
Chapter 222: question


The day was about to break, and Su Luoheng went back to the police station ahead of time without going home either.

He leaned on the stool and looked up at the ceiling, the storm in his head never stopped.

The first time I met him, he felt that Si Peilan was familiar; at first, Xia Ruo and Si Peilan had the same disgusting attitude towards him; the bruises on Xia Ruo’s hand the next day after he injured Si Peilan; Si Peilan's dissatisfaction with what she wears... Everything seems to be explainable.

Is it really a person? Su Luoheng questioned himself in his heart.

Si Peilan and Xia Ruo Mingming are two completely different people! Si Peilan is cold, Xia Ruo kind; Si Peilan has a thick makeup, Xia Ruo doesn't apply powder; Si Peilan is cold and sexy, Xia Ruo is pure and pleasant...

Su Luoheng rubbed his head, thinking of Si Peilan's words before leaving, only felt that his head hurts more!

He looked down at the paper filled with the words Si Peilan = Xia Ruo, and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he already had the answer in his heart.

The sun outside the window with his head tilted is gradually rising, and the red glow is covering the sky. I believe that in a while, the sun will clear the darkness and cover the world, and the truth must gradually be revealed!

Xia Ruo ran all the way into the police station and successfully clocked in at the last second.

She breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the crime squad, panting slightly.

Su Luoheng didn't go back last night. If it weren't for the past few days to sleep well and get up early today, she would definitely be late today!

"Sister Xia, you're finally here!" Xia Ruo just sat down, and Zhang Qi, who hadn't even drank the water, leaned over.

"What's the matter?" Xia Ruo sat paralyzed on the chair, holding a cup of water and taking a few sips of water.

Zhang Qi even got closer to her: "Sir is looking for you!"

"Looking for me?" Xia Ruo stared at her suspiciously, "Why did he find me early in the morning?"

Zhang Qi looked scared: "Who knows! With a cold face, don't you see that the atmosphere in the office is stiff?"

Xia Ruo realized afterwards that everyone was uncharacteristically sitting quietly in their seats. It seems that someone is really angry this time, but I don’t know why.

Xia Ruo took a few sips of water, got up and patted Zhang Qi: "It's okay, I'll go take a look."

Xia Ruo knocked on Su Luoheng's door to signal that he was coming by himself.

"Come in." A low voice came from the door.

"Su Luoheng, what are you looking for me?" Xia Ruo pushed the door in.

As soon as she looked up, she stopped by the door in surprise: "What's the matter with you?"

Su Luoheng in front of him seemed to be a different person, his originally well-groomed hair was messed up on his forehead, a circle of light blue stubble appeared on his lips, and the faint dark circles under his eyes all showed his decadence at the moment. .

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing him staring at him blindly without speaking, Xia Ruo quickly stepped closer to him and asked with concern.

Su Luoheng looked at the concerned woman inexplicably. He didn't know how to answer this question, he just stared at Xia Ruo blindly and didn't say anything.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Xia Ruo stopped and asked, realizing that Su Luoheng was wrong.

Su Luoheng paused to answer his question: "I'm fine." His voice was hoarse, and there was exhaustion that could not be concealed in his tone.

Xia Ruo stared at him suspiciously, and when he saw him looking at herself inquisitively, Xia Ruo felt a little uncomfortable: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Su Luoheng hesitated for a while and tremblingly said, "Xiao Ruo, what is your relationship with Yanxin News Agency?"

Xia Ruo stopped in place all of a sudden, freezing her in place as if a basin of cold water poured down from her head. It took a long time before she came back to her senses: "What do you mean?"

Does he know that I am Si Xin's daughter? Do not! It shouldn't!

Xia Ruo is in her heart

I checked what I had done recently, trying to find out where I was showing my feet.

Su Luoheng saw that her expression was unnatural, and the only hope in his eyes was extinguished. He closed his eyes, turned his head and said hoarsely: "Or what is the relationship between you and Si Peilan?"

Xia Ruo loosened her body and looked puzzled: "Who is Si Peilan?"

Su Luoheng stared at her and saw her complexion natural, and there were no traces of disguise before he said dubiously: "You don't know Si Peilan?"

Xia Ruo frowned and looked at him up and down, as if searching for something in her mind. After a while, he said with certainty: "I don't know her, who is she?"

Su Luoheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. He straightened up, and suddenly thought of something. He leaned back a few minutes, closed his eyes, and raised his hand to cover his tired mouth on his forehead: " Xia Ruo, stop acting, I know all about it."

Hearing this, Xia Ruo was even more puzzled, approaching him and asked in a low voice: "What on earth are you talking about!"

Su Luoheng held his head and closed his eyes, leaning on the back of the chair in a decadent voice, with a tired voice: "I know it now, you don't have to play it anymore."

Xia Ruo coldly watched him slowly approaching, and his voice was really low: "Sir, I don't know what I'm acting, why don't you say it and we will confront you!"

Su Luoheng smiled bitterly: "Xia Ruo, do you look down on me so much? Although I didn't realize that you are Si Peilan, Si Peilan is you. But after so many meetings and accidents, why do you think I am still Did not recognize you."

Xia Ruo stood next to Su Luoheng and patted his hand on his forehead, with a cold voice: "I don't have to pretend, and I don't have to act. I don't know anything about Si Peilan at all, if you have to think it is. I pretended to be Si Peilan, then show evidence. Don't use your ignorance to accuse me here!"

After speaking, she ignored Su Luoheng's surprised gaze, stopped staying any more, and turned to go out. Su Luoheng looked at her gradually walking away and didn't know what to do. He could only sit there, thinking about her words in his ears.

Proof? He slowly clenched his fist and took the phone on one side: "Hey, are you free lately? I want you to help me investigate two people!"

I don’t know what was said over there. Su Luoheng smiled: “Of course, I’m sorry to trouble you. I’ll send you the basic information in a while.”

Su Ruoheng responded casually to the person on the phone. His eyes were deep, and his fingers lightly tapped the tabletop, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although Xia Ruo's performance was not obvious when she returned to her seat, anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was not happy. When everyone saw this, they were even more worried, not knowing what had happened to make Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo unhappy.

On one side, Xichang repeatedly motioned Zhang Qi with his eyes to ask what happened.

Seeing that Xia Ruo was obviously unhappy, Zhang Qi didn't dare to touch her badly and quickly motioned to Xichang with his eyes: I don't dare, go and ask!

The two stared dryly, and even Xia Ruo felt the intense eye contact. She exhaled and adjusted her mood: "Okay, I'm fine, everyone should work."

Everyone stared at each other and wondered what had happened. Seeing that the atmosphere was even more solemn, Xia Ruo rubbed his eyebrows, and secretly scolded Su Luoheng for causing trouble, why did he come to the end by himself. Then she was dissatisfied, but she still smiled to appease everyone: "It's really okay. You Su Sir turned over the previous case and found a few unsolved cases yesterday and asked me to come over and discuss it."

When everyone heard this, they immediately laughed: "It turns out, Su Sir didn't say it clearly. It scared me to death. Why am I still thinking about it!"

Xia Ruo didn't organize any appointments

They complained, and waited for everyone to calm down before she spoke again: "Okay, now everyone is working, don't tease you Su Sir, he has no clues and is annoying!"

Everyone nodded and dispersed. Although the atmosphere in the office was still dignified, it was a lot better than before.

Zhang Qi on the side waited for everyone to disperse and quickly approached: "Sister Xia, are you okay?"

Others may not have noticed, but she has been standing next to Xia Ruo, and naturally she can see that her anger is real. So although everyone believed what Xia Ruo said, she still didn't believe it and came to ask.

Xia Ruo's heart warmed and ignored the trouble that Su Luoheng's inexplicable words just brought to herself: "It's really okay!" Seeing Zhang Qi still unbelieving and looking at herself suspiciously, Xia Ruo only felt that she was looking up and down. She looked very cute and squeezed her face: "How can Su Sir treat me? You think too much."

Zhang Qi and Xia Ruo have always had a good relationship, so they didn't dislike her pinching her face. Just thinking about the credibility of Xia Ruo's words, how could Su Luoheng think about Xia Ruo! After thinking about this, I immediately relieved my heart and walked to the side a little awkwardly, "That's good."

Seeing Zhang Qi believed her words, Xia Ruo also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Don't look at this little Nizi who is usually careless, but she really looks a little serious when she is serious.

"Oh, why are you here?" Xichang joked, tapping the person on the shoulder.

The visitor took his arm off his shoulder with a look of helplessness, and shook the portfolio in his hand to indicate that there was a business matter: "Hey, don't talk about it, there is a case transferred to your team."

Everyone frowned upon hearing that there was a case, and only three or four days had passed since the last open case, and this new case came to the door again. Xichang wailed even more and wanted to push him out: "You go, we didn't see anyone just now, we don't know anything."

Everyone was very playful and agreed with Xichang's gesture to push the police officer out. The little police officer was ashamed to see the battle there, and for a while, he stayed in place and didn't know what to do. That dazed appearance only made the people on the side laugh again and again, and even teased him excessively.

As soon as Su Luoheng walked out of his independent office, he saw the lively scene a little confused and asked, "What's the matter?"

The little police officer immediately pushed the people around him and walked to Su Luoheng like a life-saving straw: "Su Sir, our group has collected four missing cases this month. It is initially suspected that the chief of the same criminal gang asked us to take this The case is transferred to the Crime Squad."

Su Luoheng took the file handed over by the police officer and waved at him: "I see, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Seeing that the hot potato had been sent out and stayed there soon, the little police officer waved his hand and blushed and said no thanks, and then hurried away, for fear that Xichang and others would go to surround him again.

Su Luoheng gave the file to Zhang Qi: "You go to make a few copies and send them to everyone. In 30 minutes, we will have a meeting in the office and we will discuss how to solve this case."

Zhang Qi hurriedly took the file and copied it, and everyone spread out to prepare for the case.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo, who was sitting on the side, with a complicated gaze. He hesitated for a while before slowly approaching: "Sorry, it was just me who was not good. I shouldn't question you without evidence."

Xia Ruo snorted coldly and heard the meaning of his words. He meant that he still insisted that Xia Ruo pretended to be Si Peilan, and that he was embarrassed to accuse Xia Ruo without definite evidence.

Seeing that Xia Ruo didn't want to care about herself, Su Luoheng didn't say much and turned and left.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)