
Chapter 23: Make trouble


As if Peng Yuhang was right this time, Si Peilan turned her head around again, and she stared at Peng Yuhang with wintry eyes, making Peng Yuhang a little uncomfortable.

"Since you know my Sixin's daughter, don't always treat me as a child!"

Peng Yuhang was dumb and defended: "How can I treat you as a child?"

Si Peilan's eyes flashed with cold light, and even Peng Yuhang had to retreat.

"The matter of taking over the Yanxing Society is not in a hurry, I don't need you to do anything for me," Si Peilan said coldly at Peng Yuhang:

"I only ask you one thing, that is, don't tell me who I am again, can it be done?"

Peng Yuhang only felt that his back was whizzing cold, as if he was being spotted by a poisonous snake. This feeling would only appear when he faced Si Xin.

"I understand." Peng Yuhang nodded, indicating that he understood.

Si Peilan took a sip of the bitter coffee in front of him again, got up and left, looking at the back of Si Peilan who was leaving, she couldn't help but raise her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead.

Xia Ruo sat at the desk again, and she still felt weak, as if she hadn't slept all night last night.

"Jingle Bell… "

When Xia Ruo was still in a daze, the phone on the desk rang.

"Hello, Crime Squad." Although Xia Ruo was not in the state, she still took a breath, adjusted her state as much as possible, and answered the call.

However, the sound of the telephone terminal shocked her, and her brows were locked tightly.

"Yeah, I understand. We will be there as soon as possible. Please maintain order on the scene."

Then Xia Ruo hung up the phone, her face was overcast, and she looked at the sky outside the window. Today's weather is gloomy, just like her mood.

"Everyone, there is an emergency, there is another life case, on XX Street!"

Xia Ruo slapped her hands and said weakly.

"Why is there something again? How many cases have it happened this month?"

"Exhausted people do not pay for their lives!" The police officers began to complain, but complained, they still packed everything neatly, and then set off to the scene of the crime.

Before arriving at the scene of the crime, Xia Ruo felt something was wrong.

I don't know when the sky has started to rain, but there are many people in black standing in this light rain. They are standing there motionless, as if they were silently mourning for someone.

Xia Ruo frowned. She remembered that this situation had happened once when Long Tou Jiu died.

Dragon Head Nine is an important veteran of Yanxing Society. Could the deceased this time also have something to do with Yanxing Society

If it is really like that, watching the battle, the dead should have a high status!

The police officers drove quickly to the scene of the crime, which has been quarantined.

Xia Ruo brought a type of serious crime team member to the scene of the crime and began investigating the scene.

The deceased was an old man named Shen Sankai. He was sixty-nine years old. He was killed during morning exercises. The murder weapon was a dagger. No fingerprints were left on it. It seems that the murderer came prepared, and he had already done something. All expected.

Xia Ruo searched for the body of the deceased, but found that there was nothing left, and all the belongings disappeared.

"The deceased died of excessive blood loss, and all his belongings were gone. It should have been accidentally killed when he was robbed of money."

The conclusion was like this, but Xia Ruo didn't think so.

She is Si Xin’s daughter. She had known Shen Sankai before. At the beginning, Shen Sankai and her father Si Xin had frequent contacts. Although she is now retired, she is still the veteran of Yanxing Society.

Retired veteran of Yanxing Society

There will always be a piece of paper. This piece of paper is to prove the identity of the patriarch. It is not valuable at all, let alone anyone cares.

But when Xia Ruo was looking for the corpse just now, she didn't find the piece of paper—the paper and money that proved Shen Sankai's identity disappeared, which is not normal!

That piece of paper is not valuable. If it is just a robbing of money, why should it be taken along with a piece of useless paper

The result was self-evident, and Xia Ruo couldn't bear to continue thinking about it.

"SIR, why are you here?"

While Xia Ruo was constantly meditating, there was a sudden burst of sex behind her. She turned her head to look, but she couldn't help but be slightly startled.

But I saw Su Luoheng appearing here, although his face was pale, he seemed to be fine.

"Nothing happened yesterday? Was there any injury?" Xia Ruo just wanted to say something, but Su Luoheng took the lead.

Xia Ruo was stunned. She didn't expect Su Luoheng to ask herself if she had anything to do. It was obviously that he was injured, right

Xia Ruo was suddenly touched deep in her heart, almost unable to control her emotions at this moment, she turned her head to look at Shen Sankai's corpse.

"I'm fine, is your injury okay?" Xia Ruo continued to pretend to be indifferent and asked.

Su Luoheng grinned: "It's okay. Fortunately, I usually develop the habit of wearing bulletproof vests. This saved my life, otherwise I will go to see the King of Yama."

Listening to Su Luoheng's lightly describing his injury, Xia Ruo couldn't help but feel sore in her nose, almost crying.

In order to prevent Su Luoheng from discovering his mood swings, Xia Ruo quickly changed the subject and pointed to the corpse and said: "The deceased was named Shen Sankai, sixty-nine years old. He was killed during morning exercises and all his belongings disappeared. So it was initially judged to be robbed of wealth and murdered."

Xia Ruo didn't tell her real guess, she couldn't reveal her identity yet.

But Su Luoheng frowned when he saw the deceased Shen Sankai. Xia Ruo, who was next to him, had been observing the changes in his expression, and now naturally found the clues.

"Did you find a piece of paper during the search?" Su Luoheng asked, turning his head to look at Xia Ruo, while gesturing with his hands.

Xia Ruo put on an ignorant expression, shook her head, and then asked suspiciously: "What paper?"

Su Luoheng looked at Shen Sankai lying in a pool of blood, sighed, and said, "I met this person when I was undercover in Yanxing Society. He is a veteran of Yanxing Society, but he is now retired. That's right.

As for the piece of paper I mentioned, it is not valuable. It is just the identity certificate provided by Yanxing Society to each elder, which is equivalent to our citizen ID card, just to prevent our own people from harming their own people. "

Speaking of this, Su Luoheng paused, then turned to look at Xia Ruo's eyes, and asked, "Do you think this is just a school case triggered by a simple robbery?"

Xia Ruo frowned. She had expected Su Luoheng to think of this a long time ago, but what did Su Luoheng mean by asking her own opinion? Could it be that you have discovered your identity

No, it's impossible! Xia Ruo immediately entered and overturned the thought in her heart, because for so long, she had been trying her best to play her identity as the policeman, and she did not reveal any clues, and Su Luoheng could not detect her identity.

The only possibility is that I want to discuss the details of the case with myself!

In just a moment, Xia Ruo kept deducing in her mind, and then came up with the most accurate answer.

She looked directly into Su Luoheng’s eyes, nodded faintly, and continued with Su Luoheng’s words: “Indeed, if that piece of paper is not worth money, then this case is worth it.

It has to be scrutinized. "

Su Luoheng smiled slightly, and then went to direct the members of the crime team to deal with the scene, look for clues as much as possible, and transport the body to the forensic doctor for identification.

In fact, there is nothing worthy of identification. It can be seen with the naked eye that the fatal injury of Shen Sankai was caused by the dagger on his chest.

But Su Luoheng was still a little unwilling. He wanted to dig out a little clue from the corpse, even if it was a little clue, then this case would have a breakthrough.

There was a murder case this early in the morning, and the policemen were not in the mood to eat breakfast.

After returning to the police station, Xia Ruo saw a strange face.

This person was probably in his twenties, and he was handsome, but Xia Ruo felt a sense of familiarity.

It was not that Xia Ruo knew this person, and it was not the face of this person that Xia Ruo felt familiar with, but the look in his eyes.

Xia Ruo frowned and kept looking at the man.

The look he looked at Xia Ruo was strange, and it was this strangeness that made Xia Ruo familiar.

She remembered this look-when she was a child, she used to visit guests at home, and every time a visitor saw herself in this look-with confusion in awe and disdain in respect.

Xia Ruo has been looking at this new face, and that person has been looking at Xia Ruo, and has been looking at Xia Ruo with that strange look.

"Oh, by the way, I'll introduce you!" Seeing Xia Ruo's expression, Su Luoheng raised his hand and patted his forehead, stepped to the side of the sentimental person, and said: "This is Bai Zhenzhen, our police station The fresh blood in it is a turtle who returned from studying in the United States and came to serve as a forensic doctor."

"Forensic doctor?" Xia Ruo raised her brows: "Isn't there already one?"

Su Luoheng explained with a smile, “Maybe it’s the fact that there are many cases in our side, and I’m afraid that the forensic doctor can’t be too busy alone, so I sent another one. This is a good thing! Everyone is a new colleague in the evening. Take the wind!"

The police officers around shouted in unison, but Xia Ruo's eyes still stayed on that person, his face full of vigilance.

Intuition tells her that this man is not easy.

"Hello, my name is Bai Zhenzhen." Seeing that Xia Ruo had been looking at him, the man walked to Xia Ruo's face with a smile, and stretched out his hand kindly.

Out of politeness, Xia Ruo only shook his hand gently, but just such a simple meeting made Xia Ruo more certain of her inner thoughts.

This man is not easy!

Afterwards, everyone went to work and began investigating Shen Sankai's case, hoping to find any clues.

But at noon, there was a loud noise from the always quiet door, and Xia Ruo faintly heard the name "Shen Sankai".

Um? what's the situation

Xia Ruo got up and went out to take a look, only to see a middle-aged woman and two young punk-like young men rushing into it, yelling in her mouth: "I want to see your head!"

Shen Sankai's family? Xia Ruo understood the identities of these people at once.

"Sister Xia Ruo, these people are arguing and wanting to blame Shen Sankai's death on our police, saying that we are not fulfilling our responsibility and want us to pay compensation. What can we do?"

A police officer was full of anxiety and complained to Xia Ruo, wanting to ask for advice.

Xia Ruo motioned her to call Su Luoheng, and walked towards Shen Sankai's family by herself.

"It's your police's irresponsibility, which caused my old man to be killed. You have to lose money!"

Xia Ruo stepped forward, and all the police officers smiled bitterly when they saw it and called out to Sister Xia Ruo.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)