
Chapter 238: Accident


Once again, I calculated the time and entered the police station. Xia Ruo hummed a song and made no secret of her good mood, but before she could speak, she was calmed by the heavy atmosphere in front of her. Xia Ruo swallowed and patted. Snapped Zhang Qi: "What's the matter, this is."

Zhang Qi glanced around and saw that there was no problem before he came to Xia Ruo's ear and whispered: "Someone is missing again! The above is very unhappy, and I just came over and scolded Su Sir!"

Xia Ruo looked unbelievable: "How could it be possible. Let's not talk about anything else, how could the people above come to the office so early to deal with things."

Speaking of Qi’s expression, she got even more nervous. She leaned closer and said: “Too many people have disappeared recently, and the two disappearances have been mixed together. The media don’t know how to know, but today they came to the police station to find out. Woolen cloth!"

Xia Ruo nodded, which was more in line with common sense. Every case has a fixed process, and everyone knows the process and the time it takes to investigate. Therefore, it is rare to urge to close the case or even lose your temper.

Zhang Qi said angrily again: "Hey, poor Su Sir, was just scolded in public, and now there are only a few minutes to hold an investigation meeting, come and discuss the case with us."

Xia Ruo saw that the emotion in her eyes was too strong, and she was a little puzzled: "It's not the first time he has been scolded, why are you so angry?"

Zhang Qi was even more angry when he heard the words: "Sister Xia, don't you know that Su Sir is in a particularly bad state today! His face was originally very white, and after being scolded, he was scared and scared without a trace of blood."

Charlotte glanced at Zhang Qi suspiciously. To say that Su Luoheng was scared and pale, she certainly didn't believe it, but the seriousness on Zhang Qi's face didn't look like a lie.

Then there is only one possibility: Su Luoheng was originally in a bad mood and was unwell.

Xia Ruo tried to suppress the worries in her heart and asked Zhang Qi: "Who is the missing person?"

Zhang Qi's face was stiff and hesitated for a while before he said to Xia Ruo: "It's Zheng Xiao, the girl who moved to your house last time!"

Xia Ruo opened her mouth wide and looked at Xia Ruo incredulously: "What's the matter?"

Zhang Qi sighed and explained: "Yesterday afternoon, Zheng Xiao's good friend came to report the case, saying that Zheng Xiao hadn't been to school since four days ago, and she didn't pay attention at first, but when she found out, she hurried to find her. , It was discovered that Zheng Xiao was missing."

"Four days ago?" Xia Ruo tasted these words playfully.

Zheng Xiao disappeared four days ago, the day after Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng quarreled.

"Is there a clue right now?" Xia Ruo asked Zhang Qi's hand tightly.

The girl in the memory is always filled with a cheerful smile despite the rough circumstances, and is always full of expectations for life and the future. Whenever I look at her smile, I can't help but feel that no matter how difficult the predicament is, I will get through. Such a good person encounters such a thing, which makes people feel embarrassed.

Zhang Qi sighed and said, "How come there are clues! Her mother is dead and her father is still in jail. She doesn't go out much after she moved in. She is completely isolated from the world and no one has clues."

Xia Ruo bit her lips tightly and kept meditating in her heart. It was okay, it was okay, there would be clues to calm her mood.

Seeing that her face was not good, Zhang Qi stopped saying anything, patted her on the shoulder and comforted a few words, leaving her to be quiet and quiet.

As soon as Su Luoheng entered the office, he subconsciously swept towards Xia Ruo's seat. Xia Ruo leaned back on the chair, biting her fingers and carefully looking at the case on the table.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo's side face

Complicated thinking: Zheng Xiao did not disappear early or later, but disappeared on the third day after Xia Ruo invited her to move to her own home.

And before Zheng Xiao disappeared, he and Xia Ruo also had a dispute, although the main reason was not Zheng Xiao, she can be regarded as an introduction.

Most importantly, Yan Xinshe behind Xia Ruo. As long as they are willing, they can completely help Xia Ruo eliminate all the evidence.

Thinking of these Su Luoheng's face is even more ugly. He turned his head and looked away from Xia Ruo, walked to the center of the office, clapped his hands, and motioned everyone to look at him.

"Well, I think everyone has already understood this disappearance case. Also understand the importance of investigating and solving this disappearance case. Now, let Xichang follow the rules and tell me your opinion."

Xichang, who was named, opened his eyes wide and glanced between Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, and resigned himself to his fate and said his thoughts.

Xichang clicked on the photo on the blackboard: "Six girls have been missing so far. According to the investigation, there are three girls who belong to the previous case, two have been confirmed dead, and one has been found. At present, three girls are still missing. Preliminary analysis shows that these three have nothing to do with the previous case and should be resolved independently!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, and at the same time motioned for him to continue his analysis.

Xichang was greatly encouraged and relieved his nervousness for a while and concluded again: "The common feature of these three missing persons is that they are all young women who live alone.

We all know that females living alone have lower combat effectiveness, so we know that the murderer should be a more cautious person. And so far, no one can provide clues. This shows that the murderer should have been investigated in advance, and the danger can be avoided. He should be an experienced veteran, so we can check if there are any kidnappers who have recently been released from prison! "

Xichang finished his speculation in one breath, bowed his head nervously and waited for everyone's response. Without a response for a long time, he looked up nervously at everyone, but saw Su Luoheng looking at him with admiration: "Xichang has matured a lot!"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with his words, and looked at the appearance of sharing honor and disgrace.

Xichang rubbed his head embarrassedly and sat down, but the joyful light in his eyes couldn't hide it.

"The case Xichang just described is very specific, and at the same time he also provided us with a possibility. The rest is up to us to implement! I believe everyone will remember the content of the analysis at the last meeting, so let's split up now! "

After hearing the words, everyone dispersed, discussing what to do.

"Sister Xia, I'll be with you. What shall we do in a while?" Zhang Qi asked Xia Ruo about the itinerary while talking to the pen cover.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "We, let's go to my house and have a look."

"Your home? Why?" Zhang Qi looked puzzled.

Xia Ruo patiently explained: "How can a person disappear for no reason? Everything will be traced. Let's go and see if there is anything wrong in the house."

Zhang Qi nodded and put away his notebook and followed Xia Ruo: "Okay, then let's go!"

Xia Ruo just nodded and heard a familiar voice in her ear: "Xia Ruo, don't care about this case!"

The clear and hoarse voice and the subtle tongue at the end of the voice when calling her name are exactly the same, but there is no longer the trust of the past in the words.

Xia Ruo opened her eyes and stared at Su Luoheng: "Why?"

Su Luoheng did not hide and let her watch. Su Luoheng sighed back when he heard Xia Ruo's stubborn questioning.

The answer was: "Xia Ruo, you need to avoid suspicion in this case, so you stay in the group to be responsible for summarizing the relevant information of the previous case, and the case should be closed as soon as possible."

Xia Ruo smiled mockingly at him: "Haha, it sounds good to avoid suspicion. After all, you don't believe me! Then I will tell you this case and I have checked it!"

After saying this, Xia Ruo didn't care what reaction he agreed with or not, pulling Zhang Qi aside and turning around.

Su Luoheng smiled bitterly and watched her angrily leave without refuting it. He knew what she said was true! I really don't believe her anymore!

Regardless, the fact that people disappeared in her home was destined to be suspicious.

Xia Ruo had a dark face all the way, Zhang Qi was fidgeting and trying to comfort her but didn't know what to say. He hesitated for a long time before carefully persuading Xia Ruo: "Sister Xia, don't think that Su Sir meant that. After all, this happened in your house, and it is natural to avoid suspicion."

Xia Ruo didn't want her to be worried and forced the corners of her lips to smile at her.

She should also avoid suspicion about avoiding suspicion in the last movie theater, but Su Luoheng didn't say a word to let her investigate the case, but now she uses avoiding suspicion as an excuse to stop her from acting.

What Xia Ruo cared about was never to avoid suspicion, but Su Luoheng's distrust of hiding behind the suspicion, but she didn't notice it herself.

The room was very clean, and it didn't look like someone forcibly broke in. There was a rancid smell not far away.

Xia Ruo approached the kitchen step by step, searching for the smell.

There were two big bags on the kitchen floor, and Xia Ruo recognized that this was the dish she brought over last time. Open the refrigerator, and as expected, you can see the milk and drinks she bought last time.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and wanted to open the door of the study. Although Zheng Xiao accepted her kindness, he refused to live in her room and insisted on sleeping in the study room. Fortunately, there was a small bed in the study room from the beginning to make it easy for people to live in.

The student in the study was really messy with the bed sheets and Zheng Xiao's clothes that Xia Ruo had brought over that day, and her unzipped schoolbag was placed on a table on one side.

Xia Ruo looked at Zhang Qi and said, "It seems that something happened the day after this girl moved here!"

Zhang Qi opened his mouth and looked at Xia Ruo incredulously: "Why do you say that."

Xia Ruo pointed to the stuff and the kitchen and said, "Just rely on these things."

Seeing that Zhang Qi still didn't understand, she didn't take Joe, and explained to her in a low voice: "The two bags of things on the kitchen floor just now, including these sheets and covers, were all brought by me the day after she moved in."

Seeing Zhang Qi's ignorant look, Xia Ruo carefully guided her and said, "Don't you think it's strange that the bag of rotten food and this bed just now?"

Zhang Qi turned his head to look at the messy bed, lowered his head and said, "You mean it's too messy here?"

Seeing Xia Ruo nodded, she continued, "You mean Zhang Qi might be kidnapped by someone in the house that night or be left by an acquaintance?"

Xia Ruo nodded and said yes. **The reason for this mess is that she put the clothes and ** supplies brought by herself and Xia Ruo here to clean up for a while. The reason for cleaning up after a while is to put the ingredients Xia Ruo bought back into the refrigerator.

But now the ingredients are rotten, and there are some milk and drinks in the refrigerator, so it can be inferred that she went out halfway through the room.

And when you just came in, you can judge that there is no sign of the door being forcibly opened, so you can be sure that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime or Zheng Xiao took the initiative to go out.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)