
Chapter 206: breaking Dawn


The people who watched this movie said that there were not too many, and that there were not too many. There were a total of 20 people including Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi, plus 5 various staff members. There were a total of 25 people on the scene at the time. After everyone had a complete physical examination and contact statistics, it was already two hours later, and the autopsy report came out at this time.

According to Bai Zhenzhen’s examination, the deceased had blood loss during his lifetime, but the real cause of death was sudden cardiac death. In addition, the deceased also contained a certain amount of sleeping pills and drugs that caused sudden cardiac death.

"I really don't understand, what do you mean by this?" Xia Ruo turned to look at Su Luoheng, why is it so complicated to kill a person? Prepare with both hands, just in case

Su Luoheng smiled and rubbed her head: "Of course you don't understand, you are not them."

Xia Ruo glared at him and moved his hand away: "Don't mess around!"

Su Luoheng looked at the hand that was reddened by her, and followed helplessly.

Xia Ruo stood in front of the screen again and clapped his hands to signal the fans in the hall to sit down: "Okay, thanks for your hard work! Now please sit in the original position so that we can investigate!"

Although everyone was a little unhappy about being involved in the murder case, but Xia Ruo's words were decent and couldn't find any mistakes, so she could only cooperate obediently and sat back in her seats one by one.

Xia Ruo looked at the scene in disbelief, his daughter Li Ying was on the left of the deceased, and there was no one on his right!

The scar on the right wrist of the deceased should have been left by the suspect, but now there is no one on the right of the deceased.

Xia Ruo asked again: "Are everyone sure about their seats?"

The people underneath looked at each other and turned to look at others. Xia Ruo saw that no one was moving, so she had to say: "In that case, come here today. Please keep your mobile phone open. If you have anything to do, you will contact you again. Please evacuate in an orderly manner. be careful on the road."

The fans in the hall were already impatient. Now that they heard that they could leave, who would stay for a long time, they all got up and evacuated quickly. Only the daughter of the deceased, Li Ying, hid her face and wept.

"Miss Li..." Xia Ruo looked at the frail young girl with red eyes in front of her with some distress.

Feeling the death of her dear relatives in her great years, she seemed to be much older in an instant.

"Sister Policeman, why would anyone want to kill my dad? He is so good, why!" The girl finally couldn't hide her pain, and threw herself into Xia Ruo's arms, crying sadly.

Xia Ruo held the trembling girl in her arms and lined her back again and again. At this moment, she hated her powerlessness. Because at the moment she can do nothing but comfort the poor child so, whether it is to give her a good father or to find out the murderer.

Xia Ruo lined Li Ying's back gently: "Don't worry, I will find the murderer!"

The tone is firm and can't be questioned. Li Ying stiffened when she heard this, and grasped Xia Ruo's clothes with both hands.

After a while, Li Ying calmed down, her eyes were red, and she looked at the water mark on Xia Ruo's waist and abdomen with embarrassment: "Sister Policeman, thank you, I'm really embarrassed to mess up your clothes."

"It's okay, I know how you feel!" Xia Ruo looked at the girl who was rubbing her eyes in front of her with an embarrassed face. She felt extremely pity, and no one knew what it was like to suddenly lose a loved one, even though she did. The father did not die.

"You rest here for a while, and we are doing some regular questioning later, okay?"

The teenage girl Xia Ruo just wanted to rub her head and tell her not to be afraid.

When my father was in jail, he was 29 years old and couldn’t stand it. I just felt that the battle of heaven was about to collapse. Now this girl is only 16 or 7 years old. She has the most simple and beautiful years. She has to experience the pain of losing her father. How can we not let people sigh , Distressed!

The girl clasped her hands and nodded with a panic expression.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's just a regular investigation." Xia Ruo rubbed her hair: "Go and wash your face! My eyes are crying and swollen!"

"Xiao Ruo, go to question with me." Su Luoheng's arrival interrupted the warmth here.

Xia Ruo was taken aback, then overjoyed: "Have you found the suspect?"

Li Ying's face tightened and she immediately lowered her head, squeezed tightly with one hand, and squeezed the armrest of the chair with the other.

"Yes, the time for a waiter and the deceased to enter the toilet overlaps with the time for the deceased to enter the toilet!" Finally found a clue, and Su Luoheng was also a little surprised.

"Okay, you go first, I'll go to find you later." Xia Ruo pointed to the delighted but somewhat puzzled girl, and motioned for him to leave first.

"Okay!" Su Luoheng looked at the girl who immediately lowered her head in front of her, not daring to look at him, a little puzzled. Is he too fierce? Why do you scare the little girl like this

"You are resting for a while, I'll come back in a while!" Xia Ruo handed a piece of paper to Li Ying in a gentle and gentle tone.

"Sister... Sister, did you find the suspect... The case will be closed soon." The girl held Xia Ruo, who was about to go away, lowered her head, her tone low.

"Not necessarily..." Xia Ruo quickly patted her shoulder when she noticed that the girl's hands were tight and she even shed some cold sweat, "Don't worry, I will find the murderer as soon as possible!"

The girl shook her hand: "Okay." Then she quickly raised her head: "Sister, go ahead! I'll just sit by myself for a while..."

"Well, don't cry!" Xia Ruo leaned over and looked at the girl: "Don't be afraid, it will be okay!" The girl paused and gave a flustered hum.

"It's rare to see you so gentle." Su Luoheng jealously joked with Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo looked a little unnatural, lowered her head, avoiding Su Luoheng's sight, and her voice was a little gloomy: "Yeah."

Su Luoheng looked at the woman who strode forward with some puzzlement, not staying: "Xiao Ruo..."

"Where is the suspect?" Xia Ruo quickly interrupted Su Luoheng.

She was afraid, she was afraid that she could not help but question him if she continued to ask, she was afraid that the hatred that she had finally suppressed would rush out again, and she was afraid that the peaceful life in front of her would cease to exist!

"In the lounge, I'll take you over!" Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo, who looked gloomy, and couldn't figure out what she was thinking, only if she felt sorry for the girl: "We will find the murderer!"

Xia Ruo knew that he had misunderstood but did not explain. What can you say? Can you ask him why he treats his father like that!

The two walked side by side, but their minds were completely different at the moment.

The suspect, Nian Xing, was a twenty-six or seven-year-old young man with a pale face. He was looking through the phone with some boredom. Seeing Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo coming in, he quickly put the phone away and got up to say hello.

"Your name is Nianxing?" Xia Ruo was a little skeptical, and then felt that it was a bit difficult to say so and quickly explained: "Sorry, sorry, I have no other meaning."

Nianxing touched her head and smiled heartily at the embarrassed Xia Ruo, "It's all right, do you feel like a female name?"

It doesn't seem to be the first time I have been asked. Xia Ruo calmed down when he didn't care at all, and said, "Is it convenient to ask some questions?"

"Of course." Nian Xing propped his head with one hand, and patted the table casually with the other.

"What are you doing in the bathroom?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Xia Ruo felt something wrong, and scolded herself in her heart: What are you asking about! Sure enough, Nian Xing looked at her with a perverted look.

"Of course you go to the bathroom! What else can you do?"

After speaking, the young man lowered his head and fiddled with his cuffs, and smiled a little embarrassingly.

Xia Ruo also changed the subject in an embarrassing manner: "Do you know the deceased? Did you see the deceased in the bathroom."

Seeing that she didn't ask some embarrassing questions, Nian Xing's ears improved a bit and raised her head, but she was still embarrassed to look at her and looked at the poster on the wall through her.

Wei Wei said: "I didn't know at first, but now I know. I saw him, and he was washing his face."

"Wash your face?" Xia Ruo turned her head and looked at Su Luoheng at each other, washing her face, why did she wash her face

"Well, it should be too sleepy!" Nian Xing seemed to slow down, touched his ears, and glanced at Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo expressed doubts about this, this film can basically be classified as a horror film, and the film was nearing its end at that time, it was almost eight o'clock, not to mention the deceased under surveillance didn't want to look sleepy.

He shook his head and pulled back his thoughts: "How was he at the time?"

Nian Xing lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head with a slight smile on his face: "I didn't see it clearly, but he kept splashing water on his face at the time. It shouldn't be considered normal!" Nian Xing rolled up. The cuffs mimicked the state of Li Sheng splashing water on his face.

Xia Ruo frowned. If it was really like what he had imitated, the state of the deceased before death was very bad, and there was no lack of threats and frights.

"Have you ever talked with the deceased?" Xia Ruo frowned and looked at the boring boy with his hands clasped in front of him. For a while, he couldn't understand his thoughts. Would ordinary people be so happy and calm when they were regarded as suspects

"Of course not, I don't know him." Nian Xing lowered his head and laughed out loud, showing two small dimples on his clean face.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng looked at each other strangely. Is this question funny

Nianxing clutched her stomach and laughed so hard that she couldn't help herself: "Sorry, sorry, police officer, I thought of a joke! It's none of your business!"

Xia Ruo frowned again, would normal people think of jokes when being questioned, and laugh? Xia Ruo fixedly looked at Nian Xing, and the latter looked at her without fear.

As far as inquiries are concerned, Nianxing is different from ordinary people. The whole process is very natural or even too natural! Moreover, his attitude was very calm and did not look like lying, Xia Ruo was a little confused for a while.

Su Luoheng saw that Xia Ruo was thoughtful and there were no questions to ask, so he ended the conversation and got up to send Nian Xing out.

When he came back, Xia Ruo still looked dumbfounded and didn't know what he was thinking, so he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Xia Ruo and said angeredly, "What are you thinking about! My soul is lost!"

Xia Ruo retracted his thoughts: "It's nothing, I just feel that Nian Xing's reaction is a bit strange."

She didn't say it, but Su Luoheng frowned after she said it. She felt very strange because she missed Xing Xing's complacent performance, but she just didn't think of it for a while and had to leave it behind.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)