
Chapter 242: Blackening


After going around for so long, they finally ended. Without any other emotions, Xia Ruo only found it extremely ridiculous, but she couldn't tell what was ridiculous.

The phone at her feet rang and rang, and eventually the screen never turned on again because of the exhaustion of the battery.

It can't go on like this, you still have a lot to do. Xia Ruo thought.

Yan Xinshe, father's hatred and even Zheng Xiao's affairs, everything needs Xia Ruo.

Thinking that Zheng Xiaoxia felt a headache, she realized her emotional deviance, so she cut everything without hesitation. This is a good thing for her, the only troublesome thing is that she really can't get the first-hand information of this case.

Information and clues are very important for solving the case. Insufficient information or insufficient clues will cause the cracking of the case to be unable to face its correct direction.

So how can we get the first-hand information? Xia Ruo had a headache.

When she was having a headache, while plugging in the charger, the bloody resurrected mobile phone turned on the screen, Xia Ruo glanced irritably, but had an idea when she saw the name of the contact.

Xia Ruo coughed slightly to hide her emotions: "Bai Zhenzhen?"

Seeing that she finally got on the phone, Bai Zhenzhen over there immediately asked, "Xia Ruo, are you okay? I heard that you resigned this afternoon."

Xia Ruo smiled: "It's okay, it makes you worried."

Unexpectedly, Bai Zhenzhen’s happy voice came from over there: "That means I don’t have to stay in the police station, am I? It’s great, I finally don’t have to be a forensic doctor."

Xia Ruo was full of black lines. Only then did she remember that Bai Zhenzhen wanted her to quit her job sooner.

Fearing that Bai Zhenzhen was excited to do something to disrupt her plan, Xia Ruo quickly interrupted his cheering: "No, you can't resign now."

As expected, the cheering in her ears stopped. After a while, she heard the voice of Bai Zhenzhen gritted her teeth: "Oh? You are just talking about why not!"

Xia Ruo swallowed, thinking about many reasons, and finally decided to tell him honestly: "This disappearance case. I am very interested in this case. So you must stay in the bureau to get the first-hand information for me. It's so convenient for me to solve the case."

Bai Zhenzhen was silent for a while before asking her angrily: "You found that this is a fire pit, so you jumped out without hesitation, but for your own personal wishes, you still don't let others jump."

Xia Ruo was silent, and after a while he hesitated to conclude: "If you want to say that, you can."

There was no more voice on the phone, but Bai Zhenzhen's angry gasp came through the phone clearly.

Xia Ruo felt a little embarrassed and said with a little embarrassment: "Please, this matter is very important to me, besides you, I don't know who else I can find."

Listening to his rare pleading tone, Bai Zhenzhen did not relax for a while.

It took a while before he replied: "Since you have begged me so, what can I do? But let's talk about it. I'll be a spy for you, and you have to give me processing money."

How could Bai Zhenzhen miss such a small amount of money? The purpose of what he would say was nothing more than to make her feel at ease.

He was telling Xia Ruo in his own way that he would help Xia Ruo, and Xia Ruo didn't have to have a psychological burden.

Xia Ruo naturally understood what he meant and couldn't help but feel complacent.

Nuan, she said to Bai Zhenzhen, "Sure enough, he is a good buddy, don't worry, I will definitely give you processing money."

Seeing that her mood was better than just before, Bai Zhenzhen couldn't help teasing her again: "Which is enough for processing money, but also to invite dinner. I want to eat the most expensive."

Xia Ruo knew that Bai Zhen was really making herself happy, so she didn't ask him politely, "Does the police station give you less food? Why do you become so hungry?"

Bai Zhenzhendang joked, "Eating with the old men, there are always some unbearables. I still have an appetite to eat with a beautiful woman like you."

Xia Ruo was amused by him: "Okay, my spy, go to bed, or else how can you be an undercover agent if you don't have the energy."

Seeing that the time was late, Bai Zhenzhen didn't talk much, and quickly told her to hang up the phone.

When Su Luoheng stepped into the office for the Nth time but he did not see Xia Ruo's shadow, he was sure that Xia Ruo had really gone.

Xia Ruo is like a sweet dream to him. After waking up from the dream, he disappeared from his world without a trace, and it is hard to find a trace.

Su Luoheng smiled bitterly in his heart and cast aside himself: Isn't this what you want? How can I feel lost again now.

Su Luoheng shook his head, eliminated the distracting thoughts in his mind, and pondered this case carefully.

According to the markings on the corpse, it can be determined that this case was committed by a gang. The specific reason should be the organ trading activities on the black market.

But so far, there is still no relevant clues to prove which gang did it, and even no clues about the missing persons.

Su Luoheng kept thinking about the sequence of events in his mind, trying to assimilate with the murderer in order to find his modus operandi and related clues.

But no matter how hard he tried to think, there was still no clue. Although it is certain that this was the work of the gang, and it was also certain that the reason they did this was to sell organs on the black market, Su Luoheng still can't figure out how they chose the kidnappers.

After all, organ transplantation is different from others. It requires pre-transplant matching to determine whether the organ can be used for its own use. But obviously these victims are not people short of money except Zheng Xiao. Naturally, they don't have to take their organs to the black market for trading.

Before Su Luoheng could continue his analysis and reasoning, Xichang hurriedly opened the door and walked in: "Su Sir, someone found a corpse in the suburbs this morning!"

Su Luoheng raised his head in an instant, his eyes widened: "Who is it?"

Based on the current situation of the crime team, the above will not assign the case to the crime team. And now that the crime squad is sent to the scene of the crime, it can be determined that it is the person who was missing in this disappearance case.

Until Xia Ruo cared about Zheng Xiao, Su Luoheng kept silent in her heart.

How can I fail to see Su Luoheng's nervousness after working together for so long. Xichang drowned and said quietly, "It's Zheng Xiao."

Su Luoheng only felt that his mind was blank, and the world in front of him suddenly turned around like this.

The scene they least want to see happened after all! Zheng Xiao died like this!

When Xia Ruo arrived, the crime team had already arrived, and was assisting the investigation team to collect evidence at the scene of the crime.

And in the middle of the crowd, there was Zheng Xiao's corpse.

Xia Ruo looked at the people on the ground in disbelief, her legs were a little soft, but she still insisted on getting closer to Zheng Xiao step by step.

This girl was born

It was rough and the situation was terrible. The world never showed any kindness to her, but she always warmed others with her own sparks.

Zheng Xiao's body was very clean, his face was peaceful and respectful, as if he had fallen asleep in a boundless dream.

It's just that pale face and cold body temperature are enough to tell others that he is dead.

Xia Ruo suddenly felt that he wanted to laugh: He died, just like that! Then everything she did was in vain

Xia Ruo sat down beside the corpse, staring at the corpse blankly, motionless.

Her head hurts a bit, and at the same time she started to blame herself: If she didn't show up that day and helped Zheng Xiao, then she would only be surrounded by punks, and at most suffered some skin injuries.

It was because of that encounter that she invited Zheng Xiao to live in her home. It was precisely because of this move that Zheng Xiao was killed.

My head hurts even more! Xia Ruo clasped her head tightly, and gritted her teeth to resist the inhuman pain.

It was Su Luoheng that if he hadn't come to him that night, they wouldn't have quarreled over those annoying things. If they didn't quarrel about those little things. I will probably live there.

Then she and Zheng Xiao can take care of each other, and then Zheng Xiao may not have an accident.

Xia Ruo clasped her head tightly, and Zheng Xiao kept flashing across her mind, begging others to let him go.

Xia Ruo has entered a vicious circle now, the more he thinks, the more he cares, the more he cares, the more he keeps thinking.

All kinds of pictures went around in her mind, and she hugged herself at a loss.

Through the silent years, she seemed to see herself, carefully curled up on the spot, afraid to move, afraid to make a sound, gritted her teeth and tried to conceal her fear.

As she wished, she heard the soft but firm voice again, and she said, "Don't be afraid, I am coming."

Xia Ruo's eyes suddenly became dark, and she fainted!

Everyone was shocked when Xia Ruo opened her eyes again. Xia Ruo in front of her was not the same as usual. She was full of hostility and looked at everyone like a little beast.

Although they are the same person, the state of the whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Su Luoheng knew that the person in front of him was not so much Xia Ruo as it was Si Peilan.

Although the people on the side didn't know what was happening, they hurried closer, looked at Xia Ruo with concern, and kept asking her: "How are you? How are you?"

Although Xia Ruo didn't reply to them as softly as usual, she also shook her head at the crowd, indicating that she was fine.

Su Luoheng saw that although she did not want to be as soft and warm as usual, she was also polite and did not cause any harm to the people around her, so she quietly retracted her foot that had fallen forward.

Xia Ruo didn't have the time to greet them at this time. She hurried closer to Bai Zhenzhen and asked in a cold voice, "How's it going?"

"Judging from the stiffness of the muscles and the dilated pupils, the deceased has been dead for a day." Bai Zhenzhen didn't realize that he unconsciously surrendered to Xia Ruo's pressure, and the obvious respect in his tone was surprising.

Xia Ruo asked again: "Are there any specific characteristics?"

Bai Zhenzhen didn't hide it: "But like the upper deceased, this deceased lost his kidney."

Xia Ruo frowned: "Judging by your professionalism, does the knife edge on this deceased person and the knife edge on the upper deceased person seem to be made by one person?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)