
Chapter 226: The undercurrent is raging


In one afternoon, Xia Ruo had a qualitative change in Bai Zhenzhen's thoughts. She used to think that Bai Zhenzhen was a forensic doctor with a flamboyant personality, but now she has to admit that Bai Zhenzhen is a very careful person, such a person is very suitable for talking.

Although she didn't say anything, she had to admit that this afternoon in the autopsy room was much easier than sitting in the office.

She turned her head to see that Bai Zhenzhen locked the anatomy room with the key. For the first time, she had real approval in her eyes, and the smile on her face was a bit real.

The two discussed the condition of the corpse along the way, and through this condition inferred the characteristics of the murderer. One sentence for you, one sentence for me, the conversation is very speculative.

They didn't even notice that Su Luoheng was mounted on the head. They knew that someone had coughed a few times on purpose before they realized that Su Luoheng and the director were walking towards each other in a group.

"Director, Sir Su." Xia Ruobai really stopped to greet the people who came oncoming.

The director smiled kindly: "Thanks for your hard work, do you have a clue about the case?"

Xia Ruo replied in a low voice: "There is no clue for the time being."

The Secretary didn't care, and slapped her with a smile: "It's okay, take your time. This kind of thing can't be anxious, we can't wrong a good person, and we can't give up any bad person."

Xia Ruo nodded and accepted his encouragement. Chao gave a step to the side to make it easy for them to pass.

"Hey, what's the matter with them?" Xia Ruo was a little strange to see Bai Zhenzhen looking at the figure of Su Luoheng and the director going away with a thoughtful expression.

Bai Zhenzhen glanced at her with a half-smile and said, "It's okay!"

Xia Ruo looked up and down suspiciously, and when he saw that he didn't want to say more, he didn't ask much, but secretly wondered if there was anything wrong with Su Luoheng and the director

The more she thought about it, the stranger she became. There was always a voice in her mind urging her to chase the first two figures. She wanted to know what Su Luoheng and the director were going to talk about

She rolled her eyes and thought about it in her heart, and she turned around very embarrassed and said to Bai Zhenzhen, "Sorry, I have to leave beforehand."

Bai Zhenzhen didn't mind that she had expected her to be like this a long time ago. He nodded and waved his hand casually like a mosquito: "If you have anything to do, go ahead."

Xia Ruo nodded and turned around to chase the two figures that were gradually moving away.

They didn't go far, just standing next to the vending machine and chatting.

The content of the chat between the two is also very boring, it is the usual gossip. As soon as Xia Ruo was about to turn around and leave, she heard the director suddenly lower her voice: "Xiao Su, do you really care about Yan Xinshe?"

Xia Ruo was taken aback, she finally knew what she wanted to know? She hurriedly moved closer to the corner to hear their conversation.

Su Luoheng didn't answer for a long time, just shook the drink bottle in his hand for a while. He stared at the transparent ** in the bottle, and after some struggles for a while, he answered with regret. But firmly: "Yes, Director, you can find someone else."

Seeing his firm expression, the director sighed and stopped persuading him. He raised his hand and pressed the elevator next to him: "Since you have made up your mind, then I won't push you."

Su Luoheng still lowered his head, staring at the cracks in the bricks beside his feet.

The secretary guessed that he was embarrassed when he saw him like this, so he patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't think too much, this is a matter of love and my wish. It just happens to be enough for the young people in the group. Experience it."

Su Luoheng raised his head with a grateful "um" on his face.

Suddenly before the director got on the elevator

Thinking of something, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his hair kindly: "I almost forgot to mention that Meng Yuan, you have seen it!"

Su Luoheng recalled Meng Yuan's gaze with approval: "I have seen it, he is a creative talent."

The director laughed loudly: "Isn't it! The bureau is going to use him to take your class."

Su Luoheng smiled and nodded.

The Secretary thought for a while with some worries on his face and said: "Although it is a manufacturable material, but still lacks some experience, if you usually do nothing, don't forget to dial more."

Su Luoheng nodded and said that he was watching the director get on the elevator, and he stood for a while before turning around to go back to the office.

Unexpectedly, he saw Xia Ruo who was standing at the corner of the wall as soon as he took a few steps. Xia Ruo didn't avoid him when he saw him, and stared at him straightforwardly.

Su Luoheng thought for a while and asked, "When did you come here?"

Xia Ruo was shocked, but she pretended to be calm on her face: "Just now. I was a little sleepy and wanted to buy a cup of coffee, but I saw that you and the director were chatting, so I didn't go over."

Su Luoheng frowned and looked at her straightforwardly. Xia Ruo tilted her head and pretended not to understand the suspicion in his eyes: "The director just asked you to take care of whom."

Seeing her natural gaze, Su Luoheng didn't seem to hear anything that shouldn't be heard, and gradually loosened his frowning brows: "It's nothing, he asked me to help the newcomers."

Xia Ruo knew he was lying, but she didn't show it either, but walked to the vending machine and bought a cup of coffee.

Seeing his natural expression, Su Luoheng slowly let go of the precautions in his heart without paying attention: "How was the result of today's autopsy?"

It's okay not to mention it, Xia Ruo couldn't help frowning when he mentioned it: "We may have rushed to the doctor recently. This suspect should be a doctor."

Su Luoheng couldn't help but frown upon hearing this: "Doctor?"

Xia Ruo took a sip of coffee and couldn't help frowning: "Well, it's a doctor. The corpse has been treated with embalming, and there are a lot of drugs in the corpse."

Su Luoheng lowered his head and touched his chin with one hand, and tilted his head to ask: "Which type of medicine is the specific treatment."

Xia Ruo rubbed her brows and said, "It would be great if I knew it. I just don't know that makes me so annoying."

Su Luoheng was surprised when he heard this: "Is it a drug that is not currently on the market?"

Xia Ruo had a headache and couldn't help rubbing her hair twice: "The medicine is the medicine in the world, but they all have nothing in common, and they are not medicines for the same disease."

Seeing her upset, Su Luoheng changed the shape of the coffee can in his hand, and quickly calmed her: "It's okay, there is no rush to solve the case."

Seeing Xia Ruo's sullen face, he couldn't help but smile, and tidyed up the hair that Xia Ruo had just tousled: "Don't worry, anyone who commits a crime will leave clues. What we have to do now is to wait patiently. He bared his feet."

Xia Ruo nodded: "That's what I said, but think about the victim is still a young girl in her 20s, she has no life. And we know that the murderer will commit another crime but can't stop him, I can't help it. Irritable."

Su Luoheng nodded and said yes, after thinking about it, and changing the subject: "We will be off work soon, shall we go home together?"

Charlotte gave him a surprised look. The two of them have not commuted to get off work together for a long time in the past two days of the Cold War. Now he asks this to show his okay

Su Luoheng didn't say anything on his face, but he had already squeezed his palms, and his heartbeat secretly became faster. Both looking forward to and afraid, expecting her to give permission

Set the answer, but was afraid that her answer was unsatisfactory.

After getting along for so long, how could Xia Ruo fail to see his careful thoughts, if it were normal, he would definitely give an affirmative answer, and then make a joke on him. It’s just that there are still things today, so I had to hide the regret in my heart and apologize. "I met Zheng Xiao yesterday. I don’t think it’s safe for her to live in that place alone, so I persuaded her to move to my previous place. It’s in the house. I want to go back today and put away my things so that she can live in."

Su Luoheng took a look at her with some differences, but felt a little ashamed. She was kind-hearted and considerate of others, so she had nothing to do with Yanxin News Agency.

Is it really that I am thinking wrong? Su Luoheng questioned his original plan in his heart. Looking at Xia Ruo with a gentle gaze, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Xia Ruo tilted her head for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid she will be nervous if you go there."

Su Luoheng thought about it, and nodded and told Xia Ruo: "Well, if it's too late, you can call me to pick you up, or stay there for one night."

Xia Ruo smiled and agreed to his proposal. The relationship between the two gradually eased a lot in just a few short chats.

Yan Xinshe.

Si Peilan looked at the stubborn boy in front of him with a cold face: "What did you just say?"

The young man stared at him with a face full of dissatisfaction: "You are just a mistress, so why do you dominate the society?"

Si Peilan sneered: "Mistress? Who told you!"

The boy was full of contempt, his eyes disdainful: "Hehe, who else is it to say? Ask any brother in the club who doesn't know this."

"Really?" Si Peilan folded her hands on her chest, fed the boy a few times, and cast her eyes lightly to the people who were watching the excitement.

Everyone avoided her gaze again and again, or bowed their heads or looked away, in short they did not dare to look at her.

Si Peilan looked at the helpless teenager with a smile: "Oh? Where is the person you are talking about? Why didn't I see it."

The young man stared at the person next to him with a hatred of iron and steel, and then looked at Si Peilan with disdain, as if Si Peilan was not a person, but a rotten food.

Si Peilan didn't care about his disgusting eyes, she just looked at the person who avoided her gaze for herself: "Who else thinks that way?"

The person who heard this in a cold and tough tone couldn't help but stepped back and avoided her gaze.

The smile on Si Peilan's face is even more ironic: "This is the man from Yanxin News Agency? I dare to speak ill of others, but dare not admit that even me, a woman, is not as good as me. ."

The teenager on one side couldn't help blushing when he heard this: "Brothers, so many of us are still afraid of what he is doing as a woman! No matter how much Peng Yuhang messes around with a mistress, he will not make life difficult with so many of us! "

The people on the side couldn't help whispering when hearing what he said. I looked at Si Peilan from time to time, and seemed to be discussing whether Peng Yuhang would have a grudge against her brothers in the gang.

Si Peilan smiled and stood there for a while and didn't dodge and let them discuss.

Gradually, some people came forward, and they stood by the young man at the beginning: "We don't care about Peng's face with you, don't think we are afraid of you!"

Si Peilan only smiled and did not refute, her delicate red lips curled in a charming curve, which was indescribably dangerous.

It's a pity that they didn't see it, but just blindly thought Si Peilan was afraid of them.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)