
Chapter 237: break


Su Luoheng's heart trembled when she heard this, yes, Xia Ruo is Si Xin's daughter, and sooner or later she will return to Yanxin News Agency. And it is his duty to be a policeman to fight against the dark forces, and it is his ideal not to let any gang develop. They are no longer on the same road!

Now it seems that breaking up is the best choice.

Su Luoheng let go of his fingers one by one following her strength, without speaking, the two looked at each other straightforwardly.

For a long time, Su Luoheng gave in, and he leaned to the beginning, avoiding Xia Ruo's gaze. He opened his mouth to talk, but then he thought of shutting up angrily.

Su Luoheng got up and moved towards the gate in small steps, but Xia Ruo behind him did not stop him, allowing him to leave.

After a slight opening of the door, Xia Ruo sank to the ground, nothing cold and glamorous. She hugged herself tightly on the sofa and sobbed softly, like a child who has lost her beloved toy.

Xia Ruo knew that they really stopped here!

Outside the door, Su Luoheng sat leaning on the door, raising his head and covering his face to prevent others from seeing his expression. It's just that the heat flowing from the fingers can't be hidden.

He stayed with her all night in this way, and bid her farewell in this way.

They all know that they can't be together again!

Xia Ruo smiled bitterly and looked at the girl with red and swollen eyes in the mirror. It was so swollen that there must be no way to go to work. Xia Ruo thought about it and wanted to call Zhang Qi to ask her for leave.

Zhang Qi's thief voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, you and Su Sir have asked for leave to talk about what happened yesterday that we didn't know!"

Xia Ruo felt a little in his heart, and was a little confused as to why Su Luoheng asked for leave.

She shook her head and shook off the complicated thinking in her mind, then smiled reluctantly and replied to Zhang Qi with a few words: "Which so much nonsense, just ask for leave for me!"

Zhang Qi over there quickly nodded in agreement, and eagerly told her to take care of herself and not let her temper.

Listening to what she meant, Xia Ruo hung up the phone speechlessly.

I spent the night on the sofa and felt very uncomfortable. Xia Ruo shook her hand and added a few drops of essential oil to the bathtub, soaking comfortably in the water to relieve fatigue. Of course she did not forget to wear a bag of ice cubes to reduce the swelling.

Shui Bo Yang drove away the exhaustion of the body, and soon Xia Ruo became drowsy. She resisted her sleep and came out of the bathtub, comfortably nestled in her own big breast.

This time I slept soundly, and it was almost six o'clock after Xia Ruo woke up. Now it is the time when all kinds of nightlife are gradually starting, Xia Ruo thought about changing into a black tight skirt, and carefully painted herself a makeup in front of the mirror.

After painting the flaming red lips, Xia Ruo smiled with satisfaction at herself in the mirror, and the person in the mirror curled her lips with her movements, laughing ironically.

At this moment, she is Si Peilan, not Xia Ruo.

Yan Xinshe.

"Do you think this is true? Did Brother Peng really kill Lord Shen?"

"Who knows, but there is no wind and no waves, Shen Ye's death has nothing to do with Peng Ge."

"That's it, I think so too."

Seeing these two hot chats, the others were unwilling to be lonely and quickly moved in: "If this is true, then Brother Peng would violate the rules of the gang! Don't talk about being the boss, this Yanxinshe station does not have him standing. place!"

The others also nodded in agreement.

Si Peilan coughed slightly, "Why are you

What are you doing? What are you doing here one by one. "

The people who got together quickly separated and looked at Si Peilan anxiously.

Si Peilan was not in the mood to spend too much time with them, and quickly left the crowd of gossips.

"Peng Yuhang, what are you hiding from me." Si Peilan stared at Peng Yuhang straightforwardly. Although it was an interrogative sentence, her tone was definitely firm, and people couldn't dodge even if they wanted to.

Peng Yuhang waved his hand to make the person on the side step back and sighed and asked, "Why did you come here suddenly? You didn't call me in advance."

Si Peilan put her hands around her chest and looked indifferent: "If I told you in advance, how would I know these things you are hiding from me."

Peng Yuhang sighed, "You know, I'm not going to hide it from you! But haven't you had a lot of things in the police station recently? I'm afraid you will expose yourself if you always come here."

Si Peilan smiled casually: "I won't use it anymore, I've exposed it now."

Peng Yuhang opened his mouth wide: "How is it possible, he knows you..."

Si Peilan fiddled with her nails and looked indifferent: "That's not true, he just knows that Xia Ruo and Si Peilan are the same person!"

After breathing a sigh of relief, Peng Yuhang thought of something and straightened up and asked: "Since you already know your identity, you are not safe to stay there, or you should just withdraw!"

"Okay..." Si Peilan suddenly covered her head tightly before finishing her words, repeating the two words in her mind over and over again. Of course Si Peilan knew why.

Haven't you forgotten it yet? She laughed sarcastically and endured what she was about to say to Peng Yuhang and said: "There is nothing to do for the time being. It's better to stay in the police station for a while. It's you, what's going on in this agency?"

Seeing that she had already decided, Peng Yuhang didn't say anything any more, and only answered her question: "You have also heard about it. In the past two days, I don't know why it was always rumored that I killed Shen Sankai."

Si Peilan bit her finger and asked, "Have you checked it?"

Speaking of this, Peng Yuhang's face is even more ugly: "I checked it, but I didn't find it, just like everyone suddenly thought of it overnight."

Si Peilan bit her finger: "This matter is difficult to handle."

This matter is indeed difficult to handle. Failure to find the source means that the final murderer cannot be determined.

And this is different from the last time that Si Peilan was Peng Yuhang's mistress. What happened last time is strictly regarded as their private affair, not to mention what happened last time will not affect the development of the gang regardless of whether the rumors are correct or not, so they can suppress it with violence.

But once it is confirmed that Peng Yuhang did this, he should be expelled from Yanxinshe according to the rules of the gang, let alone in charge of Yanxinshe.

Moreover, the affairs of Qi Ye recently caused panic among the people in Yan Xinshe. At present, there is no way to solve this kind of rumors except for small-scale suppression!

Seeing her serious expression, Peng Yuhang slightly curled the corners of her lips and squeezed out a smile: "Don't worry, it's just a rumor, and it will disappear by yourself in two days."

Si Peilan would not know that he was comforting herself. This rumor is inexplicable. It must be someone behind the scenes. How could it disappear in two days!

But there is really no solution at the moment, so I have to follow his wishes and nod his head to make him feel at ease.

Si Peilan thought for a while and analyzed: "This matter is absolutely inseparable from Qi Ye. He came to us to provoke and declare war and stay behind.

Words are flying all over the sky, how could there be such a coincidence in the world. "

Peng Yuhang nodded: "I know this matter has something to do with him. But he has stayed at home obediently recently and has never been to Yanxin News Agency. The people in the gang are praising him for being loyal and not admiring fame and wealth."

Si Peilan understood the reason why rumors could not be suppressed violently.

Different from everyone's evaluation of Qi Ye, the rumors in Yan Xinshe portrayed Peng Yuhang as a cruel and shameless person. If Peng Yuhang did anything at this time, it would not only be of no use, but would make the rumors even worse. At that time, I am afraid that the gossip in the gang will make Peng Yuhang even more sad, and a carelessness will even cause the brothers in the gang to rise up.

Si Peilan frowned, and she rarely comforted him with a gentle voice: "Don't worry, take one step and count, things are far from that bad."

Peng Yuhang knew that she was comforting herself and didn't expose it, so she shook her hand and changed the subject: "How was the last batch of goods?"

Si Peilan shook the wine glass in her hand, and the light yellow ** was particularly radiant under the reflection of the light and ice cubes, which aroused people's heart: "It's okay, the last time the fakes exploded, and the police's heart was relieved. Yes. The real goods will arrive at 2 o'clock in the morning tomorrow, you remember to send someone to check it out."

Peng Yuhang nodded and suddenly thought of something and asked: "Last time Xiao Cheng, they said that a policeman came over suddenly that caused the transaction to fail. Do you think this policeman will come this time?"

Si Peilan shook the glass of wine, and he couldn't help but think of the way he was unconscious yesterday, and said firmly: "No."

After speaking, she realized what she had said and looked at Peng Yuhang nervously.

Fortunately, Peng Yuhang only made such a conclusion when she was comforting herself and did not hold her accountable.

Peng Yuhang glanced at the wall clock on the wall and stood up and said to her: "It's not early now. You have to go to the police station tomorrow. I will send you back."

Si Peilan looked at the wall clock and it was ten o'clock. She smiled and finished her last sip of wine. Put the cup on the table, and the ice cubes that have not been melted rolled around along the wall of the cup, reflecting the brilliant light.

Although no one dared to say anything in front of them along the way, people kept pointing, and talking quietly.

After thinking about it, Si Peilan stopped and said to the group of people: "Don't just do what others say. Use your own brains to think about it. At present, Peng Yuhang is in charge of Yanxin News Agency. No matter what happens, Yan Xinshe is in charge. There is no doubt that Xinshe is him at present. Then how can you say that he could kill Shen Sankai for not supporting him."

Seeing that everyone around him was lost in thought, Si Peilan added another fire: "What's more, do you think that Shen Sankai publicly opposed Peng Ge? It is not certain whose hands he died."

Everyone thought about what she said and had to admit that there was some truth in what she said. Shen Sankai had never expressed opposition to Peng Yuhang. It could even be said that he had a very good impression of Peng Yuhang.

On the way home, the two of them were silent for a while. They all knew that since the Seventh Master was ready, they would not give up easily. The big move was still to come!

It wasn't until Si Peilan unfastened his seat belt to get out of the car that Peng Yuhang suddenly exhorted: "You are different from Xia Ruo. You always have an idea. Since you think you continue to stay in the police station, I can't force it, just You must remember to put your own safety first!"

Si Peilan only felt warm, and nodded without saying much.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)