
Chapter 231: wack


The school that Shen Qing and Chengzi attend is a one-book college. The school has a rich cultural atmosphere and beautiful scenery. The breath of youth and aliveness rushed to his face, who would have thought that there was a murderer hidden in this seemingly peaceful campus!

Shen Qing led them all the way, and didn't stop until they reached the laboratory: "That guy is a lunatic, so he can do experiments here whenever he has time."

Xia Ruo nodded: "Then let's go in and take a look."

Not surprisingly, Shen Qing turned around and led them towards the laboratory. A lot of people can be seen along the way. Both men and women wore white lab coats and masks, and they walked in a hurry.

Seeing them puzzled, Shen Qing quickly explained: "The laboratories on these floors belong to the Department of Medicine. People generally like to wear white coats."

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng nodded to express understanding.

"The police officer is here!" Shen Qing stood in front of a door, turned his head to face, and gestured.

Xia Ruo looked up and knocked on the door a few times with his fingers bent.

"Come in." A tired voice came from the door.

"What's the matter with Qingqing?" The boy who was initially bowing his head to do the experiment asked in a low voice from an acquaintance who looked up at him at a loss when seeing such a large group of people coming in.

"They are the police. They found the body of Orange in the suburbs this morning. So they came to do some special questioning." Shen Qing approached him and explained in a low voice.

"The corpse!" The test tube in the boy's hand fell to the sound, smashed to the ground with a crisp sound.

Xia Ruo squinted his eyes and looked at the boy carefully, and saw that the surprised and pained expression on his face did not seem to be fake.

"Hello, we are the police, can I ask you some questions?" Xia Ruo politely asked the seemingly busy boy in front of him.

The boy looked at Xia Ruo for a while, then looked down at the medicine in his hand. He gritted his teeth and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, can you wait for me a few minutes?"

Xia Ruo didn't expect him to answer this way. For a while, he didn't know how to react, and he froze in place.

The boy rubbed his hair a little embarrassedly and explained: "Really only a few minutes is enough. I just need to feed these medicines to the mice. While talking, he pointed to the medicine in the next beaker."

Seeing that he insisted, Xia Ruo found a seat around his experimental platform: "It's okay, you are busy."

The boy nodded, immediately found a clean dropper, took some medicine from the test tube on the side and fed it to the little mouse on the side.

Xia Ruo looked at him intriguingly as he poured medicine on the little mouse and asked curiously: "What medicine did you give him?"

The boy kept moving and answered her without raising his head: "If this is the anti-cancer drug that my teacher and I have recently developed."

Xia Ruo looked surprised: "Is it a medicine for cancer?"

The boy nodded and immediately explained: "Currently still

Clinical trial stage. I don't know if it works. "

He seems to be very worried about Xia Ruo's opening to comfort him: "You don't need to worry about cancer. After all, how can it be solved all at once that has plagued humans for so many years."

Seeing that Xia Ruo actually comforted him, the boy let go of his mind not so nervous.

About five minutes later, the boy fed all the medicines to the mice, and cleaned the experimental supplies skillfully and neatly.

"Police officer, you can start asking now."

When Xia Ruo heard this, she hurriedly sat up straight! Take out your own notebook from the bag: "Ok, just some common questions, you don't need to be too nervous."

Although Xia Ruo said so, the boy straightened his body. He clasped his hands tightly and looked at her nervously.

Seeing that he still didn't relax, Xia Ruo asked some simple questions first: "What's your name?"

As expected, the boy's stiff body softened a little, and he immediately replied, "My name is Xu Yang."

Xia Ruo then asked: "What is the relationship between oranges and you."

Upon hearing this, the boy flushed. He twisted the corners of his clothes at a loss, lowered his head and looked at the cracks between the bricks: "Orange is my girlfriend."

Xia Ruo seemed unsurprisingly and then asked: "Orange was confirmed missing about a month ago. Did you feel anything wrong before he disappeared?"

The boy thought for a while and touched his head in frustration: "Sorry, I am not very careful. But I feel that there is nothing wrong with him."

Xia Ruo didn't care but just nodded.

In this way, she herself did not feel dangerous before the disappearance of Orange.

Then there are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that acquaintances commit crimes. Because she was an acquaintance, Orange had never fortified her, so she didn't feel any abnormality before she disappeared.

The second possibility is that the murderer commits the crime randomly. Because it was a random crime, the orange was just unlucky, and it happened to be touched by the murderer. So she didn't do anything special before she disappeared.

According to the current case analysis, the possibility of the murderer committing crimes randomly is relatively high. But it does not rule out the possibility of acquaintances committing crimes.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and changed the question: "Where were you on the 15th of last month, the day the orange disappeared?"

Xu Yang rummaged through the mobile phone memo: "I was doing experiments in the laboratory that day while waiting for oranges to come to me."

Xia Ruo hurriedly asked: "What did she come to do with you?"

Xu Yang blushed and explained in a low voice: "Orange said that her mother wanted to see me, so that day we were going to go to her house together."

Xia Ruo had heard such things in her memory, but couldn't remember it for a while, and she looked a few pages ahead of the notebook in her hand. The mother of the deceased said death

The author was planning to take her boyfriend home. This alone can guess that Xu Yang did not lie.

"Then you can date successfully?" Xia Ruo stared at him tightly, not letting go of the good expression on his face for fear that he would lie.

Xu Yang's face was not so red, and he was puzzled: "I waited for her in the laboratory all day without me, but she didn't come to find me."

Xia Ruo nodded and asked again: "Did you not go to her?"

Xu Yang shook his head: "Of course I have looked for her, but she has never appeared since that day."

Xia Ruo nodded: "She disappeared on the day you agreed."

Xu Liang suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "You mean Orange, she might be missing because of me."

Xia Ruo nodded faintly: "It's possible."

Xu Yang leaned back in his chair: "How could this be?"

Xia Ruo didn't comfort him but asked him in a low voice, "Do you have anything else to say about oranges?"

Xu Yang seems to have not recovered from the last question. Just shook his head blankly and looked at the floor blankly.

The door of the laboratory was suddenly opened. An elegant middle-aged man walked in.

He looked at the people in the hall and frowned very displeased: "Xu Yang, how many times have I told you, don't bring the messy people to the laboratory."

Xu Yang looked anxious, wanted to speak out but didn't know what to say, so he could only stand on the side with aggrieved expression.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and helped him defend a few words: "Sorry, we are the police who came to ask Xu Yang something."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man under his glasses, and he asked Xu Yang angrily: "What's the matter? Did your kid commit anything?"

Xu Yang shook his head and looked aggrieved: "I don't have a master, they are here to ask about oranges."

The teacher in need pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose and asked with confusion: "Orange! What happened to her!"

Xu Yang frowned and made no secret of the grief on his face: "Teacher, they just said that they found the body of an orange in the suburbs."

Xu Yang's teacher widened his eyes and yelled, "How is this possible!"

Su Luoheng's eyes flickered, staring at this person who seemed surprised.

The teacher suddenly realized his gaffe, and quickly said embarrassed: "Orange hasn't come to you these days. I thought it was just you quarreling. Who would have thought..."

Xu Yang frowned and said, "Me too, who would have thought of it!"

Seeing everyone standing around him, the teacher asked with a puzzled look: "What's wrong with you?"

Xu Yang hurriedly answered his question: "They just asked and are ready to leave."

Xu Yang’s master stood in place and waved to Xu Yang and said, “In this case, you can send them off.”

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)