
Chapter 218: capture


"Sister Xia, goodbye!" Zhang Qi hurriedly went home after saying hello.

In the past two days, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng didn't know why they had quarreled. The two of them stopped talking all day long, and they didn't even have eye contact.

Two days have passed since the fourth corpse was discovered, and the case has not progressed in these two days. The relationship between Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo did not ease, and the entire crime team was living in dire straits.

The entire crime team was gone, only Su Luoheng was still editing some files on the computer. Xia Ruo packed up her things, and walked out without even seeing Su Luoheng. Su Luoheng also kept his typing crackling as it was, but someone with a heart would find that his typing speed was much slower.

After a while, I saw him dialing a phone call: "Crime Squad, start action."

On the dimly lit street, Xia Ruo carried two large bags of fruits and vegetables alone, silently thinking of Su Luoheng's days when he didn't have to carry things.

She moved back and lived by herself. A section of the street light on Xia Ruo's way home broke. Walking on the dark road alone, she couldn't help speeding up her pace and wanted to get home sooner.

As she walked, Xia Ruo heard footsteps that did not belong to her. She was expected to be a woman, wearing high heels.

Anxiously clattering along the way approached Xia Ruo. The tight voice made Xia Ruo feel a little uncomfortable, and a little fear increased in her heart. She speeded up and ran forward.

The footsteps behind her also accelerated, and Xia Ruo soon felt that the person was approaching herself. She flashed aside as she pretended not to care, and the person leaned aside closely following her steps.

It seems that the goal is herself, Xia Ruo is thinking about what should be done in her heart. Before she could think of it, she felt that there was something in her waist. She froze, thinking about the possibility of smashing the robber with fruits and vegetables and then running away.

Before she could implement it, she felt the knife superhero on her waist entered, and a smiling voice came from her ear: "Don't move!" Then the person in her hand picked it up and threw it aside. .

"Okay, let's move on!" The woman seemed to be satisfied with her obedientness, and chuckled lightly.

With the cooperation of Xia Ruo all the way, the two finally arrived home smoothly. The moment Xia Ruochao flashed beside him when he opened the door and turned on the lights, he avoided the knife in the hands of the incoming person.

"Sure enough, it's you." Xia Ruo saw the visitor clearly through the light, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Liu didn't hide it, and withdrew the hand holding the knife, walked two steps forward, and closed the door with his hand.

"When did you guess it was mine?" Jiang Liu smiled slightly and sat on the sofa gracefully.

Xia Ruo handed over a glass of water: "When you throw my things!"

"Oh? Why?" Jiang Liu drank his mouth to look at Xia Ruo in his spare time.

Xia Ruo smiled: "The robbers will take away my things, but they won't come back with me."

Jiang Liu smiled and looked at Xia Ruo carefully: "Of course, how can my artwork stay outdoors and be destroyed by all kinds of unexpected things!"

Jiang Liu took out the scalpel again: "So take a rest? Now we are about to start creating!" A beautiful woman smiled and spoke to you softly, which seemed to be a beautiful picture. But if the knife in this beauty's hand glows cold under the light, and the beauty's eyes are full of obsession, then this picture is not so beautiful!

Xia Ruo stepped back calmly and the smile on her face remained unchanged: "We

We all know that there will always be a moment when we have to fight, so I still have some doubts before this, can I trouble you to answer it? "

Jiang Liu smiled and moved closer to her: "Then let's start creating, and if you cooperate enough, I will tell you!"

"In this case, it's better to be respectful than fate!" Xia Ruo pointed the butterfly knife in his hand at Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu was a bit surprised when she saw that she actually took out a weapon to aim at her own eyes, and added a little smile on her face: "Oh, is it a cat with only paws? But it is a very bad habit to show the paws to the owner. !"

Jiang Liu took Xia Ruo's arm and flashed behind her, the scalpel in his hand slid across Xia Ruo's neck. Xia Ruo turned around, and the butterfly knife in his left hand pierced Jiang Liu's hand. Upon seeing this, Jiang Liu quickly released the hand that was holding her tightly, and the two looked at each other face to face again.

"So are you interested in answering my question?" Xia Ruo looked at Jiang Liu, who was even more excited, and asked with a smile.

"As an interesting gift for you, I will answer your two questions." Jiang Liu looked at the determined girl in front of him and smiled happily.

"Did you kill those four people?" Xia Ruo didn't hesitate, and went straight to the subject.

The smile on Jiang Liu's face faded after hearing this: "It's rare to give you two questions, you actually asked such a boring thing."

"Answer me!" Xia Ruo shrank her pupils and shouted at the disappointed woman on the opposite side.

Jiang Liu's face sank, and the scalpel suddenly stabbed Xia Ruo: "So what, anyway, they are stupid one by one, so precious things will not be cherished."

Xia Ruo avoided her scalpel to the left, and at the same time moved to her side, grabbing her hand with one hand, and pressing the butterfly knife in her hand against her neck.

Xia Ruo asked coldly: "Why are you killing them."

Jiang Liu didn't care much, he just laughed cheerfully: "What's the point of being a bunch of idiots who don't know the goods!"

"Is it because of their abortion?" Xia Ruo asked again.

The people in front of me suddenly started laughing, but they laughed and cried: "Yes, it is true. Those idiots, who are obviously so important, don't cherish, and complain in front of me that pregnancy is so annoying and abortion is so troublesome! Are they showing off to me?" Jiang Liu finally couldn't help yelling, and tears fell on Xia Ruo's hands, terribly hot.

As soon as Jiang Liu lifted his foot, he stepped on the pointy heel, and Xia Ruo let go of the pain.

Jiang Liu took the opportunity to get rid of her shackles and approached her again with a scalpel. The decent makeup on her face had long been spent in the fight and crying, and her original perfect hair was also loosened. At this time, she was like an evil spirit in hell coming to claim her life.

She has gone crazy!

Xia Ruo yelled badly, staring at the knife in her hand, for fear that someone would be injured by this knife accidentally.

And Jiang Liu was already in madness, waving the knife in his hand unconsciously, his face dull: "Why treat me this way, why don't you marry me!"

Xia Ruo continued on the sofa to dodge the knife in her hand. Her foot had just been kicked. She couldn't make too much dodge action, and could only dodge the oncoming knife slightly.

Jiang Liu also noticed this and smiled cheerfully: "Is the kitten hurt? Come on, don't make trouble, disobedient children will be punished!"

Xia Ruo kicked with long legs and kicked away the knife in her hand. Jiang Liu's face was even more ugly, and he rushed forward without looking for a knife.

Throwing Xia Ruo to the ground. He slapped Xia Ruo madly.

Xia Ruo endured silently, and still had fun in silence at this time: it's better to be beaten a few times than to be stabbed to death.

The person on him was already mad, lashing Xia Ruo frantically: "Bitch, let you laugh at me, let you laugh at me! I want to kill you!" Xia Ruo slowly closed his eyes.

Who is crying

Xia Ruo stumbled forward in a thick fog. In the invisible corner, the little girl sobbed quietly.

"Where are you, don't be afraid, I'll save you!" Xia Ruo shouted into the dense fog. The only response to him was the cry of the little girl and the voice of the man teasing: "This is the jewel in the palm of the Yanxin Agency president. We will post it after finishing this!" The people around heard this and burst into laughter. There is greed that can't hide.

"The third child, go and see how that precious golden egg is, don't die here!" The man who had just finished speaking thought of something, and told the thin man on one side.

The thin man on one side stood up suddenly and the flattering smile on his face was disgusting. The thin man wandered to the closed room and opened the door.

For some reason Xia Ruo felt uneasy, she ran forward desperately trying to hold the thin man, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up with the figure dangling in front of her.

Seeing the thin man pushed open the door and went in, I don't know why Xia Ruo only felt shivering and desperate.

She stood still not daring to approach, and a thin voice came from her ear: "Boss, this golden lump seems to have a fever! It's so hot, I have to use some cold water to cool her down."

The boss was surprised when he heard the words: "Where can I find water for her in this wilderness?"

The middle-aged man behind the boss walked forward drunkly: "The third child, what is the fuss and disturbs our interest, isn't it the same without water and urine?"

Xia Ruo widened her eyes and shouted no, but she didn't know why, no matter how hard she tried, even if she was hoarse, the group still didn't hear her voice.

There was a sound of undressing in my ears, and then the sound of water flow came over. The middle-aged man smiled drunkly and waved to the people behind him: "Brothers, come, contribute some water to cool this baby egg."

The people around roared with laughter and approached the corner one after another.

Xia Ruo slid and sat on the ground, hiding her face and crying: It's over, everything is over! Everything around was blurred, leaving only the endless sound of water flowing in my ears.

Xia Ruo curled up on the ground, desperately covering her ears, but the sound of the water flow couldn't be covered. In the fuzzy room, who approached her, but the cold voice was stealing warmth: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Jiang Liu had calmed down when Xia Ruo was awake again, and was looking for a scalpel. Xia Ruo moved her hand and there was a pain in her body. The cold light flashed in her eyes, and the temperament of her whole person was different.

Although Xia Ruo is weak now, her indifferent and alienated temperament adds a bit of majesty to her, and she feels terrified.

Xia Ruo sat up cautiously and didn't look for the butterfly knife that I didn't know where it was thrown. He just picked up a wine bottle and threw it at Jiang Liu. Jiang Liu looked back at her incredulously and fainted.

When Su Luoheng and others arrived, Jiang Liu was lying on the ground with a lot of blood flowing out of his head, while Xia Ruo was standing on the side covered with scars and only half of the glass bottle was left in his hand.

Xia Ruo threw the only glass bottle in her hand, and the glass dross splashed in the air with a "pop!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)