
Chapter 210: Puzzle


Xia Ruo looked at her with distressed eyes and an unbelievable look of Li Ying quickly hugged her, patted her back to comfort her: "Don't be sad, don't be sad, I will find out!"

Li Ying hurriedly closed her tears, grabbed Xia Ruo's hand and kept pushing hard, so strong that Xia Ruo's hands were red, and she raised a pale little face and asked: "Do you really believe that I did it? Really? Can you find out about it?"

Xia Ruo wiped away the tears from her face in distress, and said with a certain tone: "Of course, you wait, I will find out."

She had no reason not to believe in Li Ying. Since Li Ying dared to confess his guilt, she could not hide anything. More importantly, she believed that Li Ying would not let Li Sheng die in this painful way.

As she said, myocardial infarction was too painful, the heart burst in an instant, and the surrounding organs would be damaged. Such a cruel technique would not be Li Ying's handwriting.

Soothing Li Ying's emotions, Xia Ruo hurried to Su Luoheng's office, and before Su Luoheng could speak, she said: "The murderer is not Li Ying, the murderer is someone else. I request to continue the investigation!"

Su Luoheng knew that there was nothing good when she saw her rushing in. After she said it, she was even more helpless, so she rubbed her head: "Xiao Ruo, you know, the murder weapon was found, and Li Ying himself admitted it. This case can be closed."

Xia Ruo leaned over the table with both hands and looked at him: "It's not her. The deceased died of myocardial infarction. Li Ying only put sleeping pills in the water, and the murderer was someone else."

Su Luoheng frowned and sighed: "Xiao Ruo, you know, she is currently stolen and obtained, so it is entirely possible to suspect that she is lying, or that she accidentally mixed in other medicine."

Xia Ruo glared at Su Luoheng, holding the table with one hand, and waving the other excitedly in the air, with a certain expression on her face: "Su Luoheng, I bet you, it must not be her!"

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows and thought for a moment: "I can give you one day to investigate. You must not entrust others on this day. You must rely solely on your own ability. If you can't find anything, then we will close the case immediately."

Xia Ruo didn't speak, but just looked at him faintly. Su Luoheng also didn't speak, his tone was firm and could not be changed: "Xiao Ruo, you know, this is the maximum!"

Of course, she knew that this case was different from the past. The identity of the deceased was more special, and the place and state of death were very strange, so it attracted widespread attention in society. The superiors frequently put pressure on the case to be solved as soon as possible. In this case, giving her an extra day is indeed the limit.

Xia Ruo fixedly looked at Su Luoheng: "The deal, if something happens, I will bear the responsibility."

One person does things, one person. She is not a delicate flower raised in a greenhouse, and she does not need his shelter. She should manage her own life and shoulder her own responsibilities. She understands this truth better than anyone else.

Su Luoheng looked at the back of Su Ruo holding her head up and leaving. That straight back represented her dignified arrogance and never bends.

Xia Ruo sighed, knocking on the steering wheel in a daze, saying that it was simple, but now she has no clue, how can we find out the real culprit

After hesitating for a while, Xia Ruo decided to find Nian Xing first. After all, except for Li Ying, only Nian Xing had the motive and opportunity to kill.

As soon as Nian Xing opened the door and saw Xia Ruo, he was helpless, pulling a face and complaining: "Police officer, why are you here again! You come and go, so you won't let people spend the weekend!"

Hearing his obvious complaints, Xia Ruo didn’t get angry with her arms around her chest, so she looked at Nian Xing in time: "Nian Xing, Nian Xing

Xing, miss Ji Xing, are you right? "

Hearing this, the ridiculous smile on Nian Xing's face suddenly disappeared, and the body that was leaning on the door frame also stood up slightly, with a gloomy expression, and looked closely at Xia Ruo who was smiling and laughing in front of him. After a while, she turned slightly to signal her to go in.

Throwing away the hypocritical pretense, Nian Xing finally no longer looked like a yuppie. He looked at Xia Ruo with a cold face and defensively: "What are you here for?"

Xia Ruo wasn't surprised when he saw his face change. He just leaned back on the sofa and changed to a comfortable sitting position: "According to the investigation, your testimony is wrong, so I will ask again just to be on the safe side."

Nian Xing sneered a few times and mocked: "Officer Xia is really responsible. But here is what I said. His death has nothing to do with me. I don't need to get my hands dirty for this kind of scum!"

Xia Ruo didn't care about the ridicule in his words, and straightened up, "If I'm not mistaken, you called the deceased to the toilet! You used Ji Xing's mobile phone." Xia Ruo pointed to the TV cabinet. Charging vintage mobile phone.

She was always attentive, and she saw the flip phone on the dining table yesterday, thinking that it might be his girlfriend's, or shouldn't touch other people's wounds, so she didn't ask much. Now that I want to come to this mobile phone must be Ji Xing's undoubtedly, and the reason why Li Sheng went to the toilet is probably because Nian Xing used this mobile phone to contact him.

Nian Xing followed her hand to look, her face unchanged, but her eyes turned cold: "The police officer said and laughed. The phone is my own, and there are important information in it, so I didn't throw it away!"

Xia Ruo sneered when he heard the words, and pointed to the phone pendant jokingly: "You big man, use a pink kitten pendant!"

Nian Xing choked when he heard the words, his expression was indescribable as if he had eaten a fly, and he couldn't speak for a long time, so he snorted coldly and turned his head away from Xia Ruo's sight.

"Now you can answer well! Don't give me yin and yang." Xia Ruo asked angrily when looking at the awkward big boy in front of him.

Nian Xing quickly recovered and resumed the ruffian piety, smiling arrogantly: "Ask!"

Xia Ruo didn't care about his irrationality, and sat up straight and went straight to the subject: "Did you give Li a medicine?"

"Put medicine?" Nian Xing's eyes widened, with a look of curiosity: "I guessed it for so long, but I guessed it wrong. It was actually poisoning."

Seeing his upset but not guilty, Xia Ruo knew that this medicine was not from Nian Xing, and she roared impulsively, "It's not who you gave me. Li Yingming only took sleeping pills!"

If it weren't for Nian Xing Xia Ruo who really couldn't figure out who would add medicine to Li Sheng's drink, he blurted out on impulse.

A trace of deep thought flashed in the eyes of the star after hearing the words, and he seemed to inquire casually: "Why, Li Ying is the suspect?"

Seeing that it had been exposed, Xia Ruo didn't conceal it, and she propped her head and said with a headache: "More than that, until the real murderer is found, she will become a murderer."

Nian Xing didn't care, and smiled playfully, "Really? Anyway, Officer Xia is none of my business. Please move."

Speaking of it, he got up and did a pleased gesture to chase off the guests.

Xia Ruo glared at him, then turned away angrily.

Nian Xing was right that this matter had nothing to do with him. He was motivated but there was no time to poison him.

As a waiter, he had never been in a studio, and the deceased had indeed been given a sleeping pill, which would rule out the possibility of him being poisoned while selling drinks.

Xia Ruo was stunned in the car again, this time she really couldn't help it! She does not

I think Li Ying was convicted, but she really has no way to investigate the real drug maker in one day!

Xia Ruo lay on the steering wheel, her head buried in her arms, disappointed and helpless to drown her. At this time, she hoped that someone could show her the way forward, but the cruelty of reality is that you are your guide, and others are just passing by.

No matter how people don’t want the sun to rise the next day, Xia Ruo rechecked the theater’s surveillance on that day, asked Mrs. Li, and even checked Li Sheng’s scandal on the Internet, but Ji Xing’s deeds still remained. She didn't find anything, she had to admit that she really couldn't help it, and some things couldn't be changed by manpower.

The police station has been in a hurry since the morning, and people are busy with their own affairs. Xia Ruo rushed towards the crime squad like a gust of wind, but found that the atmosphere was not right after entering.

She glanced intently, Su Luoheng was staring at Nian Xing, and Nian Xing leaned on the back of the chair with her arms folded around her chest, laughing freely, not caring about Su Luoheng’s cold eyes, even seeing After Xia Ruo whistled to her as a greeting.

"What's wrong?" Xia Ruo nodded to him, and asked when he approached Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi spoke to Nian Xing and said with a curious look: "Nian Xing has come to confess his guilt. He said it was his medicine. But Su Sir asked him what medicine he was unable to say for a long time, but just insisted. He killed Li Sheng."

Xia Ruo looked at Nian Xing in surprise after hearing this. Didn't he say nothing about him yesterday? And judging by his performance, he is indeed not the murderer, so why does he take this trip to the muddy water

Nian Xing stretched out her little finger and drew out her ears, his face was indifferent and even a little irritable: "Sir, what are you doing? I confessed my guilt and surrendered, why didn't I catch me!"

Su Luoheng's expression remained unchanged, his eyes sharp as an eagle: "Since you did it, tell me how you administered the medicine and what kind of medicine it was."

Nian Xing flicked her little finger, without even looking at Su Luoheng, and replied casually: "I put it in a drink. I don't know the specific medicine. I just bought it online and I forgot."

The people around looked at their question and answer, and they only felt that the world was changing too fast and that they were already behind. Otherwise, how could they see the criminals desperately confessing their crimes and the police desperately not believing them.

Zhang Qi pushed Xia Ruo, and asked curiously: "Sister Xia, have you seen this kind of person? Desperately blame yourself for fear that others might not know that he killed the dead."

Xia Ruo didn't answer, she just looked at Nian Xing quietly. The face was shallow, but inside he was set off by a stormy sea. She probably guessed what Nian Xing was thinking. Li Ying was still a child. If she was accused of murder, she would be taken lightly, but after she was released from prison, she would be stigmatized by the murderous stain on the file. Which school would dare to accept her? What should girls do if they don’t have an education in the future

Xia Ruo sighed in her heart, Li Ying and Nian Xing were two completely unfamiliar people, but only because of Ji Xing, Nian Xing was willing to guilty of Li Yingding and return her freedom. This love has to be said to be very moving.

"Nianxing, don’t do this, we all know that you can’t be the murderer." Xia Ruo hesitated for a while and decided to persuade them. After all, whether it was Li Ying or Nianxing, they were still children. Although confession would not ruin a life. , But it is indeed not conducive to their future study and work. She couldn't sacrifice Nian Xing because she felt sorry for Li Ying, and no matter who the crime was committed on, she would only serve as the real murderer.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)