
Chapter 204: twilight


"It's okay, it doesn't matter whether you understand it or not, just understand this pen!" Xia Ruo didn't care about his pretending to be stupid, and handed the pen in his hand to Xichang: "Take it for a poison test, and pay attention to whether there is saliva from the dead person on the pen. !"

"No, it was this pen that caused his death. Of course you have all of them!" Bai Yang took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose with a tired look!

It turned out that this June had been exhausted a long time ago! In order to maintain his reputation, he found a gunman in the name of apprentice! And this person is Bai Yang, he thought he was the luckiest person in the world, he could be accepted as an apprentice by his idol, but who knew this was the beginning of hell.

June fancy but also jealous of his talent. On the one hand, he secretly oppressed him to write for himself, and even used means to organize his cooperation with editors and publishing houses to completely turn him into his own stand-in. June always humiliates him in every way through the status of a master in the public.

The overwhelmed Bai Yang finally decided to kill him, so this case came about.

After solving the case, it was almost time to get off work, and the two of them took their bags at the beginning, so instead of going back to the police station with everyone, they chose to go home.

Su Luoheng drove quietly, Xia Ruo looked out the window faintly, the two of them did not speak along the way, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Can't go on like this! Su Luoheng peeped at her while calculating in his heart how to explain it. For a while, I didn't pay attention to the road conditions!

"The green light!" It wasn't until Xia Ruo's voice sounded that he noticed that the red light had already passed, and the car behind had already honked his whistle.

"It was shocked by accident." Su Luoheng quickly started the car and explained.

Xia Ruo didn't answer, but just bowed her head and played with her phone, as if she hadn't heard anything else from him. Although he should be reluctant to bear him, he finally chose to come back, but he was really suffocated, so he kept getting along like this lukewarm.

Xia Ruo sighed in her heart, but after only half a month left, he was going to leave. Is it necessary to have a cold war with him like this!

Xia Ruo squeezed her phone tightly and said indifferently, "Let's go to the supermarket in a moment. I want to eat steak."

Su Luoheng immediately agreed upon hearing the words, "Okay, broccoli should be used as the side dish?"

Xia Ruo said, her expression calm, but just by looking at the content of her mobile phone that she swiped quickly, she knew she was just pretending to be calm!

Xia Ruo just followed Su Luoheng all the way. He only said a few words when he asked. He occasionally took some fruits and vegetables into the shopping cart. Although the two did not speak, the tacit understanding between them was just a glance. Lovers who have been in love for many years!

"Today the mall is doing activities for two hundred to give gifts." The little girl at the cash register handed a pink box: "I wish you two happiness."

When Xia Ruo fixed her eyes and saw that it was a box of condoms, she flushed with shame and pulled Su Luoheng away quickly. Su Luoheng staggered to keep up, but did not forget to turn his head and nod to the cashier to show his gratitude.

"Xiao Ruo, walk slowly, they can't see it!" Su Luoheng reluctantly offered comfort as he looked at the person who was pulling him to walk in a hurry.

Xia Ruo walked forward quickly, looking at her blushing profile, Su Luoheng only felt that the years were quiet, and only thought that if he could go on like this, it would be better, so he started to coax: "Xiao Ruo, I'm still carrying things, which are heavy, let's slow down, okay!"

Xia Ruo snorted coldly, as if he didn't care about what he said, but the slow pace under her feet could not hide the facts she had heard!

Su Luoheng smiled, my Xiao Ruo was considerate even if he was angry, and then thought that he was about to go undercover, Su Luoheng felt a pain in his heart, squeezed Xia Ruo's hand tightly, and secretly vowed to do her best to her.


Xia Ruo felt his back grip, and struggled in her heart, and broke away from his hand. Su Luoheng's eyes dimmed, she was still angry!

I was about to withdraw my hand, but felt the smoothness of the texture. I lowered my head to see Xia Ruo's white hand reaching into his wheatish hand, clasping his fingers!

Su Luoheng was overjoyed, and quickly raised his head to look at Xia Ruo. Xia Ruo turned his head to look at the noisy street market with an awkward expression: "What are you looking at? Go home!"

Su Luoheng smiled and clasped Xia Ruo's hand tightly, so strong that Xia Ruo's fingers were aching. Xia Ruo knew he was upset and didn't say much, but clasped his hand to comfort him.

Twilight Geometry interlocked their fingers and walked forward slowly, like an old couple who supported each other for a lifetime!

After returning home, Su Luoheng started to prepare dinner quickly, and Xia Ruo was also battling, two respectful guests who were not as lively as they used to be but better than these days.

She has forgiven herself! Su Luoheng was overjoyed, and even the movements of his subordinates were much brisk and quick!

After running around for a day, Xia Ruo took a bath and went to bed shortly after eating. When Su Luoheng came out of the shower, she was already asleep. Su Luoheng moved tenderly and lay beside her, looking sideways at her, sleeping She seemed to be very uneasy, frowning her brows tightly with her hands clinging to the quilt, she would be awakened by nightmares at any time!

"No, don't..." Xia Ruo murmured to herself, her brows tightening, and the corners of Winner's eyes began to cry, and even sobbed in his dream: "Don't Su Luoheng! Don't leave me alone!"

Su Luoheng was startled, did she dream of herself? What dream made her so scared! Su Luoheng felt distressed for a while and calmed her softly: "Don't be afraid or not, I'm here! Nothing will happen."

Half-dreaming and half-awake Xia Ruo shrank in Su Luoheng’s arms uncomfortably: "No, don’t be an undercover agent, okay, you will be killed, and he won’t let you go! If you did that, how could they let go? Pass you!"

If it was Su Luoheng on weekdays, he would definitely feel something wrong, but now his eyes are full of fright, how can Xia Ruo care about those words, at the moment just carefully comforted: "Don't be afraid or not, believe me, I will be fine!"

"You will be killed, you will be killed! Don't go, I beg you, don't go!" Xia Ruo buried his head on his chest and tightened his clothes with both hands, as if he would be gone as soon as he let go!

Su Luoheng’s eyes were filled with pity. Since she came back, she has never mentioned the undercover incident. Although the two of them are a little apart, they have basically reached a consensus on this matter, and she must be so uneasy at this time because of her dream. What's wrong!

"Good, good, sleep well, I'm not going anymore, I'll let them find someone else!" Su Luoheng hesitated for a while and promised, until the woman in her arms settled down and fell asleep. .

In the first half of his life, he was born for righteousness, and Longtan and Tiger Cave were never afraid, so why couldn't he be born for himself in the second half of his life. I have delayed her for seven years because of undercover, how can I waste her youth because of this, not to mention that this time is different, and she doesn't know that she can still enjoy life together, but now she can only live in worries!

Su Luoheng, who was determined, held the person who was still sobbing quietly in his arms in one hand, and sent a message with the mobile phone beside the bed in the other. Soon the phone screen turned on again.

Su Luoheng looked at the text message, squinted his glasses and only returned a good word.

Su Luoheng gently slapped Xia Ruo's back with one hand to coax her to sleep, while holding the phone in one hand, he looked at the screen of the phone sluggishly. Yan Xinshe!

"Sister Xia, Sister Xia, do you have time for the weekend! Let's go to the movies!" Early in the morning, Zhang Qi warmly invited two movie tickets.

"Not interested!" Xia Ruo looked

He did not look at the file in his hand patiently.

After a weekend, of course, I have to sleep well at home. How can I waste time watching movies again

Zhang Qi cried and said: "Sister Xia, please, I was temporarily put a pigeon by my best friend, and I don't have a boyfriend. Everyone on the big weekend is in pairs. Can you bear me alone?"

Xia Ruoyi thinks too, everyone is traveling in groups during the big weekend, how embarrassing she would be if she were really alone! Feeling soft, but reluctant to let go of the big bed at home, I had to grit my teeth and pretend to be ruthless: "Then don't look at it, just have a good rest at home."

Seeing her tone loosened, Zhang Qi knew that she had softened her heart, and he hurriedly said again: "This is my favorite director's retreat! Please, Xia Ruo. After reading it, I will ask you to eat cake, okay? "

Xia Ruo didn't know anything about her grinding skills, so she had to wait for the price to sell herself to Zhang Qi with three pieces of cake.

In the prayers of the people, the world is peaceful this day, and they also asked them to work overtime to have a good rest.

"Sister Xia Sister Xia, I am here!"

After hearing the sound, Xia Ruo turned around and couldn't help but shine! Zhang Qi in front of me asked for a mature workplace outfit, wearing a floral dress, a pair of well-designed black leather shoes, and a literary one-shoulder bag. The whole person is incomparably pure, and he faded away from the workplace pretense in an instant. The old age, coupled with the snacks in her arms, makes her whole body as vigorous and youthful as a college student, arousing love and affection.

Xia Ruo shook her head and walked to her to take some snacks: "Why buy so much!"

"I got up late in the morning and haven't eaten it yet. I will eat it for breakfast later!" Zhang Qi smiled embarrassedly.

Xia Ruo glared at her: "Can these be used for breakfast? Go, find a place to eat first!"

"No way, no, I'll just eat this, we'll be there soon, all the tickets are checked!" Zhang Qi looked at Xia Ruo with a look of eagerness.

"Look at the end!" Xia Ruo gave her an angry glance.

This girl doesn't know how to take good care of herself. If she doesn't eat breakfast, it hurts her stomach so much!

"No, no, it's hard to buy this ticket, I spent a lot of energy to buy it!" Zhang Qi looked at Xia Ruo stubbornly, and barely lay down and rolled. .

"This movie is not long, and I can't eat it so early now. I swear that I will have a good breakfast when we finish watching!" Zhang Qi shook Xia Ruo's arm, his eyes flickering, fascinating.

"Hey, let's go!" Xia Ruo was embarrassed by her pleading gaze and refused, so she had to agree to his request.

She really convinced Zhang Qi. She actually bought a ticket for the premiere from a scalper. In order to echo the atmosphere, the premiere was arranged to be played in a suburban theater. Forget it, it was shown at 5 o'clock in the morning!

In order to get up this morning, Xia Ruo deliberately set five alarms, but in the end he responded to the sentence: The person who set the alarm will never hear the alarm! She did not wake up but woke Su Luoheng, so she was lucky enough to sleep a little longer, after enjoying Su Luoheng's loving breakfast at home, Su Luoheng sent her over again. This is the time for the energetic appointment.

After everyone checked in and entered the hall, the waiter began to distribute the masks. Xia Ruo thought that the movie was in 3D and didn't care until she took the mask. The face on the mask was iron-green and the two huge blood-glowing beasts in her mouth Ya frightened her, she felt something was wrong, and quickly put away the previous casual torture and said: "Zhang Qi, what shall we look at in a while?"

Zhang Qi shuddered when she saw her with a smile, but her tone was harsh: "No, nothing..."

"Really?" Xia Ruoyang raised the vampire mask in his hand, with a smile!

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)