
Chapter 221: trade


At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, Wanjia lanterns decorated Hong Kong beautifully, as if in a dream.

In the middle of the night, Hong Kong has gradually fallen asleep and the wharf is gradually awake. The crowds gradually coming up signal the beginning of night life, and people who are active in the dark are ready to move.

"Look at Su Sir." Meng Yuan pointed to the bright spot slowly approaching in the distance, and motioned to Su Luoheng to look.

"It seems that the goods have arrived, remind everyone to pay attention!" Su Luoheng changed his inattentiveness, sat upright, and exhorted Meng Yuan to the side. Meng Yuan also changed his ignorance just now, and immediately took out his mobile phone to notify others.

The ship approached gradually, and everyone held their breath and watched the ferry approaching quietly. Su Luoheng's eyes fixed on Si Peilan. In the dark, she clasped her arms and stood there staring at the ship approaching the shore, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Sir, the ship has docked, do you want to go up?" Meng Yuan on one side nervously pulled La Su Luoheng's sleeve.

"Wait a little longer and see the situation again." Su Luoheng patted Meng Yuan, who was impatient.

Several people alighted from the ship, who looked like shrewd businessmen, were the person in charge of this transaction. Si Peilan remained indifferent as usual, and did not give them a good face because of business.

The person didn't care what he said. After a few conversations, the two parties seemed to have reached an agreement. Si Peilan left only two people behind with a wave of his hand, and the others quickly boarded the ship to check the cargo.

"Let's do it!" Su Luoheng stared at the only five people left, and waved his hand to signal everyone to go out.

Everyone rushed out: "Don't move, we are the police!"

For a while, there was a lot of excitement on the dock, with gunshots, shouts, humming and scolding one after another, annoying.

Su Luoheng dodged to the right to avoid the oncoming person, grabbed his hands and feet, swept the person and fainted.

He raised his head, Si Peilan looked at the farce here indifferently, but he seemed to be in two spaces with a distance of less than ten meters. The noise here can't affect the quietness there, and the frost over there can't cool the blood here. .

Su Luoheng turned his head and approached there while addressing the person in front of him. The people on the boat rushed out to support the classmate when they heard the voice, and the whine of the police car not far away was also clearly visible.

For a while, everyone was in a stalemate where they could not move, looking at each other.

"What do you think?" The person who negotiated with Si Peilan at the beginning took the opportunity to come to her to discuss countermeasures.

Si Peilan sneered: "What to do? What else to do! Give it up!"

"But, this shipment is not cheap! And if it is discovered..." The man looked back at the ship reluctantly.

"Don't worry, you can't lose much! Do you still have a solution?" Si Peilan glanced at him with a cold expression.

"..." The man was silent, and silently handed over a remote control. "Here you are, we arranged in advance as instructed."

Si Peilan turned out to be the key, and the exaggerated makeup flashed a ghostly light in the night: "Run around for a while."

The man nodded calmly and quietly gestured to the person behind him.

"Sir, what do they mean?" Meng Yuan looked at the movements of the two in confusion.

"Staring at them for a while, I'm afraid this stuff won't be kept." Su Luoheng didn't have time to explain too much, but he turned his head and gave a general warning.

Meng Yuan was a little unclear, so he nodded and said he had listened.

Su Luoheng stared at Si Peilan closely, his heartbeat became faster and heavier, as if something was about to emerge.

On the surface, there is a layer of paper tightly blocking it so people can't understand it.

Si Peilan ignored the muzzles around her and moved closer to Su Luoheng step by step. The dim light made her heavily makeup face even more charming.

Finally, she stood beside Su Luoheng's red lips lightly, but the content of her words was not very pleasing: "This batch of goods is considered a gift to you. Win or lose is uncertain, we will wait and see."

Su Luoheng's face changed and looked straight at her, Si Peilan's mouth was slightly raised, and the arc became wider and wider.

Si Peilan straightened her arm, and the remote control in her hand made a soft "di" sound. Si Peilan threw what was in her hand, and looked at Su Luoheng, who was unclear, smiling unpredictably.

Su Luoheng looked at the small, harmless remote control on the ground, and felt extremely nervous. Fearing that they had installed a bomb-like destructive thing, he waved his hand to signal everyone to take a few steps back.

Si Peilan didn't stop, and watched them retreat and leave with cold eyes. She turned her head and clapped her hands: "Everyone is ready, let's retreat!"

Su Luoheng frowned, and there was no movement around him, except for the howling sound of the sea breeze.

Suddenly a "bang!" came, and everyone subconsciously looked over and saw that the cabin was on fire for no reason. The fire became larger under the blowing of the wind. The tongue of fire ignored the surrounding sea water and licked the river embankment wanton. The sound of crackling in the ears The sound of the wind covered it a little.

Su Luoheng was stunned for a few seconds and immediately returned to search for Si Peilan and others. Everyone had basically dispersed. Only Si Peilan was leaning on the side of the station, and the billions of goods were burned in front of her. She frowned, and she turned to leave.

Su Luoheng yelled, "Who are you?" After chasing him, Si Peilan glanced at him interestingly, and kept moving in the car and left.

Su Luoheng hurriedly drove the car he had parked aside and ran after him.

Su Luoheng only felt that there was a blank in his mind, and he only knew that he was chasing the driving vehicles in front of him.

Her figure is very familiar. She always makes people want to get close. She is inexplicably disgusted with her sexy dress and her familiar little gestures. The answer seems to be right in front of her, but she can't grasp it.

My heart beat worsened, as if I was excited and finally got the answer, something in my mind gradually deepened inadvertently.

The answer is emerging little by little!

Si Peilan looked at the car following her, and the steering wheel slammed to the left, making a sharp turn to get rid of Su Luoheng who was following her.

Su Luoheng went over without checking for a while, then stopped and reversed to keep up with her again.

The car speeded all the way and finally stopped in a dark alley. They both sat in the car and didn't make any movements. Su Luoheng couldn't help getting out of the car first and knocked on Si Peilan's door.

Si Peilan didn't hesitate, opened the door and got out of the car, staring coldly at Su Luoheng, who was emotionally unstable in front of him: "What?"

Su Luoheng looked at her with complicated eyes and hesitated: "Who are you?"

He seemed to hear the suspicious Si Peilan in his words, but just smiled without answering.

Seeing this, Su Luoheng asked again: "We have seen it, right?"

Si Peilan laughed ironically: "That's natural. Otherwise, have you seen all ghosts before?"

Su Luoheng quickly explained: "No, I am not, I mean..." Su Luoheng hesitated for a while. "I mean, before we met for the first time, did we know each other, or were we acquainted." "

Although he was asking, his tone was affirmative, and he clearly felt something. He is sure they know or should be said to be familiar


Si Peilan smiled and looked at the urgent man in front of her: "Who knows!"

She ignored Su Luoheng who was stunned to one side and turned into the car.

"Are you okay?" Peng Yuhang hurriedly approached her and asked after returning to Yanxin News Agency. Although his face was expressionless, the concern under his eyes couldn't be hidden.

A hint of warmth flashed in Si Peilan's heart and shook her head, looking up at the old stubbornness who were approaching with cold eyes.

San Ye coughed and motioned everyone to look at it. An old face was wrinkled, but the shrewdness in his eyes could not be concealed: "Miss Si, what a big handwriting! These billions of goods are burned if they are burned. Don't blink your eyes!"

Si Peilan didn't mind turning her head to look at him, "Then what do you want?"

San Ye choked, his old face wrinkled, and resentment flashed across his eyes. I think his third master is the elder of the Yanxin News Agency. Everyone respects him. Even Si Xin is always good at discussing things. Who dares to be cold-eyed? But Si Peilan didn't take this set of openly challenging his authority, which made him endure.

"Miss Si, I don't care what doctor you are or where you are. Yanxin News Agency has always refused to accept those cats and dogs who don't know the basics.

San Ye waved his hand, opening his mouth like a magnanimous one, with a big belly and tolerant posture.

When Peng Yuhang heard this, he just wanted to say something, he listened to Si Peilan coldly mocking: "Oh? In that case, I would like to ask where you are from?"

As we all know, these three masters were originally not from Yanxinshe but from other gangs, and later became traitors to join Yanxinshe. Although everyone gave him some face, they looked down on such a person in their bones, so for so many years, although they have provided delicious and delicious food, they have no real power.

The most unseen thing about San Ye is that others mention him as a traitor. He stomped at Si Peilan and cursed: "What's your identity? A mistress would dare to talk to me like this!"

Peng Yuhang on the side was even more angry when he heard the words and stepped forward to explain something. Clinker Si Peilan wrapped his arms around San Ye a few times: "Mistress is better than you, a traitor! Not to mention me. Not a mistress yet."

San Ye's face went red after hearing this, and he didn't know what to fight back, so he changed the subject angrily: "Then this time, the billions of goods will be burned if you say they are burned. Who will be responsible for the losses in the gang!"

Si Peilan looked up and down interestingly at the panting old man in front of him: "So what else can you do other than the first time?"

San Ye was even more speechless. Everyone knew that the only way was to destroy the goods. Because those things cannot be put on the surface, once they are seized by the police station, the consequences are hard to imagine.

Si Peilan didn't force the question to turn around and leave: "I don't take such a small amount of money in my eyes. Don't always talk about it."

The people on the side sneered and discussed in a low voice: "That is to say, the case that Dr. Si has endured has not known how much he has earned. The billions are really nothing!"

Sanye suppressed the anger in his heart and glared at the people around him, but he fainted on the ground without taking a few steps when he wanted to leave.

Everyone panicked to help, Peng Yuhang stood aside and looked at the chaotic scene coldly.

When they finally awoke the unconscious Third Master Peng Yuhang, he stepped forward and said coldly: "We all know how Dr. Si’s ability is, so don’t be provoked, and Dr. Su and I will be innocent next time. Don't blame me for being rude to let me hear you nonsense!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)