
Chapter 22: who am I


Xia Ruo rubbed Li Xiaoxiao's hair, shook her head again, and said, "Go, I'll take you to see your father."

"Sister Xia Ruo, where are you going? I'll see you off!"

The police officer who talked to Xia Ruo early this morning walked over quickly. Because he was really worried about Xia Ruo, he proposed to send her off.

Xia Ruo had the intention to refuse, but was a little worried about Li Xiaoxiao, and finally could only agree.

"Then send me back to the police station, thank you."

Sitting in the car, Li Xiaoxiao is a child after all. I had completely forgotten what was just now, and yelled strangely: "Sister, sister, I took a police car! This is the first time I took a police car!"

Xia Ruo couldn't get happy, her mind still flashed the scene of Su Luoheng lying pale in a pool of blood, only feeling the bone-to-shoulder cold and trembling constantly.

The police officer who was driving took a side look at Xia Ruo, his face was full of worry, he parked the car on the side of the road, took off his coat and handed it to Xia Ruo, and asked with concern: "Sister Xia Ruo, are you really okay? ? Or I will take you home?"

Xia Ruo shook her head. Although her face was pale, she insisted on saying, "I promised the mother of this child to take her to see his father."

"Whose child is this?" The police officer looked at Li Xiaoxiao curiously.

"My name is Li Xiaoxiao, and my father's name is Li Ye." Li Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes, and replied deftly.

Upon hearing the name Li Ye, the police officer's expression suddenly changed. She turned to look at Xia Ruo next to her, her eyes a little complicated.

Xia Ruo shook her head and motioned to her not to say anything.

Li Xiaoxiao still doesn't know what her father really did. If she said this in front of her now, it would only create a shadow in her heart, and it would not be conducive to the growth of the child.

Although this kind of thing cannot be kept secret, Li Xiaoxiao will learn about it one day, but Xia Ruo does not want to let Li Xiaoxiao know from herself, that way her heart will be uneasy and guilty—after all, she is carrying people. I went to catch her father, maybe the child will hate me in his heart.

Driving back to the police station, Xia Ruoqiang supported Li Xiaoxiao to see his father.

The meeting of the two parents was naturally very warm. Li Xiaoxiao saw his father very happy and kept calling his father, but Li Ye was full of guilt and self-blame, and almost cried out several times.

Xia Ruo looked at the father and daughter outside the door, with mixed feelings.

Heaven's sins are forgiven, and you can't live by committing sins yourself. No one can help Li Ye commit his sins.

Twenty minutes later, even though Xia Ruo had no choice but to leave with Li Xiaoxiao.

Later, Xia Ruo sent Li Xiaoxiao back to her mother. When she left, Li Xiaoxiao waved goodbye to Xia Ruo innocently, promising to let Xia Ruo take her to see her father when she came next time.

Xia Ruo smiled helplessly, shook his head and returned to the car.

Looking at Xia Ruo, who was pale as paper, the policeman who was driving was a little bit unbearable, and once again advised: "Sister Xia Ruo, your face is ugly, or you can go home and rest for a day, it's okay."

Xia Ruo insisted, shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

The police officer sighed and said, "Sister Xia Ruo, why can't you forgive Su SIR? He loves you so much, even if he does something wrong, he should still have a chance!"

Xia Ruo frowned, her expression gloomy.

"How did you know?"

"The entire police station saw it, but I didn't explain it."

The police officer shook his head, sighed helplessly, and said, "Sister Xia Ruo, I know SIR is a little... workaholic, but he still loves you really."

"I know." Xia Ruo put her face on the car window. For some reason, her tone was a little choked.

"Then..." The officer wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Ruo.

"But I

Can't forgive him, absolutely can't! "

Xia Ruo's tone was unprecedentedly firm, leaving the police officer speechless, and in the end he could only sigh heavily and drove back to the police station.

As soon as he returned to the police station, Xia Ruo entered the state of work again, as if nothing happened just now, and continued her work.

But the thing that made her care this time was not the two previous murders, but the shooting this time.

The shooting occurred in a prosperous street, and it was noon, when pedestrians came and went, but the mysterious man wearing a mask held a gun and opened fire on the street. What was the purpose

Revenge against someone

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo couldn't help frowning. She suddenly remembered that she saw a car hit by a gun before. What happened to the people in the car

Xia Ruo has always belonged to that kind of pragmatic faction, doing what he said, saying that the wind is rain, and now he just got up to investigate the victims of this shooting case.

Xia Ruo learned through the composition that there were only two victims in the shooting, one was Su Luoheng, and the other was the motorist who was shot.

Ingeniously, both victims were placed in the same hospital and in the same ward.

Xia Ruo had been standing in front of the ward for a long time, but she was always hovering.

In the end, Xia Ruo still didn't make up his mind and turned and left.

She chose other channels to investigate the identity of another victim.

Li Yang, forty-six years old, is an employee of a certain company. He is usually unknown, enthusiastic, and has no enemies.

This is the information about the victim that Xia Ruo investigated, and Xia Ruo also went to the victim's home to find out.

Li Yang's wife is a housewife and has been taking care of the children at home. The two have given birth to a son and a daughter.

Xia Ruo learned about the situation from Li Yang's wife, but was told that Li Yang is usually kind and there is no enemy worthy of murder.

She asked her neighbors about the situation again, but did not get any other useful information. The situation was basically the same as what she had already learned.

This is a bit puzzling. Why would a person who has no enemies be shot by others? This doesn't make sense!

Just pure revenge against society? is it possible

Xia Ruo went to investigate the surveillance video of the street where the shooting occurred. In the video, she clearly saw that the mysterious man with the gun came out of the corner. It seemed that there had been a target, and he shot directly in a certain direction. As a result, Li Yang was driving in the middle.

This shot did not hit Li Yang's vitals, but it caused Li Yang's car to get off the track, causing a series of rear-end collisions. It was because of this that Li Yang was injured.

In the surveillance video, the mysterious man with the gun, ignoring the panic of the surrounding people, walked straight towards Xia Ruo's car, raised the gun and pointed it inside the car.

Xia Ruo paused the video at this time, and she began to carefully observe the mysterious person in the video, she wanted to see the identity of this person from it.

But let her down, the surveillance video was originally not clear, and the person was still wearing a mask, Xia Ruo still couldn't see that person's face even with his eyes widened, which made Xia Ruo a little annoyed.

Not only that, from the surveillance video, Xia Ruo couldn't even judge the gender of that person, which added unparalleled difficulty to the detection of the case.

How to find a murderer who is not clear between men and women

The motive of the murder is unknown, and the gender of the murderer is unknown...

Xia Ruo squeezed her brows, a headache. It really complied with what Su Luoheng said before: It is said that hooligans are not terrible, but they are afraid that they are educated. If they are educated, murderers with high IQ are even more terrible!

Just like now, this person who carried a gun in broad daylight has obviously planned for a long time, and there is no sluggishness in committing the crime, and it only took less than five minutes from the beginning to the end.

Xia Ruo went to investigate surveillance video from other places again, and wanted to learn from it.

1 Find the escape path of the mysterious man.

But let her down again. After the mysterious man shot and wounded Su Luoheng, he turned into a small alley. There was no camera in this small alley, and it was very accessible. God knows where he fled!

Xia Ruo has a headache to death! She felt that she would not feel scared even if she was standing face to face with the dead—there were so many things she had seen in the past few days, and she could almost do the same without changing her face.

"Beauty, are you okay? I heard that you were attacked?" The forensic doctor still looked like a fool, stepped to Xia Ruo, raised his butt and sat on her table.

Xia Ruo glanced at him coldly, and replied feebly: "Did you come to see me for a joke?"

"Yeah!" The man showed a look of surprise on his face, staring at Xia Ruo with a strange look, and then said after a long time: "I didn't expect my beauty would still speak bad words!"

"Stop it! Upset!" Xia Ruo waved her hand, how she wanted to drive away the annoying man in front of her.

She was in a state of confusion now. Although she said she didn't worry about Su Luoheng, she was just trying to do her best. She wanted to guard Su Luoheng's side all the time and take care of him meticulously.

But there was a voice in her heart: "You can't do that! That man is the one who sent your father to prison! That man is the sinner who caused you to lose your father! You can't forgive him! Absolutely!"

How much she wanted to be alone, but there was such a person who was ignorant of the current affairs who kept babbling in Xia Ruo's ears, like a fly, and Xia Ruo was disturbed.

Xia Ruo frowned tightly, raised her hand to pinch her brow vigorously, her face full of impatientness.

However, the forensic doctor next to him seemed to be unable to see Xia Ruo's expression at all, and was still talking endlessly.

"Love is something that can make a smart person do stupid things, and it can also make a fool decide to be smart in an instant."

The forensic doctor looked down at Xia Ruo, grinned and said, "Beauty, do you think you belong to the former or the latter?"

"Let me be quiet, OK? I'm very tired!" Xia Ruo couldn't bear it, and dropped his glasses on the table, glaring at the man next to him.

No matter how ignorant the forensic doctor was, he could tell that Xia Ruo was really angry, shrugged innocently, turned and left.

Xia Ruo felt that she could not find any other useful information if she continued to stay in the police station, and she was very tired, so she got up and left the police station.

It was the night, the cafe, Si Peilan, and there was a person sitting opposite her.

It's just that this person is not Su Luoheng, but Peng Yuhang.

Peng Yuhang looked at Si Peilan who was drinking bitter coffee leisurely and looked helpless.

"My sister, what do you want? Last time you hurt me miserably!"

Speaking of the last time, Peng Yuhang raised his hand and touched his forehead, as if he was still scared because San Ye was staring at his parents with a gun. His face was full of lingering fears.

"who am I?"

Si Peilan retracted her gaze from the window and placed it on Peng Yuhang, who was opposite, but then asked a very strange question.

"Who are you? Of course you are Si Peilan!" Peng Yuhang was taken aback for a moment, and answered casually.

However, Si Peilan was obviously not satisfied with this answer, and then she turned her head to look at the pedestrians who were constantly passing through the window.

Peng Yuhang raised his hand and patted his forehead, feeling helpless. This Si Peilan was the only person he could not understand. From the beginning to the present, Peng Yuhang had never really understood what she was thinking in her heart.

"You are Si Peilan, the daughter of Brother Si Xin, who really should be at the helm of Yanxing Society." Peng Yuhang thought for a while, and said all the identities he could think of. Is one correct

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)