
Chapter 213: discover


Su Luoheng put his hands around his chest: "Are you saying that this is not the first scene?" Although it is doubtful, there is no doubt that there is no doubt about it.

Xia Ruo also nodded in face, seeing Su Luoheng's eyes brightened astonishingly: "Let people check the bathroom!"

Su Luoheng instantly understood that because of the high humidity in the bathroom, most people would choose to put wall tiles on all sides. This place is also convenient to clean and meets the murderer's requirements.

Xia Ruo bit her finger and looked at the tidy corpse and continued to analyze: "The deceased was dressed decently and cleanly. There was nothing contaminated except a small amount of blood, and the surrounding environment of the deceased was very open. There was nothing blocking people's sight. Make sure that people can see the deceased as soon as they come in." She pointed to the door that was currently open, and continued to analyze: "Furthermore, the makeup on the deceased's face is very complete, and it matches well with the clothes, so it can be roughly inferred. …"

Su Luoheng understood Xia Ruo's meaning in an instant: "The murderer should be a woman with good economic conditions, a higher education, and a serious and thorough work."

Xia Ruo looked at Su Luoheng appreciatively and nodded in agreement, and Su Luoheng accepted her praise without any guilty conscience.

"Let's go to the deceased's room again!" Xia Ruo went around the corpse to confirm that there was nothing wrong, and proposed to go to the room to have a look.

The deceased’s room was different from the living room. Although it was not dirty, it was not clean. There were toilet paper balls and dirty clothes on the floor.

Su Luoheng looked around at Xia Ruo's gaze for a week: "So it seems that the murderer has never entered this room."

Xia Ruo nodded in agreement: "In this case, the clothes on the deceased may be the murderer's."

Judging from the murderer’s act of washing the corpse after killing, the murderer is a person who pays great attention to cleanliness, requires perfection, and even has some pathological obsessive-compulsive disorder. Such people generally can’t stand the mess, so it can be roughly judged that the murderer has not entered this room. .

Su Luoheng nodded, and the two of them couldn't help but smile. If they find a clue, then the case can be solved sooner. During this period, everyone can only endure the murderer's madness, which is not good for them. Now that I finally have some clues, how can it not be exciting.

Xia Ruo looked at the paper balls all over the floor, picked up one of them, and opened it as an outpatient record. Xia Ruo shook the paper in his hand and walked quickly to Su Luoheng's side: "Look at Su Luoheng, is this? The first hospital that the deceased went to."

Su Luoheng took a glance and immediately picked up the paper in Xia Ruo's hand: "Ping An Hospital, Department of Gynecology, the attending doctor Liu Jiang. Yes, this is the first hospital where the deceased went to. The departments and doctors are exactly the same." Two People looked at each other and smiled, and finally found a breakthrough!

"Then next, go and ask about the boyfriend of the deceased." Xia Ruo pointed to the person who was sitting in the living room, pulling his hair and looking very painful.

Su Luoheng nodded in agreement with her proposal.

The boyfriend of the deceased was dressed in a suit and looked very gentle with glasses.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng stepped forward and sat opposite him. Xia Ruo took the lead to speak: "Sir, the sorrows and sorrows change smoothly."

The man seemed to be taken aback. He raised his head and looked at them blankly. It took a while before he reacted. He hesitated and replied, "Thank you."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo took out their certificates one after another

Signaling to him that they are not bad guys, the man was slightly relieved when he saw that they were really police officers, his expression of suspicion faded away. Sit up straight and waited for their inquiry.

Xia Ruo saw that the suspicion on his face disappeared and only a little worry and nervousness remained. She knew that this person believed their identity, so she began to ask: "How did you find your girlfriend?"

The boyfriend of the deceased pushed his glasses and squeezed his fists, seeming to endure all kinds of painful torture: "I'll pick her up to work, knock on the door and nobody will open it, and then use the spare key to open the door, who knows..." He said, he slumped down. Ended up.

Xia Ruo also understood what he had found, and silently turned the subject away: "We found the outpatient records of the deceased, and found that she went to the Ping An Hospital a week ago. Can you ask what kind of examination she did?"

The boyfriend of the deceased was taken aback for a moment, his face flushed, and he was a little bit hard to speak, but he still didn't say anything after hesitated for a long time.

Seeing that he was embarrassed to answer and probably guessed something, Xia Ruo exchanged a tacit look with Su Luoheng: "Sir, please answer, this is very important for us to solve the case."

The boyfriend of the deceased nodded, and after entangled for a while, he finally replied: "She's pregnant, let's go..." After a pause, the man smashed his head and continued in annoyance: "Let's go to the hospital to have an abortion." He finished. The whole person was paralyzed on the sofa, and the grief in the eyes on his face did not seem to be fake.

Xia Ruo sighed slightly and changed another question: "Did she offend anyone recently?"

The man held his head and thought for a while: "It shouldn't be. She is usually very low-key and hasn't offended anyone."

Xia Ruo sat up straight, and asked a little excitedly, "What about her doctor?"

The man frowned, a little dissatisfied with her question, and his face was stern: "Doctor Liu is a very good person and will not kill."

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng couldn't hide their differences, and they looked incredulous: "Why?"

The man took it for granted, and glanced at them very puzzled: "Dr. Liu is a very good person. We are friends with him. I have been with Dr. Liu last night. He has no time to commit crimes!"

Xia Ruo is a little unbelievable, if this is the case, won't the clues just connected be broken! She asked urgently again: "Are you sure? Always together?"

The man coughed, sat upright, pushed his glasses, and said with a certain tone: "Of course, we have always been together. He and I are college classmates, and the relationship has always been very good! My house was powered off last night and I went to live with him. One night, of course we have been together."

Xia Ruo only feels a terrible headache. If this is the case, Liu Jiang will have no time to kill, then who is the murderer

In front of them, there seemed to be a long-lasting fog, which finally revealed a trace of light, but before they could react, they found that the fog once again covered the sun, burying all clues layer by layer, leaving them in the original The ground is spinning around, at a loss as to what to do.

"No matter what, I still have to go to Liujiang and ask." Xia Ruo came out of the crime scene a little unwilling.

Su Luoheng smiled and rubbed her head: "Did you forget? The murderer we just analyzed was a female, so Liu Sheng is probably not the murderer, but the murderer must have something to do with Liu Sheng."

Xia Ruo patted her head, a little embarrassed: "Really forgot, you think I was taken astray by this person!"

Su Luo

Heng shook his head and looked gentle, carefully covering up the worry in his eyes: There have been too many recent things! Xia Ruo's mood rises and falls every day, immersed in various events, coupled with running around, she has not had enough time to rest, and now the side effects of excessive exhaustion have come to her door.

Exhaustion caused a lot of dark circles under her eyes. Even if she slept well yesterday, the dark circles under her eyes have not been eliminated. And now it is obvious that excessive fatigue has affected her spirit, concentration and memory.

Su Luoheng secretly made up his mind: After this case, we must give her a good vacation.

Ping An Hospital is a large comprehensive hospital, but the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department has always been the signature department of this hospital.

And Liu Sheng is the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department, responsible for all matters of this department.

When they went, Liu Sheng was still undergoing the operation. The nurse beside him smiled and told them to wait for a while. The operation was over in about half an hour.

Taking advantage of this time, Xia Ruo hurriedly said from the nurse: "Are you Dr. Liu getting along well?"

The nurse covered her mouth and smiled a few times: "Police officer, don't look at our director who usually has a cold face, but he is just a natural fool."

Xia Ruo was a little puzzled: "Naturally staying?" The nurse was very young because she should be a child who had just graduated from the internship, and her words were so novel that Xia Ruo couldn't figure it out and looked confused.

The nurse covered her lips and chuckled: "Although he has a cold face, he is our happy fruit." Seeing that Xia Ruo still doesn't understand, the nurse immediately explained: "Don't look at his usual cold appearance. . But he is very dumb, you see that the corner has been installed many times, and he didn't know it was so cute." The nurse said as she pointed to the corner on the side.

Xia Ruo stared at the little girl with a smile and motherly love. She didn't know how to ask, so she hurriedly left, found a male nurse and asked, "How is your doctor Liu usually? Are you serious?"

The male nurse looked at her with a clear expression: "You are here to inquire about Dr. Liu! We, Dr. Liu, are indeed a good man. Naturally, he looks cold and cold, but he is very cute and fits your girl's aesthetics. "Xia Ruo was stunned again. The male doctor didn't care when he saw this, and left in a good mood.

Xia Ruo walked back to Su Luoheng with a black line on his face, speechless: "Hey, what's going on in this hospital? The opinions are so unanimous. This Doctor Liu's popularity is a bit scary."

Su Luoheng smiled slightly and didn't mind: "Okay, don't mind. Of course those who have the courage to imitate Jack the Ripper are not the ones who wait for a while."

Xia Ruo sighed and calmed down her emotions and nodded: "I know."

Generally, such high-IQ criminals or people who should be called perverts are people with good looks and pleasant personalities.

Such people are generally highly educated, have such good cultivation and a large number of fans, their existence is inherently hateful.

Most of them are hurt, and then continue to develop within a few years, and finally cause problems in the emotional center and form anti-social tendencies.

So for them, killing is not a sin, even death is their love for the dead.

What should we do in the face of people who are different from ordinary people like this? Xia Ruo rubbed her head for a moment, feeling a little at a loss.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)