen he writes!" After speaking, she explained in detail: "In June, he is used to using a pen, and he usually uses a pen that has fallen out of paint."

She took out her phone and called up the picture. Xia Ruo took the phone and compared it with the one on the table. It was different!

Bai Yang paused, and quickly released it after squeezing his hands tightly: "That pen is broken and I can't write anymore, so I changed it!"

Zhang Qi rubbed his nose, a little embarrassed: "The signing meeting was still in use a few days ago, and it was broken, so he must be very uncomfortable."

Bai Yang smiled: "The young lady is very careful! You really deserve to be a policeman!"

Zhang Qi touched his nose with some embarrassment: "I like him after all, for so many years!"

Xia Ruo walked over and touched the two people who were no longer looking at the chat, and looked at: "The body of the deceased is stiff, and the smell in the mouth should be poisoned to death." As she said, she looked at the water cup on the table: "Preliminary. It is estimated that someone has poisoned the water! The details will not be known until the autopsy and investigation team investigate the scene!"

With that, she stepped aside and waited for Su Luoheng to speak. Su Luoheng sighed: "Xichang went to check the villa monitoring and contacted those who visited in the past few days, and Zhang Qi went to help investigate the source of the poison. Xia are fine with me." Then he turned his head to look at Bai Yang and asked gently. : "Mr. Bai, do you have time to answer some of our questions?"

Bai Yang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Of course, let's go to the living room."

The study room of the deceased was on the second floor. The matter had been surrounded by the investigation team. It was indeed not a good place to talk. So Su Luoheng didn’t care, accepting Bai Yang’s proposal and went downstairs to the living room for an investigation.


The living room of the villa is very large and beautifully decorated. There are various medals and medals around.

"Sit down, the master is a person who knows how to live, so the decoration and materials used in the home are all exquisite." Bai Yang handed over two bottles of water and explained to Xia Ruo who looked around.

Xia Ruo nodded and said yes, from the overall style to the fine decorations, they are all exquisite, and he is indeed a very good person in life.

Seeing that Xia Ruo didn't mean to speak, Su Luoheng asked, "Mr. Bai, what is the usual character of the deceased?"

Bai Yang sat up slightly and said, "The master is elegant and loyal."

"Then does he usually have any enemies?" Seeing Xia Ruo seemed determined not to speak, Su Luoheng seemed to be willing to speak actively.

Bai Yang pushed his glasses and seemed to be at a loss as to the wording: "The master is humble and gentle, and there should be no enemies!"

"Does the deceased have any family members?"

"The master has a son and a daughter to study abroad, and..." Bai Yang blushed and seemed a little ashamed to speak. "There is also a lady who admires the master."

Su Luo understood in seconds, coughing a little awkwardly and changing the question: "Where were you the last two days?"

Bai Yang drank his mouth: "Because I need to travel to Macau three days ago for writing, I only came back yesterday." As he said, he took out the text message on the phone to buy the ticket to indicate that what he said was not fake.

Su Luoheng looked at the votes to make sure that the time was three days ago and yesterday. Just then Zhang Qi came to "sir, a man and a woman came to the villa within the time of death!"

"Okay, Mr. Bai, can you please help us identify it?" Su Luoheng asked Bai Yang with a smile.

Bai Yang nodded and took a step forward.

"Of course, this is Mr. Li, the editor." Bai Yang pointed to the bald man. "This is Miss Liu." Seeing that he blushed and didn't want to say more, he knew that this was probably the lover of the deceased.

Through Bai Yang's contact, the two quickly arrived. They looked at Bai Yang behind Su Luoheng in disbelief, and only believed after the latter nodded. The two looked sad, and Miss Liu couldn't even cry.

Seeing that the two could not answer, Su Luoheng did not force him, and was ready to ask after they eased their emotions. At this time, the investigation report on the scene was also released. Except for the water cup and the hands of the deceased, there was no toxic reaction at the scene, so it can be concluded that the deceased died after drinking poisoned water.

After a while, Mr. Li and Ms. Liu stabilized their emotions and said they could accept inquiries.

In the video, Mr. Li came first, so Su Luoheng asked him first: "What is Mr. Li doing at the deceased's house?"

Mr. Li wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief and looked nervous: "I am the editor of June, and Xiao Bai said that I should come to remind June to write."

Seeing everyone’s eyes gathered on him, Bai Yang pushed his glasses and said unhurriedly: “Teachers are sometimes more willful. Unless someone comes to remind you, they won’t write. I also asked Miss Liu to send it. It’s because the teacher forgets the time when he gets busy, and rarely takes care of his own body! Everyone knows this!" As soon as Bai Yang's voice fell, Mr. Li and Ms. Liu nodded in agreement.

And the autopsy results showed that the stomach of the deceased was indeed the same as the food in the trash can, and the residue in the trash can was not poisonous, and the surveillance video showed that both of them just stood at the door and did not enter the door.

Prove that both of them are innocent.

"Actually, it might be suicide! When I came here, the writing in June was not going well, and there was basically no progress in two days. Although he pretended to be lazy in these two days, I could see that he was doing it. Lying and very anxious."

The editor frowned, wiped his sweat, and said hesitantly.

Only two people in the room have been here in the past two days, and these two people have also been proven not to be the murderers, so it must be suicide!

But there is always something wrong, but I can't tell what's going on! Xia Ruo frowned and looked around, somehow unable to figure out what was wrong.

"The deceased did not commit suicide!" Xia Ruo whispered to Su Luoheng.

"Why?" Su Luoheng didn't refute but just asked indifferently.

"I always feel something is wrong!" Xia Ruo frowned, wondering where this sense of violation came from!

Su Luoheng expressed his understanding and suggested: "Let's go to the scene again!"

Xia Ruo was immersed in her own thoughts and didn't care about Su Luoheng's hesitant expression.

They were very serious during the inspection so they did not cause any damage. The scene was basically intact, except that the body and related evidence were taken away.

Xia Ruo looked at the white line derived from the ground to the table. This was where the deceased's body was found. Where Xia Ruoding was staring at the white line intently, suddenly the aura flashed back and wanted to say something. Unexpectedly, the two were too close, so her lips happened to rub his chin.

Su Luoheng was also stunned that the two hadn't even had much intimate conversation since that day, let alone such intimate contact! He touched his chin, as if the intimate touch still remained on it.

Xia Ruo became angry with embarrassment: "Why are you so close to me?"

"Who made you feel like you just lost your soul? How did you find anything?" Su Luoheng faintly diverted the topic, afraid that he would study it deeply.

Xia Ruo really took the bait: "The deceased is holding a pen in his hand, right!"

Su Luoheng immediately understood what she meant. If the deceased really wanted to commit suicide, why should he try to write in the study, and resist the pain of poisoning, he did not let go of the pen until he died.

This can only show that the deceased did not commit suicide, but homicide, and the pen he held tightly is the clue!

The two looked at each other, and Xiangbi was the murderer, and all he had to do was to find evidence!

"Mr. Bai, I'm bothering you today. Through today's investigation, the possibility of suicide is relatively high. Therefore, the case can basically be closed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Could you please leave it with the contact information?" Xichang said and handed the work manual up. Understand why sir asked him to do this, but he knew he just had to do it.

"Of course!" Bai Yang smiled and took out a pen from his pocket.

Found that he couldn't write, Bai Yang looked up at Xichang and smiled awkwardly: "Wait a minute!" He reached out and shook the pen in his hand! But still can't write it.

Seeing this, the police officer on the side leaned over: "I can't write with the pen? Just lick it!" Then he put out his tongue and gestured to lick!

"Wait...Wait." Bai Yang widened his glasses and quickly reached out to grab them. But I didn't want to give birth to a hand on the side and took the pen from the police officer's hand straight away: "This is poisonous, I want to tell you the truth! Are you right, Mr. Bai?"

Xia Ruo looked at the panic-stricken, cold-sweat-headed person in front of him, who was no longer calm.

Bai Yang clenched his hands and pretended to be calm: "I don't know what Miss Xia means, I don't understand!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)