
Chapter 220: pier


The breeze flicked the window screens, and the morning sun took the opportunity to spill in through the window stiles, mixing with the aroma of food in the air to bring a full breath of life.

Su Luoheng unbuttoned his cuffs and said that his sleeves were folded to his elbows. He took the porcelain bowl on one side and served Xia Ruo a bowl of porridge: "I won't accompany you if I'm busy these two days. Do you have any arrangements?"

Xia Ruo held her head lazily, poked at the steamed buns on the plate, and then covered her mouth and yawned: "Go to sleep!"

Su Luoheng stopped her hand movement and handed her the bowl: "You have been asleep for a few days, but you haven't slept well yet."

Xia Ruo yawned again: "There have been too many things these days, and I have been very mentally exhausted. I will sleep more during the rare holiday to prepare for the future!"

Su Luoheng looked concerned: "But you sleep too much!"

Xia Ruo lazily stirred the porridge in the bowl: "It's not too much. Laying in bed and getting back to sleep are a kind of joy in life." Speaking of disgust, she swept across Su Luoheng: "It's fun that you can't understand. ."

Su Luoheng raised his brow and glanced at her: "I don't want to understand this kind of fun." While speaking, he put a few buns in her bowl: "Hurry up, I'll clean up and leave after eating."

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Xia Ruo didn't say much about eating. The restaurant was quiet for a while, only the slight clash of the spoon and the bowl was left.

After eating, Xia Ruo hugged the doll and lay on the sofa, looking at Su Luoheng with a look of scrutiny: "What are you going to do? It's mysterious."

Su Luoheng kept moving his hands and answered her without turning his head: "A friend of mine asked me to help him check things."

Xia Ruo looked suspiciously at him with a look of disbelief: "You won't bring me for ordinary investigations?"

Su Luoheng didn't care, with a clear conscience: "Don't show off your ugliness, he won't be able to stand it if I take you there."

"Then you hurry up, don't be late, I'm always sleepy when I don't know what's going on recently, I'll go squinting for a while." Xia Ruo did not pursue the investigation and yawned and returned to the room.

Su Luoheng slowly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the footsteps walking far behind him, and his stiff body was slightly bent. Somewhat fortunate: Fortunately, she has not been in good spirits recently, otherwise the play would not be able to go on!

When Su Luoheng packed up and got ready to go out, Xia Ruo was already asleep, Su Luohang adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner and left a note to go out.

What he didn't know was that after he left, Xia Ruo, who was asleep, opened his eyes.

The salty water slapped the walls, and the former lively port is now withered, leaving only the platforms to remind people of its past glory.

"Sir, why are we here so early?" The police officer on the side cautiously approached the person who didn't know what was thinking.

Su Luoheng returned to his senses and turned to look directly at the police officer who was puzzled. The police officer was 23 or 24 years old, with a neat head, and a taut face pretending to be mature and stable, but the tension that leaked from his eyes from time to time still betrayed him.

The police officer saw that Su Luoheng only looked at him and did not speak, thinking he hadn't heard clearly, he asked again: "Su Sir, didn't the transaction start at night? Why did we come so early?"

"Of course it is to find the best sight point." Su Luoheng replied.

"Looking for the best sight point?" The police officer was puzzled.

"Yeah." Su Luoheng looked at the green-faced police officer in a daze. He was about the same age as the child when he entered the Yanxin News Agency undercover. At that time, he didn’t understand anything like this kid, just relying on

He walked into the underground kingdom with loneliness and enthusiasm, staying for seven years.

It may be that he saw the shadow of himself in the past. Su Luoheng unconsciously explained two more sentences: "We have to find a good line of sight in advance to observe the situation. If we arrive late, we will be occupied."

"Why is it occupied? Does Yanxin News Agency still supervise its own transactions?" The little police officer was puzzled.

Su Luoheng did not conceal and carefully taught the young police officer: "The Yanxinshe is not the only one in the underworld, but the Yanxinshe has always been the only one to squeeze the limelight from others..."

Halfway through talking, the little police officer understood: "You mean they will eat black?"

Su Luoheng nodded, this kid would have a better understanding, but he was a brilliant talent. He couldn't help but ask: "What is your name? That department?"

The young man rubbed his head and said embarrassedly: "My name is Meng Yuan and I just joined the police force. There is no assignment yet."

Su Luoheng nodded, knowing in his heart that this Meng Yuan was afraid that he would be sent to Yan Xinshe in the future. He refused the Secretary's request to go undercover again, so he naturally had to choose another candidate. And this kind of stunned young man who has just entered the police station without specific work arrangements is the best choice.

Su Luoheng squinted, and Director Xiangbi transferred him here in the hope that he would bring him more and pass on his experience.

Su Luoheng looked at the young man with admiration: "You might fight against them at night, are you afraid?"

The young man's eyes were firm: "It's a bit scared, but it's our duty as the police to defend the people's security on one side."

Su Luoheng nodded and patted his shoulder, with a rare smile on his face: "You are very good."

Hearing that the arrogance just disappeared without a trace, the young man touched his head and smirked: "Thank you Sir."

Su Luoheng had a total of ten people in this operation, and the targets were large and needed to be hidden separately. Su Luoheng took the rest of the people all day to find a suitable ambush near the pier.

After their efforts, they finally found three hidden locations around one in the afternoon, with a wide view and ensuring that they can quickly reach the dock.

"Well, everyone, let's eat something! We'll wait in ambush from four o'clock." While ordering a few dishes with the tablet in his hand, Su Luoheng instructed a few excited young people.

Everyone was very excited, and when they were young and frivolous, they always thought that they could defend the peace of one side by themselves. Little does it know that reality is always cruel, and in many cases we can't even protect ourselves to talk about how to defend Antai.

Su Luoheng smiled slightly and watched them shyly and expectantly discussing the task of the afternoon, and felt a little envious. He had been like this. Although he was immature, the blood at the time was true, but now the blood still exists but it is gradually cooling down, no longer the innocent and cuteness of the past.

Do people sigh too much when they get old? Su Luoheng smiled and shook his head to interrupt his thoughts.

"Okay, okay, I know everyone is a hero, so what we have to do now is to fill our stomachs and wait for the enemy."

Everyone blushed, stopped all kinds of reveries and discussions, but kept asking him some questions.

Su Luoheng didn't conceal it, and passed on his own experience. There was a scene of ecstasy and harmony on the dining table.

After eating, everyone voluntarily chose a place to stay. Su Luoheng chose a coffee shop. I don't know why he had a hunch that he would meet some people from Yan Xinshe here... such as Si Peilan.

"Sir, it seems that someone is coming." Meng Yuan pointed to the harbor and shook Su Luoheng in thought.

Su Luoheng followed his hand and looked at him. There was no one else in the world.

Five or six people came to the pier in Beijing, looking for something.

Meng Yuan couldn't understand his actions for a while and looked up at Su Luoheng: "Sir, what are they doing?"

Su Luoheng stared at the slim figure in the crowd and didn't react for a while. It was not until Meng Yuan called him a few more times to hear his question: "Inspect, in order to prevent someone from installing something in advance to damage or monitor the transaction!"

Meng Yuan nodded and looked at Su Luoheng with admiration: "Sir, you are amazing, you know everything."

Seeing him a little frustrated, Su Luoheng patted him on the shoulder: "You just don't have enough experience. You'll understand after more experience."

The sudden ringing of the wind bell in the store attracted everyone's attention. The women's makeup was exquisite and cold, and the white hot pants were worn under the black t-shirts, revealing the perfect body of white and slender legs. She didn't care too much, took off her sunglasses, ordered a cup of bitter coffee, and sat by the window.

"Sir, she seemed to be in that group of people just now." Meng Yuan murmured carefully close to Su Luoheng.

"Well, wait here, I'll go to meet her for a while." Su Luoheng squinted his eyes and looked at the person who was sitting there and didn't know what he was thinking. He told Meng Yuan a few words and then held the coffee. Passed.

"We can always meet in a coffee shop!" Si Peilan frowned when she heard the familiar voice, and turned her head to see that it was someone's smiling face.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her eyebrows, as if she didn't want to pay attention to her headache. Su Luoheng also sat down with a shameless mind.

"Why did you come here?" In fact, how could he not know the reason for her coming, just by trying to get some news from the beginning.

Si Peilan didn't even look at him, let alone answer. Su Luoheng was embarrassed for a while, touched the bridge of his nose and continued to speak: "This is not a fun place. I want young girls like you to go to the city center. How wonderful, why bother to come here to see this abandoned dock?"

Si Peilan finally moved. She turned her head and glanced at Su Luoheng: "You are idle? You are noisy." She put on her headphones and looked at the phone in her hand.

A few short sentences and one action deeply showed her disgust and ignorance of Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng didn't say much when he saw this, and left with his coffee in embarrassment.

Seeing that his action failed, Meng Yuan quickly found some other topics to ease his embarrassment. Su Luoheng also put aside the embarrassment just now, chatting with Meng Yuan and staring at the activities of Yanxin News Agency. About an hour later, Si Peilan answered a call. She quickly hung up and was about to leave. What makes Su Luoheng care about is the meaningful look in her eyes before she leaves, which always makes people feel that she knows who she is.

Su Luoheng looked down at the pattern on the tablecloth, rubbed the wall of the cup with his hands unconsciously, thinking carefully. Did Si Peilan see that I was a policeman? Will this affect your actions at night

"Su Sir, they are gone, it seems that the investigation has been completed." Su Luoheng raised his head and looked out the window, as expected, the inspection has been completed. Si Peilan left two people at random to guard the scene and then left with the others.

So tonight's actions have not changed, and at the same time... She shouldn't have guessed that she is a policeman. Su Luoheng bowed his head, conceiving in his mind with some uncertainty.

What he didn't know, when he lowered his head to conceive, Si Peilan's scrutiny gaze and a non-smiling expression.

Su Luoheng, can send Si Xin to jail, then let me see your abilities next.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)